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Who's benig banded on 11/20???

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Hi SkinnyJill amd Firebolt,

Nice to hear things are going well for you both as Day II draws to a close here. I have a bit of itching going on too, but like SkinnyJill said, that's all for the best. I still have a "stitch" in my side but it's definitely less intense than it was yesterday - in fact, I didn't take any pain medication today. Made it throught the day on Water, herbal tea, chicken broth and Decaf coffee (yes, Firebolt, that was a pleasure, thanks!). I also napped, which felt real good, and took short morning, afternoon and evening walks around my neighborhood. I'd say the highlight of the day was sitting around the table at dinner enjoying my family sitting there eating a good Friday night meal while I sat there sipping at my cup of broth, not feeling the slightest bit tempted and jealous. So good to get my head out of the food. Have a great restful, recuperative weekend, everyone - and let's hear from TLWEMPEN, CANADIAN COMFORT, NEWLIFE35 & TOWENS - how are you all doing?

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HI all,

I too took a nap this morning and it felt great. Still taking the tylenol with codeine--my port area hurts still. I had some Tomato Soup and did it taste good!!!! Something warm to eat was nice. I am afraid to walk around the neighborhood--what if I get halfway and can't make it back?? I guess if I did my gas would go away. Oh well, my family brought me home some mashed potatoes from grandma's thanksgiving dinner yesterday--and I am dying to try them, but I am afraid of vomiting. Have any of you felt that way yet--I haven't but scared to death I might. My incisions are itching too, but ice packs seem to help. I have also had a little headache--probably cause I can't seem to get all my waters in. Thanks for all your updates--it really helps!

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Hey towens, good to hear from you and glad to hear you are hanging in there. I'm on Clear Liquids for a week, so mashed potatos and Tomato Soup are not on my mental horizon yet. I'm glad I don't have to deal w/ Thanksgiving where I live! I just have to stick to my Docs plan - have this big family wedding comming up in a week and a half and I am going to commit not to eat anything i'm not supposed to have. One look at my incisions should remind me that I've come to far to mess this thing up. Hope your headache goes away

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Ovahkummer, I'm so sorry to hear about your setback. Your doctors sound like they're really on the ball, though, so you can be thankful for that! The next time will go much smoother I'm sure :)

My surgery on the 20th went well and I'm so glad it's over! The past couple days have been good and I've not suffered any gas pains (thank goodness!!) My incisions seem to be healing well and only the largest incision (the port site) is causing a slight bit of discomfort at this point. My muscles are mending quite quickly and I pretty much have full mobility back (within reason).

I am having one problem and I'm wondering if any of you are experiencing the same thing? When I drink anything and it hits my stomach I get a burst of pain that lasts for several minutes and often the Fluid heads back up my esophogus. It's not vomiting, it more like a clogged drain and everything gets backed up. And sometimes my diaphram goes a little spazzy (like hiccups without the hiccups), which is really very painful. I spoke to the nurse at the clinic yesterday and she told me it's due to swelling in my stomach and it would pass, but it hasn't yet. Because of the pain and reflux, I know I'm not getting in all my fluids and I'm concerned about dehydration. Is anyone else going through this?

Otherwise, all is peachy-keen!! :)

Banded by Dr. Mumford, SWLC, Mississauga

November 20, 2007


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Hi everyone. I too was banded on Nov. 20th. I just found the forum today after researching weight gain after surgery. I have gained 5 pounds post-op and have become very concerned. However, after reading the posts from others it seems to be normal. I hope all of you are doing well after your surgery. I am having some pain but it is dissipating. My husband thought I was a little crazy in going Christmas shopping yesterday. I am due back at work on Monday and my little one turns five tomorrow. No rest for the truly wicked! Hope to hear some of your experiences soon.


