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Who's benig banded on 11/20???

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Hi everyone.

I haven't checked in for awhile. Welcome to the newest members joining us.

I've lost about 8 pounds :cry and after reading some of your posts, it seems that I can empathize with some of you. I also am suffering from food cravings, slow weight loss, and the urge to binge. I see my doctor on Jan. 7th for my first fill. Hopefully, this will help increase the weight loss. I think I am just so frustrated that I am not seeing more progress. ;) I'm not sure what I had in my head before the surgery. I knew the surgery was not a "miracle" for weight loss. However, I thought the weight loss would be quicker.

Also...Thanks to Marissa, Bandpal, and Towens for the words of encouragement! I'm trying hard to hang in there but I am struggling. Reading your posts have helped to keep me going.

Continued success to everyone and Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa. Did I miss anyone? If so, please know that I am thinking of all of you with the kindest of thoughts during this special time of the year.


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Hi all,

I haven't had any restricted feelings and have been eating pretty much everything--except bread and rice. I have stayed away from those. Of course I haven't lost any more weight, it is soooo hard with all the holiday treats around. Today is my first fill--I am a little nervous, but excited that the process will finally start. My doc asked if I wanted to wait until after Christmas and I said heck no--I spent a lot of money on this and know that I would eat my way thru the holidays, so I need the restriction!!

I will email later and let you know how it goes. Has anyone else had a fill yet? Can't remember if anyone described it yet.

How is everyone doing?

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Taking some Time...

It’s a crisp, sunny Wednesday here, 68° and I am going to take a little personal time while at work and spend a few minutes with all of you. I’ve kept up with all the posts on this thread even though I haven’t written in a week. I hope everyone who hasn’t been writing is doing well.

A Month Out

I can’t believe that tomorrow (for many of you) and the day after tomorrow (for me) will mark one month since we were banded. This is the biggest change in my life in many years, no doubt about it. So much has changed that I can’t believe it’s only been a month, after years and years of basically hitting my head against the same wall. I truly feel that I have been given a new lease on life. Here are some of my NSVs:

  • I eat much, much less than I did before the operation.
  • I stay full for hours, rather than having a bottomless pit in my stomach.
  • I no longer binge at nights, something I did every night for years.
  • Consequently, I no longer spend my morning hours trying to function and put up a front while recovering from the physical and emotional devastation of the previous night’s binge.
  • I have binged once during the day (more on this later) this month, rather than bingeing at least once every day for years.
  • I no longer obsess about food all the time.
  • My body feels like a whole lot of air has been let out of it. Any kind of movement– walking, bicycling, standing up, sitting down, scratching my back, tying my shoes, and performing various sanitary and hygienic functions – is accomplished much easier than just a month ago. I’m also no longer out of breath all the time and don’t sweat all the time.
  • I no longer obsess about food all the time – in fact, most of the time, I’m oblivious to it.

I Don’t Eat Clay

I have to add here that I work in the reception center of our guest rooms, where we serve homemade cheesecake, apple pie, and chocolate chip Cookies, ice cream, milkshakes, omlettes and grilled cheese sandwiches. I love my job, but it has been a nightmare trying, and consistently failing, to stay clear of all that’s available here. But for the last month, I have succeeded in doing so. The analogy that has come to my mind is that of a potter, who works day in and day out with clay, but never thinks of putting any of it in his mouth. That’s what food is nearly always for me now – just clay, just something that’s part of the work or home environment, nothing worth spending any time thinking about.

Paying for the Party

My one binge was last Friday; we had a big party at work and I was meticulously abstemious – I really didn’t resent, either. But, when I went home for lunch, I lost it – just kept eating, nothing that I couldn’t swallow but a lot of soft stuff. My wife, who rarely has commented to me about my bingeing, told me the next morning that she was worried that this was just going to be another phase, another failed solution. That really was hard to hear – especially because, of course, it’s my own deepest fear.

It doesn’t surprise me that all my “reasons” for not indulging in this behavior again didn’t work – that’s the nature of the beast. But I know that every day of eating with my band will reinforce new behaviors and a new physical reality which will make my binges less and less frequent until I just don’t do it anymore.

I know that one thing I could’ve done at the party was to just have a little bit of ice-cream so I wouldn’t feel “deprived”, but there are some foods which have such powerful associations for me, like ice cream, that I just don’t see myself stopping with such a small amount; I’d rather have none. I can’t defend this thinking, but that’ s the way it is for me right now.

What’s on the Menu…

Anyway, since then, everything’s been great. My meals this month have panned out something like this: I have a glass of buttermilk in the morning, a cup or two of Soup in the evening (no cream or milk based soup, no noodles, just veggies) and for lunch (the main meal here) a salad sized plate of steamed vegetables, in between 2-3 oz of chicken, fish or beef and tablespoon sized dollops of salad, and hummus. I don’t drink for an hour before or after meals, and suck on sugar free candies to help get me by.

