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NJ December Thread

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Ok, so I had a really crappy day at work, came home in tears. One of the women that I work with chewed me out for something I didn't do. I'm so over it now, but it ruined my day. Then I'm making dinner and my hubby calls me into the garage, (he's out there working on bowling pin penguins for Abi's class party next week) I go out there and this is what I find.....



It's all mine, for Christmas. I have a great hubby. He loves me!! ~Mandy

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Hugs Anne--- will definitely add your Dad and your family to my prayer chain. I know it isn't a lot of help right now, but if a man has to have cancer, it is one that is operable, and he can beat it!

Mandy, DH said if you don't want that bike it will fit right in his collection!!!

Lucky girl, Dave knows you well it seems!

I think our snow has stopped for now, we of course are not getting it here like you guys are, or like they did in the mountains where Rick was stuck!

I am in the middle of a ginger bread house build with Kinsey, and our roof does not want to stay on, I have tried everything.....the touch of a newly turned 3 year old is not as light as the house would appreciate!!! It might look like it has been seriously snowed on too---it might be 98% icing by the time we are through, but she is soooo proud!

Will try to get a pic of her with it!

Better go see how our last patch job held. I had to walk away, before I lost it, with it, with her--with the mess I made!!! I do not want it to be anything but a fun experience for her---that is why we are doing it!!!

I gave her a spoon to lick and turned on cartoons--which is somewhat of a treat in itself!!! So maybe we can ignore the house long enough for the icing to set hard, and then go back to it.

My DD had 3 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, and is home hurting, I hate that! But her temper was short--so I brought Kinsey home with me, and found us a project!!

Yesterday we made wooden ornaments colored with markers for everyone...and we made extras to use as gift tags on gifts----she still has kind of a yellow tinge where she ended up with marker all over her face!!!

Good thing I am cheap, they may take her elsewhere!!!



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My hubby does indeed know me. He said for my b-day we are going to pick out leathers and a new helmet to match the bike. WooHoo!! My mom also said she would get me riding gloves and a helmet if I promise to wear them EACH time I ride. I have no intention of riding without gear, I'm too much of a chicken for that. ~Mandy

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Well, I had caught up with everyone...nice big post..clicked "Post Quick Reply" and it took forever then the site wouldn't come up...yeap lost it. Now there isn't time to repost it all grrrrrrr. Heading out to DH's company party today. Don't feel like going but, do...if that makes sense. I know once I'm there I'll have fun but, this getting dolled up and ready is for the birds. I'm in between sizes so every piece of clothing I can't stand...and I don't want to buy anything new at the same time. Soooo this is difficult to say the least lol. Anywho...gotta go get ready, just waiting for DH to get out of the shower so I can hop in.

Hope everyone is doing well....I had ya covered but, dang program fluked and didn't post it. I'll have to try again some other time. HUGS

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Well I finally made it back! Missed all you guys and have been "back reading" trying to get caught up. My boss just got back from his wedding in Jamaica, so it was very busy that week for me while he was gone. He married a co-worker, so we were down 2 people at once....small business, so it was a noticable impact.

Then my brother went in for an outpatient proceedure only to have cardiac problems and had to stay in the hospital for a few days. He's home now. What with the Christmas "last minute" stuff and all, it's been busy.

Also, all you experienced banders.....NEED your advice/comments. On wednesday the 12th, I had my first fill. liquids for 2 days and mushies for one day. Today I havn't been able to eat a single thing!!!! (DH is un-nerved by it, which is kinda not helping either.) I very slowly and carefully, thoroughly chew a very tiny bite of egg or bacon or dk. meat turkey (all of this no more than a thimble full) and it causes a lump in my chest and it all comes back up (plus a "heapin' helpin' 'o slime!) I cant even keep down a thimble sized taste of yoguert! :speechles

Well, it's dinnertime and the tummy is rumbling since I haven't been able to eat, so I'm going to try the Protein drink.

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I only have a minute, I am getting ready for a party too.

Diane - You probably need to go on liquids for 24 hours because you probably irritated your self and have a little swelling. If you go on liquids, then try to eat something and do the same thing, you need a slight unfill. You might be a tad bit tight, or like I said caused some swellling. How much fill did you get?

