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First Fill

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I just got my first fill date changed today. It was 1/9 but I am leaving out for a long business trip on the 10th and didn't want to be on the road just after my first fill. I got it bumped up a week to the 2nd of January. That is one less week of this hunger... hopefully.

Maybe I will get lucky and get good restriction right off the bat.

Hey Cag-

Did you weigh in today? How did you do? Left you a message in the "A November Nymph is 50lbs Lighter" thread but didn't hear from you. How is the new baby doing and your family? Are you getting any sleep? I hope so. Your family is so beautiful, you are blessed. I have 3 boys, 14, 13 and 10. They keep me very busy.

Also, what happened to your boys on Sunday. I guess Romo can't have any girls at the game to distract him.

Keep in touch!


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We have a lot in common: same age, banded the same day, and I hear Texans and Australians aren't that different from one another. :rolleyes: So, yes, let's try to keep each other on track.

I don't go back to work until January 14 and I don't work in a typical work environment -- I go from one campus to another to teach. This makes it easier for me because I am only around the food that I buy and I don't buy things that tempt me. Of course, as I say this, I just shared a bottle of wine with my son, who is a Marine home on leave until tomorrow. :(

But empty calories aside, there are worse things than a couple of glasses of wine. :) I've said all along that I'll be a slow loser and one of the reasons is that I'd rather not suffer too much along the way. I don't have any trigger foods and I don't binge so I'm not risking too much to occasionally eat on special occasions and when I'm hungry. I'm more likely to stay on course for the long run if I don't get too severe on the way.

I'm still finding that eating plenty of Protein fills me up and keeps my mind off of food for long periods of time. How about you?

Same age, same band date... we obviously woke up about our health at the same time. Aussies & Texans... I can kind of see the similarity... I met a couple of Texans in one of my previous jobs... love the accent... you know "ya all". :D

I will be off work for just over a week, so back at work on 2 Jan. I work as an executive assistant with a big global IT company.

I have been getting hungry ... I am finding I want something to eat sooner than I did in the first 4-5 weeks. I haven't weighed myself in 3 days but was stable at my last weigh in. I'm not worried if I lose it slowly, just don't want to put any back on. I definitely don't want my band too tight... still want to enjoy life. I've had a couple of wines over the last few weeks with all the work xmas parties. Must say I am ready to lose the next few kilos though. I plan to do a lot more exercise over the holidays.

Enjoy the time with your son. Where is he stationed?

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He's at Camp Pendleton, near San Diego. After his first year of training in California, he spent the next three years in Japan so we rarely got to see him. It's good to have him closer now -- just two time zones instead of 15!

I don't want to gain, of course, and that's one reason I don't weigh every day because my weight has always fluctuated a lot. I've never found much correlation to my daily activities and my weight, anyway. I've gained when I shouldn't and lost when I shouldn't :rolleyes: so I'm just paying attention to the net loss for the month. I'm not normally a patient person but since this is the way I'm going to live for the rest of my life, it's easier to just relax and go with the flow, especially knowing that the fills will be there to help me.

I've found that when I'm really craving a snack, a sugar-free Jell-O pudding cup really helps. I eat it slowly and I always tell myself I can have a second if I want (only 60 calories each) but I never do. Do you have a "safe" food that you can turn to at those times?

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i dont get my first fill untill jan 8....i am hungry now in between meals...and when i eat something with carbs i feel so guilty...i want to not feel that way...i did Atkins for 2 years....lost 90 and gained it back in about 4 months...thats why i turned to lap band....but i find myself avoided carbs...ugh!! i want to eat normally..just small amounts... last night i made lasagna for the family...i cut myself a piece... 2inch by 2 inch.....i used to eat two slabs plus the garlic bread.... i couldnt sleep last night for the guilt...are any of you eating carbs?? help...wrong thread i know but i'm hoping i dont gain my 20 lbs back befor jan 8th... and i'm not weighing myself until i go to the dr...i didnt even buy a scale...i know i'd be obsessed!

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Hey Cag-

Did you weigh in today? How did you do? Left you a message in the "A November Nymph is 50lbs Lighter" thread but didn't hear from you. How is the new baby doing and your family? Are you getting any sleep? I hope so. Your family is so beautiful, you are blessed. I have 3 boys, 14, 13 and 10. They keep me very busy.

