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Hello, all the way from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. My name is Yumna and I'm Canadian/Pakistani. Living in UAE since 2008. I've been obese my entire life. Thank you, mama and Papa genes! I have the same story as all of you in my position. Did 100000s of diets, activities, prepared food subscription, spent thousands of dollars on things that just DIDNT WORK! I also suffer from PCOS and it's not been easy!

I'm honestly so tired of trying and now that I am married (since 2019 January) I want to start a family. My PCOS is the number 1 reason why I've resulted in looking into gastric surgery, I knew the option was always there but to be honest I never felt uneasy in my skin. Growing up chubby made me comfortable with who I am. But now that I had a miscarriage and want to start a family. All i am seeing at the end of this dark tunnel is another thousands of dollars, needles, and suffering for years to try to grow a family. JUST BECAUSE OF PCOS AND OBESITY!

Ahh, my frustration now is beyond I've ever been with my weight and PCOS. So here I am looking through this forum and trying my best to get all the information i can for

1. Gastric mini bypass

2. Gastric sleeve

These two are what I'm stuck between, I've visited a very qualified surgeon here in UAE - he has recommended the mini gastric. however, the idea that not only will my stomach be sliced but also my intestine is scaring me. So i ask you gastric sleeve and bypass recoveries to tell me which option is best and why. When you were deciding why did you choose what you did and how has it helped you and failed you throughout the years post-surgery, I want to know the good the bad, and the ugly!

I would like to make a decision in the coming 2 weeks and set my mind up. Till then ill continue to go through the millions of threads here!

If you've read this far, THANK YOU! 😍

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-13 at 2.54.36 PM.jpeg

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I don't know if you have GERD or not, but if you do, surgeons usually recommend the bypass because the sleeve can make that worse (it doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens to a significant enough minority that you'll usually be advised to do bypass instead). You may have other health issues that would make one surgery or the other more appropriate for you - if so, I'd at least consider what the surgeon is recommending.

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Hiya fellow Canadian! 🇨🇦

My two cents:

Unless you have a history/tendency of GERD, then either surgery will work for you (if you have GERD, it is often suggested NOT to get the sleeve as there is a high likelihood that it will worsen)

You may read it around here, but when it comes down to it, its not the type of surgery that leads to success, its the person and their actions (barring any complications, of course).

With that said, I chose sleeve, because, like you (and others) I did not want to change my "plumbing" too much. This was just a mental/personal thing, and not based on anything scientific. However, I also wanted to keep my pyloric valve intact so that I could theoretically continue to use NSAIDS..but jokes on me, after surgery I no longer needed them.

I started off with a BMI of 43, got to BMI 23 in about seven months, and now have been comfortably sitting at BMI 21 for well over a year (I will be 2 years post op of at the end of this month).

Get your surgeons opinion, and go with what you feel most comfortable with. Whatever surgery you decide on, so long as you stick to plan, you will lose the weight.

Good Luck! ❤️

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Thank you ms.sss, catwoman7, and JacquelineC.

I appreciate all your comments and taking the time to read through my post and reply back.

I have finally decided on a date and which procedure I will go ahead with! GASTRIC SLEEVE, hopefully on November 29th, 2020! I'm super nervous and excited.

also @ms.sss - I don't have severe GERD - the usual eating too spicy or oily food can cause some discomfort which goes away through herbal remedies. The doctor did recommend i go for a GI Tract endoscopy this week to rule out any GERD issues. If that goes well then ill be on my way to preparing for my surgery!

Hopefully, everything goes well and I can do this. Lately, however, I've been constantly worrying about how ill feel with HEAD HUNGER! To be honest I DO love food. but I WANT to make healthier choices. I just hope Head Hunger doesn't make me TOOO much of an angry irritated person!

How did you all deal with head hunger?

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We are about the same size, so good luck! I was given the sleeve simply because it was covered completely by my insurance, and the doctor didn't want me to be back in hospital a year later as it's the less invasive.

I'm on day 6, and I'm having a rough go - they don't tell you depression and general don't mix! - but let's support each other! Cheering you on ❤️

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32 minutes ago, keudaeyeo said:

We are about the same size, so good luck! I was given the sleeve simply because it was covered completely by my insurance, and the doctor didn't want me to be back in hospital a year later as it's the less invasive.

I'm on day 6, and I'm having a rough go - they don't tell you depression and general don't mix! - but let's support each other! Cheering you on ❤️

Thank you!! - I'm sorry you're having a rough time! Ah, I'm so scared about my surgery! I wouldn't say I have depression but i do have a jumbled - 10000s of thoughts sort of mind!! so I really hope we both can overcome any mental challenges in the future! Good luck and definitely cheering you on as well! do keep me updated here on how your recovering is going!

And remember - the way you look, and feel will all be worth the trouble at the end.

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On 10/13/2020 at 6:59 AM, yumna.zafar said:

Hello, all the way from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. My name is Yumna and I'm Canadian/Pakistani. Living in UAE since 2008. I've been obese my entire life. Thank you, mama and Papa genes! I have the same story as all of you in my position. Did 100000s of diets, activities, prepared food subscription, spent thousands of dollars on things that just DIDNT WORK! I also suffer from PCOS and it's not been easy!