I'll catch you all later!

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Fills are a funny thing, I would also suggest you NOT panic :huggie:

Stay on liquids (thick ones if you can)..

oops be right back door bell is ringing

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Thick liquids are OK. Doing that now. No panic here...just really needed the comments/advise on the best way to deal with it, from those that have been there, had that! knew you gals would probably have suggestions thanks I really appreciate it :huggie:

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Hey Diane, sorry I had company last night and couldn't finish my post. How are you feeling today? Some times the swelling takes a few days to go down. The important thing is getting liquids down. Some times people will get fills and they wont kick in until a week later....thats mindboggling in itself.

If you find in about a week you can't eat, then you definitly need an unfill and it may only be something as small as .25 cc.

Hang in there !! :)

Anniebanannie.... :) your family is in my prayers.

*WAVE* to everyone....... hows your christmas shopping going, is everyone ready? I still had DH to buy for, he is the hardest every year.

Its snowing, raining, hailing here in NJ...icky day for sure but a nice one just the same b/c I'm home :D

Whats shakin with you ?


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Ok so lets see if this dang thing will let me post today :D

It's really miserable weather here today. Another snow/sleet/rain storm. My street isn't plowed yet and I have a feeling it won't be today and it's going to be a frozen mess tomorrow. DH worked hard cleaning up our driveway while I worked on the walkway and cleaned the cars. We drove DS to work today because it's really slick and he's not experienced in the snow yet...THAT makes for a nervous mom! I have a feeling his boss is going to ask him to stay after 2pm since he's there anyway and others may not make it in. We'll see :Banane11:

We went to DH's work party last night and they had it at a race track. The restaurant was pretty nice, loud group but, fun. Ummmm I was buzzin to say the least. We got there early so DH and I waited in the bar area..they had this martini called a Tiramasu Martini. Ok I'll try that...WHEW it blew my socks off and when his boss came in he bought me another one. Ohhh I was a happy girl lmao. Prior to Chrispy's sangrias at my house party last weekend I hadn't had any alcohol in almost a year. So I'm a lightweight for alcohol anyway lol. Of course trying to save calories all day so I wouldn't go over with this meal meant I hadn't eaten much before drinking either lol. Both DH and I had upset tummy's this morning but, we're back on track again today. I think that's the end of parties so that's a good thing lol

I only have 5 gift certificates to get and I'm done shopping. I'm suppose to be wrapping gifts today but, man I'm feeling pretty lazy after shoveling, salting and cleaning cars. Still have laundry calling my name too UGH. Sundays are FAR from a day of rest in this house!

Betty - Are you feeling better now? I sure hope so. I hope you had fun at your party. I'll get a picture posted one of these days *wink...just hate having them taken lol

Cindy - You're right...things get really crazy this time of year. Not enough hours in the day huh? Hope you've been able to relax a little bit between your job, school and volunteering stuff.

Eileen - Hmmm can't figure out what to get DH huh? Does he have a cordless screwdriver? Got my DH one of those last year and he uses it constantly! Very helpful when fixing small things and in my DH's case the computers. Taking the casings off and on etc. He's told me several times he loves it. I got it at Sears and it has it's own case with lots of bits with it and rechargeable battery...it's not a huge thing, most like the size of a hammer handle but strong enough to do the job. I think last year it was $20 on sale or something like that. Not too pricey.

Diane/Signgirl - Take a few more days of liquids and if you're having trouble even with those then consider a slight unfill. I just went through that myself. In the dr. office I was able to get Water down no problem but, as the day went on things swelled and the Water wasn't going down right either. This is the 2nd time that's happened to me. The first time I couldn't even swallow my own saliva this time I KNEW it was too much. He had put in more than I told him I wanted and sure enough I was right. He thought i was nuts when I went back and asked him to please take out .25 since I wanted 1.25 not 1.50 that he gave me. He suggested that if I lost 10 pounds it would losen up but, HONESTLY did I want to wait 5 more weeks and not be able to drink or eat to get there? I was also suffering once again from acid reflux so I knew the slight unfill had to happen. Even with it I still had a little reflux but, I've since lost 15 more pounds and no more reflux :Banane08: I wish you the best with your fill...take it slow and easy and YOU know your own body :Banane23:

Patty - sorry you're still having computer trouble. I know I hate it when mine isn't working right. I hope the boys are all feeling good and ready for Santa.

