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I would like to know what it is ok to joke about. I find the idea of a car made for Islam or any religion absurd. How about cars for Catholics with a confessional instead of a trunk. That way when you have illicit sex in the back seat you can immediatly be absolved of a mortal sin!!!!

For the record, as a Catholic I find this extremely hilarious.

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Ok just so this can be cleared up and we can all move on. Maybe it was the timing of that joke. Yes I think a car made for Muslims is going a bit too far and would probably think ok that's just a bit crazy but after all of this: being called anti-semitic, told that I needed psychiatric help, was told that I needed to check out an Islamic hate site, being told I was part of the "Blame Israel for all the world's problem crowd", and apparently I also have the poor me syndrome, well anyway the timing was terrible and it set me off to see a site that generalizes Muslims as terrorists. I think it would you as well and all of those were just coming from one person.

Oh and here they are just in case you didn't see them, all coming from Chris:

#1" You need psychiatric help. rolleyes.gif You say you belong to a religion of peace? Sounds like you are spewing nothing but anti semitic hate.

You need to check this site out and tell me who is killing babies before you accuse anyone else.

TheReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World"

Comment speaks for itself there. Check that site out and I believe anyone can see for themself it's an Islam hate site.

#2" And your anti-Semite hate? Please answer for it. You post on another thread about how you hate being stereotyped but yet you follow suit with anti-Semite posts and a sick poem about dead baby's?

Don't preach to the choir when you need to clean up your own back yard.

I don't hate Muslims I just wish some would stand up and realize that pointing fingers at other faiths when there own extremist sect is killing so many innocents.

You say its lies well then prove it. Has Iran been killing people who are gays lately? Can woman vote yet in some middle eastern countries or even drive a car ? Be glad you are a convert in this country. Were all 19 9/11 hijackers Muslims? Are not suicide attacks on a daily base done by Muslims?

Prove it is all I ask."

Poem about babies dying was to prove to everyone that war kills innocent people and I don't agree with it at all.

Honestly I did prove it to you Chris b/c I believe I actually agreed with you that many Muslims try to use killing in the name of God as a one way ticket to Paradise but that wasn't good enough for you.

#3. "I feel she is part of the " Blame Israel for all the worlds problem crowd" considering this whole thread is about the Iraq war and not Israel.

#4. " She has the poor me syndrome rolleyes.gif"

Where he got this I'll never know, guess my opinion on the Iraq war wasn't what he wanted to hear.

So anyway when the joke was posted immediately after Chris so warmly welcomed me to the forum I was a bit upset to be generalized as a terrorist in the joke.

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Not to be rude, but this is an online forum. You are going to see and hear things that you might not agree with. Doesn't mean anyone should "get their panties in a wad". (_I_)

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Not to be rude, but this is an online forum. You are going to see and hear things that you might not agree with. Doesn't mean anyone should "get their panties in a wad". (_I_)

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Again, I think a lot of it depends on who the audience is, who the person telling the joke is, and how they've timed it. The joke in question was originally suspicious to me because of the fact that the person telling it had just been involved in the thread about Iraq, and he knew that there was at least one Muslim on the board that took her faith very seriously at the time he posted it. There's a time and a place for everything, I think, and that wasn't it.

The one thing I agree with you is that it does depend on the audience....

What I've learned from this thread was that while I thought that some have a sense of humor and some just don't may not be accurate, I think now that different people have different tolerance levels towards jokes or different levels of sense of humor and that's what makes different audiences... I get that...;)

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Because it was a huge exaggeration to what Jacqui was trying to convey. It just wasn't fair or accurate.

A huge exageration?????

Well, let's see, because Chris posted that Derrick's thread was a joke and it was meant to be funny and that maybe we should lighten up, he was just expressing his opinion of a thread, not even defending the joke itself... and she called him names... an idiot among other things and said a bunch of other things implying that he was a bigot and scum, etc...remember Chris wasn't even the one who posted the joke, he was merely expressing his opinion on just the fact the the thread was a joke, she made it her mission to attack him throught the whole threat, I don't know Chris, I wasn't defending him, I was defending his right to express his opinion of a thread, if she would've stuck on defending her opinion instead of calling names and making personal attacks, then I don't have a problem with that, but then she tops it of with calling Eddie Murphy a Filthy pig....again, calling someone else names.... if she feels that Chris is an idiot among many other harsh things just because he may have found a joke funny, then I wonder what she thinks of the millions of people that laugh and find Eddie Murphy funny? since he is a "filthy pig"......... I am going to dare and say that she probably doesn't think much of all of us who listen to Eddie.... to me, it's the same case with Chris as with Eddie... so I stand for what I say and I don't believe I was exagerating..:biggrin1:

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Ok just so this can be cleared up and we can all move on. Maybe it was the timing of that joke. Yes I think a car made for Muslims is going a bit too far and would probably think ok that's just a bit crazy but after all of this: being called anti-semitic, told that I needed psychiatric help, was told that I needed to check out an Islamic hate site, being told I was part of the "Blame Israel for all the world's problem crowd", and apparently I also have the poor me syndrome, well anyway the timing was terrible and it set me off to see a site that generalizes Muslims as terrorists. I think it would you as well and all of those were just coming from one person.

