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2 hours ago, Gottajustdoit said:

Interesting! I am glad to hear that it is treatable. Hope you are feeling well now. My gastric bypass is on Feb 13 so I still have 6 days left of this miserable liquid diet. I am not adjusting well--not just hunger, but I have headaches and some nausea. The smell of some of the Soups I'm eating is off-putting. I went grocery shopping tonight for more supplies and--no surprise--it was difficult. For some reason I wanted cheese really badly. I thought of sucking on cheese cubes! I didn't, but was thinking about it! I did buy some sugar-free hard candy to keep me occupied when the hunger strikes.

OMG I was and still am craving mac and cheese!!!! I keep getting this commercial showing the best looking mac and cheese and it's absolute torture. Towards the end of it, I ditched the Soups and stuck to low fat greek yogurt and Jello. Idk where you live but if you have a Trader Joes near you, they have an amazing black bean and chipotle Soup.

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6 minutes ago, thelostmermaid said:

Hey! So don't worry whatsoever, I was eating huge meals and drinking a lot of beer before my two week liquid diet started and if I'm honest, I cheated a little here and there but only with a bite or two. I probably gained weight between my last visit with the surgeon and the beginning of the two week liquid diet. I'm not saying to go out and cheat but I am telling you that it's normal. Within the time frame that I did the two week liquid diet I ended up loosing 17lbs, bringing me lower than I was when I saw my surgeon.

Best of luck to the two of you. Another great piece of advice is, when in the hospital if there are other patients who had weight loss surgery, don't compare yourself and progress to them, it will do you no good.

Thanks so much, Mermaid--that is very reassuring! I don't "intend" to cheat during the liquid diet--but I'm not going to beat myself up if I do.

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Hi, surgery buddy! I am also enjoying all of my favorite foods and intend to continue right up until next Monday, when I start the liquid diet. Where are you located? I'm in Washington DC.
I have seen quite a few people here did a pre-liquid diet. I'm a bit worried because I have probably gained weight in the last couple of weeks because I'm treating myself so often before the liquid diet starts. I suppose it will all be the same in the end.
Keep us posted on your progress!
I feel the same way about gaining a bit! But surprisingly I lost some from my consult to my last meeting with my surgeon. There's still the weekend lol. I'm in South Jersey. Here's to our last weekend! [emoji482]

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So... perhaps a weird question, but does anyone else think that inevitably they are going to be the one who ends up with complications? Because I've just had a feeling that it's inevitably going to be me, and I have no idea whether it's me being neurotic, or a general concern that most people have before major surgery...

I'd love to know how you felt/feel about the likelihood of complications!

Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

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My surgery went well beside my heart racing after some meds they gave me during the surgery. They are going to watch me again today and I will go home tomorrow. I’m not in mich pain but I get to sip on Water, ice and Protein Shakes.

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I surely didn't, I thought I had crossed every T, dotted every I, followed their handbook they had given to me. Yeah usually get,like Eeyore the Donkey in Winnie the Poo , standing in swamp up to my fetlocks, all depressed. But no THIS TIMEI actually thought things were going my way. But Surprise Surprise here I sit, a little after 8 am my time , 23 weeks from surgery with a double lumen 48 cm tube running in my basilic vein and up through the gradually widening Venous tree,until it is lying 5 cm from my Right Atrium in the Superior Ven Cava. Did I forecast THIS, no way Jose! Been in since 29th November, a possibility of 2 more months. And a battery operated pump is pumping a Total Paraenteral Nutrition solution in and will for 2 more hours, then I will flush my lines with 2 saline syringes, cap both lumen off with sterile plastic caps, I will be free for in theory for 12 hours, although I hope to start my 12 hour feeding a little earlier this evening. Had 2 medical type appointments yesterday, 11 am for my weekly blood draw, my lines were not being cooperative, had to de-clot them, this time took multiple hours, I can infuse with great impunity but the blood wasn't drawing out. They put a declotting drug called Altaplase in there, they say there are no side reactioons, I beg to differ, it makes my heart fibrailate a little.I know that's a misspelling but I don't have my other phone here to go to my search engine for spell check.Wednesday I had to go to the East Side of Columbus for a MRI, my Cardiologist is in a different hospital group than my Bariatric Surgeon, actually I have been to 3 different hospitals this week alone. My Thoracic Aorta Aneurysm is stable at this point, I have a check list of things to look for, going to have to ask Primary Care if I should be on a blood pressure med to protect it? Anyway that part was okay but I have a Renal Cyst, they tend to be benign but still called my Urologist office to bring them into the loop. Then after all that , I had a DEXA scan to assess the status of my skeleton. Do I need to start on an Osteoporosis med? SO My Life has got complicated, still I am more healthy and in basic better shape than before my surgery. I am down over a 100 pounds since my highest weight in October 2017. I have lost 60 of that in the last 5 months, although my weight descent slowed when I was put on TPN I'm still losing 3-6 pounds a month at this point. Before I had the PICC catheter put in I had become malnourished and very deficient in Protein, I have ulcerations in my jejunem, the second part of my small intestine, and my pouch opening has strictured down until only liquids can get through. I have been non a liquids diet since August 1st when I went on a liver-shrinking one. That makes a little over 6 months, rather cruel isn't it? But in the Final Days I will get as good as everyone else, at least that's the Promise I was given.