Pat - I love the hair especially the coloring. Is it hard to style yourself? Don't you just wish you had a 3rd hand sometimes when stying hair? I know I do. They do it so nice at the shop and then I try to repeat it at home it's like I need another hand lol. Have you finished your shopping and wrapping?

Chrispy - ya still busy huh girl? hee hee. Been really snowing lately here hope you're staying warm with your new booo. (Psssss he's really nice ladies...I got to meet him last weekend. It's about DANG time as I tell Chris :success1: )

Kat - I think it's great that you do so much with your granddaughter. I would have a blast making the gingerbread houses with her. I love it when kids make them and you're clueless on what the heck they're putting on there and yet you KNOW they're doing it just to get as much candy on the dang things as possible hahaha. I've made a few with my friends daughter to learn that one lol. I think it's really special and your GD is very lucky to have you for a grandma. My mom never really got close to my son or her other grandkids....she loves them but, never really did anything with them and still doesn't. On the other hand my son is lucky my ex's mom spoils him rotten and loves spending time with him. She's 89 and absolutely adores "her boy" as she calls him. "Grammy" cooks him and his dad dinner every Wednesday night so they can spend time together and she loves making my son's favorite Fried chicken just for him. He puts in a request and you know it's made lol. She is so sweet and I miss her. Anyway....you're the sweetest to do all that you do for your family.

Jetti - Your post is correct..one step at a time and it doesn't matter fast or slow as long as its something. You're really doing great with your walking and I used to do the same thing...tell myself ok today was 20 min, tomorrow i'll stay on the dreadmill 22,then 23 then 24...you build up to it. I've found if I put on a 30 min show then it goes by quicker and I don't watch the clock because I want to see the end of the show anyway :Banane27: Walking the mall has helped me too. Around here they open it up at 6am for people to walk so on weekends DH and I go for our walk around 7:30 or so and get in over 6000 steps before we leave. We'll go back again at night if we need to, to get to our 10K steps a day. Good luck my friend...keep up the great work.

Diane - Oooo candy is a tough one. If I don't take the first piece I do great...take that one damn piece and I'm a gonner for the day. My favorite saying "One is TOO many and 12 isn't enough" helps me get past that urge to take that first piece...ON MOST DAYS. I'm far from perfect so I'm with ya on some of those days. Good luck staying away from it...now if you come up with a trick to trick our minds that that stuff is NOT tastey...pleasssssssse let me know hee hee

Mandy - NICE gift from DH! :waytogo: You know I think the Honda I have in our shed is the same thing. DH and I bought it when I first got my motorcycle license and he painted the gas tank, fender and motor side covers this pretty paint that is green when you look at it one way and at a different angle it's purple. SOOo pretty but, .....:) it's too tall for me to ride. Yeap....I'm too nervous on it for me anyway. So now it's sitting in the shed waiting to be sold along with my DH's Honda Hawk (I think it is) because when we went to look for another motorcycle for me I ummmm ended up picking up a Yamaha Midnight Venture instead. lol. Yeap I sit on the back and let him drive it. I'm holding out for an automatic motorcycle...maybe next summer or the year after. I'd be more comfortable with that for myself actually. I don't enjoy the shifting thing. Anyway, DH was suppose to post the things on Craigs list but, he's been stalling. I don't know enough about them to do it myself UGH. 3 motorcycles in a small shed just doesn't make sense lol. I wish you the best with yours..they really are a sharp looking bike and Hondas last so long :scales: Drive safe and you're right stay using your gear! May the angels ride alongside your bike :woot: (Yours too Betty!)

Anne - Your dad is in my prayers and so are you and your family. Thinking of you my friend :)

Hmmm ok I'm afraid I'm going to lose this dang post again so I'm going to click send now. So sorry if I missed anyone and I hope you're all doing well and shrinking.

Oh and thank you so much for all the well wishes and congrats on my onderland. I truly appreciate it and I'm still finding it hard to believe that it's finally happened. Hopefully I'll keep it there with all this dang holiday stuff being around me lol

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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