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NJ December Thread

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HI I'm alive!

I miss you guys too!

Work is great. I had my vien surgery and it went well, for surgery! I'll have my next one in January most likely.

I hope to be back soon...

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Sunsett, I'm glad to hear that surgery went well. How are you recovering?

Pat, you can have all the snow that we got. Almost 6 inches last night. And it's still snowing....ugh! We didn't get a snowday today. So I have work and Abi has school.


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Wow, Mandy. I've been following the Stacy Peterson case every day. Sorry it is affecting your life, too. I am so sad for the children. That dad is crazy...you feel it when he gets in front of the cameras.

Your schedule sounds like mine! You have a big project!

Eileen, be careful with your back. I wish I could see some snow, though. I know you get tired of it.

Pat, congrats on your three year bandiversary! Have you had your 2nd opinion yet, on the new surgery?

Dianne, glad you popped in, and it's been too long! Although, you make my several-days-absences look really short! LOL!

I have not heard from Beannie or Darcy in a long time. I do have their emails, though.

I went to my first day of work, and yes, I have a real office! They are setting it up for me. It's nice, with dark cherry furniture, a credenza/hurch, and a wrap around desk. It has a window, with a great view. The wall that goes to the hall has those cool glass bricks in it. The walls are a deep mustard gold. I have some framed art I'll take up next week, and I'll decorate it as I go. Today, a tech guy is coming to my house to connect a fax machine here, so I can work from home when needed. I'm pumped about the whole thing....except this huge manual I am reading! LOL!

Betty, this cooler weather might get you in the mood to get ready for Christmas...you're usually baking and cooking like crazy!

Well, girlies, I must get some errands done, and there's always the laundry!



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Cindy, today they did some dive searches in a local canal. Not sure if they found anything, they made the press leave so it wasn't on TV. I'm told that happens to protect evidence, and also for the privacy of the family. Not sure about anything yet....I'll update if/when I hear anything. The dive was only 2 miles from my house. It's really sad. I too feel sorry for the kids, but he seems to be ok with them. He has even made arrangements for when he is arrested. So at least he is thinking of them right now. I'm worried that he is realize that he is going down and will take the kids with him just to spite Stacy's sister. He is a real piece of work.

I'm off to the bus stop to pick up Abi. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Hello Y'all!

Not feeling too good tonight, I guess I am catching what DH has had all week. I have been fighting it, but feel pretty lousy right now.

Pat - I can't believe it has been 3 years, I remember when you were banded! Congrats!

Cindy - I haven't done the first thing for Christmas. Except put up a small tree, and decorate the table. I have to decorate at work, and finish at home but can't seem to catch the mood. Not enough hours in the day.

Mandy - He looks crazy! I hope they find her, just for the family's sake.

I heard from Darcy, she is going through a bad time right now and doesn't feel like talking to anyone. She did say to say hello to you all. I am sure she will be back soon. Just keep her in your prayers.

Well, going to go lay down for a while and get some meds in me so I can go to work tomorrow.

I'll try to do more personals tomorrow. Right now I can't even think!

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I hope everything is ok with Darcy. I worry about her. I am a born worrier though so I worry about you all. Even when you guys check in I worry. I know silly me.

I am buying my last few gifts tomorrow. I'm so happy to be done. ~Mandy

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Hi to all!

I am going to worry about you, Betty! What are you sick with? I hope it is allergies or a cold...and nothing more serious than that. Glad to know you heard from Darcy, and please let her know we think of her and wish her the best, okay?

Nothing going on here that is any different than usual...tonight I"m going up to DD's school to help with the faculty Christmas dinner. I'm making a big Caesar salad, and then helping in the kitchen.

I've had a cold/sinus infection? for the past week, and it's just getting old. It makes me tired, but this is not the time of year to be tired, ya know? So, pressing onward...

See ya gals later...hugs all around!


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:rain:Hello from Rainy California

Hi guys, finally stopped long enough to fire up the old computer.

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.