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3 hours ago, Frustr8 said:

I surely didn't, I thought I had crossed every T, dotted every I, followed their handbook they had given to me. Yeah usually get,like Eeyore the Donkey in Winnie the Poo , standing in swamp up to my fetlocks, all depressed. But no THIS TIMEI actually thought things were going my way. But Surprise Surprise here I sit, a little after 8 am my time , 23 weeks from surgery with a double lumen 48 cm tube running in my basilic vein and up through the gradually widening Venous tree,until it is lying 5 cm from my Right Atrium in the Superior Ven Cava. Did I forecast THIS, no way Jose! Been in since 29th November, a possibility of 2 more months. And a battery operated pump is pumping a Total Paraenteral Nutrition solution in and will for 2 more hours, then I will flush my lines with 2 saline syringes, cap both lumen off with sterile plastic caps, I will be free for in theory for 12 hours, although I hope to start my 12 hour feeding a little earlier this evening. Had 2 medical type appointments yesterday, 11 am for my weekly blood draw, my lines were not being cooperative, had to de-clot them, this time took multiple hours, I can infuse with great impunity but the blood wasn't drawing out. They put a declotting drug called Altaplase in there, they say there are no side reactioons, I beg to differ, it makes my heart fibrailate a little.I know that's a misspelling but I don't have my other phone here to go to my search engine for spell check.Wednesday I had to go to the East Side of Columbus for a MRI, my Cardiologist is in a different hospital group than my Bariatric Surgeon, actually I have been to 3 different hospitals this week alone. My Thoracic Aorta Aneurysm is stable at this point, I have a check list of things to look for, going to have to ask Primary Care if I should be on a blood pressure med to protect it? Anyway that part was okay but I have a Renal Cyst, they tend to be benign but still called my Urologist office to bring them into the loop. Then after all that , I had a DEXA scan to assess the status of my skeleton. Do I need to start on an Osteoporosis med? SO My Life has got complicated, still I am more healthy and in basic better shape than before my surgery. I am down over a 100 pounds since my highest weight in October 2017. I have lost 60 of that in the last 5 months, although my weight descent slowed when I was put on TPN I'm still losing 3-6 pounds a month at this point. Before I had the PICC catheter put in I had become malnourished and very deficient in Protein, I have ulcerations in my jejunem, the second part of my small intestine, and my pouch opening has strictured down until only liquids can get through. I have been non a liquids diet since August 1st when I went on a liver-shrinking one. That makes a little over 6 months, rather cruel isn't it? But in the Final Days I will get as good as everyone else, at least that's the Promise I was given.

Dear Frust8--

This sounds so horrible and sorry to hear of all the complications. I'm not clear--what surgery did you have when and what, exactly, was the complication? Are you having another surgery this month? I am beyond shocked that you have had to be on a liquid diet for so long. It sounds miserable. I am only 6 days into my liquid diet and am trying to stay sane.

4 hours ago, Gotta win 4me said:

My surgery went well beside my heart racing after some meds they gave me during the surgery. They are going to watch me again today and I will go home tomorrow. I’m not in mich pain but I get to sip on Water, ice and Protein Shakes.

Hoorah! So good to hear you are through the surgery and pain is minimal.

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9 hours ago, EmzBee said:

So... perhaps a weird question, but does anyone else think that inevitably they are going to be the one who ends up with complications? Because I've just had a feeling that it's inevitably going to be me, and I have no idea whether it's me being neurotic, or a general concern that most people have before major surgery...

I'd love to know how you felt/feel about the likelihood of complications!

Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

Don't worry, EmzBee....I know what your worries are. I'm the kind of person who goes to the doctor for one thing only to find out I have something worse. If it wasn't so traumatic to my psyche, it would be funny. So, you can imagine I'm thinking the same thing, that I will have complications. Take comfort that so many of our February buddies have already through the surgery and doing great! That's what I'm focusing on. Also, if we do have complications, the surgeons have probably seen it before and know how to fix them. I am taking heart in what my surgeon said, that the surgery is quite common and the chances of complications are very rare.

