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I decided to start a topic because I tested eating out for the second time. My mom and three of her friends wanted to go to Ichiban buffet. I’d been there before my surgery. I asked if they could mention to the server before they bring the check before we started eating to mention my card, that I had gastric bypass and request a child’s menu. It was overwhelming when I first got there so I couldn’t when I’m sensory overload. No one wanted to just ask. I dropped the issue. I wanted to test myself eating out. I still need soft foods, easy to eat things but I did a test for myself. To try. It was a Japanese buffet so they had some sashimi and they had nice cooked fish and shrimp.

breakfast I had a 5 oz cottage cheese 110 calories and 19 grams Protein, lunch I had a protein shot with tea 60 calories and 15 grams protein. I usually have 48 grams protein a day and max 400 calories average 380 for reference.

im guessing my meal at no more than 230 calories, I’ll overestimate. Maybe 5 ounces of food at most. And approximately 20 or so grams of protein.

i took a small plate of salmon sashimi maybe 3 oz at most. Approximately 128 calories, 12-13 grams protein. My cheat was to have some wasabi with tiny bits of soy sauce And ginger. I love salmon and wasabi. It was a nice treat in miniature. The salmon goes down easy compared to heavier Proteins. I had nibbles of cookes salmon and swai. I had two small soft cooked shrimp. Maybe an ounce which is about 30 calories? 6 grams protein? I ate very slow. I used chopsticks. I did allow myself a tiny cheat at the end. I knew they had a little soft desert sort of like tiramisu I took a piece, a tiny teaspoon of coffee ice cream, and some sort of eggy flan. But took nibbles with the chopsticks and then covered it with a napkin and was done.

I didn’t drink anything. I actually felt more sick trying to drink something to take medication when I got home. A few sips of Water. I worked hard to eat right but let myself have a very tiny bit of something. I felt the need to test. I’m nearly seven months out and can’t eat regular foods but sometimes we need to be able to feel like we can join other people when they eat and not be tempted. The others ate plates and plates. I ate a few ounces. But it was ok.

I got upset when they paid the bill and could have asked for mine to be a child’s portion but didn’t care to ask. I stepped away and despite my autism got up the nerve to go to the desk and mention my surgery and they would have accommodated me had they just asked when we sat down. But I wasn’t in a place to ask I rarely if ever eat out. So don’t be afraid to ask. And get the little medical card from BariatricPal you never know when a restaurant will be open to it.

will this be helpful to anyone I hope so. I made sure to eat protein first and fill up. And just a tiny taste of the coffee flavor desert that I remembered liking before surgery. Just a taste. i was worried and I am trying to do little things without stressing too hard. Just keep in mind my own personal rules and foods I can manage.

third edit. I think I am learning that due to a neurological form of dysphasia, water and thinner liquids actually make me feel more sick, thN soft easier to digest foods, it’s crazy.

Edited by Darktowerdream

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I never got one of those cards. At most restaurants, children's menus consist of things like hotdogs and chicken nuggets, so a card wouldn't be of much use there, even if the restaurant accepted it (and some don't...). Sounds like the children's options might have been decent at this place, though (??)

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I’m sorry I’m tired so I forgot to add that the card is available on the BariatricPal Store, I got it free with a purchase at some point. I think some surgeons and nutritionists offer the medical card as well (I’ve seen it mentioned here) not all restaurants honor it but it doesn’t hurt to ask. It specifies that you’ve had bariatric surgery and can only eat very small portions and requests the ability to either order a smaller portion at a regular price, an appetizer or a children’s menu item. Though the buffet was the same food options as anyone else just a children’s portion price. Not all children’s menus are just junk food. And it helps to learn to navigate restaurants for healthier options and smaller portions. I rarely eat out so don’t have much experience post op. But the card just helps show that you will eat less and hopefully be able to pay less.

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I have already eaten out a few times post op. At some places, I just nibble off my husband or daughters plate. Sometimes there is a Soup I can eat. Other times I order a healthier option meal, substituting things like rice when I can.... and then eating leftovers for the remainder of the day (or even 2 days). In the end, it all works out. That said.... I will avoid buffets at all costs. Not only is it not worth it for me to eat at them, I will be encouraging my immediate family to avoid them as well because you will always want to overeat at them.

Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

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Well ok. I just wanted to share in my perspective with autism spectrum, very limited calories and diet and that I think it’s good to face “temptation” and say no. As well as figure workarounds for my restrictions due to chronic illness. my metabolism is slower than a sloth.

And sometimes an actual nibble of something won’t hurt. If it’s a nibble or two. BUT Nibbles can add up. If you are not mindful. and I worked on that.

Mostly I wanted to mention the medical card.

I have no family. It’s just my mother and I and her friends. I had gastric bypass surgery. I eat as little carbs as possible out of necessity and very little to no sugar. I understand it’s your opinion about buffet. My pouch is very small. Aside from the salmon sashimi and two small shrimp the rest was nibbles. And the desert I nibbled with chopsticks was the least sweet there and less sugar than fruit.

im sorry your comment makes me feel I need to justify my post. Close after surgery I wanted to treat a good friend of my mother’s to Father’s Day dinner. I went and just had a drink and a few nibbles of sweet potato.

I am trying to go with my mom and her friends once in a while. They love eating out. Last time I had a couple shrimp. Just 4 ounces. You can get appetizers during happy hour. Which we missed I just took a few of my mother’s she eats less too.

But for now I know to have Protein first and make sure to have extra protein with less calories if I might eat out. But I’d never really tested it and it’s hard for me since I rarely go. I figured a buffet was a big test and I knew the place might have what I wanted. And I resisted all my old favorites from many years ago. I’d never been a buffer person ever but figured there’s way more options to get simple protein than ordering a meal. And it was where my company wanted to go.

it wasnt an expensive buffet and would have been less had my company listened to me and asked for the children’s portion price with my medical card. But I am not very good with people and had a hard time adapting to the situation more than I was the food nor was I tempted that I couldn’t resist. Soup to me is empty calories and not enough protein. I thought about it looked at it and told myself no.

buffet doesn’t mean eat it all. They had nice healthy protein options too. I only nibbled the fresh cooked fish since it didn’t sit too well. And I can still only manage soft foods. (My personal medical issues)

Maybe nibbling from plates and eating carbs or ordering “healthier option meals” works for you after sleeve. That’s great. I’m sorry your response came of condescending and assuming I overate or wanted to. I just thought my mom would like me to join in. They planned to go and I decided to try to go along.

Just because my company ate a lot did not mean I had to and for years I’ve been working on not eating something just because someone I’m with eats it ...

It’s not always about just food.

Edited by Darktowerdream

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11 minutes ago, Dafup said:

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. Write to me in PM.

Weird first post...what are you selling via PM?

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On 11/24/2019 at 07:27, momof3_angels said:

I have already eaten out a few times post op. At some places, I just nibble off my husband or daughters plate. Sometimes there is a Soup I can eat. Other times I order a healthier option meal, substituting things like rice when I can.... and then eating leftovers for the remainder of the day (or even 2 days). In the end, it all works out. That said.... I will avoid buffets at all costs. Not only is it not worth it for me to eat at them, I will be encouraging my immediate family to avoid them as well because you will always want to overeat at them.

Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

I made the same choice after I was sleeved in 2012 absolutions no buffets it’s truly a waste of money for me. If it’s any other restaurant I just ask for a two go box upfront and keep on the plate the amount I may eat. Sometimes I’m adding that to the box. The other option is to meal share. Some places charge for doing so, but most do not. With having bypass 11/21 I’ll be incorporating the same practice.

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4 hours ago, Hop_Scotch said:

4 hours ago, Dafup said:

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. Write to me in PM.

Weird first post...what are you selling via PM?

Was this comment removed? I don’t see it or who they were responding to.

I guess my posting this was a mistake.

i rarely eat out, if ever - I can’t afford to. I’ve tried to go for my mother if she asks me. They don’t eat at expensive places and I don’t go just to get a lot of food to bring back home. I was never a bring home leftovers type of person. Each person has their own way of doing things and their own dietary restrictions. I just happened to end up at a buffet but it would have only been around $6.99 for a kids portion. Yeah I was upset about the price and the fact that my company didn’t care to ask about a kids portion but everyone seems to have the mindset buffet means eat more than you paid for or it’s not worth it because you can’t bring it home.

the next time I went out was thanksgiving, I go where the other people with me want to. And that was a disaster for me. I went into sensory overload from the crowds and lack of options on the menu,

I should have just talked about the medical card to get kids portions or a smaller portion of a regular meal for a lower price, not all places let adults get kids portions. But some do. I guess it doesn’t matter, I think I should not have posted this. I have my own personal issues with this subject of going out to eat while others just do it regularly.

