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February 2019 weight loss buds

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On 03/03/2020 at 21:46, Gottajustdoit said:

Looking good, Sheribear! Have you posted a before and after photo (side x side comparison) yet?

I’m actually about to do that.
The Pilates studio has asked me to do a testimonial and I’ll be doing some of that.

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Sheribear, you have had an amazing year! Congratulations on your weight loss and improved health. Oh, yeah--you also looking fantastic, which is a nice side effect. 🙂

I don't think anyone in the February 2019 class will object if I hereby crown you our class valedictorian!

Edited by Recidivist

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On 2/25/2020 at 2:19 PM, gabybab said:

I'm sorry I have been absent for so long. Today is my 1 year anniversary and I'm so happy that I had this surgery, with no regrets. I haven't lost any weight in 3 months and think I have hit a plateau. Not gaining weight, just not losing. I've lost 97 pounds and am so grateful for that, even I dont lose one more pound.

I've had trouble with a upset stomach since shortly after surgery. I had an endoscopy and they said I had mild gastropathy, but nothing to really cause the symptoms.

How are you doing with weight loss are you still stalled? It's weird, but I have had the same issue... up and down the same few pounds for the last 3 months. I am going from 236 to 240, over and over again. I don't know if I can have another surgery now.. I had the sleeve, then RNY - I think I'm out of options. I don't think my husband would agree to another surgery anyway. I have at least 80 lbs to lose before I feel I'm where I want to be.

Would love to hear how you are doing.

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It took me over two years to get my my sleeve surgery and during that time I started using a Fitbit and logging everything, exercise, food eaten and number of glasses of Water a day. While jumping through all the hoops, crying in frustration and finally finding a PCP who would actually work with me, I managed to lose 35 pounds. At one my point, my doctor verified that I still wanted the surgery because I was doing so well on my own.

on 8/21/19 I had my sleeve surgery and have lost 77 pounds since then. I went from a starting weight of 315, to 280 on the morning of my surgery. You lose so much weight so quickly from the four weeks of liquid diet before and after the surgery that when reality sets in and my weight loss stalls, I panic and think this is it, I am not going to lose any more weight. Tomorrow I see my surgeon for my six month follow up and I so wanted to be below 200 pounds but I have been stalled for the past two weeks. Tonight I was bemoaning my stall to my husband and he responded, “Knock it off. Even if you didn’t lose another pound, you have already lost one third of your body weight. Just stick with what you have been doing and you will keep losing weight.”

What amazes me is how good everyone who posts pictures look. I can see my weight loss in my face, hands and feet, oh and my poor rear end but never in my stomach. I want to lose another 70 pounds but even if I don’t make that goal, I have grown used to exercising regularly, haven’t had a soda in iced six months and have absolutely no desire for one (I took a sip from my husband’s one day and nearly wretched it was so sweet) and I still faithfully use the food log on my Fitbit app. Two months after my surgery, I had an appointment with my primary doctor and I thought he was going to do a jug in the exam room because my blood pressure had come down so much. He also crowed about my BMI. According to my Fitbit app my heart health is now excellent. So, even if I never lose another pound, I have decided to listen to my hubby and be thankful for what I have accomplished but I will never stop trying to reach my goals.

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Wow wow wow! Everyone! Wow!!!

It was an awesome year, amazing results for everybody! I get lost in the negative and forget to Celebrate the positive. Body dysmorphia? I don’t know but I’m so happy to read from you guys because everybody is so positive and I have zero regrets about doing this surgery.

The surgery resolved all of my hip and ankle pain, abdominal pain I was having from scar tissue, and a “TMI“ issue I was having as well! Also, I have never had good self-esteem but I do now.... better. Probably best to say “better”. I think I look beautiful but I still have my insecurities just like everyone else.

My husband’s ex-wife taunted me for 13 years. 13 years of being called FAT, fat b****, huge, “waitress from Mel’s diner”... whatever that means, among many other appearance-related insults that were constantly flung at me. She would text me, email me, approach me in public... anything she could do to rattle me about my weight. She started harassing me and my kids again this past week (yes, I called the police) and previously had reached out to me through a text message (she uses my stepsons cell phone and pretends to be him to engage me in conversations which is how this one from a couple of months started, below), and... (I won’t say that this is all about the weight loss surgery) BUT it was such an amazing feeling NOT TO CARE. She has not seen me in over a year and assumes I still look the same.

She can never BULLY me about my weight again. I’d like to say that didn’t play a part in making me feel like **** or didn’t motivate me to make change. It’s sad that adults over the age of 40 have to stoop to that kind of level. I just usually don’t respond or if I do, I try to be positive and rise above it.

