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GM girls,

Eileenie, I got my mom a coat and a food saver thingy. I have one and love it. It tenderizes a steak in 15 minutes. I poke holes in the steak, lather it with A1, Heinz 57, meat tenderizer, raspberry vinaigrette dressing, flip it a couple of times, then I put it in a special accessory that I purchased separately, suck the air out and you can see the meat lift and pull the flavors through. Then I wait about 15 minutes, sometimes I'll do a couple of steaks and leave one over night and fix it a few days later. My steaks have been fab every since I started using it.

Patty, I hope 2008 is better for you too, so sad about your friend.

Betty, hope you're feeling better, at least check your emails, lol.

Kat, your hubby is crazy!

Sherry, lets see pictures of the tree please. I'm going to install my new photo software so I can re-size some pictures to share.

Happy Bday Diane

Mandy, love the bday pics, I think he is so HOTTT.

Diane, Signgirl where are you?

Jess, I'm lmao, nothing like wrapping all day, then having to come home and wrap your own stuff. I had my girls at the office wrap most of my stuff, then had to unwrap half of it because they put stickies on them with what was inside, then the stickies came off when they shoved everything in a huge bag...errr!

Well kiddies, gotta get on the move, gotta run to Penney's this AM to get a new coffee pot for the cottage. Since it's supposed to be 72, hubby wants to take me to the beach house for a couple of days, AND, help me with some shopping. He's up to something, hmmmm, he hates to shop, LOL.

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Good Morning Y'all,

Still not up to par, but feeling much better. I guess I had a touch of flu, my boss sent me home from work on Wednesday and I went straight to bed, I had a HIGH fever and hurt all over, had a runny nose and sneezed all the time. I was worse on Friday, and though I would die I felt so bad. I stayed in bed most of Friday too. (now you know how sick I was) Then Friday afternoon late I decided I had to do something so I took one of the new Alieve cold tablets, I figured I could feel any worse even if it got stuck. Well, it works wonders, and I started feeling better really fast. I still feel weak and still have to take one every day, but no more attacks!

I have a lot to do today to catch up before going back to work tomorrow, but going to do it slowly!

Dianne Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good one.

Patty - It will be a new year soon, hope the next one is better for you.

Pat - I have a food saver, hardly ever use it, but I am definately going to try your idea. Although I think I will just wrap my presents the first time around. lol

Kat - Men don't think anything about the cold. I bet he's having a great time, but then when he gets home he'll complain about the cold just so you won't think he had too much fun!

Eileen - Everyone at work had an ipod, except me! I need a new microwave so that is what I am getting for Christmas.

Jess - How's the new band doing? Are you on solids yet?

Cindy - Thanks for thinking about me! Your new office sound wonderful. Makes working much better!

Well, going to get my bunns moving and get my clothes washed for work. DH is complaining he is hungry and I still have to get some christmas stuff done.

Catch you all later!

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Got word last night Rick and son Lenny are stuck, unable to get out, the storm hit them hard, and they are in no less than 4 feet of new snow, on top of what was already there.

We heard this morning they were still stuck. We are getting calls from people we don't know, that are making the calls when they get off the mountain. Most of them have people stuck as well. They are in a national forrest. So DD's boyfriend Ryan and I took off, the camp they were in was 3-4 hours away. We got there, and the place is 5 miles off the road, we got in maybe half a mile and even with 4WD we had to chain up! But someone had stolen (work truck) one of the chain tighteners, so every 100 yards it seems we threw the chain, and landed inthe snow bank! We shoveled and rechained, eventually the chain broke, and we tried, but almost went over an embankment about 2.75 miles in. We were stuck. We opted to try to walk in to their camp. We heard a truck about half a mile from our truck, and stepped off the road, and the snow was crotch deep! It was my son--unstuck, when he saw us he tried to stop--and ended up sliding, directly at us!!! Ryan grabbed me, and we ended up in the actual bar ditch to the road, and the boys had to dig me out, I was chest deep in snow. Now soaked, we went back to try to get our truck out, which they did. Rick and Gary were breaking camp, finally coming down the mountain---we headed on out, come up on a truck, stuck of course! Helped him out, and finally made it home about 2 hours ago! What a friggin' day! In the door, and straight to the shower! Rick showered and collapsed in bed! What I did for a few hours today did me in, and he has been doing that for 2 days----of course I quickly and frequently reminded him he CHOSE that ---I did not!

