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Albany GA bandsters - speak up...

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Yay!!! I'm being banded on Friday by Dr. B and I am VERY excited! I am about to D.I.E. on this SugarBusters! diet, but I know that it will help in the long run. Everyone at the office has been so so nice to me thus far and even the hospital staff was nice! I can hardly wait until Friday...I find out my time on Thurs between 1pm and 3pm...but think it's gonna be afternoon, which is really gonna to be good cuz I don't wanna wait and I am prolly gonna start phsycing my self out if I have to wait too long.

This whole process has been rather short for me...I began considering my options beginning of 2009. I attended some support groups and also a seminar and didn't really decide to do it until the seminar in January 2010. I had my first consulatation the following week and then my pre-op was at the end of February...and now here I am 2 days before surgery and FREAKING OUT!

What if it hurts? What if I don't loose weight? What is something goes wrong? What if my liver isn't small enough and he doesn't do the surgery? What if I don't wake up afterwards...all of these things are going through my head. I know the positives and negatives and that's what I used to make my VERY informed decision to do the surgery...but I am still a worry wart and I DON'T like hospitals lol! In fact I was so freaked out that I have forgotten my instructions on how to get to the out patient surgical station on the second floor! I remember the lady explaining it to me...but I had just gotten done having what seemed like 4,000 pints of blood taken, a random woman seeing my entire upper-body exposed (and for an EKG-none the less) and the realization hit me that I was ACTUALLY going to do this!

So I am guessing I will have to contact her before Friday to verify my instructions...cuz I cannot remember! Good job LC, forgetting what your supposed to do and it's not even surgery time yet!

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You post just sent my hurdling at light speed back to the week before my surgery. We both had the same worries and everything.

A coworker dropped me off the day of the surgery. I felt like a kindergartener being dropped off at school for the first day. I stood outside of the entrance to the hospital with the whole weepy-eyed trembly lip thingy going on. I sucked it up, went in, and did well until they put the IV in and I started with the Emmy winning tear flow. Dr. Baganto happened to be passing by and patted me on the knee and told me it would be okay. Of course, him being so sweet only made me cry more. I tell everyone that the reason they put the IV in was becasue of all of the Fluid loss I suffered from crying.

I am in the medical field (veterinarian). I have done surgeries, but never had one performed on me. So in addition to being nervous, every worse case scenario is running through my head in living technicolor while I am laying on the table. Then they gave me some happy drugs and yup...no more worries for the crying big girl. The last thing I remember was the anesthesia tech putting a mask over my face and tell me to breathe normally. Next thing you know I was in my recovery room.

Did I have any pain? Not really. Dr. B gave me this big amber bottle of liquid pain meds. I did not use even half of that bottle. I used a little here and there, and that was at a reduced dose becasue it made me sleepy. I got that discomfort in my abdomen and shoulder from the gas that they use to fill up your abdomen you will hear about but that was it. I occasionally got these extremely mild pinches of discomfort near my belly button when i would lay a certain way...then I foudn out I had a stitch there. The rest is history.

You will be fine. You'll start dropping pounds before you know it.

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Brina you were so right..I am actually 6 days post op now....Yay!!! I am just so hungry, but I know better than to jepordize all this hard work. My weight is down to 250 but I don't think that will last once I start eating. Sure feels good to wollow in it now:biggrin: while it's here.

How is it going for you? I see that the next support group is on Thurs 22nd. I know the weekdays aren't good for you. We all may just have to pick a Saturday and have some sort of self support gathering? What do you think?

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i had my surgery on 5-10-10 . and lost a total of 72 pounds .. i lost 32 pounds since my surgery date .. i feel great dr. bagnato done my surgery !! he was great .. :ohmy:


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You're doing great FTSTOMPER!

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Hey Amy. I was banded by Dr. Bagnato on 9-20-07. I would love to meet up with you guys but I live in Moultrie and I am a stay-at-home mom so I won't be able to. Which ones of you are meeting up? If something changes, I will let you know. I would love to meet you guys, so maybe another time?

Hi Amy,

I live in Moultrie also. I was banded in 9/24/11. Have you met your goal yet?