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Good to hear from you, CanadianComfort, and welcome to MarilynC! For me, day III post-op nears an end: Decaf coffee, hot and cold Water, chicken broth and fastidiously strained fresh squeezed OJ - that was a nice treat, and all per doctor's instructions. Took two short, sundrenched walks with the dog (it was a beautiful day here), a few friends dropped in to see how I was doing, and fun time spent with the family. No complaints here. Post-op pain is manageable, but I got a good tip today: take some pain medication an hour before getting my staples pulled, which I'm set to get done on Monday a.m. I am enjoying this site very much - lots of compassion and wisdom here. I especially appreciated this thread. I think the advice to be conservative after surgery is well heeded:


Wow, MarilynC, I hope you loved ones appreciate their Christmas gifts this year, and congratulations on your 5 year old's birthday; I got me one of those too... CanadianComfort, I hope the liquids are going down easier.

All the best,

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3rd day was pretty good. took the kids to the parade of lights to kick off the x-mas season which was fun, but was hard watching my husband and kids chow down on taco jons, but they need to eat.

today, has been hard. i have almost no pain from the stiches, so in that aspect, i'm doing good. however, having sever migrains which is making me sick to my stomache. hopfully that will soon pass.

i had those painfull non-hiccups yesturday too, but haven't had them today, hope u are better.

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How much are you guys eating? I can't seem to drink more than one Atkins canned shake, about 4 ounces of Isopure and about 4 ounces of broth. I sip on a little Water but that is it. I am having gas still, and no position is perfectly comfortable. I am still having headaches too. Please let me know how much you guys can tolerate food wise.

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Is anyone still on pain meds. I think the tylenol with codeine might be upsetting my stomach, I am going to try to stop taking it.

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Hi everyone. I am still on pain meds but usually only during the evening hours. I go back to work tomorrow and am trying to manage the pain with just plain liquid Tylenol during the day. The pain is easing substantially everyday. However, if I move just the right way, I feel as if I was stabbed! I am also getting about 40 grams of Protein a day using whey protein that I purchased at GNC. There is no taste and it is a fine powder so I have been mixing it with almost everything I take in. I can eat about 4 ounces at a time. However, I am experiencing extreme rumbling/grumbling of the tummy if I do not take in something every few hours. This has also helped with keeping the gas down. I sympathize with tlwempen in watching others eat great looking food. My family ate lasagna the other night and it was all I could do just to eat my Soup. Have a great day and I will keep reading all of your updates.:wacko:

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Cast Away at the Clinic

Today I hit the streets for the first times since becoming a lapbander, traveling by bus to my local clinic for a post op appointment with my GP. Winters are mild by us (it was 68 and sunny this morning when I left the house) , but the wind comming up the valley can pack a punch. Nevertheless, I wore shorts and a thin sport shirt because this was my first chance to weigh in since the operation. Nice reception at the clinic both from the nurses and the scale: down to 124 Kilo from 130 pre-op. My appointment was delayed by a steady succession of snively young children in and out of the doctor's office; but when he saw me half an hour later, he was pleased, and set me an appointment to have my staples pulled on Tuesday. Back at the medical secretary's desk, I got the latest installment of one of the more amusing side-stories of my lapbanding. My insurance carrier was supposed to, upon approving the procedure, order and procure the lapband and ship it to my clinic, where I was supposed to sign for it and hand deliver it to the hospital. I had to sign a promissory note swearing to have the operation within a year and to pay for then lapband if it wasn't used for it's intended purpose (which begs the question: exactly what else can you use a lap-band for?). Since they only approved the surgery two days before the operation, the band did not arrive in time. "No biggie" , said the good folk at my friendly little climic, "just go, ask to use one of theirs and tell them you'll give them yours". "Indeed a biggie". said the hospital people when I showed up bandless. In the end: another promissory note and some dramatics on my part solved everything. Now the band is on its way to my clinic; when it gets here I'll have it messengered up to the hospital. I bet I'm the only person whose ever been banded while their band is still in the mail!