I’m sure I’m not alone in knowing what it’s like to have someone constantly verbally tell you how fat/ugly you are. Even if it’s somebody’s opinion whom you do not respect. My ex-husband also used to tell me I was fat and I would take diet pills to try to stay within his ideal range. His coworkers started calling him Cheeto at one point because he was telling them how he told me not to eat Cheetos. I weighed 115 pounds at the time and had given birth to his twins less than a year before. The guys he worked with ultimately started teasing him because he was being verbally abusive to me and THEY thought I was attractive. He even wrote me a letter about a year ago and said that I had passed my “fat gene” on to our daughter. I’ve had a lifetime of beating myself up over this. Even my Mom would tell me that I needed to “tone up”. I just look back and think - I’ve lost 30 years worrying about my weight!?!

So, this has been so much more than losing 60+ pounds for me. Now I have started watching my calories and walking. I am fluctuating back and forth 3-4 pounds now as the restriction has decreased. It’s a small effort, and just a start after months of not having it under control and not really watching or staying on plan.

Regardless, I feel great. I took this picture a few days ago and I know I’m healthy now and no regrets...

Thank you to everyone here who has supported me and lifted me up through this process. Each and every person who has made any comment or contribution here is important to me. Whether we talked directly or not, all of the input was so greatly appreciated and continued to motivate me to stay positive. I’m so happy that everyone has had success!

Group FEB ‘19 is the best!



Edited by Everythinganna

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Anna, I'm so sorry you have had that verbal abuse! It's disgusting. 'fat shaming' seems to be the last 'acceptable' kind of discrimination out there and I cannot wait until it stops. You look absolutely beautiful - and happy. I'm so glad that things are much better for you now with your health.

I was also terrorised by an ex-wife. My husband and his first wife (married only because she got pregnant) were only together for 9 months after their daughter was born, and then she walked out on them - went to live with another man and left my husband to raise his daughter on his own. I came along 6 years later and that was it... license for her to call every day and harass us. Get to us through her daughter by questioning her over everything that happened in our house and then call my husband to complain - it got to the point where my step-daughter would just lie about things because she realised that her mum gave her attention when she told some juicy story.

My husband would be so traumatised by it all (he had panic attacks) that he would beg me to just go along with it all and not rock the boat, so I was silenced too. It was just a horrible horrible time and all while I was in a new country away from any family and friends. Ugh! She would call and swear down the phone and call me fat. This went on until my step-daughter was no longer receiving child support from us. The day she turned 18 the calls stopped. I really, really understand what you are going through. Are your step-children grown and out of the house now? The day that there are no longer any ties and reason to communicate is just THE BEST.

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Wow guys. These posts really resonate with me:

I gained 110 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter (2nd child) and the abuse I took from their father still haunts me.
That’s the baby that changed my whole metabolism and all I got from him was quiet disappoint and criticism In the weight gain and subsequent PPD.
By the time she was 3, I found out that their father was having an active affair with one of my coworkers and that basically everything I had been struggling with had been used against me and that the 2 of them were plotting to try to get custody of the kids.
They were actually using my new-found Morbid Obesity as a weapon against me to “prove” that I didn’t have the self-control necessary to raise 2 kids under the age of 6 as a single mom.

I fought sooooo hard that year and in years after, trying to fix what was “broken” in me only to fail over and over and over again.
Thankfully I had enough of a career and enough self-esteem to survive that onslaught and make it through. Those were several tough years where I was reminded painfully over and over that I wasn’t good enough-or desireable enough, smart enough, or like able enough to be considered a “good” parent and I was reminded on a monthly basis that it was going to be a a WAR of 2 vs 1.

I somehow persevered and got those kids raised. I spent over 13 years single and afraid to even think about having a life of my own.

I survived breast cancer as a single working mom. At that point, my biggest fear was dying before I could finish raising those kids— aged 16 and 12 when I was diagnosed.
The kids dad stopped paying child support after our first year divorced and I was afraid to even take him to court bc I didn’t feel worthy enough to raise my kids as a MO single mom in her mid-30s.
When I think of the years lost due to my feelings of inferiority, it almost makes me sick.

I wasted almost 13 years of my life feeling like a sub-par human and thankfully my current husband saw me— the true me— underneath all of that baggage. He loved me— plus sized and all— in spite of me not loving myself.

It took that brave and kind man’s love to realize that I could be so much more than the reality that I was currently living.
With his love and respect and complete acceptance, I was able to start this journey that has led to where I am now.
Ironically, my ex is a mere shadow of the man he once was— he won’t call or reach out to his kids and I’ve heard that he and that woman live a very small and petty existence where neither of them are fulfilled or even remotely happy.

If I were a better person, I would feel pity for them, but I must honestly admit that I do derive some satisfaction from their misery.

At the end of the day though, my best revenge is to live my best life as happily as possible, and I plan on doing that every. Single. Day.

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Wow - I knew I wouldn’t be alone but I’m surprised at how closely your situations parallel mine.... thank you both for sharing. ❤️

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10 hours ago, Sheribear68 said:

Wow guys. These posts really resonate with me:

I gained 110 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter (2nd child) and the abuse I took from their father still haunts me.
That’s the baby that changed my whole metabolism and all I got from him was quiet disappoint and criticism In the weight gain and subsequent PPD.
By the time she was 3, I found out that their father was having an active affair with one of my coworkers and that basically everything I had been struggling with had been used against me and that the 2 of them were plotting to try to get custody of the kids.
They were actually using my new-found Morbid Obesity as a weapon against me to “prove” that I didn’t have the self-control necessary to raise 2 kids under the age of 6 as a single mom.

