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The Forbidden Craves

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I've never seen that show, maybe I should watch it too

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Watching how some of those folks eat is truly revolting, but I end up cheering them all on the whole way.

I just don't like how TLC makes them a spectacle to fit in with all their other sideshow attractions on the channel.

Every episode is exactly the same, but with different people.

First hour, bad eating habits, horrible home life (or some other tragic back story), then watching them bathe while blurred out, then more eating and watching them interact with others in their family.

Second hour, trip to Houston to see the Dr who puts them on a 1200 calorie a day diet for a month or two to lose 50 to 100 pounds, then they return and always fail, then he gives them another month or two to do it after a big lecture, about 80% are successful (that get televised) and they get the surgery.

End of episode, how they are doing 1 year since they first started and what their future outlook is.

Rinse and repeat. I feel like once you've seen one or two of the shows, you've pretty much seen them all.

They need to do 300lb life which would relate to most of the people who come here.

Edited by Jobber

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13 minutes ago, Jobber said:

They need to do 300lb life which would relate to most of the people who come here.

I agree but that probably doesn't make for "interesting television"

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16 minutes ago, KCgirl061 said:

I agree but that probably doesn't make for "interesting television"

Yes, probably not. The whole appeal is like watching a train wreck. Most of my comments to my wife while watching are like, "they just left the wendy's drive thru and went right to the arby's drive thru, wow..."

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I've never seen that show, maybe I should watch it too

Definitely watch it. You can even go to YouTube and watch a clip to get an idea about the show. It works like magic trust me. Watch it and let me know how you feel after.

Sent from my LG-Q710AL using BariatricPal mobile app

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Watching how some of those folks eat is truly revolting, but I end up cheering them all on the whole way.
I just don't like how TLC makes them a spectacle to fit in with all their other sideshow attractions on the channel.
Every episode is exactly the same, but with different people.
First hour, bad eating habits, horrible home life (or some other tragic back story), then watching them bathe while blurred out, then more eating and watching them interact with others in their family.
Second hour, trip to Houston to see the Dr who puts them on a 1200 calorie a day diet for a month or two to lose 50 to 100 pounds, then they return and always fail, then he gives them another month or two to do it after a big lecture, about 80% are successful (that get televised) and they get the surgery.
End of episode, how they are doing 1 year since they first started and what their future outlook is.
Rinse and repeat. I feel like once you've seen one or two of the shows, you've pretty much seen them all.
They need to do 300lb life which would relate to most of the people who come here.
My 300 pound life would be dope. Damn that's a great idea.

Sent from my LG-Q710AL using BariatricPal mobile app

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Yes, probably not. The whole appeal is like watching a train wreck. Most of my comments to my wife while watching are like, "they just left the wendy's drive thru and went right to the arby's drive thru, wow..."

Sent from my LG-Q710AL using BariatricPal mobile app

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Yes it's depressing and sad how some of them are so delusional "oh I only eat once a day lol"

Then they lie.cheat.hide food from family and loved ones..

They repeatedly waste the Drs time..

And their family just continuously sit Back and feed them the junk killing them..

One episode this lady ate probably 6 times a day huge meals every meal takeaway like how do they afford it number 1?

The whole car ride to Houston just stuffing their faces with Crap!

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The part of nearly every episode that frustrates me the most:

Husband (to camera): I'm watching her dying right before my eyes and there's nothing I can do about it!

Wife: HONEY! Go pick me up some fried chicken, a couple 2 liters of Pepsi, and a gallon of ice cream.

Husband: Yes dear.

Edited by KCgirl061

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Too true like also when they openly say they been fat since like 5 years old.... Why did nobody intervene?

Parents..grandparents..school..doctor..nobody did anything at all.. Poor child Just for bigger and bigger every year...

Another one confused me.. Young girl was I think 21; 600lb Massive lymphodemia.. Could barely move yet her sister was like perfect maybe 130lbs... How can one child be near death and the other fit and healthy....

So much sadness in that show...