I'm honestly so tired of trying and now that I am married (since 2019 January) I want to start a family. My PCOS is the number 1 reason why I've resulted in looking into gastric surgery, I knew the option was always there but to be honest I never felt uneasy in my skin. Growing up chubby made me comfortable with who I am. But now that I had a miscarriage and want to start a family. All i am seeing at the end of this dark tunnel is another thousands of dollars, needles, and suffering for years to try to grow a family. JUST BECAUSE OF PCOS AND OBESITY!

Ahh, my frustration now is beyond I've ever been with my weight and PCOS. So here I am looking through this forum and trying my best to get all the information i can for

1. Gastric mini bypass

2. Gastric sleeve

These two are what I'm stuck between, I've visited a very qualified surgeon here in UAE - he has recommended the mini gastric. however, the idea that not only will my stomach be sliced but also my intestine is scaring me. So i ask you gastric sleeve and bypass recoveries to tell me which option is best and why. When you were deciding why did you choose what you did and how has it helped you and failed you throughout the years post-surgery, I want to know the good the bad, and the ugly!

I would like to make a decision in the coming 2 weeks and set my mind up. Till then ill continue to go through the millions of threads here!

If you've read this far, THANK YOU! 😍

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-13 at 2.54.36 PM.jpeg

Hi Yumna, you are a very beautiful young lady. First of all, I am so sorry for your loss. I am still waiting on a surgery date myself. I am supposed to find out this week, but here it is Thursday? We shall see, it they get back with me. However, at the beginning I was like you, not sure which surgery I felt like was best for me. I am a lot older then you. I am 55yo, and 5' 6" with currant weight of 284lbs. In pregnancies I always gained a lot of weight, usually anywhere from 50-80 lbs. It was always so hard to get it off. I did it 3 times but like you I have struggled with my weight all my life. Some ppl have no idea? We wish we had their metabolism. Anyway, this is a great place as is youtube I think for information on all the different bariatric surgeries. I was gonna just get the sleeve, but I had read where so many ppl said they gained their weight back, So, that and the heartburn reason is why I decided to go ahead and go with the gastric bypass. However, you study and prepare so you can make the right decision for you, as we are all very different. I wish you all the very best. If you want to talk more, I'd love to hear from you. Keep us posted. *** Sorry I didn't see that you'd already had your surgery, but congrats....

Edited by RhondaHigdon

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Hello there and welcome to the forums. I had the sleeve two years ago. No complications, no problems. It restricts my ability to eat much quantity and does its job. I highly recommend it.

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I just wanted to say I'm happy to see another Dubai person here. I did my surgery in Beirut and relocated here during covid because my boyfriend is here, but my job is in the UAE and I've been there many years.

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Hi everyone! Thank you for your kind replies! ❤️ means so much to me!

So here is the update.

I had my gastric sleeve

surgery on November 29th 2020. I am now 1 month and approx 1 week - The first week post op was HORRIBLE! my doctor and nurses didn't give me strong enough pain killers. There was more pain of the Gas they insert + the anesthesia rather than the actual surgery! 3rd day when i got back home i had a fever for about 3 - 4 days so the doctor kept me on antibiotics for a full week. Thankfully everything was fine - was just my body adjusting.

After the fever ended i had trouble sleeping. First week and half I slept sitting on the couch - my neck, head and everything just hurt all the time. Was a complete struggle! Onceeeeee i was able to sleep things started to get better. I got annoyed of the liquid diet into the 3rd week and when i was allowed to have purreed i was a little happier.

Finally now i am on soft/all foods - Nutrionist has told me to go slowly see what my stomach handles what it doesn't. I've managed to stay away from GERD and ACID reflux i am very happy about that! But yes - i have had dizzy spells, have puked. I've managed to loose approx 13kgs till now. January has been slower every since i started solid foods. So a little disappointed but too early i guess to be disappointed. People already see a huge change. I started work again so that does make me quite happy. Still a very longgggg way to go.

question - doctor has kept me on 800 calorie diet for the remainder of the year with low card low/no sugar and lots of Protein. out of your experience is that the right path?

Im keeping up with all my Vitamins, thankfully I'm easily able to swallow pills - so I'm very happy abt that. Will start working out properly soon - have already started walking and even riding a bike =D

On 12/3/2020 at 6:22 PM, RhondaHigdon said:

Thank you for the insight. Apologies for the delayed update - the surgery took a whole month out of my life :P! but I'm here now! I've written my update above

On 12/3/2020 at 6:58 PM, GradyCat said:

Hello there and welcome to the forums. I had the sleeve two years ago. No complications, no problems. It restricts my ability to eat much quantity and does its job. I highly recommend it.

Yay! good to know i made the right call!

