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World has gone to PC

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I hear you, we were that way since the beginning because we sort of clicked right away though... but I see your Lauren's and your point...

Now I'm thinking...maybe I offended somebody by dressing up as a pregnant redneck woman.... oh gee...:faint:

One time for Halloween I dressed up as Aunt Jemima. If anyone was offended it sure didn't show.

My problem with PC issues are when someone is really slamming another and they call it a joke so they can get by with it.

When it comes to Christmas it was originally a Pagan holiday and many seem to be offended that the Christians took it. My thinking is that the Christians took it long before any of us were born and to be personally insulted by it is... well, silly.

I do not support tax dollars going for mangers and such, but if someone wants to have something like that on their property or church, kewl Beans.

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One time for Halloween I dressed up as Aunt Jemima. If anyone was offended it sure didn't show.

My problem with PC issues are when someone is really slamming another and they call it a joke so they can get by with it.

When it comes to Christmas it was originally a Pagan holiday and many seem to be offended that the Christians took it. My thinking is that the Christians took it long before any of us were born and to be personally insulted by it is... well, silly.

I do not support tax dollars going for mangers and such, but if someone wants to have something like that on their property or church, kewl Beans.

Exactly! totally agree...

Aunt Jemima ....huh! that most have been funny! nobody seemed offended by my pregnant redneck woman either... so I hope it was ok...

I remember one year I dressed up as a nun, but with my butt hanging out....not to worry....it was a plastic/rubbery butt that I attached to the inside of the nun outfit and it popped out....but it looked so real... (I couldn't let my own butt hanging because I have none...being discussed as we speak in another thread..)I don't remember now if there were catholics there... oh well, too late now...:rolleyes:

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The thing is Chris, that coming from an American, that joke about Islam was in very poor taste. Believe it or not, the rest of the world does not necessarily disagree with the view of fundamentalist Muslims on the American culture, nor does the rest of the world think that George ought to have sent the troops in. And I know you will understand that I am not dissing Americans at all, nor tarring all of you with one brush, as there's loads of decent, intelligent people here on this forum for starters. But speaking in generalities, you are in no position to be slamming Islam, I wouldnt think.

Now a joke about Catholicism would have been funny - because a lot of Americans ARE catholic and it is not slamming a group of people who feel wronged enough to have undertaken heinous acts to prove their point.

Get over it would you? It was a joke in poor taste and many people didnt find it funny. That doesnt mean nobody has a sense of humour (nor that I disagree on the Christmas thing), just that Americans making jokes about Muslims is not really that funny! Especially when the rest of the world has to be involved in cleaning up the mess. We've lost two Australians over there in the last few weeks - both fathers of young children, in a war that should have nothing to do with us. It pisses me off that we have to be so careful to remain allies because of the power that America has. So to see someone being so arrogant about it all is just not fricking funny, you idiot.

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The thing is Chris, that coming from an American, that joke about Islam was in very poor taste. Believe it or not, the rest of the world does not necessarily disagree with the view of fundamentalist Muslims on the American culture, nor does the rest of the world think that George ought to have sent the troops in. And I know you will understand that I am not dissing Americans at all, nor tarring all of you with one brush, as there's loads of decent, intelligent people here on this forum for starters. But speaking in generalities, you are in no position to be slamming Islam, I wouldnt think.

Now a joke about Catholicism would have been funny - because a lot of Americans ARE catholic and it is not slamming a group of people who feel wronged enough to have undertaken heinous acts to prove their point.

Get over it would you? It was a joke in poor taste and many people didnt find it funny. That doesnt mean nobody has a sense of humour (nor that I disagree on the Christmas thing), just that Americans making jokes about Muslims is not really that funny! Especially when the rest of the world has to be involved in cleaning up the mess. We've lost two Australians over there in the last few weeks - both fathers of young children, in a war that should have nothing to do with us. It pisses me off that we have to be so careful to remain allies because of the power that America has. So to see someone being so arrogant about it all is just not fricking funny, you idiot.

The thing is Chris, that coming from an American, that joke about Islam was in very poor tast

So its ok for anyone else? Your statement makes no sense at all.
Now a joke about Catholicism would have been funny - because a lot of Americans ARE catholic and it is not slamming a group of people who feel wronged enough to have undertaken heinous acts to prove their point
Hmm a double edged sword? Whats good for one is not good for another? Heinous acts? Your joking right? So you blame the US for terrorism? Wow!

Its justified to blow up innocent people just to get a point across? Imagine if Ghandi and Martin Luther Kind went about there struggle that way?

Get over it would you? It was a joke in poor taste and many people didn't find it funny.

