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Customer Service is no more!!!

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Well, I am going to give my 2 cents and then give an example of a recent experience that I am still dealing with.

I have worked customer service most of my adult life. I have work for retail at Wal-Mart at the service desk and as one of the front end managers and currently co-manage a customer service call center for a mortgage company. So face to face and over the phone customer service. I have also been on the phones as a customer service rep for several years before being in management. I will reiterate what someone already posted, the customer is not always right. I occasionally get calls escelated to me and when I go review the innitial call, many times what the customer says happened never did. Also, if a customer is requesting something that can not be done, as much as I would like to, I can't. Maybe this is a bigger deal in my industry when it come to mortgages and escrow. Also, the way some people come across is downright awefull. While I never condone my agents to come down to the level of a rude customer (something that is unacceptable to me), but I can see how that can happen. Its hard not to take things personal when being yelled at and cursed at. I promise if you are upset over a certain situation, the key is to remain firm, but courtious and flexible to comprimise.

I had a perfect example this last weekend. Our oven went out on Monday before Thanksgiving. My family was coming in town over the weekend for a belated Thanksgiving get together on Saturday. My wife went to Sears and bought a new one and it was to be delivered on Friday. They arrived on time and while they were carrying it in the house, they broke the glass door. They told my wife they could not get another one delivered until the following Friday. This was a major problem since we had bought food to cook for my family. I call Sears and after being transfered several times, got to the right department. I remained calm, professional, but firm that I needed resolution. She was nice a I felt sincerly appoligetic, but said next day delivery could not happen. Not enought ime. I thanked her for her time and politely asked for a supervisor. The supervisor was great and really tried to get it done for me. After 45 minutes on the phone with her, they could not get one out because the wherehouse did not have one in stock and was on order. I politely explained that if I could not get the oven delivered by the next morning, I would have to take the 10 of us out to dinner because we couldn't cook, due to their error. I estimated it would cost $150 to $200. After checking with her boss, she said that would be no problem, they would re-imburse me for dinner if they could not find an oven for us. I think that is great customer service under a bad situation. She even called me back about 30 minutes later to say they found one at another store in a different color and wanted to know if that would work (which it didn't). I could have yelled and bitched and demanded that we get an oven or else, but I think I would not have recieved any compensation. I know when I get a call, I am so much more willing to help out a nice person, but a rude person won't get jack from me.

Good outcome!

So, as a person who understands customer service, what should I have done? I was like you said to be - firm, courteous, polite, but they were so obviously enjoying it. It was getting very frustrating. That's when I started to lose it, I admit. There's nothing I hate worse than someone saying "I apologize" in a very condescending, non-apologetic, I'd say almost sarcastic tone over and over again. It was like they knew they had the power and were having a power trip. They really had me between a rock and a hard place and I had nowhere to go. What would you have done if it happened to you? :(

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Hah! Hey lindata, I am another Canuck. I know about Publix because my parents used to be snowbirds.

Hey Green. Where ya from?

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Sometimes, you just can't win. It doesn't matter how nice you are, they have a bug up their a$$ and they just aren't gonna be helpful. At least your hubby got a better response.

I don't know how it is now, or if it's different in Canada, but a number of years ago when my mom was going to start an online retail business, the law was that you had to ship the product within 3 days of charging someone's credit card. If the product was on hold or whatever, you couldn't charge them for it until it was ready to go out. Maybe you should look into that and file a complaint after you get your books?

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Oops, I had more, heh...

Having been on the customer service rep side of things, I have to agree with the side that says the customer isn't always right. But there's lines to that. When I worked in a coffee shop and took someone's order, and they said it was wrong when I KNEW it was right, it didn't hurt me to just dump the coffee and start a new one and offer them an apology. It was just easier that way.

Phone customer service is a little different. Especially when you have people who are asking the impossible, KNOW they are asking the impossible, and just being really mean about it!

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Good outcome!

So, as a person who understands customer service, what should I have done? I was like you said to be - firm, courteous, polite, but they were so obviously enjoying it. It was getting very frustrating. That's when I started to lose it, I admit. There's nothing I hate worse than someone saying "I apologize" in a very condescending, non-apologetic, I'd say almost sarcastic tone over and over again. It was like they knew they had the power and were having a power trip. They really had me between a rock and a hard place and I had nowhere to go. What would you have done if it happened to you? :(

I don't know if there is anything more you could have done. Like someone else said, sometime you just can't win. There are those who do not have good customer service skills. I was just posting to give you hope, that there is still good customer service available ;)

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When I mentioned the old "customer is always right" thing from my High School days at KMart, I did not mean it quite as literally as it sounds. But that WAS their policy. For us peons working the floor, if a customer was unhappy with our service, our product or response, we were to never argue, and to get them a manager, who was trained to right the situation, and hopefully keep everyone happy.

Now these days, it takes an act of congress sometimes to simply get a supervisor or manager---and in some places, even then you are left with someone who simply cannot grasp simple issues.

