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On 8/30/2020 at 9:35 AM, KrissyNY said:

Is this okay? So I was super hungry and today for Breakfast I ate an egg muffin just one and it went down slowly and I chewed it into little tiny tiny pieces so far no backups! Is this okay? I don’t see my surgeon until a week or so. I’m supposed to be on purée but that say well but now I feel like my body wants a foods. I’m not in any pain or so I wonder if this should be okay. I’m going to text my doctor and let him know I ate one in a half lol but just wondering if anyone did this at 6days post op as in trying anything small out ?

I wanted to address you directly-you're completely fine. The expectation that a surgery will completely dispose of any and all bad behavior is unlikely and unrealistic. I find these kinds of expectation are exactly the "magic pill" fantasies that end up discouraging people afterwards and ultimately lead to failure. You tried something, you're aware it wasn't the best choice, but you're alive and kicking-ready to move forward, and hopefully learned something new. There are a lot of decent people on this forum who will support and encourage you, so please don't let a few ignorant apples silence you. Good luck to you in the future!

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On 09/27/2020 at 18:14, tarotcardreader said:

My post was in response to a post made to me by sillykitty. As for you i just consider it an amazing feet that you could get such a dense item down at all lol i would hurl

Sorry, I’m new here and thought I was thought of as controlling but was trying to show 1% scary things happen so it’s not worth it is all. I ate a slice of turkey lunch meat and chewed forever. Sorry thought I came off as scaring people but the u-tube I put can scare people so I shouldn’t have. Television personality was fine after . I don’t think she was ready but wanted tv show so she probably learned her lesson. Doubt she’ll eat Taco Bell or pizza again. I’m just having trouble getting Protein and Water in bc was down for 2 weeks so sick. Can only get half an ounce of fluids so I’ll call surgeon tomorrow bc had sep 9 th. He knows I was I’ll tho. I know, I can hardly get an ounce of water down & protein makes me ill. Tomorrow’s a new day.

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1 minute ago, Morethanaprettyface22 said:

Sorry, I’m new here and thought I was thought of as controlling but was trying to show 1% scary things happen so it’s not worth it is all. I ate a slice of turkey lunch meat and chewed forever. Sorry thought I came off as scaring people but the u-tube I put can scare people so I shouldn’t have. Television personality was fine after . I don’t think she was ready but wanted tv show so she probably learned her lesson. Doubt she’ll eat Taco Bell or pizza again. I’m just having trouble getting Protein and Water in bc was down for 2 weeks so sick. Can only get half an ounce of fluids so I’ll call surgeon tomorrow bc had sep 9 th. He knows I was I’ll tho. I know, I can hardly get an ounce of Water down & Protein makes me ill. Tomorrow’s a new day.

No problem no the utube vid was fine and bad things can happen you are right. I saw one vid where a guy died due to going to the buffet right after surgery. I think its the bread(or breading) thats getting people. carb withdrawl of bread because as that one lady (scooter) posted they arent eating a whole can of tuna. I have also been sick and vomited some water saturday so can relate. I called my surgeon and have the option of going in for an outpatient iv. So atleast if we are struggling the surgeon can give us an iv boost for the water. She also said the water is more important than the protein this close to surgery so not to worry about protein so much. each day is a new day to try again for sure 😪. Tonight i made the Protein Shake from Protein Powder and used almond milk tastes a little better but is thicker.

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7 hours ago, Morethanaprettyface22 said:

Sorry, I’m new here and thought I was thought of as controlling but was trying to show 1% scary things happen so it’s not worth it is all. I ate a slice of turkey lunch meat and chewed forever. Sorry thought I came off as scaring people but the u-tube I put can scare people so I shouldn’t have. Television personality was fine after . I don’t think she was ready but wanted tv show so she probably learned her lesson. Doubt she’ll eat Taco Bell or pizza again. I’m just having trouble getting Protein and Water in bc was down for 2 weeks so sick. Can only get half an ounce of fluids so I’ll call surgeon tomorrow bc had sep 9 th. He knows I was I’ll tho. I know, I can hardly get an ounce of Water down & Protein makes me ill. Tomorrow’s a new day.