That's all for now - hope to write again soon - lots of love and encouragement and good luck to you all,

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towens, congrats on your first fill! let me know how it goes! mine is on the 7th on jan. i'm so looking forward to it. i also have no restriction. i have eaten some toast.. not supposed to... but diddn't have any problems. my buggest problem is my diet. i'm still not allowed to eat meats. not til week 8. grrr. everthing i can eat is not good for me.. potatoes, pudding. ect. i can eat scrambled eggs starting today with cheese and pears. that is about it. oh and well cooked veggies, yuck. fresh... okay.. cooked, yuck! no fresh veggies til week 7. i want a chicken salad!!! oh also ate a bean and cheese burrito with a soft shell. again not suppost to. Next week is x-mas dinner and i can't eat meat.

is everyone else eating meat? any problems?

bandpal, loved the clay anology. i think i'm going to try to apply that, meat is clay, lol. it is funny, i'm not realy a meat eatter. before i lived off of carbs. mashed potatoes, Pasta and home made bread were among my favorites. now don't even want to look at another potatoe!!!! maybe the only reason i want meat is cause i can't have it.

night everyone :notagree

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Marilyn, here's hoping that the fill turns things around for you. I can certainly understand your frustration. Enjoy the holiday season in the Windy City, and keep in touch- us teachers have to stick together.

Towens, let us know how the fill went today. Great that you chose to get it done now, even though it'll make Christmas dinner a little harder to get down. Merry Christmas!

Tlwempen, that's a good insight you had about wanting meat only because you can't have it. That's right, remember: "Meat is Clay" (kind of even looks like it a bit, doesn't it?)! Look at it this way - you'll go through this Christmas as a vegetarian. Whenever I want something I can't have, another thought that comes to mind is that I spent one week on a liquid diet and came out of it just fine - so do I really need "this" or "that"? Merry Christmas!

All the best,

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Hi friends,

I am so glad everyone seems to be doing well.

We all seem to be at about the same stage & having very similar feelings.

Tlwempen: I am so sorry you can't have meat yet. That's got to be a difficult challenge. Each Doc has different rules & expectations. I'm sure your Doc has a very well founded reason for not allowing meat until week 8.

I have been bad to the bone friends! I am without much restriction & have found myself drifting back to my old, bad habits. Thankfully, I will get my first fill today, so that should help me through the holidays.

I went to my Girl Scout Christmas Party yesterday. Geez, what temptation of good eats! I ate mostly Hummus & Pita, but I truly ate toooo much of it! One night I actually ate so much I felt sick. I don't want to do that again.

I truly need my fill! It's Bandster Hell (as I've heard it refered to - We've done the surgery but don't have the restriction yet, so we are tempted to eat too much!)

BandPal - You are doing fabulous. You are such an inspiration to me. I will keep thinking "french fries are clay", "Bagels are Clay", "Muffins are clay"...clay, clay, clay. Yuck. Thank God I don't work in a donut shop!!!!!

Merry Holidays to each of you! Keep in touch!

Love ya'll!


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HI all,

I was sooooo nervous about the first fill, but it didn't hurt at all. The doc did it with an xray and I was able to see everything and watch the liquid go into my stomach. COOL! I think he was a little cautious with Christmas next week, because he only put 1cc in it, supposedly there were 3 ccs in it already. So that gives me 4, but he cautioned me about comparing with other bandsters. I was on liquids the first day and then yesterday moved to chicken noodle Soup. Might try something else later today.

This process is frustrating, but also I am so excited! I just wish the scale would move faster. Perhaps I should quit drinking my wine!! No liquid calories--but there are so many parties this time of the year.

Take care all and let us know how you are doing!

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"T’was the night before Christmas" for Lapbanders

(With apologies to Clement C. Moore)

T’was the night before Christmas, I’d binged through the house,

I’d just emptied the fridge and I felt like a louse;

My XXXL pants were hung on the chair,

They were getting quite snug, almost too tight to wear.

So I put on my sweats, nestled deep in the blues,

“I will never be thin”, to myself I did muse,

And as deep in depression I dolefully sat,

I accepted the truth: I would always be fat.

When way up on the roof deftly landed two feet,

Landed ever so lightly, the sound so discreet,

That I just barely heard it, but wanted to see

What the source of this sound could potentially be.

Away to the window I stumbled and shuffled

And got such a shock that my shout went unmuffled.

For right there on my roof, standing thin as a stick

And as fit as a fiddle was – that’s right - St. Nick!

Well, I stuttered and stammered – “Santa, you look great,

Please tell me your secret – how’d you lose all that weight?”

With a wink of his eye he extended his hand,

And he said, “Got two words for you, sonny – The Band!”

He waxed and effused and enlarged on the topic,

“A minor procedure – its all laproscopic!

A half hour under, then they seal you with glue,

And send you right back home, cause you’ve healing to do.

A few days discomfort, some passing of gasses,

You just drink Clear Liquids – don't worry, it passes,

Next full liquids, then mushies, that’s your post op plan,

Then you’re chewing on solids within a month’s span.

