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Bariatric Report Card - How do you rate yourself

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I am 4.5 months out and down 95lbs and I have been thinking a lot lately about my progress. I started to think about how I would assess myself over the various key areas that will result in successful weight loss post surgery. Feel free to add your own major categories.

Daily Water intake B. Still room for improvement but on target atleast 5 days a week

Daily Protein intake A. Consistent here with very few slip ups

food choice C. I still have too many sugars, starches, and processed foods

Portion Control A+. I could not be happier with this respect

Mindful eating C. I eat slower but my meals do not take 20 minutes. I dont focus on eating extra well because I have not had issues with digestion

Exercise F. I still maintain the same level of activity I did at my highest weight

Vitamins D. I always seem to forget these on the weekends

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Daily Water intake = B+ : I get Water from many sources and feel confident in my levels

Daily Protein intake = B- : I don't focus *heavily* on Protein and likely never will

Food choice = A+ : I love making substitutes for things that are commonly off the list

Flexibility = A++ : I don't need to be perfect, just consistent and sustainable. I value my happiness apart and in addition to my weight. Sometimes i NEED a cheat day (chocolate)

Portion Control = B+ : I believe I eat what is a proper amount for *me* not necessarily what is expected.

Mindful eating = B+ : I really do try to think about my choices in the moment and the big picture.

Exercise = D : I am also at the same level of. exercise/gyming I did at my highest weight - almost none but I love at home mild exercises & walking has increased substantially and my team counts it as exercise 😍

Vitamins = A++ : I have fun (gummy) and business Vitamins (pills) to break up the monotony. This makes it easier for me to stick to the regime

Self image = B : Dysmorphia is a *****. I still sometimes see myself as heavier than I am, especially if bloated. Luckily cameras, clothing and other people talk me off the ledge. My confidence oddly enough was never a factor at any weight 😳

Mental Health = B+ : I don't think im struggling with anything i havent addressed already/in progress of fixing 😍

Relationships = C : Generally they are fine but my tolerance for BS is way down and i don't let people get away with **** anymore, like no one - not even strangers. *I could use more patience instead of viewing the world from such a critical/cynical eye.* Working on it !

Self care = C : I need to really work on this in during the remainder of this year and slip into 2020 with a better regime.

Great post ! Thanks for creating it 💗

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I think this is a pretty good idea for people who are in any part of the process to see how folks further along are doing vs what they are supposed to do and seeing their progress measured against it. I'll play along too, thanks Brent

Water - A - I get at least a gallon a day

Protein - B - I get to about 80 or more most days, but I could do better

food Choice - B - I have completely cut out complex carbs and processed foods, but I do indulge in the occasional simple carb, I'm human...

Portion Control - A - no choice here due to the surgery

Mindful Eating - D - I still eat too fast, it's a 40+ year old habit to break

Exercise - B - I work out 6 days a week with both cardio and strength training. Since I added strength training, I'm not seeing as much loose skin as I used to, but the weight loss has slowed, but I think that's good since muscle weighs more than fat

Vitamins - A - I never miss them

Again, great idea, thanks

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Daily Water intake = A+ : I get 100+ oz of fluids per day from all liquid sources

Daily Protein intake = A I get exactly what I target per day cuz I pre-plan my day of food based on what I know I will be eating.

Food choice = A+ I adore my KISS meals that we eat about 80% of the time. I crave clean food and love how I feel after making great choices, whether that's eating in or eating out.

Flexibility = A+ I never plan for cheating. I think we're human. And no one can be a 100% perfect ever. So the cheats take care of themselves. Cheats happen. So no need to plan an organized one. But when a cheat does happen, then I go with the flow and enjoy the hedonistic pleasure of it all. When it's done, I don't beat myself up. I just get back to TCB.

Portion Control = B+ I still struggle with the concept of whether I should be eating to my pouch volume, or staying at my doc's and RD's prescription for me. I know I have a larger capacity and could eat more than most people here. I just don't let myself do that very often. And the times I do eat 1 1/2-2cups of food (mostly with salad or veggies), then I feel guilty even though it's all legal and healthy food. I don't want to stretch my pouch or injure my stoma.

Mindful eating = B+ : I really do try to think about my choices in the moment and the big picture. I also try hard to make mindful selections. But I need improvement in savoring each bite and slowing things down.