Its a joke not many of them are in great taste but usually a satire of what is going on in the world today. Some people do find it funny. Sad some can't laugh at life. Maybe you should get over it and relax a bit. You may cause yourself anxiety if you can't smile at life once in awhile.
Especially when the rest of the world has to be involved in cleaning up the mess.
Please tell me who is cleaning up our mess? You have to be kidding. Your nation was there since day one.
nor does the rest of the world think that George ought to have sent the troops in
Its funny over 30 nations were there at the start of the war.
It pisses me off that we have to be so careful to remain allies because of the power that America has. So to see someone being so arrogant about it all is just not fricking funny, you idiot.
Who is the arrogant one? Childish name calling? Grow up please. No one said you had to like it or even respond to my thread so please move on if you are going to flame or be childish. Please get off your holier than though horse. This thread wasn't actually about Derricks thread but about how the world has gotten to PC today.

Its funny tonight I spoke to a friend of mine that I speak to probably a few times a week. The man is an Iraqi interpreter that decided to work for the Marines after the invasion. He presently resides in Jordan after serving 2 years fighting terrorists. He is proud of whats going on over there. I actually sent him a link about that car. He cracked up and said you have got to be kidding me. I then proceeded to tell him about what derrick said and he laughed and said yeah that would be the terrorist upgrade edition. I should get him in this thread. He always posts on a site I help run called Liveleak.

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The thing is Chris, that coming from an American, that joke about Islam was in very poor taste. Believe it or not, the rest of the world does not necessarily disagree with the view of fundamentalist Muslims on the American culture, nor does the rest of the world think that George ought to have sent the troops in. And I know you will understand that I am not dissing Americans at all, nor tarring all of you with one brush, as there's loads of decent, intelligent people here on this forum for starters. But speaking in generalities, you are in no position to be slamming Islam, I wouldnt think.

Now a joke about Catholicism would have been funny - because a lot of Americans ARE catholic and it is not slamming a group of people who feel wronged enough to have undertaken heinous acts to prove their point.

Get over it would you? It was a joke in poor taste and many people didnt find it funny. That doesnt mean nobody has a sense of humour (nor that I disagree on the Christmas thing), just that Americans making jokes about Muslims is not really that funny! Especially when the rest of the world has to be involved in cleaning up the mess. We've lost two Australians over there in the last few weeks - both fathers of young children, in a war that should have nothing to do with us. It pisses me off that we have to be so careful to remain allies because of the power that America has. So to see someone being so arrogant about it all is just not fricking funny, you idiot.

The are American Muslims so your point was not really valid by saying that a joke about Catholics would have been funny because some Americans are Catholic.

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and it depends on if the joke was even directed to you in the first place or if you happened to "hear" that person directing the joke to someone else and decided to get offended.....this happens alot at my work...you hear something someone else said in their own personal conversation which you were not involved in and then decide to get offended. My opinion...it was not meant for you and if you didn't want to get offended you never should have been listening to begin with

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I think that the "politically correct" crusade is quite out of control as are recent "no tolerance" policies. Boys can't scrap in the schoolyard any more to settle a difference (not that I personally encourage people to fight, but that used to be part of a young man "coming of age" back in the "old days"). Obviously, we don't want people shooting each other in the streets, but if kids were allowed to defend themselves, they wouldn't be repeatedly bullied and decide to gun down their tormentors in school hallways. The tormentor would learn to knock it off the first time the nerdy kid wound up and clocked him with a right hook upside the head!

Since the 1980s, we've been raising a bunch of pampered, namby-pamby weaklings that can't have the gumption to stand up for anything, can't sacrifice any modern conveniences (I saw that first hand after Hurricane Isabel hit my area), or lose at a game without falling apart. Subsequently, the kids never learn how to deal with hard times or how to handle disappointment. When tough times come along, the parents rescue them again and again. I'm in the schools, so I get to see this nonsense first hand.

Many schools are not selecting valedictorians because it would hurt someone's feelings if they didn't win. :violin:Sports teams give trophies to everyone no matter what the outcome of the tournament. What's up with that? If you win, you win. If you lose, you lose. Duh! Deal with it!

Sometimes you just have to say it like it is. Spit out the truth. For example, if you are wearing a very unflattering outfit that you mistakenly think is H-O-T, do you want someone to lie to spare your feelings and let you go out looking like an idiot or should they be tough and tell you the real deal? I'd rather know that I look like heck before heading out the door.

I don't know if any of you happened to watch Ken Burns' recent series on "The War." It was fascinating to watch how people handled themselves during World War II. They were unbelievably tough. They went without so their share of goods could go toward the manufacture of weaponry, airplanes, and to feed and clothe the soldiers. About 300,000-400,000 sets of U.S. parents lost a soldier (it's difficult to fathom today how many households that war touched--thousands and thousands more soldiers were wounded). Thinking about all of that really put things in perspective for me.