I would recommend you fill in your profile. Especially what type of surgery did you have and how long ago was the surgery. The fact that you are having great difficulty meeting your Fluid and protein requirements is troubling. If your surgery was in the last few weeks that would be understandable because right after surgery the body is in a major heal mode, but if you are a few months out, it is of concern. So my first recommendation for fluids is to try hot fluids, such as a warm cup of hot tea. It may go down easier. Two weeks of being sick is also troubling. Are you over the sickness and if not have you seen your general practitioner. Many sleeve patients seem to have a problem with strictures several months out and the symptoms of inability to eat and drink is the primary indicator.

Also many people add flavoring to the water (such as Crystal Light) to make the water more palatable.

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After my WLS I had a few family and friends (F/F) get WLS also. Post WLS is different for most everyone. I see it first hand with my F/F. People do feel hunger after WLS. Surprised me but it is true. The main thing is to reassure them that it will take some time for your brain to catch up to your new stomach. After awhile the brain adjusts and the hunger somewhat subsides. The saving grace is the restriction at the beginning will save you. No matter what your brain is asking for your new stomach cannot handle it. Your stomach will will stop you from over eating.

The most important thing that I advise those F/F that want to deviate from the program is not to. Do not deviate from the planned diet your medical team has given you. It is there for a reason. It is there to protect your new stomach from damage, it is there to help you start a new healthier way of eating and it's there to set you up for your future success.

This forum is good but if you can contact people "like us" and be able to talk to them when you feel that you're going to deviate you'd be much better off. I'm fortunate as I not only have F/F that I can call and talk to, I'm also a member of Overeaters Anonymous which also gives me another support group.

Don't ever despair that you didn't stick to the plan 100% learn from it and try your best to improve on it. Positivity I find will always help you more than beating yourself up. Good luck and congratulations on your new health.

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35 minutes ago, tarotcardreader said:

It can be hard to find posts like this with keatsy's spamming.

Enough! Stop acting so childish. You're going to be permanently banned if this behavior continues.

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Just now, Alex Brecher said:

Enough! Stop acting so childish. You're going to be permanently banned if this behavior continues.


I would like for you to address the problem of people further out from surgery telling people who are a month out not to post. As you can see the triad here that keeps following me to every thread. I think you can choose to ban new people who just had surgery but having an mba that would be a bad business move because you lose their business. If you continue to allow the people further out to prevent new people from joining and posting then your business will not grow. I would like you to address all the rude people in this thread including silly kitty.

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5 minutes ago, tarotcardreader said:


I would like for you to address the problem of people further out from surgery telling people who are a month out not to post. As you can see the triad here that keeps following me to every thread. I think you can choose to ban new people who just had surgery but having an mba that would be a bad business move because you lose their business. If you continue to allow the people further out to prevent new people from joining and posting then your business will not grow. I would like you to address all the rude people in this thread including silly kitty.

Nobody ever told you that you can't post or have an opinion when you're only a month out.

You need to read the rules you agreed to upon sign up https://www.bariatricpal.com/guidelines/


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Some individuals are good candidates for one kind of surgery, and other individuals are better candidates for another kind of surgery.

  • No individual is more or less deserving of weight loss and health because of a decision to get or not get weight loss surgery, or because of which type of weight loss surgery he or she chooses.
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On 8/30/2020 at 11:12 AM, Lanie992 said:

Well there is nothing you can do about it now, but no - your sutures are still healing and this could be very harmful.

I agree with Lanie992. It's not the food or the calories that are concerning so much as the fact that the sutures are still healing and it is easy for any small bits of food to get caught in the staple lines and cause problems. It's so tough, I know, but try to stick to puree for now until your tummy heals some more. I, too. got really hungry a couple of weeks post-op so I feel you. Head hunger, tummy hunger--for me it didn't matter. I wanted to eat! I actually found slowly licking Peanut Butter on a spoon helped alleviate the cravings and my doctor was not opposed since it was a puree consistency and would not threaten the staples.

Hang in there! It will be so worth it!