I will stop posting my own topic, and maybe will see how to remove this.

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55 minutes ago, Darktowerdream said:

should have just talked about the medical card to get kids portions or a smaller portion of a regular meal for a lower price, not all places let adults get kids portions. But some do. I guess it doesn’t matter, I think I should not have posted this. I have my own personal issues with this subject of going out to eat while others just do it regularly.

I will stop posting my own topic, and maybe will see how to remove this.

Hug’s. Please don’t stop posting.

It must be hard trying to decipher responses to posts. People won’t always know that you are dealing with autism when they respond to you. Once people get to know you, they will be more aware of your situation.

Great job on your first-time navigating restaurants. It gets easier over time. The cards are a great option for small portions. If a restaurant doesn’t offer small portions, take home a box for no cook smaller meals later. You are right, can’t take home food from a buffet.

Safe bet is to order a Protein. Ask to swap veggies for the carbs and sugar.

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On 12/03/2019 at 09:22, Darktowerdream said:

Weird first post...what are you selling via PM?

Was this comment removed? I don’t see it or who they were responding to.

I guess my posting this was a mistake.

i rarely eat out, if ever - I can’t afford to. I’ve tried to go for my mother if she asks me. They don’t eat at expensive places and I don’t go just to get a lot of food to bring back home. I was never a bring home leftovers type of person. Each person has their own way of doing things and their own dietary restrictions. I just happened to end up at a buffet but it would have only been around $6.99 for a kids portion. Yeah I was upset about the price and the fact that my company didn’t care to ask about a kids portion but everyone seems to have the mindset buffet means eat more than you paid for or it’s not worth it because you can’t bring it home.

the next time I went out was thanksgiving, I go where the other people with me want to. And that was a disaster for me. I went into sensory overload from the crowds and lack of options on the menu,

I should have just talked about the medical card to get kids portions or a smaller portion of a regular meal for a lower price, not all places let adults get kids portions. But some do. I guess it doesn’t matter, I think I should not have posted this. I have my own personal issues with this subject of going out to eat while others just do it regularly.

I will stop posting my own topic, and maybe will see how to remove this.

I believe that post was spam. Definitely keep posting you never know who you’re inspiring with what you’re going through. Not every post is worthy of a response from you, and there will be several more people’s opinions of which you don’t agree with.

Have you spoken with your family with how you feel about going to the different restaurants? Maybe have your meal before you go with them if possible.

Best wishes to you but you seem like you’re learning to navigate it pretty well.

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Please don't remove your post or stop posting. The post that was removed wasn't replying to any particular post, it was spam.

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I fell off the map. I’ve been feeling unwell to say the least. I think what bothered me about answers is that no matter what I do, even before surgery, eating out will always be a challenge, not just about food although how limited options can overwhelm is an issue but not being able to navigate socially without assistance puts a kink in it. While others do it all casually without thought. I accept I’m not normal, it’s just an issue when sensory processing disorder makes being out publicly a hardship, and oddities like I can’t bring home leftovers without triggering my ocd doesn’t help. Ah well. I fumble and fall even trying to write something online.

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I actually enjoy reading this thread. Hopefully it is a little easier for you to post and say what is on your mind here than it would be face to face.

I haven’t had the opportunity come up yet to go to a buffet but, I think that if I were going out to eat with others that wanted buffet, I would absolutely go. I would try to use my card for child portion but either way I would go.

I hope that this thread continues.

Gentle ((( hugs))) to you.

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I've actually gone out to eat multiple times with my wife since the surgery. Usually I just get something small, or I eat a third to half the meal and bring the rest home. Soup usually is my go-to. If the restaurant has chili, I get that.

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At chinese restaurants I can get a bowl of egg drop Soup. At IHOP or diners I can get an egg or two. At mexican places I can get a taco and just eat the inside stuff, ignoring the tortilla shell. I like smoothies but be careful with them because Tropical Smoothie's are very high carb but smoothie King has Fit and Trim options that are about 200 calories and have Protein.

I can also eat some meat off of my husband's plate.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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