On 12/3/2020 at 8:35 PM, LaoDaBeirut said:

I just wanted to say I'm happy to see another Dubai person here. I did my surgery in Beirut and relocated here during covid because my boyfriend is here, but my job is in the UAE and I've been there many years.

Hello fellow Dubai-ite! glad to see you here! I'm glad this forum has people from around the word helps us see everyone's experiences - it surely has helped me this past few months looking for answers.

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On 12/3/2020 at 6:22 PM, RhondaHigdon said:

I hope your surgery went well and you were able to go ahead with it. Do update me here on how it went and how it's like for you now? i guess the first month we all struggle to get adjusted. Since i went for the sleeve and yourself the bypass do let me know how it's going. I think the journey is similar but perhaps the cons might be different. The sleeve worked out for me the best. I hope this year of keeping a diet will change my lifestyle for the best to not gain weight back.

Im done being fat 😛 !

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24 minutes ago, yumna.zafar said:

Hi everyone! Thank you for your kind replies! ❤️ means so much to me!

So here is the update.

I had my gastric sleeve

surgery on November 29th 2020. I am now 1 month and approx 1 week - The first week post op was HORRIBLE! my doctor and nurses didn't give me strong enough pain killers. There was more pain of the Gas they insert + the anesthesia rather than the actual surgery! 3rd day when i got back home i had a fever for about 3 - 4 days so the doctor kept me on antibiotics for a full week. Thankfully everything was fine - was just my body adjusting.

After the fever ended i had trouble sleeping. First week and half I slept sitting on the couch - my neck, head and everything just hurt all the time. Was a complete struggle! Onceeeeee i was able to sleep things started to get better. I got annoyed of the liquid diet into the 3rd week and when i was allowed to have purreed i was a little happier.

Finally now i am on soft/all foods - Nutrionist has told me to go slowly see what my stomach handles what it doesn't. I've managed to stay away from GERD and ACID reflux i am very happy about that! But yes - i have had dizzy spells, have puked. I've managed to loose approx 13kgs till now. January has been slower every since i started solid foods. So a little disappointed but too early i guess to be disappointed. People already see a huge change. I started work again so that does make me quite happy. Still a very longgggg way to go.

question - doctor has kept me on 800 calorie diet for the remainder of the year with low card low/no sugar and lots of Protein. out of your experience is that the right path?

Im keeping up with all my Vitamins, thankfully I'm easily able to swallow pills - so I'm very happy abt that. Will start working out properly soon - have already started walking and even riding a bike =D

Thank you for the insight. Apologies for the delayed update - the surgery took a whole month out of my life :P! but I'm here now! I've written my update above

Yay! good to know i made the right call!

Hello fellow Dubai-ite! glad to see you here! I'm glad this forum has people from around the word helps us see everyone's experiences - it surely has helped me this past few months looking for answers.

Absolutely no reason for apologies at all. I am glad to hear that you are doing betther. I am going for my bypass on Jan !2, and I am worried myself that they will not give strong enough pain medication, if needed. I don't understand that at all. That is what the medicine is made for? I just don't get it, but glad to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing great.

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4 minutes ago, RhondaHigdon said:

Absolutely no reason for apologies at all. I am glad to hear that you are doing betther. I am going for my bypass on Jan !2, and I am worried myself that they will not give strong enough pain medication, if needed. I don't understand that at all. That is what the medicine is made for? I just don't get it, but glad to hear from you. Sounds like you are doing great.

Oh please do NOt go through the horrible pain i went through as soon as i woke up from the surgery! do let your doctor know ur tolerance level and don't hesitate to ask him for stronger pain killers! SCREAM if need be to let the nurses hear you! My father had to force the doctor to put me on stronger pain killers because i was in TREMENDOUS pain. Also, tip, it helps to walk the same day after the surgery even if your scared. don't be! walking will help the gas release that they use during the surgery!

I wish you all the luck in the world!! I respect the people now who go through these surgeries it is NOT easy and i hate those who think we took a EASY way out. Definitly NOT easy way out. It's a hard decision to take and I'm rooting for you!

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5 hours ago, yumna.zafar said:

Oh please do NOt go through the horrible pain i went through as soon as i woke up from the surgery! do let your doctor know ur tolerance level and don't hesitate to ask him for stronger pain killers! SCREAM if need be to let the nurses hear you! My father had to force the doctor to put me on stronger pain killers because i was in TREMENDOUS pain. Also, tip, it helps to walk the same day after the surgery even if your scared. don't be! walking will help the gas release that they use during the surgery!

I wish you all the luck in the world!! I respect the people now who go through these surgeries it is NOT easy and i hate those who think we took a EASY way out. Definitly NOT easy way out. It's a hard decision to take and I'm rooting for you!

Thanks so much for your support. I will for sure take your advice. It just seems they(the Dr's) want to act like the surgery patients just want to take pain medication for the heck of it? I will let them know, I mean it makes recovery so much easier if you aren't in so much pain. We will/would be able to walk more to work the soreness out. Thanks again. You are so kind.

Also, Shout out to your Father for making sure they helped you.

Edited by RhondaHigdon

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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