Last time I was here I think My ex was trying to kidnap the kids and take them to Arizona. Whew! I did some fine tap-dancing and convinced him that that was not an option. He kept his word and the kids stayed in Perris and I was alone for 4 days. I myself was for the first time - totally alone.... weird. I really really wanted to go to Knotts berry Farm and couldn't find anyone to accompany me -- so I took myself. I parked over by the IHOP resturant to save on parking, loaded my stroller with hot coffee, jacket and umbrella and hiked over. My reservation was for 2:30 but asked to enter early, they said OK. The gal was wondering where my baby was and I made some joke. I use my stroller like a shopping cart and I hate having to hold a purse, leather coat and purchases, this way I just throw it in the buggy. I was seated for dinner and came prepared with my "gastric bypass" card. When I met my waiter I asked him real nice about letting me use the childs price because I couldn't eat very much -- I didn't know if he would buy this because the meal was a buffet. He hesitated and then said "YES". I was SO happy. I took small samples of all my favorite things and finished my plate before checking out sweets. OMG the dessert table held no less than 200 different items! I went right to the pumpkin pie and the selected 1 chocolate chip cookie(for later). I then paid my bill and went Christmas crafts shopping. I don't have any money since Dan is holding back alot of our support money but my lovely Mom sent me a check and not that I need anything it's nice to look -- then I found an adorable glass ornament in the shape of a old time milk bottle, so I bought it. They wrapped it up good and I left feeling a bit of the Christmas spirit come home with me. I enjoyed my own company, knew the kids were relatively safe and could honestly say that my gratitude this year was having my surgery after all the struggles in the past. Exactly 1 week later was Lewis' 8th birthday and his wish was to go to Knotts with Toys for Tots and spend the day with his brothers and me. A huge storm came thru the day before but on Sat Dec 1st the theme park was beautiful. A friend of ours gifted our family with "Beagle Bucks" for a chicken dinner feast and we ate until our sides ached. Lewis was the happiest child ever and we count that as a blessing. On a sad note: our beautiful friend Robbie at age 15 passed away Nov 29 from complications with his 2nd heart transplant. The boys were devastated and we all held each other and just cried. I have decided to let the boys skip the memorial service, in addition to this being a visitation weekend and Dan won't drive back for it anyway. I have peace with it. Well, thats me for now. I have missed being online, still have computer problems. Hugs,

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Good Morning Ladies,

Geeze its quiet in here. Is everyone shopping?

Happy Hanukkah Everyone - :kev:

Dianne (Sunsett) HAPPY BIRTHDAY :happybday:

Cindy congrats on the new job and office, I hope its everything you dreamed of and that you truly enjoy it. How's your DD doing?

Betty, how are you feeling love? don't tell me your fighting that gawd awful stomach dizzy thingy thats going around.

Jessica here we go again, another damp, icy, snowy day in joisey. I just hope it melts in the streets so its not dangerous driving. Watcha doing this weekend?

Patty you've had some year haven't you :) we can only pray that 2008 is a better one. I'm glad your here posting when you can.

Sherry GET THAT TREE UP ROFLMFAO !!!!! You need a tiny prelit predecorated tree girl LOLOL, just stick it on the table and poof ... done :eek: How's the WL going .... your doing so well..YEAH YOU!!

Mandy that story about the missing woman makes me sick to my stomach...how awful, just awful that must be for that family, friends and relatives of that poor little woman. I mean she's just 100 lbs, how could she fight back if some one was grabbing her. UGGGG I hope they catch the BAST*** and do the same to him. Its times like this that I say, an eye for an eye. She is in my prayers and her family as well :Banane20:

Pat.......oh Pat.... whatcha up to woman? are you all done with your Christmas shopping? hey what do you buy for your Mom at Christmas? I always have a hard time with mine...never know what to get elderly folks.

Darcy....... just know we love you!!! your in my prayers and I'm so sorry your going thru a rough time, but know any time you want an ear to listen..we are here.

Kat...how are you feeling and how is darlink Rick? oh and that lovely little grandbaby?

Today is Breakfast w/santa, then karate, then to Moms to help out with her bills because gosh forbid any of the other tarts in my family help...noooooo. Then its food shopping and hopefully time to sit by the tree and gaze in its beauty.

Whats going on with you chickies.

BEANIE WHERE ARE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!

*WAVE* To all the chickies I missed LOVE YOU !!!! :kiss2:

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Man.........can I just quote Eileenie's post? She did so well!

Rick and I are good. He is an idiot sometimes...yep I said it! He, our son, and our good friend Gary are camping---in upwards of 3 feet of snow! Gary is actually elk hunting. He was going to go with another hunter, and then the guys schedule got changed, so he was going to be going out, and setting up camp and being alone for the weekend, then his friend will show up. So Rick and Lenny decided to go with him, so someone knows where he is camped in this weather. They are due back this evening. They have a cabin, and a woodstove---but it is still camping---you gotta pee outside! I stayed home, finished my shopping, and have been wrapping for hours....taking a break right now, it looks like Walmart blew up in my LR!!! It seems we bought out the store, but much of it is in big boxes this year!