Exercise = A+ I feel very proud of my daily exercise habit and am starting to use bands for toning and doing quit HIIT routines which will help me build muscle.

Vitamins = A+ I'm very programatic and have my times down for when I take daily vits.

Self image = C- Dysmorphia is a *****. I see myself as heavier than I am, especially if bloated and not poopin like a princess. The dysmorphia really forks with my self-esteem. But I am doing serious head work on this and I have a great support system that is helping me improve.

Mental Health = A I feel very strong and healthy and happy. So blessed and thankful/grateful to live this new life. What's not to love.

Relationships = A I feel that my relationship with Mr. F continues to grow and evolve in love and respect. Family and friend relationships have continued to be stable and happy.

Self care = A I may have swung too far in the self-care department. Ha! Trying to not think of myself and care so much. I have been focused on losing for 3 years super-intensely and in healing. Now I'm focusing on how I look. Now that I'm in maintenance, it's time to turn my focus outward toward helping others.

Love the post!!

Edited by FluffyChix

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Love games!

5'2" female, 10 months post-op, in maintenance:

Water: A+

  • Water is easy for me, I loved drinking water before surgery, and still do. My water bottle is an appendage to my arm.

Protein: A

  • I used to have to supplement with a Protein Shake regularly, then occasionally, now only rarely. But I basically always meet/exceed my requirement.

Food Choices: B+

  • I'm mostly on track to eat nutritiously, but am known to indulge once in a while (but only once I got into maintenance)

Portion Control: C+

  • I am not as vigilant in pre-portioning my food as I used to, so there are times here and there that I eat too much, and get rewarded with foamies/barfies.

Mindful Eating: C+

  • (See Portion Control above). I find that this is an issue especially when socializing.

Exercise: A

  • I've been really good about getting some sort of exercise in every day. The majority of the time it is planned/dedicated run/workout/class, but even if I don't do any of those, I'll be doing something that gets me off my ass and moving.

Vitamins: A+

  • Never miss them.

Self Image: A

  • I am so full of myself its disgusting.

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Well, I am only 12 days out, but figured I would jump in and it might be good for me to see my starting point later!

Daily Water intake C+ There are days I am getting all of my fluids in, but that is with counting Protein shakes/broth/soups. I get in at least 32oz every day of actual Water. Some days are better than others. I had to give up using my hydroflask that I love because it wasn't giving me feedback on where I should be... so I bought two water bottles that have time markes on them. Today is the first day with one, so hoping it helps!

Daily Protein intake B The days I do 2 Protein Shakes I have no problem with this. The days I try to eat real protein (eggs and such since I am still pureed) instead of the second shake I don't make it.

Food choice N/A I am on purees. I don't get to pick good nutritious foods quite yet!

Flexibility N/A Too early to really rate

Portion Control Don't know? Am I drinking too much water/protein shake/broth/soup at one time? Seems I can get in up to 4 oz fairly fast. But solid foods? Wasting a lot of my already small portions lol. If my doc doesn't have answers for me today, I see the nutritionist in a couple weeks.

Mindful eating C I am trying to chew chew chew but there isn't enough food to chew to chew 2-+ times and it is hard to eat slow when there isn't much to chew?

Exercise D I am still tired. I walk around the house plenty, but am not getting out of the house to walk enough. When I do walk, I am going to big stores so I can hold a shopping cart in case I get unsteady, and when I am done, I am totally wiped out. But... steadily improving. The other day I went to 2 stores just to walk. But it is too hot to just walk around my neighborhood and I can't quite get myself onto my treadmill just yet.

Vitamins B I have no problems taking them, but I occasionally forget whether or not I took them. My reminders on my phone aren't doing their job lol

Self image B I am a lower BMI sleever, I hate my body, but most of the time I don't worry about it too much, if you know what I mean? I just did this because I keep getting bigger and I wanted to reverse it before it gets worse.

Mental Health A I am doing OK here. Though my husband thinks I was crazy to do the "elective" surgery. Oh well. I did it, he has to get over it!

Relationships B No better or worse than before. Only my husband and daughter and a few close work friends know what I had done. I am sure the rumor mill has started at work. Not worrying about it. Haven't told my sons that don't live at home, I will tell them when I see them probably. I just didn't want them to A) worry needlessly or B) spill the Beans to the rest of my extended family whom I don't want to know. We are pretty isolated from family here, so no need for people who live hundreds/thousands of miles to know anything!