I fought sooooo hard that year and in years after, trying to fix what was “broken” in me only to fail over and over and over again.
Thankfully I had enough of a career and enough self-esteem to survive that onslaught and make it through. Those were several tough years where I was reminded painfully over and over that I wasn’t good enough-or desireable enough, smart enough, or like able enough to be considered a “good” parent and I was reminded on a monthly basis that it was going to be a a WAR of 2 vs 1.

I somehow persevered and got those kids raised. I spent over 13 years single and afraid to even think about having a life of my own.

I survived breast cancer as a single working mom. At that point, my biggest fear was dying before I could finish raising those kids— aged 16 and 12 when I was diagnosed.
The kids dad stopped paying child support after our first year divorced and I was afraid to even take him to court bc I didn’t feel worthy enough to raise my kids as a MO single mom in her mid-30s.
When I think of the years lost due to my feelings of inferiority, it almost makes me sick.

I wasted almost 13 years of my life feeling like a sub-par human and thankfully my current husband saw me— the true me— underneath all of that baggage. He loved me— plus sized and all— in spite of me not loving myself.

It took that brave and kind man’s love to realize that I could be so much more than the reality that I was currently living.
With his love and respect and complete acceptance, I was able to start this journey that has led to where I am now.
Ironically, my ex is a mere shadow of the man he once was— he won’t call or reach out to his kids and I’ve heard that he and that woman live a very small and petty existence where neither of them are fulfilled or even remotely happy.

If I were a better person, I would feel pity for them, but I must honestly admit that I do derive some satisfaction from their misery.

At the end of the day though, my best revenge is to live my best life as happily as possible, and I plan on doing that every. Single. Day.

Wow, I have read part of the challenges that you have overcome before . Reading this post is very powerful. I am so proud of you! You are definitely inspirational. You deserve to be happy and I am very glad that you were able to meet the current husband and really focus on you!

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Positive news today: I had my one-year checkup after doing bloodwork last week, and all of my numbers are fabulous--including cholesterol after six months without medication. I was particularly concerned about the various Vitamin levels, but they are all great. The doctor said that my test results looked like they were from a person 20-25 years younger than I am. It doesn't get much better than that!

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So I am starting to have some challenges - my volume restriction has eased and I just want to eat more. My weight is still hovering where I want it, but barely, and I can sense a very slow upward trend.

Here are my strategies for taking off a couple of pounds and keeping it there. These are evidence based hacks, according to Dr. Michael Greger ("How Not to Diet.")

1) Topload the day with more calories (more dense foods in the morning and less dense in evening.)

2) Intermittant fasting 3-4 times a week (on my work days.) It is easy to skip Breakfast on those days.

3) NO eating after 6 pm. (I snack way too much in the evening.) Hot herbal tea will be just fine.

4) Measure my nut/nut butter portions instead of estimating.

5) Measure all my carb portions (I tend to over size my grains).

6) Drink a glass of cold Water 30 minutes before each meal.

7) More consistent daily exercise. Now with warmer weather, I have started biking again and training for a tri in 3 weeks. I bit the bullet and bought a 1 month membership at LA Fitness so I can use the pool, and will have a session with a personal trainer to help me tweak my weight routine.

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Here is a question for my 1 year buddies: How was this winter for you? I was utterly miserable. I have never been so consistently cold in my life. I was actually colder than my skinny husband who is always turning up the heat in the car. I have to carry a sweater/jacket every where and there were some outdoor events where I had to leave the venue and go sit in the car to warm up. Winter used to be my favorite time of year, but now I am sooooo looking forward to summer and more daylight. My outdoor exercise definitely suffered. Summer was the WORST time of year, due to fungal infections in my skin folds, sweating all the time, couldn't exercise, and feeling like I wanted to rip all my clothes off. Now it is like "BRING IT ON! I WANT THE HEAT!

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Sorry, it has been a while since I posted. I am running between 2-3 mile 3 times a week now. Still not to my goal, but that is all right. Just about 95 pounds down. I have been maintaining and only losing 2-3 pounds a month now. If the weight loss does not pick back up, the have some medicine they can give me to get me the rest of the way. I feel better and am more confident.



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7 hours ago, TheMarine79 said:

Sorry, it has been a while since I posted. I am running between 2-3 mile 3 times a week now. Still not to my goal, but that is all right. Just about 95 pounds down. I have been maintaining and only losing 2-3 pounds a month now. If the weight loss does not pick back up, the have some medicine they can give me to get me the rest of the way. I feel better and am more confident.

Congratulations, Marine--and nice to hear from you again. The most important thing is that you are healthy ad feeling good. Regardless of where you end up, you are way better off than where you started!

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How is everybody doing during the pandemic?

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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