Kinsey is wonderful--3 as of the other day. And is truly a Princess with attitude!

I was doing my Christmas cards the other day, and she was napping. When she woke up she was ready for lunch, so I went to the kitchen to deal with that, and she climbed up and ended up dumping my tea all over the cards, envelopes, done as well as still in the box, address labels, stamps, Granny was fit to be tied! I told her to GO--get as far away from Granny as you can! So...if you get a card from me with a smeared label....I only wish I could blame it on the post office!

We too get the bulk of parental care. But then the ones out of Denver, come in with all their $$$ and buy big ticket items---this year it is a 50" TV. And all you hear about is how wonderful the Denver-ites are! They don't stop to think that they are warm from wood we cut and haul for them, and the clothes they are wearing we bought, or the fact that the trash will be collected again this week, and we pay for that. We get stuck with the practical, and un appreciated!! Oh well, I know we do what needs to be done, and we get the time with them, and will never have questions about those kind of things when they are gone. I just wish his siblings would spend some time with them instead of just money on them.

There are half a dozen or so deer in my backyard. I heard something on the porch!

It has rained, then snowed, then rained again for 24 hours, and is expected to do this for the next several days. The ground is soaked! But at least the roads are ok---well the paved ones, hope the dirt ones are froze, or my DH may not make it home!!!

Well I better check my email, which is what I started out to do!!! Then get back to the wrapping. I need 2 more fair sized boxes, and then 3 large gift bags, and I am finished with this round!



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Eileen its didnt snow around my area today - not where I live or where I work. It was acutally pretty warm when I went out on my lunch break around 2 this afternoon!!!

Nothing good going on over here this weekend - I got home from work around 10 last night had to work 8-4 today and I work 11-4 tmrw! I hate having a second job and I really hate that the second job is a gift store where we wrap EVERY damn thing that someone wants!!!! its a nice store but still its a lot especially around the holidays. The store is called Blue Tulip so you guys should look it up there's only 20 stores in the company along the east coast but hey you never know there may be one in your area! they have a little of EVERYTHING!

have a GREAT weekend everyone!

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It's Dianne's birthday, and I am the one getting to old to remember anything!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANNE!!!!!! I hope your special day is full of fun and happy things, surrounded with your favorite people, and only one of many, many, more to come!!

(((((big GIANT birthday hugs)))))


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LOL Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a really nice day. Kelly went with me to our monthly band support meeting. If was fun we had food and presents!

Garry got me a Zune..Ipodish thing....So here it is 1:45 in the morning and I'm loading music! I hope I can figure out how to use it though! I think it will be fun.

Anyway I think I'd better go get some beauty sleep.

Night night

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Happy Birthay Dianne.....



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Good Morning,

Dianne, glad your birthday was a good one. DH asked me what I want for Christmas and usually its ohhh nothing, but this year I want the Ipod Touch.... can't wait *GIGGLE*

Mandy, whats in Johnny's hand on the 2nd card? looks like some sort of golden dildo or something ROFLMFAO !!!!! oink.

Now that would be some birthday gift eh. LOLOL

Kat Elk hunting? LOLOL well just be happy you know where the man is :P peeing in the snow haaaaaaaaaaaaaa only men I tell ya, only men. My DH used to hunt but sitting in the snow freezing his arse off doesn't excite him anymore. A living room full of Walmart sounds like fun...enjoy ;) and I'm happy everyone is doing well.

Jessica, never heard of Blue Tulip, now I gotta keep my eyes peeled for it. I get frustrated after wrapping a few gifts, I can't imagine doing it for hours, especially without the tv on in the background LOL. Looks like its gonna be a crapy cold rainy day today, whats doing by you? are you south jersey? I'm as north as north as you can get. I can spit out my window and basically hit NY LOL.

Well.... TOM visited me yesterday and it explains why I felt so sick and dizzy lately but I feel like a cold is also on the way, oy freakin vey.

My house is a disaster, I did no cleaning yesterday. We made stew and gingerbread Cookies and you would think an army ran through my kitchen....I'm such the slob. Where's Hazel when you need her (crap thats dating myself or what).

Okay girlies....... I'm gonna pry my rump off this chair and start cleaning......how depressing LOLOL Maybe I'll check back in later.

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