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Hello everyone:

I had my surgery in February 2008 with Dr. Bagnato. I am just a few pounds short of reaching my first goal of losing 100lbs. I'm a slow loser, but I'm still losing. And for that, I can't complain.

I am looking for any good humored, good natured lap band buddies in the area. I'm doing alright with my band, but I just don't have much of a support system. I would love to meet some people who understand what I we are going through. I know about the Support Meetings held at the bariatric center, but due to my job I end up not being able to attend many of those. :thumbup:

I used to go to the Bagnato Bandit boards alot, and you have no idea how motivating that board was. Sadly, it just kinda fizzled out and peopel stopped posting.

So if you are interested, let me know.

I'm looking for support locally too. Have you been able to find it? How many cc do they give you each time you had a fill? Seems like they are slower at filling the band than other doctors I've seen on the forums here.

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I'm looking for support locally too. Have you been able to find it? How many cc do they give you each time you had a fill? Seems like they are slower at filling the band than other doctors I've seen on the forums here.

Helllo anna2259 and to Bagnato Bandsters in General :D :

The only support that i routinely get is at the group meetings held at the bariatric institute. I can only go to those if they are held on friday or Saturday becasue of my job.

The number of CCs given varies on where you are with the band. You dont want to be over or under filled. My very frist fill was 2.0 CCs. After that, i think that used increments of 1.0 cc. Then I went down to 0.5 CCs. Now I only get fills in increments of 0.10 CCs. But that a a good way to do it, as you get closer to finding your ideal fill level you will need less and less Fluid. Right now, honestly if I get anything larger than 0.1 cc at a time I get too tight...and being too tight is a MISERABLE place to be. I personally like the fill rate. My fills are generally spaced 4-6 weeks a part and that really works for me too.

Let me know if you find anyone who wants to become band buddies or form some kind of support system.

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Hello All,

I haven't been on here in probably over a year, maybe two. I wanted to post a quick update to let you know how I've been. Band-wise, not so good - I've gained back all my weight plus 20 pounds. I ended up moving back home to Florida and seeing a different doctor. I only found one within 100 miles that would take me on as a patient (which I wasn't happy about).

I ended up going through a very nasty divorce three years ago. I had pneumonia a couple of times and ended up getting my Fluid out of my band. After that, I couldn't get a good restriction - either was too much or not enough. Didn' help I lost my benefits and insurance - so my follow-up wasn't what it should have been. Needless to say - It hasn't beena smooth ride.

I am having to have my band removed now. I have major GERD and esophotus issues. My port has flipped (again), so my doctor can't access my port. He hates it in the chest anyway - says it is dangerous (he is a prior chest surgeon and trama doctor with 30 years experience so I'm not going to question him knowing all the complications I have had). Anyway I'm looking at other WLS options and waiting on my insurance compny.

I see many of the old Bandits are struggling too...I also see some are still doing well. I wish you all the best - and do what is right for you. Make sure you follow-up and a 2nd opinion doesn't always hurt...

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Hello All,

I haven't been on here in probably over a year, maybe two. I wanted to post a quick update to let you know how I've been. Band-wise, not so good - I've gained back all my weight plus 20 pounds. I ended up moving back home to Florida and seeing a different doctor. I only found one within 100 miles that would take me on as a patient (which I wasn't happy about).

I ended up going through a very nasty divorce three years ago. I had pneumonia a couple of times and ended up getting my Fluid out of my band. After that, I couldn't get a good restriction - either was too much or not enough. Didn' help I lost my benefits and insurance - so my follow-up wasn't what it should have been. Needless to say - It hasn't beena smooth ride.

I am having to have my band removed now. I have major GERD and esophotus issues. My port has flipped (again), so my doctor can't access my port. He hates it in the chest anyway - says it is dangerous (he is a prior chest surgeon and trama doctor with 30 years experience so I'm not going to question him knowing all the complications I have had). Anyway I'm looking at other WLS options and waiting on my insurance compny.

I see many of the old Bandits are struggling too...I also see some are still doing well. I wish you all the best - and do what is right for you. Make sure you follow-up and a 2nd opinion doesn't always hurt...

