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Cheated a little...

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Hope I don’t regret it... not even a week post op and I had a small nibble of chicken and 4 gulps of apple juice...

Not sure how to calculate it but that baked chicken looked so good. My husband should have just baked one for himself and kept the rest for later so that I wasn’t tempted.

Earlier I was asking him what smelled like oil... he said that he spilled something in the oven and I swear when he was baking the chicken it almost caught fire.

I asked him to use the toaster oven instead. It worked out well as it tasted yummy. I am so bad that I picked at a few of the chicken bits that had stuck to the pan... mmm drippings lol so bad....

Then I said ok that’s it... and dumped the pan into the wash...

Anyone experienced cheating with regrets?

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5 hours ago, Alikiinz said:

Hope I don’t regret it... not even a week post op and I had a small nibble of chicken and 4 gulps of apple juice...

Not sure how to calculate it but that baked chicken looked so good. My husband should have just baked one for himself and kept the rest for later so that I wasn’t tempted.

Earlier I was asking him what smelled like oil... he said that he spilled something in the oven and I swear when he was baking the chicken it almost caught fire.

I asked him to use the toaster oven instead. It worked out well as it tasted yummy. I am so bad that I picked at a few of the chicken bits that had stuck to the pan... mmm drippings lol so bad....

Then I said ok that’s it... and dumped the pan into the wash...

Anyone experienced cheating with regrets?

I didn't cheat at all the first week. I couldnt eat. I have started a little early on other stages. Just make sure to be careful. I had a bad experience and everything I eat I chew to death now. Good luck!

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You should be fine. When I went to my post op appt, 4 days after bypass, my doctor said i could start eating deli meat and chicken as long as i chewed the heck out of it.

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Just be careful having solid food too soon; you don't want to mess anything up. Good luck in your journey.

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I know the feeling - some food just looks and smells so darn good! I had to fix a full on Mexican meal for a party at our house - just a couple of weeks post op!I Boy did that smell good, but I prepared myself with a couple of life slogans I have adopted, and didn't cheat. Cheating can start a cascade. One little bite can lead to another or another compromise, which could get you in trouble down the road. I adopted a slogan before surgery: "I AM NEVER GOING BACK!" And I mean it. My pre-op life was horrible and was slipping away before my eyes with all the ailments of aging obesity. I AM NEVER GOING BACK to that!

Sooooooo, the next slogan is "IT IS JUST NOT WORTH IT!" Say that with every temptation. It's just not worth a minute of taste pleasure for the potential for setting you up for failure. Every journey begins with a step. Out weight loss journey is one step at a time. And our weight re-gain journey begins one cheat at a time, It's just not worth it … because I AM NEVER GOING BACK! You see how it works. It has to be a mental mindset. The other slogan to remember is "I'LL HAVE THAT SOON!" You'll get that chicken again and I'll get Mexican food again, but on OUR terms - not just because temptation presents itself. Just not now.

One slip is just a slip. A slip up two days in a row is called relapse, We have to be honest with our addiction to food. Cheating is not our friend! It is a sneaky, alluring, seductive enemy to our success! I am rooting for you! This is hard! Set yourself up for success today and 10 years from now! Hang in there everyday! Use the slogans! Wishing the very best in your battle (and sometimes it feels like a war for the mind!) for a wonderful healthy life!!!!!

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you will be fine but don't keep at it - remember your insides are "wet" and need more time to heal then your skin. Also, if you don't chew that chicken...well it sucks!

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I'm on ambien- so I tend to "sleep eat" I had bypass 3-4 (a mon) and that Saturday night I apparently decided to go into the kitchen and take a bite out of 4 slices of pizza. I sent my dietician a message and she said I should be fine- if something isn't going to go down or cause an issue I'm probably going to puke. True enough, 3 nights later husband said I got a hold of popcorn and puked. A couple of days later I called my surgeons office and left a message. He never called so I assumed I was in the clear. He's usually pretty good about getting back if there is an issue. I seen him Monday for my 2 weeks and he said I was probably fine, maybe have some edema but he isn't concerned. Just listen to your body. I too advanced a few days early on my stages when I had my sleeve, this recovery has been much easier then that one.

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I try not to regret my choices but rather learn from them :) (although sometimes I do regret them about an hour later...lol)

You will find there is much to be learned about your bodies new way of processing food and it is still healing which means it is ever changing right now. So what your body rejects one day it may accept a month or two later. I like to always just proceed with caution and that way you won't ever do too much damage.

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mj77803 - yikes! that sounds dangerous. Is there any other med they can switch you to? Or maybe reduce dosage?

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Cheating at this stage puts you at risk for staple line leaks. Just keep that in mind. Your surgeon isn't trying to be mean telling you not to eat chicken, he's trying to keep you from having serious life threatening complications. The apple juice won't cause this kind of complication but another one much later on - regain. You have to watch out for and avoid liquid calories and apple juice and other fruit juices are huge ones. Don't kid yourself into thinking they're healthy because they're "fruit" - they are pure sugar and not healthy at all.

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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