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HELP! Still can’t eat and constantly nauseous

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I’m 8 weeks post op bypass and I’m still not able to eat ANYTHING! I constantly feel so bloated and nauseous that everything makes me gag and I can’t swallow it. I can only manage sips of Water and Ice poles. Went to hospital at 3 weeks and was basically told to try harder. I feel like I’ll die quicker from malnutrition than I would have obesity so what was the point? May aswell have stayed fat! Anyone else out there that was at this point at 8 weeks and did it get any better?

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At 6 weeks I had an Endoscopy which proved what I had been complaining about since 2 weeks past. I am post- RNY BYPASS, my pouch has ulcerations, the opening between my pouch and the 2nd section of the small intestine , the jejunem, was so narrowed only liquids were able to pass through and at a very delayed rate plus I also had multiple ulcerations there also. Apparently there was some acid producing ability left in that tiny piece of stomach tissue and that caused the issue. Although,i have been on sucralfate therapy since last October 12th, I am not quite healed, although I have hopes my endoscopy shows good results my story has not yet concluded. Many foods are repulsed, so I still have episodes of vomiting, and I am basically on a liquid/pureed diet. I have had to have other interventions, additional surgeries. have not totally ruled out. But I take my Vitamins, minerals and other medications, should be due for additional blood labs , then we will see if there are deficiency of anything. Had one Iron INFUSION in March 2019, was rehospitalized in November 2018 for low Protein levels which led me to malnutrition. At that time, a PICC,line was inserted in my upper left arm and I received Total Parentel Nutrition 12 hours daily for 3 months. This was not the recovery I booked in for, but I still am having success in my life, and at 73 years old ( my birthday is on Boxing Day so I shall be 74 then) I am still very grateful I had the SURGERY and have been given the chance to continue living. In British terms if I have calculated correctly I have lost nearly 9 stone, over 120- some pounds, nearly 55 kg, however you state it, I am physically much smaller and that gives hope for future days. God Bless you on your struggles, if you want to chat more I am usually no farther away than this website or you can P.M. me! Have a beautiful day and I pray your problems can get fixed properly.

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1 hour ago, Kim36UK said:

I’m 8 weeks post op bypass and I’m still not able to eat ANYTHING! I constantly feel so bloated and nauseous that everything makes me gag and I can’t swallow it. I can only manage sips of Water and Ice poles. Went to hospital at 3 weeks and was basically told to try harder. I feel like I’ll die quicker from malnutrition than I would have obesity so what was the point? May aswell have stayed fat! Anyone else out there that was at this point at 8 weeks and did it get any better?

Go back to the hospital and insist on getting some tests done you should be able to eat something by now.

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I'm like Frustr8. At 3 weeks post bypass I was diagnosed with a severe stricture and marginal ulcers. 3 months post op now, and just had my 5th endoscopy with dilation on Friday. I couldn't eat or drink much without feeling nauseous and having difficulty swallowing. Go back to your surgeon please!

Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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@Frustr8 @Briswife15

I was searching the forum for any posts that mentioned gastrojejunal stenosis or stricture.

I’m wondering if anyone knows the size of their stricture. I had a upper gi fluoroscopy and it showed it’s 3mm and endoscopy today that said I have gastrojejunal stenosis and Jejunal ulcer (marginal ulcer) Im so used to things going haywire with my body. No one listens to me. I kept saying I am sure I have an ulcer.

i know I read the largest normal size for the stoma is 20mm and dilation is maybe 16mm.

the fluoroscopy showed small sliding hiatal hernia and Schatzki ring. With my chronic illness small is never small to my body. The doctor did not mention these things before he did the endoscopy.

I trust my surgeon but was unhappy with the fact that going into the endoscopy the only option is balloon dilation with no indication of how sessions many it would take. Considering they can only do a bit at a time and the size of the stricture is 3mm one time won’t be enough. And I honestly don’t know if my body can take that many endoscopy sessions. But like I said no one trusts me when I sense something not right.

yes other people experience these issues. I just have a lot on top of that. So I’m left not knowing anything.