Also, what happened to your boys on Sunday. I guess Romo can't have any girls at the game to distract him.

Keep in touch!


Yea, I weighed in on Wednesday... No change in the scale from last week, but I have definitely shrunk! my old pants just fall off of me and that was not the case last week! They are officially retired for ever!

Ya know, I am doing alright with the sleep thing. My wife only wakes me up about once each night. The lil guy is only feeding once in the night already.:notagree I hope that stays like that! Of course last night I was putting my 3 yr. old down and he said he wanted to snuggle:) That was about 8 pm. Well, about 11 pm I woke up! I suppose I was a little tired.

Then it was off to the store :rolleyes: to pick up some pads for the wife... she was almost out! Oh well, I guess there are worse things in life!

Boy do I know it! ROMO stinks when he has to impress a woman! He must have dropped his books alot in Jr. High school! The BOYZ will get back on track for week 16 and 17. Then its a bye! We will meet you at the Super Bowl!!!

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Oh yeah Cindy,

Aren't you scheduled for a Jan. 2nd fill too? I just got mine changed to that date because of an extended trip out of town.

It will be interesting to see how we both do!

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Yea, I weighed in on Wednesday... No change in the scale from last week, but I have definitely shrunk! my old pants just fall off of me and that was not the case last week! They are officially retired for ever!

Ya know, I am doing alright with the sleep thing. My wife only wakes me up about once each night. The lil guy is only feeding once in the night already.:notagree I hope that stays like that! Of course last night I was putting my 3 yr. old down and he said he wanted to snuggle:) That was about 8 pm. Well, about 11 pm I woke up! I suppose I was a little tired.

Then it was off to the store :rolleyes: to pick up some pads for the wife... she was almost out! Oh well, I guess there are worse things in life!

Boy do I know it! ROMO stinks when he has to impress a woman! He must have dropped his books alot in Jr. High school! The BOYZ will get back on track for week 16 and 17. Then its a bye! We will meet you at the Super Bowl!!!

Are you going to get to see the game Saturday? We'll have to go to a sports bar since we don't have satellite. The Longhorns play Michigan State at 5:30 so we figure we'll go watch that game and have good seats for the Cowboys game. For the Green Bay game, the only thing they had on the menu that I could really eat was fried cheese! I only had a couple, though, and couldn't believe how that was enough. I have more options this time. :(

Go Cowboys! :clap2:

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i dont get my first fill untill jan 8....i am hungry now in between meals...and when i eat something with carbs i feel so guilty...i want to not feel that way...i did Atkins for 2 years....lost 90 and gained it back in about 4 months...thats why i turned to lap band....but i find myself avoided carbs...ugh!! i want to eat normally..just small amounts... last night i made lasagna for the family...i cut myself a piece... 2inch by 2 inch.....i used to eat two slabs plus the garlic bread.... i couldnt sleep last night for the guilt...are any of you eating carbs?? help...wrong thread i know but i'm hoping i dont gain my 20 lbs back befor jan 8th... and i'm not weighing myself until i go to the dr...i didnt even buy a scale...i know i'd be obsessed!

Diets have really messed me up over the years. What's good on one diet is evil on another! Fortunately, I've covered them all so either all foods are evil or none of them are. :rolleyes:

So, yes, I've had some carbs but I try to eat good ones and in smaller quantities. I think you did fine, limiting the amount of lasagna you had. Maybe next time, make it with spinach or whole wheat lasagna and you'll feel even less guilty!

I think once we get accustomed to smaller portions, the guilt will go away. My doctor told me that there was nothing absolutely off limits (once I'm finished with the post-op diet) as long as I follow the rules and limit portions. But we do need to give ourselves time to get used to that idea.

Don't count on that first fill making much of a difference. You could be different, of course, but I understand that it takes a few fills to get restriction. I certainly don't feel any different since my fill.

Good luck!

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Are you going to get to see the game Saturday? We'll have to go to a sports bar since we don't have satellite. The Longhorns play Michigan State at 5:30 so we figure we'll go watch that game and have good seats for the Cowboys game. For the Green Bay game, the only thing they had on the menu that I could really eat was fried cheese! I only had a couple, though, and couldn't believe how that was enough. I have more options this time. :rolleyes:

Go Cowboys! :clap2:


Now don't freak out when I say this... OK?

