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to implant or not to implant

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So, I am having my butt skin and leg skin removed in 2020. I had a breast reduction in 2017. I went from a 48H to a 42D. 8lbs of boob was removed. After weight loss, I am now a 34B. But my boobs are empty. There is NO volume at all. It's basically just skin. Because the breast reduction included a lift, they aren't droopy, but if I bend over they look like skinny pregnant dog nipples. I had a LOT of back pain from my large breasts. I hate boobs. I kind of just want the excess skin removed, but that would make me 100% flat-chested. I am nervous to get implants because of the percentage that need to be swapped out after 10-15 years. I don't really want to have more surgeries in the future. But I also don't really want to have NO boobs. So I was THINKING of B cup saline implants. I don't know! I was SO happy to have my breast reduction, it seems weird to put boob back in.

I also had a full nipple graft so I am not even sure if they can do another lift or implants??? The blood supply to my nipples is tenuous as is. BUT, ever since my breast reduction my left nipple sticks out pretty far so it would be kind of neat to remove them both and get those hyperrealistic tattoos instead, lol.

Anyways - do I go flat-chested, stick with my somehow perky yet "skinny" boobs, or get very small implants to add volume? DECISIONS DECISIONS

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Short answer: BREAST LIFT.

Long answer: I had a breast reduction in 2005. I went from a 38 DDD/DDDD to a 36 DD. 3 lbs of breast tissue removed from both breasts combined. Like you, I had the lollipop procedure where he cut out my nipple and sewed it back up higher. I also had a wonky right nipple. One side of it healed in a permanent crease and I basically had 1/2 and inverted nipple, if you can visualize that.

Fast forward to last year at my highest weight, and my bra size was 40DDD or 42DD. Because of the higher nipple placement, the weight gain did not make me look so very droopy.

After the weight loss, I now wear a 30B, (or the mythical 28C, which in theory I was supposed to fit, so says my fitter).

I also had pregnant doggy boobs when I bent over (they still looked OK standing straight up, just much smaller).

Had my breast lift last week and am loving them so far. They are high and perky and round, like teenage boobs (am hoping this is not due primarily to swelling!) I don't know what size bra I will be wearing now, since they are higher up (and my back is wider higher up), but I am definitely not flat-chested, and both Mr. and I think the boobs actually look a little bigger cuz they are higher up. And I'm not even wearing a push up bra.

Oh, and surgeon ended up cutting out both my nipples and sewing them back on. The wonky one to fix the funny crease, and the the other one cuz he felt they would be mismatched if didn't make it smaller.

Edited to add: I originally got the breast lift primarily to address my side boob (with the lift just as an added bonus), but am now doubly glad I got it seeing the results so far.

Edited by ms.sss

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Not sure if this is an option for you but look into a Lipo fat fill. They lipo fat from somewhere you don't want it and add it to the breast. You can only really safely gain a cup size or so doing this. Don't ask how I happen to know about this procedure.

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30 minutes ago, lvidacovich said:

Not sure if this is an option for you but look into a Lipo fat fill. They Lipo fat from somewhere you don't want it and add it to the breast. You can only really safely gain a cup size or so doing this. Don't ask how I happen to know about this procedure.

yes - what he said. My plastic surgeon asked if I wanted a fat transfer to keep some volume, but I said no way because I HATE big boobs. A B-cup is fine by me! But because he asked me that, I know it's an option...

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I had a reduction years ago when at a BMI of around 34. I went from a saggy 40G/F to a perky 38 DD/DDD. They were great and over the past few years despite not gaining or losing more than 5-10 lbs. they lost perkiness and dropped a bit but were still WAY better than prior to reduction.

Now from WLS and losing from 195 to 145 I went down to a 34 DD. Still fullness etc. so a smaller bra and everything was fine. Then last 15 lbs from 145 to 130 made them go down a lot to a sad droopy 32C/D but that is only because side boob skin helps fill up the cup. I am flat at the top (lost fullness). However I now wear a thickly padded bra they are ok in clothes and I feel like I look balanced out but will definitely have to get a padded swimsuit next year. It's OK and manageable but not great.

I can see others on here at my height 5'2"ish weighting 125 or less look great. I honestly think I personally looked better 10 pounds heavier than I do now and I think a lot of that is due to the loss of my boobs. I love the smaller waist and skinnier legs from the last 15 pounds of loss. However, I do not have great skin elasticity and my skin reacts like a grandma,very wrinkly and I looked better naked 10-15 pounds ago.