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14 hours ago, thelostmermaid said:

OMG I was and still am craving mac and cheese!!!! I keep getting this commercial showing the best looking mac and cheese and it's absolute torture. Towards the end of it, I ditched the Soups and stuck to low fat greek yogurt and Jello. Idk where you live but if you have a Trader Joes near you, they have an amazing black bean and chipotle Soup.

I do have Trader Joes near me (yes!). Is the black bean and chipotle Soup spicy? Do you buy it in a can? There is a cafeteria in the building where I work and the soup of the day switches from day to day (then repeats). I have been straining the various Soups for my lunches but I'm TIRED of them. I strained a beef and barley soup today that had a vegetable/tomato base. Ick. The one soup that I keep going back to is Progresso's French Onion soup. I strain out all the onions and it has a salty rich taste to it. I try not to have it too often because I fear it will also lose its appeal.

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1 hour ago, Gottajustdoit said:

I do have Trader Joes near me (yes!). Is the black bean and chipotle Soup spicy? Do you buy it in a can? There is a cafeteria in the building where I work and the Soup of the day switches from day to day (then repeats). I have been straining the various Soups for my lunches but I'm TIRED of them. I strained a beef and barley soup today that had a vegetable/tomato base. Ick. The one soup that I keep going back to is Progresso's French Onion soup. I strain out all the onions and it has a salty rich taste to it. I try not to have it too often because I fear it will also lose its appeal.

So the soup has a little kick to it but it is not too bad. they also have a Tomato basil soup that is amazing. But yes, I have not been disappointed with any of their Soups. I don't however like that I have to replace the soup after 7 days of opening it. They don't come in a can they come in a carton.

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10 hours ago, EmzBee said:

So... perhaps a weird question, but does anyone else think that inevitably they are going to be the one who ends up with complications? Because I've just had a feeling that it's inevitably going to be me, and I have no idea whether it's me being neurotic, or a general concern that most people have before major surgery...

I'd love to know how you felt/feel about the likelihood of complications!

Sent from my CPH1719 using BariatricPal mobile app

See, I thought I wasn't going to have any complications and I ended up having a lot so I guess it's a 50/50. Regardless, all complications can be fixed. My complications was bleeding in the stool and I was severely dehydrated but after getting IV's put in place and getting a blood transfusion all is back to normal. It's a scary thing to have happen however the doctors are trained for even the worst possible outcome. Goodluck on your surgery!!!!

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I am in a cycle of: wake up, drink something, take meds, fall asleep... this keeps happening every hour (except the meds bit, that's every 4 hours). In a lot of pain - far more than the sleeve. Crazy.

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6 minutes ago, froufrou said:

I am in a cycle of: wake up, drink something, take meds, fall asleep... this keeps happening every hour (except the meds bit, that's every 4 hours). In a lot of pain - far more than the sleeve. Crazy.

When was your surgery? What kind of pain? Did you have a gastric sleeve originally followed by a recent gastric bypass? I sure hope my doctor will give me something to help me sleep. I understand the only pain meds he prescribes is Tylenol with Codeine. I'm allergic to codeine so once I leave the hospital it's fend for myself with just regular Tylenol, which I haven't found in liquid form yet (other than the children's Tylenol). Are you taking anything for the pain?

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2 minutes ago, Gottajustdoit said:

When was your surgery? What kind of pain? Did you have a gastric sleeve originally followed by a recent gastric bypass? I sure hope my doctor will give me something to help me sleep. I understand the only pain meds he prescribes is Tylenol with Codeine. I'm allergic to codeine so once I leave the hospital it's fend for myself with just regular Tylenol, which I haven't found in liquid form yet (other than the children's Tylenol). Are you taking anything for the pain?

Surgery was on Tuesday. Pain is burning down the left hand side... apparently normal. I had the sleeve originally, which had a leak. I was in hospital for it for two and a half months and the sleeve totally failed due to the 5 other surgeries I needed to repair it and ultimately, my eating. Did not have a chance to do the honeymoon period or anything with my sleeve. I have dilaudid for my pain in tablet form - it's the only thing that works for me. I am probably in a lot more pain than others who have a regular bypass though as my surgeon had to clear out a lot of scar tissue.

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On 02/08/2019 at 13:25, Gottajustdoit said:

When was your surgery? What kind of pain? Did you have a gastric sleeve originally followed by a recent gastric bypass? I sure hope my doctor will give me something to help me sleep. I understand the only pain meds he prescribes is Tylenol with Codeine. I'm allergic to codeine so once I leave the hospital it's fend for myself with just regular Tylenol, which I haven't found in liquid form yet (other than the children's Tylenol). Are you taking anything for the pain?

Nurse practitioner here. Get the children’s Tylenol. Take 20ml (4 teaspoons) and that will equal 2 regular strength Tylenol tabs.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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