Anyway--we are all home, and staying that way as another storm is hitting as I type!

This forrest is on the NM/CO border on the NorthEast corner--and it is getting pounded again! If we had not got out---it would have required a snow cat to move us!

I love my home tonight!!!

Talk to you all tomorrow!



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Hi all. I did nothing in my house this weekend, so I will have to play catch-up every afternoon this week. Starting with grocery shopping tomorrow.

I got an e-mail about putting vicks vapor rub on the soles of your feet when you are sick, then socks and go to bed. It makes you feel all warm and better very quickly. I'm going to try that next time I am sick.

I have my party on Sat, and then I have a week of "down time" before the big holiday. I only need teacher gifts and then I am done. I bought Abi's teacher an ornament, but I need something else for her still. She recently got married so I bought her the precious moments 1st Christmas together ornament. (she even looks like the little girl on the ornament). I'm not sure what else to get her, any ideas Cindy? I also need something for the aid, and the special ed teacher. totally I'm lost......

I'm off to bed, I'll check in tomorrow. ~Mandy

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hey everyone hope you all had a great weekend!!!

Eileen I am in north jersey but not as north as you...im in essex county but the store i work at is in bergen county and unfortunatly we dont have to follow the blue law of being closed on sundays!

Betty - I am on solids now but I am still taking it easy...my tastes have changed so I am still trying to figure out what I like to eat now!!

I am very happy that I am still able to keep my portions small...after reading some post of people saying they can eat as much as they were able to before the band I was extremely worried!!!! but most days for either lunch or dinner I have about 2.5oz of tuna and it fills me up just fine. and I have also stayed away from snacking which was my biggest weakness before so I am super excited about just eating my 3 meals a day and being fine with it. No hunger pains or anything. And so far with my food I have not had trouble with eating different things - rice, salad or chicken - so thats a good thing too i think.

well I think I have babbled on enough! have a great monday everyone!!

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Jetti, my doc says that you have a good fill if you can eat rice....LOL. I can eat very small amounts of rice if it's mixed in with something else. (soup, or beans) I was like you, able to keep my portions small but I wanted a fill at 10 weeks as I was starting to feel like it was a diet. I didn't want a diet I wanted a life change. I need a fill now, but with the holidays and work it's hard to get in. Your post reminded me that a fill was in order. I'm going to call now. ~Mandy

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Hey Girlies :notagree

It's freezing cold here for me(wimpy California girl) and we got some much needed rain over the weekend. My great news is (drum roll).....

I got a JOB. Yes, in deedy..... I am now the Kids Klub attendent for

24 HOUR FITNESS :faint:the job comes complete with a free membership for me and my family! Part-time work and gym membership - pinch me quick! They will even train me to be a personal trainer in the future for a higher pay salary. So today I fill in paperwork and then I begin training. My club is brand-spanking new, being built in the shopping center where my grocery store is. Our soft opening is Dec 21st and the grand opening with the DJ and raffle prizes will be in January. My goal is to start the treadmill, drop a few pounds and finally get my band tightened. I'm on my way girls! Yeah! Thank you all for your encouraging words, it really helps.

Hugs go out to all who are fighting colds and such - get well soon.

Kat: You had a deer on your porch?? I can't imagine. And what the bleep is your husband doing out in the woods. Crazy. Glad you are safe.

Dianne: another candle on your birthday cake. Tell me how you like the zune -- I can't figure out my mp3 player(computer nerd).

Eileen: You are not a slob. Just lovable.

Cindy: I thought retirement meant NO WORK. Happy for ya.