I am trying to maintain at around 127 for now and stay at that for plastics. I am going to have plastics for arms and a TT in a few months. I am assuming once I heal my body will go back to 127 like I did post breast reduction (I lost 4 pounds of breast skin/fat but my body within 2 weeks was back at my prereduction weight and stayed there for a long time.

Now here's where my crazy thought process is. I am assuming I will stay at 127 even though I will lose 3-4 pounds of skin from my TT and arm lift but I am assuming those few pounds will settle else where in my body. I am also assuming I will have they the typical bounce up a lot of us have 2-3 years post surgery. If that happens it would probably get me to where I think I look better at around 135 and the increased 10 pound shouldn't all settle in my arms or belly since I will have less fat cells there. I am assuming the fat would hopefully go to my boobs, maybe butt and probably thighs.

That said it could be wishful thinking and the 10 pound weight gain I assume will happen may not happen at all or could go straight to my calves or back or big toe, who knows. I briefly considered implants but do not want to have to think about going in to have implants replaced. The doctors on the TV show Botched made a comment about the average life span of an implant being 10-12 years. I had no idea that was a thing. I also kick myself for not doing the WLS before the reduction but hindsight is 20/20. I just want to have this one plastic surgery and be done with it so I don't think implants are in my future. I don't judge others who have multiple surgeries etc. but I am anxious about the risks and feel guilty and spending the $ and time recovering.

You are still early enough out from WLS that maybe your body composition will shift even if you don't gain or lose much weight and maybe you will feel differently one way or the other in 6 months.

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@mousecat88 that is a very tough decision to make. There are new implants called Gummy bear implants if you do consider going that route. Gives a different feel than saline.

im not sure what decision I would make.

i had breast reduction surgery so many years ago I can’t remember when it was, if I had to even try to guess I might say at least 20 years ago? (My memory is Swiss cheese, more holes than cheese) I developed very young and practically overnight, they sagged terribly and were dense solid tissue. At the time of surgery I weighed 180lbs. I never wore the correct bra size. I didn’t know anything about those things then or what I know now. I do recall the surgery was extensive. It’s hard Having come from being very big chested and bullied for it and back then I think the biggest bra size I tried was lane bryant maybe at most 36 DDD and that was much too small a cup size for me, plus Brands thEn and even now make too big a band size and too small a cup size.

at the moment my size is 28G/30DDD. Mainly because of my bony rib cage even though parts of me still need to lose weight. I hate my shape without a bra as there’s nothing at the top with fullness only at the bottom so a slope or indent shape.

I feel like dealing with the sagging extra skin would help solidify the journey and maintaining the weight loss. I haven’t thought of this aspect as much.

some part of me wouldn’t care if I could just not need bras at all. Maybe a lift would be enough but what would be left with skin removal is the question. I know my body probably would reject the idea of a foreign implant. I had implants for flat feet which involved major surgeries and they were titanium but they worked their way out of place, twice, until I needed them removed. So I can’t imagine implants, yet fat transfer doesn’t the fat reabsorb?

I’ve seen people say they didn’t need skin removal they just exercise .

. I wish is were that simple ... It’s hard when you lean forward you see and feel all that loose skin. I think if I had the choice of surgery I would have a thigh tuck, Tummy Tuck and breast lift (excess skin removal) my bra size is already a pain to find so I’m not concerned over a smaller cup size, and implants are not meant to last a lifetime, that is what would alter my decision, also knowing my body limitations and my financial situation. But I have had that niggling little thought sometimes about wanting some top filler so at least my bras would fit decently.

wish I had an actual answe to a very tough question.

its a lot of tough questions.

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17 hours ago, mousecat88 said:

So, I am having my butt skin and leg skin removed in 2020. I had a breast reduction in 2017. I went from a 48H to a 42D. 8lbs of boob was removed. After weight loss, I am now a 34B. But my boobs are empty. There is NO volume at all. It's basically just skin. Because the breast reduction included a lift, they aren't droopy, but if I bend over they look like skinny pregnant dog nipples. I had a LOT of back pain from my large breasts. I hate boobs. I kind of just want the excess skin removed, but that would make me 100% flat-chested. I am nervous to get implants because of the percentage that need to be swapped out after 10-15 years. I don't really want to have more surgeries in the future. But I also don't really want to have NO boobs. So I was THINKING of B cup saline implants. I don't know! I was SO happy to have my breast reduction, it seems weird to put boob back in.