Self care B Doing OK, but I need to get the energy to start a workout regimen. Hoping to go back to pilates which I love, but abdomen isn't ready yet. I had gotten heavy enough that I couldn't do it for a while. Need to get a walking routine in. One that doesn't involve hanging on shopping carts (just about ready). I do think I am going to take more time off of work so I can focus on me and developing good habits before going back. I have the sick time, may as well use some of it!

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@FluffyChix if you can conquer all the hurdles with psychical and psychological food addiction I have no doubt you will be able to conquer your self doubt. Your accomplishments are outstanding but I sense you will always be your own biggest critic.

This is really awesome to see perspective on what others are struggling with. For me the hardest to fix is going to be food choice, the surgery did not chance my taste buds very much. I still eat all the crap I used to eat just much much less. Water, Protein, and Vitamins should all be easy to work on it just requires developing the habit.

Self image A+. This was never an issue for me the only thing ever holding me back in life was my weight. Even at my heaviest I was always quite confident. I expect this to continue to get better and better.

Exercise same issues as before my schedule is still the limiting factor more than anything... after a 14 hour day the last thing I have on my mind is exercising so I know I have to do it before or during my day because its never going to happen at the end of the day.

Thanks everyone and hope to read more!

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3 minutes ago, Brent701 said:

Exercise same issues as before my schedule is still the limiting factor more than anything... after a 14 hour day the last thing I have on my mind is exercising so I know I have to do it before or during my day because its never going to happen at the end of the day.

Absolutely. This is me. For that reason, I made a pact with myself and Mr. F. that no matter the day, our day starts early enough to get 30-45 minutes or an hour of exercise in and done for the day. That way, there is no guilt if we're beat. But if we can do an extra 15-30 minutes after dinner, then it's a bonus day. Takes a lot of pressure off too to do it when you're fresh and have the most energy.

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4 hours ago, Brent701 said:

I am 4.5 months out and down 95lbs and I have been thinking a lot lately about my progress. I started to think about how I would assess myself over the various key areas that will result in successful weight loss post surgery. Feel free to add your own major categories.

Daily Water intake B. Still room for improvement but on target atleast 5 days a week

Daily Protein intake A. Consistent here with very few slip ups

food choice C. I still have too many sugars, starches, and processed foods

Portion Control A+. I could not be happier with this respect

Mindful eating C. I eat slower but my meals do not take 20 minutes. I dont focus on eating extra well because I have not had issues with digestion

Exercise F. I still maintain the same level of activity I did at my highest weight

Vitamins D. I always seem to forget these on the weekends

4.5 and 95lbs down is fantastic. We are all a work in progress. Your report card idea is a great.

  • Daily Water intake: A. I’m amazed at how much I can drink years out.
  • Daily Protein intake: A. I easily hit my goal with real food. I stopped drinking Protein Shakes years ago.
  • food choice: B. I’m maintaining, I eat mainly healthy out of habit. I can indulge within reason.
  • Portion Control: IDK - -Years out, my sleeve can hold more food. I don’t deprive that extra space. I can fill it and stay within my maintaining calories.
  • Food Flexibility: A. Weight loss phase: I stayed on plan with a few minor slips. Maintenance phase: I eat mainly healthy and indulge within reason. I have time I take breaks, and nothing is off limits.
  • Mindful eating: C. I eat fast when I’m on the run. I enjoy sit down meals and take my time. I don’t pay attention to chewing things to a pulp anymore.
  • Exercise A – It has become habit
  • Vitamins:–Per my family physician, I take regular Vitamins. My labs are fine.(dont do as I do)
  • Maintaining Weight- A : Maintaining five years out. ....So far so good.

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7 weeks out 36lbs lost

Daily Water intake = C- : I was doing really great with my Water intake, then I got sick and dehydrated still struggling to get enough now. It is very hard for me to drink for some reason.

Daily Protein intake = C : Again before I got sick I was 2 Protein Shakes a day easy. Now I struggle to get one down, I'm slowly getting better now that I can get more Protein from food- I have issues drinking, but noe with eating.

Food choice = B : I am very mindful of what I am eating. It is hard I am avoiding cravings daily-been craving McDonald's fries since 2 weeks out. I have NOT given in.

Portion Control = A+ : I eat very small portions, I go by what my ounces should look like. I haven't overdone it yet.