It frightens me a great deal that our citizens are so different today. I often hope that we aren't put in the position again where we have to really fight to save our country because I think we'll be going down in flames. Kiss your butt goodbye! I don't think our citizenry (except for our military personnel) is resilient enough to suck it up and get the job done anymore. How could they function without their Starbucks, after all? :biggrin1:

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Another complaint I have is how you can't even say Merry Christmas without offending someone. No more Christmas carols in schools. What is wrong with people these days? Say goodbye to the manger scenes in towns because all that is bing taken away these days. I can see how some may say that they are not being represented so go ahead and expand on it but don't take away others traditions.

i agree with you so much on this. my son goes to a private school. i myself am not a regular church attender, but i have my beliefs. it is horrible when your child actually asks you to never put him in a school that doesn't allow prayer, or a christmas program. i couldn't imagine my school without it. i know there is a seperation, but geez....

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How many blond, jewish, catholic, fat, men, women, mexican, irish, muslim, indian, native american, rabbi, god, devil, strange sexual acts with animals, strange sexual acts with neighbors, old white lady who's a bitch - jokes are there out there? Jokes are just jokes...And for as many offended people you'll have, you'll find people laughing.

I work with two guys who have worked together for over 25 years. One is a white guy and the other is a black guy. They are very good work buddies, and are always teasing each other with racist jokes. (All the cracker jokes make me hungry...) When I first started there I was shocked, but now it's funny because I know the two involved and I just shake it off.

One day the white guy brought in a large Arizona Watermelon tea for the black guy and just sat it on his desk. All of us just sat there, wondering what he would say. He just turned and said, "How'd you know I love watermelon???!!!" He laughed, then we laughed, then the white guy said, "Well, you needed something to wash the fried chicken down with." Wow.

Yeah...They're definitely not PC. No one else in our group would have 1) done that, or 2) gotten away with doing that. They are friends and can do that. I don't know either one well enough to make personal jokes about or to them. So, I think it would be inappropriate for me to say that stuff, even though I think it's fun to hear them go back and forth.

I think you just have to know your audience - just ask Sarah Silverman. She made some jokes about Britney that weren't really funny because they were TRUE and recent.

Some things are bad taste and some aren't, and some only are because someone's in a bad mood.

All in all, I say go for it. If you get flack, oh well. People should lighten up, others should should proof what they write...if there ever was a balance the world would be perfect.

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. ...:violin:Sports teams give trophies to everyone no matter what the outcome of the tournament. What's up with that? If you win, you win. If you lose, you lose. Duh! Deal with it!

... :biggrin1:

I hate that! I assist with coaching on my daughter's soccer team and they're not supposed to keep score! All the kids know, though - so it's just stupid. And, I'm sorry, but the little girl who screams every time the ball comes near her and actually moves out of the goal when it's coming her way should NOT be in soccer. Go be a ballerina. I'm sick of that crap. It's a sporting competition. There should be points. There is a winner and there is a <gasp!> loser.

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What gets me is when people aren't joking. I was at the house my brother's friends shared in Memphis, watching a football game. One of the guys was getting pissed at his team and started making some very racist comments towards the black players, really screaming at the TV. You know, yelling comments along the lines of, "What do they have to do, put a plate of fried chicken and greens in front of you to get you to move forward?" I can't even do justice to his comments. Suffice it to say, it was unpleasant to be in the same room.

I dunno. Maybe I'm so sensitive to it because I live in an area of the country where there is some very real racial tension between whites and blacks. All I know is that in most cases (here, at least), if a white guy came up to a black person and started cracking racial jokes, there wouldn't be a good ending.

But yes, I totally and completely agree with the comment that you need to know your audience. There are "jokes" that are completely okay for people to use among friends, since their friends know that they aren't serious. Strangers don't know that, though.

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I think of that scene in Die Hard 2, I think, where he strapped on a racist sign and stood in Harlem. Not good stuff.

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Maybe I do get oversensitive for jokes about Islam but until you've walked in my steps you'll never understand. I used to live in the majority, came from a small town with all whites with redneck parents. Then because I chose a different way to worship God I'm suddenly in the minority. I've been called a terrorist b/c of the clothes that I wear. I've had death threats left at my doors telling me I need to go back to my own country, guess what? This is my country. When I walk into a public place everyone stares at me and starts whispering. This happens as well with my 14 year old daughter. When we go to my hometown which is almost never she's scared to wear her garb b/c of the comments we've gotten in the past. All I'm saying is yes I'm sensitive. This is something I deal with on a daily basis in my life. It's not easy and when I see certain things posted that says Islam is this or it's that it is very hurtful b/c Islam is not really that way. Just b/c some of the people that say they are Muslim act the way they do and are terrorists the majority of true Muslims are put through the ringers for it. So if I've offended or hurt anyone I'm truly sorry but I will not be sorry for getting offended by what others think is funny.

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