Jessica:My band is wide open, and NO I can't just anything. Stuff gets stuck and then my whole chest aches, not fun. You are doing great!

Mandy:How about layered Cookies in a jar or baby loaf breads for gifts?

I made an applesauce cake the other day and it was just too easy.

Well, I'm home with Lewis today. Dan brought him home with a cough and a fever. It never fails. He makes them sick and I have to heal. I'll be leaving for a bit to do my new hire paperwork. Grrrrrr! Bye.

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WoooHoooo perfect job! WTG Patty--so happy for you! You will be smokin' hot before we know it!

Mandy---any way to find out if they have an Ipod or something---you could do an itunes card, then they could choose the music.

You could get a gift card to a local book store, a little book light, some cozy slippers, and give them a little down time, reading what they want instead of grading papers!

When my DD was in 1st grade, her teacher was young just setting out. I helped enough to hear her talk about her life, and knew her Grandmother was still in Germany. About Thanksgiving, I was flipping channels and QVC had these ornaments on, hand blown and painted German designer ornaments. It was a set of 24...had Santa, and angels, and bells, and french horns, you name it! I sent a note home with each of the kids---with the help of the teachers aid! Out of 22 notes sent home, 19 responded with money! When the ornament package was divided it was less than $4.00 per child. When they come in the mail, I opened the box, and wrapped them each individually in boxes, and labeled them from each child in the class. At the party (yes we were still allowed to have Christmas parties!) the first 2 kind of surprised her! The very first one, she told the kids a story about this being just like the kind of ornaments her Grandma had, and she loved it! Then when the second one was opened, she was still amazed, by the 3rd one, she of course recognized what was going on, and I appeared with the case to hold them.

My DD graduated HS in 1999---so you can do the math, this was many years ago. I still see the teacher in the grocery store on occasion, and she says she still has most of them, she has raised several children and has a dog with a wicked tail she said!!!

Unfortunately I did not get a chance to do something equally fitting for many of her teachers. I was not able to be in the classroom as much then...so often reverted back to gift baskets...like you mentioned before, the movie basket etc. They all seemed to like that though!


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I love my Zune it really is easy to use even for me!!

Kat I'm sorry but I had to laugh at your story! First of all only you! and I can just invision the whole thing! OH I'm sure you'll laugh about it sometime.

Well I got to get back to work.

Have a good day, don't eat to much, I started off my day with peanut m&m's Happy HOLIDYS!

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ohhhh I had a YAY FOR ME moment last night that I just want to share -

My goal has been to walk a mile on the treadmill in under 20 minutes and finally last night I did it in 19:30 AND I was still able to breath!!!!!! I am sure that under 20 is not that great but its big for me since when I started walking about 2 weeks ago I was at around 25 minutes. so I am very excited for myself now if I can only convince myself to do more time on the damn machine after working 13 hour days I would be really happy with myself but hey 1 step at a time!!!

Have a great day!!

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Made a post...tried to edit it and bleck

Sorry I haven't been able to post much...hopefully I'll get back in here tonight to catch up but, I just had to share with my friends who have helped me along the way.....


Thanks to my new combo Lap-Band, corrected fill and Bodybugg the scale is moving! I still can't believe it. Had to take a picture of the scale so I'll remember it lol. Gotta keep moving, things are so hard with the holidays and all that comfort food. Thinking the picture will keep me on track. Need to print the dang thing and post it on every cabinet hahaha

Thank you for letting me share and thank you all for the support you have given me. I'll get in here soon to catch up with personals. Love ya!

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Wonderful congratulations Sherry!!! That is such a great feeling!

Do take a picture! I try to take a picture every month so that I can look back and say yay for me!

So yay for you!!

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Lots of dancin' Nanners for your drop into Onederland Sherry!!! You worked hard to get here and I am so proud of you!!

(((big GIANT hugs!!!)))


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YAY Sherry congrats on your big move to onderland I hope to join you all there one day!!!

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