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Nobody really cares enough, the old thought was" She'll outgrow,it," found out much later in life Mama was told ," it's just pre-puberty plumpness", plus that was probably the same approximate time I was told to stop being such a tombody, I wouldn't fall and get injured if I would start moving with deliberation and at a slower pace As for the knucklehead who said I would outgrow it, took over 60 years, slowing down didn't work , sending me to teen fashion academy only frustrated me and the owners, went through puberty, education, marriage , childbirth. and menopause, steadily putt- putting toward obesity. Finally after 60 years I gave up on the "Easy Ways" of every diet under the sun, think some they dreamed up out of revenge. Starvation made me cranky, passed out a few times, even fell , hit my face and head, was told I was only DOING THAT for effect, told I was still sneaky food, told I was NOT MOTIVATED, how much can you summon lying face down in dirt? And the current one of that time I WAS MERELY SPOILED did it to try being the Center of the Universe. and I SHOULD Know I wasn't ALL THAT SPECIAL. And I just "took" it , was a female, I was supposed to be self-effacing, compliant, never question society's Status Quo, at least that was how in my Area. And I would never get anyone to live me if I didn't follow their rules. And the only title to yearn for was a MRS. if I could find a husband HE would take care of me, no worries for the rest of my life. So I sold myself short, turned my back on what I could have been education- wise, didn't. kick against the thorns and prickles, became defeated, was told I'd never be a success, Rocky Balboa was told" he Could Be a contender" well I flaccidly placidly turned my back on what I wanted to be- a doctor. I had drummed into my dear little head, it would take too long, only emotionally lead to frustration , and besides EVERYONE knew I was unworthy, a total f***up, could never quite do things right, my future husband would not be pleased, and in OHIO in the 60s that was all any sane girl aspired to.
And the saddest thing, the model I took off the showroom floor? He convinced me no one else could ever love me, I would be better off living as an extension of HIM. When I tried to talk to my family, I was told not to consider rebelling or I would lose them also.
So imagine what a shock it was when the Late Lamented died, and I found out I could be ME, not someone's daughter, wife, mother . I had intrinsic value and I was likable on my own, in fact I came close to being respected for ME. Did I finally " grow up" ? Maybe , but as I shakily rose up on my own 2 feet, my emotional legs became stronger, and I started to seek a surgical answer to my overwhelming obesity. Well I might die, didn't have much of a life anyway, well I might still not succeed, but I would try and try until I could be listened to, until I could find a Bariatric Program that would accept me, because I now was past the optimal age, but I had done research when no one was looking,libraries, talked to a few successes, they were almost all VSG, but I still took hope from their stories. Finally found a Bariatric Program that would actually let me into it, went through their program not once but twice, quite a sub-story there, only to be told by their surgeon I was not worthy of their time or surgical prowess, yep kicked to the edge of a busy highway. But I had developed a resilence they didn't see, they may have thought. they had de-clawed me, but I still had a set of wings they hadn't noticed I had retained. I had chose that Bariatric group on someone else (my PCP's )Advice, sudden reality check- I would try 1 more time, I shall apply to the program affiliated with the institution I yearned to have my Medical Education at, yeah I was 72, but if they rejected me, I was just get fatter and fatter, less and less healthy until I died. And the General Consensus was I wasn't worth much, the world would only prosper by my death anyway. So I took Tomkitten , my son in tow, the last true friend and someone who DID BELUEVE in ME, we would attend this Seminar at the Ohio State University, what did I have to lose anyway? I was welcomed, made to feel this could be people I could trust with my life, now as a concession from program #1 , my only close-to-friend had actually bucked them, before she and them parted company she had made certain my records could be forwarded to another program without prejudice. Thank You Amber, wherever you are now, I hope you landed on your feet in a new job. If I was the straw that broke your employment back I am truly sorry.
But this new group of people, thaey not only welcomed me, they asked if they could help ME to have a good Bariatric experience. And as time went on, only took 6 months to complete, only a few other specialities I had to meet with. The Seminar was March 9th, I received my RNY on September 5th at 7 AM, normally I am not a Morning Lark, more like an Evening/Night Owl, but this was worth the Early Arising. Those who have followed my Story as it has unfolded know my recovery has not been text- book, at times not even stellar, but it is what it is, I still inch toward victory and the good and positive outranks the pain, bewilderment at how my body healed, even the interventions and the endoscopies I have had in 10 months, because my 10-month-anniversary is tomorrow. I went in hoping for so little to achieve what I have achieved is WONDERFUL, I have lost multiple dress sizes , over 120 pounds in weight, have gained respect for ME, what my body still can do, even at 70+, I'm a pretty fine person, I think I'll hold on to life a few more years. AND MY STORY CONTINUES TO STILL BE WRITTEN!