Anyway, because of the delay in my appointment, I missed the bus back and was stranded on the highway, shivering in the wind for 40 minutes until DW pulled up to rescue me. I must've looked pretty miserable, because when I woke up from my nap, there was a full pot of her homeade chicken Soup on the stove, and let me tell you, folks - they don't call it Jewish penicillin for nothin!

Sick with Worry?

My three and seven year old boys are obviously so happy to have me at home that they have vowed not to let me out of their sights. My little guy came down with strep throat the night I came back from the hospital, and today "lucky number seven" tossed his Cookies at school and had to be airlifted home.

sleep is somewhat irregular and I've had a headache or two, but besides that, we're good here - manageable pain, liquids going down OK (broth, oj, clear chicken soup, herbal tea, Decaf coffee and H20).

Feelings, nothing more than feelings

Today was the first day since the operation in which I experienced feelings which would've driven me to binge. Getting stuck out on the road and having two kids at home when I wanted to be relaxing at home by myself - that would 've caused me to beat a quick path to the refrigerator, for sure. I know that the lapband is not a magic pill and that I have to let it help me by not abusing food, which got me to where I was. I was struck by a quote I read here a few days ago: "I believe there are some people who are always destined to become obese, due to their personalities... you can see that people have allowed their obesity to occur because of the way they view things, life and their own behaviour". I believe this, and I know I have to be aware of my character flaws and act differently if I don't want to keep on doing the same things I've always done. What stands out today? Self pity. Sh-t happens: busses are missed. kids get sick, I signed on for all of this and more when I joyfully chose to become a parent, and , as DW said today, "we all share our lives with other people - what are you going to do?" That's all for now - good luck, everybody!

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Hey bandpal,

I too can appreciate the "feelings" section. Thanks for sharing--you must be a writer--what do you do for a living?

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Thanks, Towens - I enjoy writing, but I'm not a writer. I'm a former teacher working in informal education, designing and implementing programs for an educational tourism seminar center. I think it's important to share about feelings - acting on them got us to where we are today. I hope the band just makes it hard for me to carry through on harmful thoughts and urges, gives me a little more time to make better decisions. Hope your comfort level is rising and the headaches are fading.

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Hi friends,

It was so good to read from all of you today. I'm glad everyone is doing pretty well & hanging in there. I really appreciate Bandpal's details & hearing from TLWEMPEN, CANADIAN COMFORT & TOWENS.

Someone asked (sorry, can't remember right now) how much liquids we're getting down. I've been keeping a food diary just to track, and I, too have just not been feeling any hunger. Here's been my average food intake:

  • coffee (1 cup)
  • Slimfast - Breakfast (16 oz, 20gm protien)
  • Isopure (sipping through the day - 40 gm protien)
  • Creamy Tomato Soup (1/2 cup - no protien, but delicious!)
  • Light & Fit smoothie (while my family had Ice Cream)
  • Water sipped throughout the day to get me to 64 oz (all of the above liquids DO count towards the 64 oz - Thank Goodness)

Bandpal - I too, today felt that pang of "needing" something to eat. For me, I think it was more of a desire for texture than emotional. I just want to crunch on something! It feels like I want whatever I'm not supposed to have. I threatened to eat a scrambled egg, I almost ate leftover mashed potatoes, etc...My DH kept me on plan though.

I finally just had some cream of mushroom Soup blended in the blender.

I've been trying to keep up on the walking. Try to walk about 10 minutes 3 times a day.

I had a very difficult time sleeping last night - back pain. I've been sleeping on my back since the surgery, and have not been changing positions, which makes the back very sore.

I am still taking the Tylenol w/Codeine, but probably have only 1 or 2 doses left. I called the doctor to see if I could get a refill, but they prefer that I try to relieve the pain w/Motrin (chewable). I'm hoping this will keep the pain at bay (I've also got pain from the Haital Hernia repair). Am I being a baby? Maybe by day 6 I won't need any more.

I was so glad to hear from someone who mentioned at 2 weeks out she felt great & it was a real turning point. I hope it will be the same for each of us.

Keep in Touch 11/20 Friends!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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