Well hey there, Leslie! It's been a while. Sorry you are not doing so well with your band. When are you having your band removed? I have heard lots of good things about the sleeve. Might be worth checking into. I miss talking to you! I was thinking about the 5k we ran a while back and how you got lost on the course, lol. Good times :)

I haven't been doing too hot either. I'm still 40 lbs lighter than I was when I had my surgery, but still...I have gained A LOT of weight back. My weight gain started when I noticed I was losing restriction really fast after my fills. They started measuring the fluid and I was losing fluid everytime I went in. I thought they were going to fix my band, but they kept putting it off saying I wasn't losing "enough" fluid to validate surgery. I was having to go in every 2 weeks to get a fill and I just got fed up with it and stopped going all together. I was also diagnosed with cluster headaches a while back and had to go on a high dose of steroids for 2 months. I gained 30 lbs in two months from the steroid and I couldn't seem to get back on track after that. I've been meaning to post too. I've been walking with a friend of mine for a couple of weeks and that's been helping. It's nice having a workout buddy....it makes all the difference! I really miss the support we all used to give each other. Anyway, it was good hearing from you! Please check back in and keep us updated!

georgia girl :)

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Oh, Leslie....are you on Facebook now? If you are, look me up and add me. I use facebook more than this wesite and I find it much easier to keep up with my lapband buddies on there.

georgia girl

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Hey GeorgiaGirl...so glad to hear from you! I blame the markers of the road...I'm "not" directionally challenged...and the way I figure it I ended up doing a 7k - lol

I'd looked into the Sleeve but my doctor advised against it. He says that out of all of the WLS out there when revising from Band that it has the highest complication rate and 1 in 4 fail. I've done a lot of research and tend to agree with him. Another one of us banded has had issues as well and Dr. B advised Plicitation which scares the hell out of me. Most insurance companies also see it as experimental. I'd rather chance a revision surgery on a proven surgery not one so new. My new doctor says for me RNY will give me the results I need - all the problems I've had and weight regain the Sleeve (with complicaiton rate) and esophogus issues that I've had are his reasoning. He is a good surgeon and I value his advise - he has been around a long time and has a very good reputation.

I'm sorry you've had so many issues as well. A second opinion never hurts...I know many of us have had issues one reason or another. And Others have also been very successful. Everyone is different - and one doctor's opinion isn't always golden. I don't have a Facebook account. I had one before my divorce, lets just say I haven't picked it back up. You can always e-mail me....I will try to stay in contact more. Take care of yourself and see a doctor whether it is Dr. B or another...a leakage is a leakage and I think you need to find out why you can't get restriction. Right now your band is useless without it and could end up causing you more problems. Just my opinion.

I don't know when my revision/removal will be. I'm still waiting on insurance. Hope to hear something in the next few weeks.

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Hey GeorgiaGirl...so glad to hear from you! I blame the markers of the road...I'm "not" directionally challenged...and the way I figure it I ended up doing a 7k - lol

I'd looked into the Sleeve but my doctor advised against it. He says that out of all of the WLS out there when revising from Band that it has the highest complication rate and 1 in 4 fail. I've done a lot of research and tend to agree with him. Another one of us banded has had issues as well and Dr. B advised Plicitation which scares the hell out of me. Most insurance companies also see it as experimental. I'd rather chance a revision surgery on a proven surgery not one so new. My new doctor says for me RNY will give me the results I need - all the problems I've had and weight regain the Sleeve (with complicaiton rate) and esophogus issues that I've had are his reasoning. He is a good surgeon and I value his advise - he has been around a long time and has a very good reputation.

I'm sorry you've had so many issues as well. A second opinion never hurts...I know many of us have had issues one reason or another. And Others have also been very successful. Everyone is different - and one doctor's opinion isn't always golden. I don't have a Facebook account. I had one before my divorce, lets just say I haven't picked it back up. You can always e-mail me....I will try to stay in contact more. Take care of yourself and see a doctor whether it is Dr. B or another...a leakage is a leakage and I think you need to find out why you can't get restriction. Right now your band is useless without it and could end up causing you more problems. Just my opinion.

I don't know when my revision/removal will be. I'm still waiting on insurance. Hope to hear something in the next few weeks.

It is good to do all the research you can before making a decision. Sounds like you are doing it right! Whatever you decide, I wish you the best! I will definitely email you. I'm so glad to hear that things in your personal life are great....you deserve to be happy :)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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