I also had a full nipple graft so I am not even sure if they can do another lift or implants??? The blood supply to my nipples is tenuous as is. BUT, ever since my breast reduction my left nipple sticks out pretty far so it would be kind of neat to remove them both and get those hyperrealistic tattoos instead, lol.

Anyways - do I go flat-chested, stick with my somehow perky yet "skinny" boobs, or get very small implants to add volume? DECISIONS DECISIONS

I'm coming from a different perspective because I loved my big boobs and missed them when they disappeared. I'm now 2.5 weeks post op from 450 cc silicone implants.

Here are my opinions from tons of reading I've done + multiple consults

I am nervous to get implants because of the percentage that need to be swapped out after 10-15 years

I'm skeptical on what this real percentage is. I feel like implant manufactures put a life expectancy on them to set low expectations. I think of it like an expiration date on canned vegetables. 😂 I also have known many women who have had the same implants for 10-20-30 years (I live in LA) Capsular Contraction is the most common cause for explantation and it is now believed it is caused by bacteria entering the pocket from the outside of the body during surgery. So silicone vs. saline has no bearing on that complication

I also had a full nipple graft so I am not even sure if they can do another lift or implants???

A lift is generally needed if your nipples point downward vs. forward when standing up. A lift is optional if your nipples point outward, but are lower on the breast than you prefer. The standard is at or below the breast fold and/or if your nipples are more than 21 cm from your sternum notch (this one confused me, won't it be different on tall people vs. short people?). Mine was 22 cm (but nipples pointing outward), and all my consults except the surgeon I went with recommended a lift. My surgeon did not, as long as I was ok with a more mature looking breast, not a 20 year old's. Also some surgeons are better at getting an implant alone to look like a lift than others (Don't ask how many boob pics I have looked at in the last year 😂)

As far as your nipple goes. For an implant alone, they can go under your breast, in the inframammary fold. This is believed to have the lowest instance of capsular contraction. downside is the scar on the underside of your breast. This might be your best choice since you already have reduction scars and it doesn't affect your nipple.

I have Peri-areolar incision. Basically a half moon around the bottom half of my nipples. I'm personally very happy with this. I can already tell my scars are going to end up being nearly completely invisible. I also have full nipple sensation. I don't know if it's related to my incision placement, but I've had almost zero pain from my BA.

Trans-axillary: A small incision is made under the armpit. This has fallen out of favor because of a higher rate of capsular contraction. The surgeon also has less control over where they make the pocket and these implants sometimes sit high long term.

Transumbilical: An incision is made above the navel and can only be used on saline implants. Not as popular as surgeons again have less control over creating the pocket.

As far as Gummy bear implants. I originally thought I wanted these in a tear drop shape. But consult after consult told me they just don't end up looking as natural as silicone gel, especially if you have little natural breast tissue.

Saline's big downside is rippling and unnatural feel. Rippling is especially apparent when there is little breast tissue. Additionally the shell is still silicone, so it's not as if you won't have silicone in your body if you go with saline.

Fat grafting has quite a few downsides as well. The biggest one IMO, is that not all the fat stays, it dies, gets absorbed and migrates away. And there is no control over that process. So you may end up with asymmetry.

There you go ... that's my dissertation on all things boob related 😂

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15 hours ago, 2Bsmaller18 said:

I can see others on here at my height 5'2"ish weighting 125 or less look great. I honestly think I personally looked better 10 pounds heavier

Now here's where my crazy thought process is. I am assuming I will stay at 127 even though I will lose 3-4 pounds of skin from my TT and arm lift but I am assuming those few pounds will settle else where in my body. I am also assuming I will have they the typical bounce up a lot of us have 2-3 years post surgery. If that happens it would probably get me to where I think I look better at around 135 and the increased 10 pound shouldn't all settle in my arms or belly since I will have less fat cells there. I am assuming the fat would hopefully go to my boobs, maybe butt and probably thighs.

Same, same!