I don't watch the cowboy games. I listen to them on the radio. Ya see... I do not own a Television. My wife and I think that it is better for our family not to have one in the house. We watch DVD's on the computer if we want to watch something.

I may go over to Buffalo Wild Wings though. I have some buddies that can't get the game either. I may meet up with them for the game.


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I had my first fill on Monday and so far I feel soooo much better. I've actually started losing weight again! =) I was spoiled by being able to eat at a faster pace before the fill and now I'm trying to retrain myself to eat slowly. I notice that I get that stuck feeling a lot more when I'm eating around other people so I have to really watch myself. I have trouble knowing when I'm full but just now when I was eating lunch I realized I get the hiccups and I think that's my signal to stop. I hope this level of restriction doesn't go away before my next fill. I feel like the band is actually helping me out now!

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He's at Camp Pendleton, near San Diego. After his first year of training in California, he spent the next three years in Japan so we rarely got to see him. It's good to have him closer now -- just two time zones instead of 15!

I don't want to gain, of course, and that's one reason I don't weigh every day because my weight has always fluctuated a lot. I've never found much correlation to my daily activities and my weight, anyway. I've gained when I shouldn't and lost when I shouldn't :rolleyes: so I'm just paying attention to the net loss for the month. I'm not normally a patient person but since this is the way I'm going to live for the rest of my life, it's easier to just relax and go with the flow, especially knowing that the fills will be there to help me.

I've found that when I'm really craving a snack, a sugar-free Jell-O pudding cup really helps. I eat it slowly and I always tell myself I can have a second if I want (only 60 calories each) but I never do. Do you have a "safe" food that you can turn to at those times?

Japan is such a long way away, so it is good that he's back in the USA. I don't have any kids myself, never got married either... never met the right guy. Did I mention I am a commitment phobic?? :( I have 8 nieces & nephews so they help any maternal instincts.

I have low fat jelly & custard in the fridge as well. It's all the socialising that I have been doing that has been the killer because the type of food you eat out is not as good as home. Anyway, despite all my whining, I just weighed myself and have lost another pound. Not much but better than putting any on! :whoo::whoo:Now the plan is to get out there on the pavement on the weekend and lose more.

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Now don't freak out when I say this... OK?

I don't watch the cowboy games. I listen to them on the radio. Ya see... I do not own a Television. My wife and I think that it is better for our family not to have one in the house. We watch DVD's on the computer if we want to watch something.

I may go over to Buffalo Wild Wings though. I have some buddies that can't get the game either. I may meet up with them for the game.



I am impressed! I wish I had the will power to do that. However, I am such a fanatic that if I missed the PATS, I would be going through major withdrawals. I have a funny story, about 4+ years ago we opened our little country store and we decided that we would not open on Sunday's. Our motto:




....That Order!

Funny thing is during the Christmas season we are the busiest so we did open in December only. I had a little TV in my office so that I could go in and check the score or during a slow spot watch the game. Hubby was good because he would call me with the play by play. To this day, I have the TV in my office just for Football.

Now, I not only watch the PATS but we are such hard nosed football fanatics that we watch football from 1pm until the late game. As matter of fact, I will be watching your boyz game tomorrow night.

I do have my football fever in perspective though because God does truly come first in our lives.

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Oh yeah Cindy,

Aren't you scheduled for a Jan. 2nd fill too? I just got mine changed to that date because of an extended trip out of town.

It will be interesting to see how we both do!

Yeah! Actually my Doc's card says 12/3/08 but the fill clinic is on Wednesday, so I need to call and clarify but in either case I can't wait. I have been really getting more hungry this last week and having to diet to keep weight melting off.

Glad to hear that you are doing so well. Loved the story about the family. How cute that you fell asleep with your oldest son...very sweet. Are you all set with Christmas?

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Skinny Jill,

I also had surgery on November 20th and was given a small fill one week later. I was loosing weight up until about a week ago. I can't get the scale to budge and I am following the Doctors instructions to the letter. I also excerice an hour a day. Feeling very frustrated. I am also hungry.

My next fill is not until Jan 15th.



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