Example--My oldest DD is on a family plan on our cell phone contract. It has been this way for over 4 years, with Alltel. Each month we each write a check, with account numbers on them, put them in the envelope together and mail it. No problems. But about 6 months ago, I got a call saying my payment was late. I was sooo mad at her, I had give it to her to mail. She assured me she did, I figured she had dilly-dallied, so let it ride. Then she called me from work a few days later, and our phones had been cut off. So I went on line to my bank, and sure enough both Mays payment which they said they never received, and now Junes had cleared. I had my DD check hers, and yes, both of hers were through as well. So we go to the bank, get copies, and go to Alltel. They refused to talk to us, because the account is in DH's name--although I am authorized---they refuse to do anything. So we call, and here comes DH. They look over the papers, and actually ask me where the money was credited then? We went through 4 people at the local office, and they spoke with countless others on the phone--finally agreeing to investigate the account, and to turn our service back on---for $35.00! I refused that! As I pointed out to them, the May payment was due on May 19th, our checks cleared the bank on the 11th. Junes payment was due on the 20th and our checks cleared on the 8th & 10th or something like that, I had NEVER been late even, let alone default a payment, why should I have to pay to have the service restored? So eventually--literally 3.5 hours from when we entered the store, they agreed to turn on our phones, and not charge us and investigate the account. They wanted to keep my paperwork---nope, make copies for yourself. The copy machine was broke. Then she tells me, that ANY action will renew my contract! I was finished with the untrained, idiots at my local office, and left. About 3 days go by, and a rep called me, and it was all settled. I explained all the crap, I had locally, and ask about the contract extension---she said it IS common practice, but not in this case. She set the remainder of my contract at a local plan price for the national freedom plan--and it has been billed as such ever since.

The problem is these companies hire people on, give them a job with power, and as lindata said they go on a power trip--and love holding something over you! This girl in our local office did not care that I had proof the account was paid, she was NOT authorizing reinstatement until she knew where the money went. I personally did not care, that was not my job---I did mine, I paid my bill!

I have dealt with many people as a business owner through the years, that did not want to pay a bill. But I simply could not fathom the non acceptance of this when proof is sitting in black and white right in front of your face!

At one point she actually told my DD that sometimes "they" don't get how things are done now, with everything being electronic, and computerized. She was all of maybe 22 years old....the "they" were me and my old husband!!!

BUT when finally speaking with someone with actual knowledge, it was settled in less than 10 minutes and amends made. It just took serious time, and effort to find the person that could handle it!


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Sears is actually pretty good about helping out.. it makes me wonder just how much stuff is marked up heh heh.

We bought a refrigerator & washer & dryer from them in June... We live out of the city they're in (so no city tax), but, we live technically in another county (on County Line road.. so it's literally a 2 lane road that keeps us from being in the same county).. so it was something like 8% extra taxes + additional delivery fee for them to bring it just across those 2 lanes.. My parents live on the other side of the 2 lanes about 2 miles down the road..so we explained to them, and said.. hey, just deliver to them and we'll go pick it up, it's literally across the street.. so the guy put in their zip code, but our address and saved us all that money.

Then, when they delivered the washer & dryer.. they dented the dryer by dropping it in the truck.. so the guy told me they can bring another, or I can take it and get a discount. I couldn't even find the dent till he pointed it out to me. So I said we'll keep it. So I called Sears to talk about a discount, and he just goes "how much do you want?". I was just.. stunned. So I said uh.. $100? I have no idea what a dent is worth. He said "How about $60?" and then I said.. "How about $80?".. done! They're nice at the one out here, I always like going by. My only qualm is they have been screwing up my CC with them lately. Everytime we buy from them, we get the 1 year no interest/6 months no payments or whatever. We always time it to be paid off a month early 'just in case'. Well all of a sudden I'm getting interest on $1,600.. not sure why, called, they fixed it.. next billing, same thing.. Called, they said they fixed it, and refunded the 3 interest charges.. this month's bill came, it's still there. I haven't called yet, I'm waiting to see if it'll go away by next billing period. The store= Awesome... the CC= not so much.

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I don't know if there is anything more you could have done. Like someone else said, sometime you just can't win. There are those who do not have good customer service skills. I was just posting to give you hope, that there is still good customer service available :)

Oh, I know. I've had some very positive customer service things happen as well - this is just one negative that I had to get off my chest. :biggrin1: Sometimes when I'm in a store the clerks seem surprised at how nice I am if mistakes happen - I AM a very easygoing person usually. Really! haha:D

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Hey Green. Where ya from?

Haha. Toronto, downtown TO, the city which all Canucks love to hate. *blushes from Green, eh.* Where ya from?

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Sears used to be up here as an affiliate of another old time Canadian company but now they are here on their own. They used to have, and may still have, a fabulous scratch and dent depot where one could buy household appliances at a very generous discount.