Don’t swallow too quickly, that’s really a bummer,

Buy pineapple juice, it’s just like Liquid Plumber,

And if the band loosens, just hang in there until,

Your doctor can see you and give you a fill!”

Then he hopped on his sledge like a spry little sprite,

And headed off into the darkness of night,

As he vanished, I started, and yelled, “Santa, hey –

Where are all of those reindeer who pulled your sleigh?”

He laughed, and replied, sounding quite overjoyed,

“As of my last weight in, six are unemployed;

With the weight that I’ve lost, I have need of but two!”

Then I asked, ”and what present, St. Nick, am I due?”

As his voice trailed off, I could hear him say, “Well,

Have you got pen and paper? Take this URL

And check in here often, he said with aplomb,

‘cause this site is a gift, it's: lapbandtalk.com!

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Happy Holidays! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Big plans for the New Year?

Bandpal - I love your version of "T'was the Night Before Christmas!" - it's awesome.

Towens - So glad that your first fill went well. I have mine on Jan. 4th, I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I have done pretty well with my food intake over the holidays. I have over done it a couple of times, but, for the most part, I've been in control. I've managed to lose 4 more pounds over the holidays, I'm happy with that.

I'd love to hear from everyone else!! Touch base and let us know what's going on.

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I don't think I've posted on this thread before, but I had my surgery on Nov. 19, so right there with you guys. My holidays were great, I controlled myself really well, but I still haven't lost! Can't wait for my fill on Jan. 2!

Congrats Marissa for losing 4 lbs. over Christmas! That is certainly an accomplishment.

My youngest son turns 2 on New Year's Eve, so I made it through Christmas without feeling guilty, now I have to get through a big birthday party! I think it might be harder than Christmas. Of course, I see my Dr. 2 days after that, so that will be some inspiration not to overdo it! I think I'll just sit back and watch him cram cake into his face. He's much cuter doing that than I am!

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Welcome aboard our little thread! Glad you found us...I hope you find as much inspiration & hope from our little group as I do!

BandPal - What a fantastic twist on 'Twas The Night Before...I, too, would normally feel like a louse!

I haven't lost any more weight yet, but haven't gained over the holidays. I also started walking again (I'd slacked off for a couple of weeks there).

Glad to hear from each of you! Glad tidings for a New Year full of weight loss & control of your new lives!


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Hi Friends,

I just wanted to give you something to smile about. I had my first fill on Thurs 12/20.

My Mom (who's having the surgery in Jan or Feb, and is a TOTAL HYPOCHONDRIAC) called me the night before "Aren't you scared" she asked. Next morning, she called again "Are you sure you're not scared of the needle?" she asked. Nope, no problem I said.

Had my fill at 1:45 (it was a breeze, little local anesthesia & I coulnd't see the needle over my B**bs)

My mom calls at 5pm. "So, how did it go?" She asks. "Oh, my Gosh - it was awful! It was the worst pain I'd ever felt. They had to tie my hands & legs down & they heard me screming in the lobby" I responded.

Dead Silence on the other end of the phone! You *seriously* could have heard the proverbial "pin drop"!:heh:

I finally let her in on the joke & let her know that it was nearly painless! I'm in more pain when I stub my toe!

I hope that will bring a smile to your face & give you inspiration to those going for their first fill in the next few days!

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Thank you Firebolt for the chuckle. When I had my fill on December 20th the nurse came at me with the needle and told me to relax.

I swear the needle was the size of Montana.:omg:

But there was NO pain so I guess I will relax next time. I think it was more the fear of not knowing what would happen.

The holidays have been ok for me. I am glad they are about over though.

It was nice this year to be able to focus on family and not food.

Keep smiling everyone we are one step closer to where we want to be

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Hey everyone,

I know I've been MIA for a while, this is all due to exams and holiday preparations and all (christmas is a big deal here).

All my tests came back good and my new surgery date is 3rd January '08 - next Thursday first thing in the morning.

I'd be glad to hear any advice from you guys about what you would have done differently 5 days before surgery now that you have 20/20 hindsight vision.

I have read your post and I'm glad to know that everyone is okay physically whether you have lost weight or not. My friend who did the surgery the same day as me has lost 20lbs so far!

Everyone thanks for your prayers and keep up the great efforts. Bandpal I loved your version of the night before christmas, it is really relevant to us, not to mention funny.

Marissa I also have a sparkpage, my user name is ovahkummer, what's yours? Look me up and leave a message.

Everyone again, thanks for the encouragment and remember me in prayer come Thrusday (3rd January,08) morning.

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I'd be glad to hear any advice from you guys about what you would have done differently 5 days before surgery now that you have 20/20 hindsight vision.

The one thing that I would have done for sure is to quit all caffeine before surgery. My doctor did not require a pre op diet and I kept on drinking my diet snapples. Well, the night after surgery I had the worst Migraine EVER because of caffeine withdrawl. The migraine was so severe that I was dizzy and I even vomited. I feel that this was directly related to the caffeine withdrawl because as soon as I had the ok from my doctor to take something for the migraine the next morning, all symptoms went away and I was fine.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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