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Nobody really cares enough, the old thought was" She'll outgrow,it," found out much later in life Mama was told ," it's just pre-puberty plumpness", plus that was probably the same approximate time I was told to stop being such a tombody, I wouldn't fall and get injured if I would start moving with deliberation and at a slower pace As for the knucklehead who said I would outgrow it, took over 60 years, slowing down didn't work , sending me to teen fashion academy only frustrated me and the owners, went through puberty, education, marriage , childbirth. and menopause, steadily putt- putting toward obesity. Finally after 60 years I gave up on the "Easy Ways" of every diet under the sun, think some they dreamed up out of revenge. Starvation made me cranky, passed out a few times, even fell , hit my face and head, was told I was only DOING THAT for effect, told I was still sneaky food, told I was NOT MOTIVATED, how much can you summon lying face down in dirt? And the current one of that time I WAS MERELY SPOILED did it to try being the Center of the Universe. and I SHOULD Know I wasn't ALL THAT SPECIAL. And I just "took" it , was a female, I was supposed to be self-effacing, compliant, never question society's Status Quo, at least that was how in my Area. And I would never get anyone to live me if I didn't follow their rules. And the only title to yearn for was a MRS. if I could find a husband HE would take care of me, no worries for the rest of my life. So I sold myself short, turned my back on what I could have been education- wise, didn't. kick against the thorns and prickles, became defeated, was told I'd never be a success, Rocky Balboa was told" he Could Be a contender" well I flaccidly placidly turned my back on what I wanted to be- a doctor. I had drummed into my dear little head, it would take too long, only emotionally lead to frustration , and besides EVERYONE knew I was unworthy, a total f***up, could never quite do things right, my future husband would not be pleased, and in OHIO in the 60s that was all any sane girl aspired to.
And the saddest thing, the model I took off the showroom floor? He convinced me no one else could ever love me, I would be better off living as an extension of HIM. When I tried to talk to my family, I was told not to consider rebelling or I would lose them also.
So imagine what a shock it was when the Late Lamented died, and I found out I could be ME, not someone's daughter, wife, mother . I had intrinsic value and I was likable on my own, in fact I came close to being respected for ME. Did I finally " grow up" ? Maybe , but as I shakily rose up on my own 2 feet, my emotional legs became stronger, and I started to seek a surgical answer to my overwhelming obesity. Well I might die, didn't have much of a life anyway, well I might still not succeed, but I would try and try until I could be listened to, until I could find a Bariatric Program that would accept me, because I now was past the optimal age, but I had done research when no one was looking,libraries, talked to a few successes, they were almost all VSG, but I still took hope from their stories. Finally found a Bariatric Program that would actually let me into it, went through their program not once but twice, quite a sub-story there, only to be told by their surgeon I was not worthy of their time or surgical prowess, yep kicked to the edge of a busy highway. But I had developed a resilence they didn't see, they may have thought. they had de-clawed me, but I still had a set of wings they hadn't noticed I had retained. I had chose that Bariatric group on someone else (my PCP's )Advice, sudden reality check- I would try 1 more time, I shall apply to the program affiliated with the institution I yearned to have my Medical Education at, yeah I was 72, but if they rejected me, I was just get fatter and fatter, less and less healthy until I died. And the General Consensus was I wasn't worth much, the world would only prosper by my death anyway. So I took Tomkitten , my son in tow, the last true friend and someone who DID BELUEVE in ME, we would attend this Seminar at the Ohio State University, what did I have to lose anyway? I was welcomed, made to feel this could be people I could trust with my life, now as a concession from program #1 , my only close-to-friend had actually bucked them, before she and them parted company she had made certain my records could be forwarded to another program without prejudice. Thank You Amber, wherever you are now, I hope you landed on your feet in a new job. If I was the straw that broke your employment back I am truly sorry.
But this new group of people, thaey not only welcomed me, they asked if they could help ME to have a good Bariatric experience. And as time went on, only took 6 months to complete, only a few other specialities I had to meet with. The Seminar was March 9th, I received my RNY on September 5th at 7 AM, normally I am not a Morning Lark, more like an Evening/Night Owl, but this was worth the Early Arising. Those who have followed my Story as it has unfolded know my recovery has not been text- book, at times not even stellar, but it is what it is, I still inch toward victory and the good and positive outranks the pain, bewilderment at how my body healed, even the interventions and the endoscopies I have had in 10 months, because my 10-month-anniversary is tomorrow. I went in hoping for so little to achieve what I have achieved is WONDERFUL, I have lost multiple dress sizes , over 120 pounds in weight, have gained respect for ME, what my body still can do, even at 70+, I'm a pretty fine person, I think I'll hold on to life a few more years. AND MY STORY CONTINUES TO STILL BE WRITTEN!
Awwwwww I'm so happy for you and im extremely proud of you. People are so messed up but you pulled through that ****. It's so Many of us that are like that, GOLD FISH FORCED TO CLIMB A DAMN TREE. We definitely made it my dear. We as in me, you and everybody else on this app. From me to you, Congratulations honey bunny. Keep living baby girl.

Sent from my LG-Q710AL using BariatricPal mobile app

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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