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I know a few people with implants and they were all told they basically have a 15 year max shelf-life at best (saline and silicone alike). My ex saw me yesterday and outright said my "boobs look terrible like deflated sunny side up eggs" so now I am, of course, even more self-conscious. They truly don't have any volume; just skin... which is why I think if he took off the excess skin which causes INSANE AMOUNTS OF WRINKLING, I would just be completely flat. It would be kinda' awesome to be totally bra free whenever I wanted, but also would be nice to fill out some cute shirts again. I'm really torn on this. Maybe the best thing to do is just hold off and gift myself in a few years as a 40th bday present if I still want them. I can roll up my boobs like a fruit roll-up. That's what they are like. LOL.

My guy does not do fat transfers. They are apparently illegal in a lot of places now because they are dangerous. I don't have anywhere to take fat from anyways. lol.

Edited by mousecat88

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Mind you, you can't tell when I am in a bra. The only time you can tell when I am clothed is if you see my cleavage... there may be an extra wrinkle there. My friend is like... don't even worry about them because you don't walk around on your knuckles like an orangutan so they don't dangle and anyone who sees you naked should appreciate you. Maybe her advice is best.

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16 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

My ex saw me yesterday and outright said my "boobs look terrible like deflated sunny side up eggs"


14 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

anyone who sees you naked should appreciate you. Maybe her advice is best.


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On 12/27/2019 at 8:50 AM, mousecat88 said:

I know a few people with implants and they were all told they basically have a 15 year max shelf-life at best (saline and silicone alike). My ex saw me yesterday and outright said my "boobs look terrible like deflated sunny side up eggs" so now I am, of course, even more self-conscious.

I do not at all understand the shelf life on implants. I mean, what are the reasons for explanation? So, it could be capsular contraction, rupture or implant illness. Capsular contraction rates are diminishing as the cause is now thought to be known (bacteria from skin surface inside the pocket) and surgeons are mitigating that risk (insertion site, new technology etc) Rupture if a big freaking deal, especially with silicone, so it's not like that will happen to most women (or else who would get implants). And implant illness is controversial in and of itself, and not common on a % basis. I feel like it's a CYA thing, so people aren't upset if they do have to explant.

But most importantly I hope you ex has forever lost the privileged to ever see your boobs again.

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7 hours ago, sillykitty said:

I do not at all understand the shelf life on implants. I mean, what are the reasons for explanation? So, it could be capsular contraction, rupture or implant illness. Capsular contraction rates are diminishing as the cause is now thought to be known (bacteria from skin surface inside the pocket) and surgeons are mitigating that risk (insertion site, new technology etc) Rupture if a big freaking deal, especially with silicone, so it's not like that will happen to most women (or else who would get implants). And implant illness is controversial in and of itself, and not common on a % basis. I feel like it's a CYA thing, so people aren't upset if they do have to explant.

But most importantly I hope you ex has forever lost the privileged to ever see your boobs again.

I know my friend said with saline there is the chance for rippling, as well. I'll do a consult on it... I'm not sure my comfort level is quite there yet.

And yes, my ex is banned from the boobies for sure. lmao.

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On 1/3/2020 at 5:09 AM, mousecat88 said:

I know my friend said with saline there is the chance for rippling, as well. I'll do a consult on it... I'm not sure my comfort level is quite there yet.

And yes, my ex is banned from the boobies for sure. lmao.

Yes, rippling is one of the cons of saline. No real way to avoid it, especially if you don't have breast tissue to camouflage it.

There is a new kind of saline implant called Ideal. It is supposed to have the safety of saline with the feel of silicone. But it is very new and unproven. Also few surgeons use/are approved to use the implant. So I'm certain you'd have to go to DC if you wanted this option.


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@mousecat88 I’m curious of any updates on your decision of augmentation. You mentioned surgery in 2020 have you had it or scheduled it? I’ve had my hesitation but ended up including plans for augmentation. Which it is weird after having breast reduction so many years ago to then have augmentation. But I never expected to be able to lose weight let alone reach this weight loss goal. There are probably details to decide when I meet the surgeon beyond the fact that it will be silicone implants. How do people decide these things. For me it’s not about looks but the fact that bras just don’t fit and they are just empty at the top and uncomfortable. I guess it feels like reconstruction of a normal person.

not that I will ever be a normal person.

Edited by Darktowerdream

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