I haven’t progressed past Protein Shakes and Soups. I tried purée and just ended up having several episodes of vomiting even when I tried to eat extremely slow and stopped when Started to feel sick with was very fast. I didn’t vomit right away. I’m constantly nauseous.

im also seeing a neurologist about dysphasia not related to these things.

Im not even concerned about the food part. I just get in at least 50 grams of Protein. At most 55 so far but closer to 60 and I just got bloated. I get most fluids from the shake, soups, and BariatricPal protein juice flavor drink. Otherwise I can’t drink much Water due to the dysphasia which even thinner liquid sets off. And I’m at high risk for aspiration.

I’m tired so if I’m posting in the wrong place. I’m sorry. The endoscopy took so long. Left early because my ride had to stop for a doctor appointment on the way. Endoscopy was 12:00 but then I didn’t get in until maybe 2pm or later I don’t remember. Got home nearly 4:30-5pm ...

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Hi it's Frustr8, at the worst mine was maybe 2.5, they have gotten me on several occasions got me dilated to 9 with the endoscopy balloon, but next time They have gone down I still was 2.5- 3, so I don't stay open. I have now had 13 endoscopies lifetime, I joke that I could almost do my own. Now the last one, I was told the jejunem was now fully "patent," that's Medicalese for open, be simpler if they would use Real People language, wouldn't it? But they didn't say how the stoma was, only that they were able to inflate the endo balloon enough to get on through. It now has been 10 months and one week since surgery, pardon me for a mini- whine but I did expect to be eating everything I wanted that would be good for me , albeit small portions. The Good Times should be Rolling by now, but I do feel slightly like the bus keeps running back and forth over me.
I do wish I would finish being repaired, if not Please Admit I am a Gastrointestinal Cripple, stop giving me hope if it isn't justified. I guess I can spend. the remainder of life on liquids and pureed if necessary, but by all that is HOLY, would someone please be HONEST with ME!

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[mention=335760]Frustr8[/mention] [mention=339061]Briswife15[/mention]
I was searching the forum for any posts that mentioned gastrojejunal stenosis or stricture.

I’m wondering if anyone knows the size of their stricture. I had a upper gi fluoroscopy and it showed it’s 3mm and endoscopy today that said I have gastrojejunal stenosis and Jejunal ulcer (marginal ulcer) Im so used to things going haywire with my body. No one listens to me. I kept saying I am sure I have an ulcer.
i know I read the largest normal size for the stoma is 20mm and dilation is maybe 16mm.
the fluoroscopy showed small sliding hiatal hernia and Schatzki ring. With my chronic illness small is never small to my body. The doctor did not mention these things before he did the endoscopy.
I trust my surgeon but was unhappy with the fact that going into the endoscopy the only option is balloon dilation with no indication of how sessions many it would take. Considering they can only do a bit at a time and the size of the stricture is 3mm one time won’t be enough. And I honestly don’t know if my body can take that many endoscopy sessions. But like I said no one trusts me when I sense something not right.
yes other people experience these issues. I just have a lot on top of that. So I’m left not knowing anything.
I haven’t progressed past Protein Shakes and Soups. I tried purée and just ended up having several episodes of vomiting even when I tried to eat extremely slow and stopped when Started to feel sick with was very fast. I didn’t vomit right away. I’m constantly nauseous.
im also seeing a neurologist about dysphasia not related to these things.
Im not even concerned about the food part. I just get in at least 50 grams of Protein. At most 55 so far but closer to 60 and I just got bloated. I get most fluids from the shake, soups, and BariatricPal protein juice flavor drink. Otherwise I can’t drink much Water due to the dysphasia which even thinner liquid sets off. And I’m at high risk for aspiration.
I’m tired so if I’m posting in the wrong place. I’m sorry. The endoscopy took so long. Left early because my ride had to stop for a doctor appointment on the way. Endoscopy was 12:00 but then I didn’t get in until maybe 2pm or later I don’t remember. Got home nearly 4:30-5pm ...
When I was first diagnosed, it was as small as a pin hole!! I've had 5 endoscopies with dilation. And they manage to stretch it a little more each time. I'm hoping I'm done, but still struggling with food. Best to you!

Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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14 hours ago, Frustr8 said:

Hi it's Frustr8, at the worst mine was maybe 2.5, they have gotten me on several occasions got me dilated to 9 with the endoscopy balloon, but next time They have gone down I still was 2.5- 3, so I don't stay open. I have now had 13 endoscopies lifetime, I joke that I could almost do my own. Now the last one, I was told the jejunem was now fully "patent," that's Medicalese for open, be simpler if they would use Real People language, wouldn't it? But they didn't say how the stoma was, only that they were able to inflate the endo balloon enough to get on through. It now has been 10 months and one week since surgery, pardon me for a mini- whine but I did expect to be eating everything I wanted that would be good for me , albeit small portions. The Good Times should be Rolling by now, but I do feel slightly like the bus keeps running back and forth over me.
I do wish I would finish being repaired, if not Please Admit I am a Gastrointestinal Cripple, stop giving me hope if it isn't justified. I guess I can spend. the remainder of life on liquids and pureed if necessary, but by all that is HOLY, would someone please be HONEST with ME!

As far as I know mine was less than 3mm and that seems extremely tiny. I’ve had doctors say a 3mm nodule was too small to be taken seriously. For the stoma from the new pouch to the stomach to be under 3mm? I’d expect a vein or something similar to be that small.

. @Frustr8 It’s ok for the mini whine, ten months is a long time to still be in liquids and purée. And the doctor should be honest with you about wether you can advance to normal foods or not. My nutritionist did say it can be a year or more before some people do. Maybe something else is going on, have they ordered a swallow study to check for dysphasia?

Im not as far along but feeling the same I just want some honesty and not to be given vague nothingness and implications that it’s fine when it isn’t. I’ve got multiple chronic issues and I’d want to know if this entails many dilations and if I can’t proceed past liquids, Soups, I can’t even do purée .... I can’t find my words anymore. I guess I’m trying to say is if this is what it’s going to be we need honest facts to adapt to the new normal. I hesitated to let him do the balloon dilation and he said but you need to eat. As if one dilation would fix it. So how do they decide what move to take next? I’m feeling exhausted, confused, and even if I know for a fact my body cannot handle several dilations, at a loss what to say to my doctor.

He is a good surgeon, but doesn’t understand the complexities of my many medical conditions and it’s impact on decisions I have to make in treating these problems that have come up. The approach wont be the same as it would be for a healthy person. Ie. I cannot take proton pump inhibitors. Also to my body small problems are bigger problems.

@Briswife15 there must be something else going on to still have issues with food.

I don’t remember his exact words but My doctor said something to me like he doesn’t want me to develop an aversion to food. Well I think it’s a bit late for that. I’ve had issue with food since before 2010 (I can’t remember) I started to lose my ability to properly taste food, didn’t even know what was happening. And once I got an idea of it never got answers. When food either doesn’t taste like a Anything except a little salt even if you salt it extra or slightly sweet or just textures, or even tastes off or smells are interpreted wrong. So this just adds to 8t.

I just wrote a whole lot and can’t find the right words. I’m exhausted and my throat is painful. But thank you both for your replies. I wish you the best too.

i found an example of 3mm.


Edited by Darktowerdream

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No food aversions. It's just a healing stricture and marginal ulcers. They can take a while to heal. Until then I'm on soft food. Are you getting dilated?

Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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Thanks Darktowerdream, that gives me too a ray of hope, that there are others who were a year out before things settled down. I literally am sick and tired of being so sick and tiredm I saw on another thread, our Founder Alex Brecher had to have his mini- bypass, which he had for maybe 4 months, had gone there from a lap- band that wasn't working and affecting his quality of life, and now he had a bowel obstruction et all, so he is rejoined back up close to what he was before any surgeries. That's not done all that often, usually open surgery, and it takes a very very skilled surgeon. That's why so few even attempt it, but it was a Life Emergency for Alex so IT HAD TO BE DONE and we only can pray all the things he has learned over the years will stand him in good stead so that he won't regain back to where he was before any surgeries at all.
I really don't think I would want a total reversal, I am lucky I made it through my RNY, many people my age either stroke out or have a cardiac event and don't leave there ALIVE. I just want what I have to work better, I need efficiency at this POINT not euphemisms and being told " Bye and Bye, it will get better!" I have devoted more than a Whole Pregnancy time to this endeavor, knew I wouldn't receive a cuddly baby but I expected at the very least---------- SATISFACTION!

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25 minutes ago, Frustr8 said:

Thanks Darktowerdream, that gives me too a ray of hope, that there are others who were a year out before things settled down. I literally am sick and tired of being so sick and tiredm I saw on another thread, our Founder Alex Brecher had to have his mini- bypass, which he had for maybe 4 months, had gone there from a lap- band that wasn't working and affecting his quality of life, and now he had a bowel obstruction et all, so he is rejoined back up close to what he was before any surgeries. That's not done all that often, usually open surgery, and it takes a very very skilled surgeon. That's why so few even attempt it, but it was a Life Emergency for Alex so IT HAD TO BE DONE and we only can pray all the things he has learned over the years will stand him in good stead so that he won't regain back to where he was before any surgeries at all.
I really don't think I would want a total reversal, I am lucky I made it through my RNY, many people my age either stroke out or have a cardiac event and don't leave there ALIVE. I just want what I have to work better, I need efficiency at this POINT not euphemisms and being told " Bye and Bye, it will get better!" I have devoted more than a Whole Pregnancy time to this endeavor, knew I wouldn't receive a cuddly baby but I expected at the very least---------- SATISFACTION!

The Dr. did one small dilation but didn’t say anything. The report says

GJ stenosis at anastomosis, Jejunal/marginal ulcer.

Other than that I don’t know anything.

I’ve been sick and tired nearly all my life so I understand it’s frustrating for you. I remember in nutrition class they talked about each phase and how long it is won’t be textbook for everyone. I guess Some just take longer to heal and adapt. But better to take it slow and easy after all it takes to get the surgery and what it means to have it.

I wouldn't want reversal either. We might not be the same age but my body has many challenges and it was a hard fight to get here. Efficiency is better than euphemisms and the it gets better attitude. Do you have a nutritionist to consult with? Maybe take it up with your primary care physician and see if there is anything they might be missing.

I wish I knew the key to getting through to doctors but I can’t even understand people. Birds ... them I understand but it’s pretty straightforward they have no such thing as dishonesty.

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Yeah I do have an appointment with my Primary on Tuesday, that's another thing to go on my list. Yeah at times I vastly prefer animals to people, no duplicity there!

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I wishi could show you ALL of my panicked posts around your timeframe from me about not being able to eat. I'm 4 months out now and have finally figured out a way to get my Protein in and doing better on fluids. I feel amazing. I wish I could give old me and you a hug. You will figure it out and be good and feel amazing!!!

Sent from my LG-Q710AL using BariatricPal mobile app

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I am a month sleeved today.
I am nauseous all of the time, ALL of the time.
I am supposed to move to purées but after one swallow of applesauce or something I am throwing up or get terrible pain.
My Dr said it was normal for the first month. I go back in a few weeks. I just am miserable most of the time.

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I had nausea and peppermint items are great for helping in nausea relief. I couldn’t stand ginger items but I now always have a tin of peppermint Altoids with me. I hope you’re able to find relief soon!


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