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Don't hate me - I'm from the west - Saskatoon. :) I've been to Toronto only once for a wedding but didn't get to see much of it. We saw a Blue Jays game and went shopping downtown, and THAT's IT! argghhh, I hate visiting a place and not seeing anything of it.

Haha. Toronto, downtown TO, the city which all Canucks love to hate. *blushes from Green, eh.* Where ya from?

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When I mentioned the old "customer is always right" thing from my High School days at KMart, I did not mean it quite as literally as it sounds. But that WAS their policy.

I agree -- I think I used it also, and know that there are exceptions. ALWAYS. I worked a job once, that was very near customer service, in that the only time I saw people was when they had a problem. If I could fix it, I was their new best friend. If I couldn't fix it, they didn't know what I was being paid for. More than once I cracked off, "If you knew WHAT they were paying me, you'd know why I'm not able to help you!" (Someone with more training and skill would cost three times what I did!)

My son, daughter and both their spouses worked at Whole Foods supermarkets. They weren't always happy with how they were treated as employees...but they DO respect the level of Customer Service that that company stressed and my DD, especially, gets HIGHLY upset when she's dealt with poorly as a customer.

But employers are a large part of the problem.....they don't treat their employees well enough to make them WANT to stay and progress in their skills and experience. Where's the motivation to do an excellent job if you know full well you could get replaced tomorrow by someone willing to accept minimum wage.

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Ooh, can I bitch about my bad customer service experiences? :P Actually I don't have that many complaints. I do not tolerate bad service. If I'm receiving bad service, I will no longer deal with the person, I will escalate until I get the resolution I'm after. Problem solved. My husband dreads confrontation and will not do this at all, hence it all becomes my job.

CHEM-LAWN. We used to contract them for our lawn treatments. The first two or three treatments were fine. The fourth, we came home and found the chemicals sprayed all over our house. Not just a little overspray, but 80% of our foundation/house up as far as 3 - 4 feet from the ground covered. Our house was newly painted and we had asked them to postpone the service for 2 weeks to ensure the paint had dried. So yeah, our new paint is stained. They had also sprayed a no-grass planting area I had ("island" in the back yard filled with river rock, holds some decorative trees, bordbath, etc.) - figured no harm done, but two days later everything in it was dead including two $$$$ ornamental trees. When I called them the only offer I could get was a free treatment. The total opposite of what I wanted. So I cancelled my service, and had to deal with no fewer than 50 (I'm serious) follow-up/solicitation calls, and then every time management changed over, they would start up again. I STILL get calls/mails from them, and this happened probably 7 years ago.

AOL. Holy moley, ever try to cancel service with them? I attend classes online and our cable was out, so we had no internet but I needed to post an assignment. So I ran out and got one of their free 30 day trial disks, used exactly 4 minuntes of the free trial. The call to cancel the service took at least 45 minutes, and I did lose my cool... I ended up telling the person they really needed to stop talking and just cancel the $^#&% subscription. "I want to cancel my service." "Can I ask why?" "No, just cancel it please." "I cannot cancel without a reason." "I don't want the service." "That's not a valid reason." .... "Look, can you cancel it or do I need to talk to someone else?" "I can cancel it, but first let me tell you about a new promotion..."

I had rude service at Hobby Lobby once. When the icicle lights first came out I bought some there. $20 per box. Then at Sears I found them for $8 a box, each box having twice as many lights. So I took the first ones back. When the lady asked me the reason for bringing them back, I told her I found a more competitive price. She scoffed at me, rolled her eyes, and said "You seriously expect me to accept that reason? You're cheap isn't a reason for us to take back your merchandise, so I don't understand what you're saying." So I just kind of looked at her and said "How about : More lights. Less money. Can you understand that?" When I was walking away (after getting my refund) she called over a coworker. I heard her saying something and thought she might be talked to me, so I turned around, and she was talking quietly to the other lady, pointing at me. I confronted her about it and it wasn't pretty. That was one of only about 3 times I have actually called somewhere after my experience to make a complaint. Very, very few things will trigger my temper instantly. With most things it's a long process that gets a giant snowball rolling - as in, it takes a lot more me to lose my temper, but once I do, you better watch out because my tongue will slash you like you wouldn't think possible.

Oh, a little out of nowhere Sears story, since they've come up a few times. When we buikt our house we bought our garage door openers there. They were advertised... I don't know, let's say $300 each. In the store they were marked $380 each. So I grabbed one of the ads, showed them the price, and they said it was a misprint BUT that their policy was to sell things for the advertised price. About a year later we were looking at Water softeners and I saw they had one on and end cap marked for something insanely cheap, like $140 for a top-of-the-line model that probably should have been $600 or $700. I figured it was an end of year model sale. So I took one over and it rang up at the $700 price. I told the guy no, I was only paying $140 for it. Long story short, something else had been there, and they forgot to change the price when they put the softeners there. It was a bit of a struggle, and ended up with a manager telling her people "if that sign isn't changed in the next 5 seconds someone is fired" but they did give it to me for the advertised price. :)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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