Mindful eating = B+ : I try hard to pay attention to it while I am eating. I don't always get it to applesauce consistency but I make sure I chew a lot and I eat very slow most of the time. I am shocked at how quick this part has come to me

Exercise = F : I am at little to no exercise. Sadly my back pain has increased since surgery, and I have not had an injection since before surgery so even walking is very hard. Today I did some "bike riding" in my neighbors pool and I am getting an injection tomorrow along with a refill of my pain meds. Hopefully this will help a lot.

Vitamins = C : I do not know why it is so hard for me to remember to take my Vitamins and Calcium. They are right there with the meds I take everyday. I need to work a lot harder on them

Self image = D : Dysmorphia is a *****. I have a very hard time with this. I can not see a change at all. I know I am smaller and have lost inches, just when I look at myself I still see pre-surgery me. Thankfully my family and friends make sure they tell me the changes they see.

Mental Health = B My mental health hasn't changed much. I'm maintaining which is as good as I can hope.

Relationships = A+ : My family and friends are amazing. My friends often tell me the changes they see and when we are going out to lunch or dinner together are always very mindful of my dietary needs when they pick the places we go. (Our daughters are competitive gymnasts we always go out to eat after a meet) My hubby was deployed when I had surgery and lost weight. Now he is more mindful of portions using smaller plates etc. He also will not bring fast food home which helps me a lot because again-craving fries lol

Self care = C : I need to really work on this in during the remainder of this year and slip into 2020 with a better regime.

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Almost 2 months post op :):

Daily Water intake D = This have been a main focus of mine recently. I've been getting about 32 oz of Water in but these past few days I've increased it to 50 oz. Its still not good enough though. I'm not sure why I'm struggling with it. I'm just not that thirsty. Before surgery, all I drank was water and it was well over 100 oz. Maybe because I was eating so damn much? lol

Daily Protein intake B+ = Since I've started eating food this has not been a problem. When I feel I'm getting full, I make sure I finish the Protein first before anything else on my plate. There are days though where i come up a bit short but its rare.

Food choice A+ = I never had a huge problem with this before surgery. I don't like junk/fried foods, never ate anything really processed (frozen and canned foods make me sick and gross me out) I'm not a sweets person (rejecting cake, pastries etc. was/is easy .... except pumpkin pie.... I'll never reject pumpkin pie lol), and I never drank my calories (not crazy for soda, stayed away from sugary/store bought drinks). My problem was overeating as well as eating lots and lots of meat and carbs like rice, Pasta and potatoes. My food would consist of a mountain of white rice, like 5 pieces of chicken or some other kind of meat, and tons potatoes with a salad. If I ate out, for example at a Mexican restaurant, Id eat like 8 tacos and a large bowl of Pozole Soup. Since surgery I've been doing good. I'm physically forced to eat less and since I'm not allowed rice, pasta, and etc,. its easy to ignore. I've been eating lean protein these days.

Portion Control B+ = I'm still early in my journey so I cant fit much in. I don't give myself an A because I feel like I'm not eating enough. This morning for Breakfast I had 3 boiled quail eggs and I was stuffed.

Mindful eating A = This surgery has given me a lot of new habits. One of these habits happen to be planning my meals ahead so that I always bring breakfast & lunch to work as well as planning my protein out. I've also gotten addicted to tracking every meal. I'm macro obsessed now.

Exercise F = I don't get much physical activity in since I'm sitting in front of a computer all day at work. I also hate exercising and I'm too self conscious to go to the gym. I need to work on this ASAP. The only exercise I get is walking around the house, stores, and playing Just Dance on the Nintendo Switch. A treadmill is on my Christmas list.

Vitamins B = I've been good with this but sometimes I forget. My phone reminders have been helpful.

Self image C = I still hate looking at myself in the mirror and avoid pictures even though I feel a difference in my clothes. Hopefully this gets better as the weight comes off.

Mental Health A = I'm doing better than ever! I actually feel hopeful, motivated and determined. I'm proud of myself for deciding to do something about my weight and actually taking action.

Relationships B = As far as friends and extended family no one knows so all's the same with them. My relationship with my boyfriend has improved though. We are doing more as a couple because I actually want to go out now instead of hiding in the house. My younger siblings are excited about my journey and have been pushing me everyday.

Self care C+ = Im starting to care about what I look like when I go out. There's room for improvement though.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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