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On 09/28/2020 at 08:22, James Marusek said:

I would recommend you fill in your profile. Especially what type of surgery did you have and how long ago was the surgery. The fact that you are having great difficulty meeting your Fluid and Protein requirements is troubling. If your surgery was in the last few weeks that would be understandable because right after surgery the body is in a major heal mode, but if you are a few months out, it is of concern. So my first recommendation for fluids is to try hot fluids, such as a warm cup of hot tea. It may go down easier. Two weeks of being sick is also troubling. Are you over the sickness and if not have you seen your general practitioner. Many sleeve patients seem to have a problem with strictures several months out and the symptoms of inability to eat and drink is the primary indicator.

Also many people add flavoring to the Water (such as Crystal Light) to make the water more palatable.

Thank you so much. I am having issues filling profile bc I pushed “do later” so I may have to use other email & start over. Yes, as soon as that Persian cat somebody abandoned & was hiding in my basement was taken by my neighbor & she vacuumed everything my throat & eyes stopped swelling shut & opened pretty quick just very week. I find that the only way I can get the protein right now is Premier Protein I just found it. & I can get more than 2 tablespoons but I can do more than 2 tablespoons of water & my booklet says not more so I hope that doesn’t stretch my stomach . I had sleeve Sep 8. My main thing now is I need to get moving immediately. power walking & swimming a half hour is good but I’m too weak to go to Zumba or elliptical. So I just need to add 15 minutes to the 30 & so on. & put weights on my wrists. It’s a shame it will be too cold to swim soon. Oh & the crystal light is helping. Thank you so much & will work on profile!

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7 hours ago, Morethanaprettyface22 said:

Thank you so much. I am having issues filling profile bc I pushed “do later” so I may have to use other email & start over.

If you click on your name on the left column, it will pull up your profile. Then click on the box on the upper right called "edit profile". That should allow you to edit.

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7 hours ago, Morethanaprettyface22 said:

Yes, as soon as that Persian cat somebody abandoned & was hiding in my basement was taken by my neighbor & she vacuumed everything my throat & eyes stopped swelling shut & opened pretty quick just very week. I find that the only way I can get the Protein right now is Premier Protein I just found it. & I can get more than 2 tablespoons but I can do more than 2 tablespoons of Water & my booklet says not more so I hope that doesn’t stretch my stomach . I had sleeve Sep 8. My main thing now is I need to get moving immediately. power walking & swimming a half hour is good but I’m too weak to go to Zumba or elliptical. So I just need to add 15 minutes to the 30 & so on. & put weights on my wrists. It’s a shame it will be too cold to swim soon. Oh & the crystal light is helping. Thank you so much & will work on profile!

O.K. So you had sleeve surgery a little over 3 weeks ago. And the problem that you were having was a severe allergic reaction to a cat. It wasn't the flu or COVID or a cold. Problem solved, that's good!

What concerns me the most is your inability to drink fluids. Your surgery was a little different than mine but your requirements should be similar at this stage. My requirements read:

"Drink 64-80 ounces of water or a low calorie liquid daily (1 sippy cup every 45 minutes to 1 hour). This includes any protein supplement in liquid form. [That means that your Liquid Protein shake counts toward meeting the 64-80 ounce Fluid requirement.] 75-90 grams of protein is required daily following surgery. Do not start your protein supplements until day 5 after surgery or until you have passed gas. If you are struggling to get all your protein in after 2 weeks from being released from the hospital, please contact the dietitians. If you find a brand of protein not on your list and it has greater than 20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of sugar, you may use it."

So you are far enough out that your stomach should have recovered from the surgery and you should be meeting your daily protein and fluid requirements or at least close.

So my concern is fluids. Without the fluids your body will become dehydrated. You will become weak. Signs of dehydration are:

* Not peeing or having very dark yellow pee

* Very dry skin

* Feeling dizzy

* Rapid heartbeat

* Rapid breathing

* Sunken eyes

*Sleepiness, lack of energy, confusion or irritability


Severe dehydration is a medical emergency and needs to be treated immediately.

So it is a little difficult for me to understand how much daily fluids you are currently taking in by your description, but if you are not meeting the fluid requirement and not even close, then you need to focus your energy here. I would also recommend you contact your surgeon's office and explain your difficulties.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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