Edited to add: I double posted this in the Maintenance Thread cuz I thought it would be appropriate there... OK, so I noticed a behavioural pattern in me that I sort of see in others as well, based on their posts/comments/etc that I have read. So I remember when I was at 127 lbs I was of the opinion that I was way too small and was adamant I did not want to lose any more, and I wanted to maintain in the 125-130 range. Then I got under 125. Something in me changed and I mentally switched my maintain range to 120-125. During my attempts to transition into maintenance, I got under 120. Not surprisingly, my chosen maintain range became 115-120. If I got near too near 120, I would buckle down to get closer to 117.5 Fast forward to today and for some reason or another, I got under 115. I've been under 115 for about a month now. Now even though I am now 10-15 lbs below what I thought was too small way back then, I find myself getting lowkey concerned when I get closer to 115! I mean, for the past couple days I have been like 3-4 ounces within 115 and I find myself watching my food choices more closely. Its as if each new 5 lbs loss increment becomes the new standard (despite it being intentional or not) that I have to defend. Now don't get me wrong, I am very pleased with how I look and feel these days, and don't feel I need to lose nor gain any weight. Right now this is just an observation that *may* be a concern *if* I get under 110 or 105 (which honestly I think is very unlikely). I just sorta wonder sometimes if I would feel the need defend a 100-105 range if I ever got there? I dunno. We'll cross that bridge if we ever come to it. In the meantime, whoo-hoo, LOL