Oh and here they are just in case you didn't see them, all coming from Chris:

#1" You need psychiatric help. :) You say you belong to a religion of peace? Sounds like you are spewing nothing but anti semitic hate.

You need to check this site out and tell me who is killing babies before you accuse anyone else.

TheReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World"

Comment speaks for itself there. Check that site out and I believe anyone can see for themself it's an Islam hate site.

#2" And your anti-Semite hate? Please answer for it. You post on another thread about how you hate being stereotyped but yet you follow suit with anti-Semite posts and a sick poem about dead baby's?

Don't preach to the choir when you need to clean up your own back yard.

I don't hate Muslims I just wish some would stand up and realize that pointing fingers at other faiths when there own extremist sect is killing so many innocents.

You say its lies well then prove it. Has Iran been killing people who are gays lately? Can woman vote yet in some middle eastern countries or even drive a car ? Be glad you are a convert in this country. Were all 19 9/11 hijackers Muslims? Are not suicide attacks on a daily base done by Muslims?

Prove it is all I ask."

Poem about babies dying was to prove to everyone that war kills innocent people and I don't agree with it at all.

Honestly I did prove it to you Chris b/c I believe I actually agreed with you that many Muslims try to use killing in the name of God as a one way ticket to Paradise but that wasn't good enough for you.

#3. "I feel she is part of the " Blame Israel for all the worlds problem crowd" considering this whole thread is about the Iraq war and not Israel.

#4. " She has the poor me syndrome :rolleyes:"

Where he got this I'll never know, guess my opinion on the Iraq war wasn't what he wanted to hear.

So anyway when the joke was posted immediately after Chris so warmly welcomed me to the forum I was a bit upset to be generalized as a terrorist in the joke.

Talk about throwing a huge spin on things I posted. Everything I posted was relevant to a comment and a response you posted. None of those comments were blatantly posted as you have them laid out.

Lets see we had a thread about the Iraq war and call me crazy but it has nothing to do with Israel and ( drum roll please) in walks you into the conversation and Israel suddenly is dragged in. What would that make you think? Yep you have a thing against Israel. Thats what I would think. Considering Israel has nothing to do with Iraq war and the US being there. So intern I put you in the blame Israel crowd. Easy assumption I think.

The site I agree is not a very pro Islam site and I am not a big fan of it. But I ask you to find me a pro Islam site that is going to have a list of all Radical Islamic terrorist attacks that happen. You won't. Thats why that link was posted and trust me I am not on there mailing list. ;)

Poor me syndrome. Yes I put anyone that uses there own beliefs as a crutch and thinks anyone out to get them for it in this class. Don't matter what race, nationality or religion.

IMO that poem was dark and demented. Nuff said. I have never heard a baby speak like that so anyone who wrote it and enjoys it imo needs help.

"So anyway when the joke was posted immediately after Chris so warmly welcomed me to the forum I was a bit upset to be generalized as a terrorist in the joke."

So when did I call a Terrorist? WOW to this comment. I ask to revert back to the poor me syndrome again.

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Let me give you a scenario: If some racist prick made a joke about a gang of KKK members lynching a black man, is it somehow less offensive because it's a joke? THAT is my point. If something isn't acceptable in regular conversation, it isn't acceptable in jokes, either, IMO.

If the joke is being told in front of other racist pigs, it probably is ok with them. If it is told in a group of random unconected people, the teller might get the shit beat out of him or worse. If it is told on the radio, the DJ will probably get fired and never work again, ala The Greaseman.

The Islam joke may have been offensive but it did not advocate or mention harming Muslims in any way. So your scenario is not a good comparison. The things mentioned in the car joke come up everyday on the news and in conversations at work, home and just about everywhere else.

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If the joke is being told in front of other racist pigs, it probably is ok with them. If it is told in a group of random unconected people, the teller might get the shit beat out of him or worse. If it is told on the radio, the DJ will probably get fired and never work again, ala The Greaseman.

The Islam joke may have been offensive but it did not advocate or mention harming Muslims in any way. So your scenario is not a good comparison. The things mentioned in the car joke come up everyday on the news and in conversations at work, home and just about everywhere else.

I do agree with you phyllis....

I totally disagree that something said in a regular/serious conversation is meant in the same way as something said as an obvious joke... therefore I think it could acceptable as a joke, but not acceptalble as a serious statement...

But it's like I was talking to Laurend earlier... I can understand how different people have different levels of tolerance towards jokes.... it's not either we have a sense of humor or we don't.... which is pretty much the way I am, it's more depending on the audience, who says the joke, when, etc.... which in my opinion, it can take the fun out the the joke... so that's why I take it as a plain joke and laugh...

I don't know if you have ever heard of Ralphy May... he was the winner or one of the finalists of "The last comic standing" and he jokes about absolutely EVERYTHING! including Christians, who I am one.... well, I laugh at ALL his jokes... it doesn't bother me that some of them are Christian jokes, I still think he is funny.... so I guess I'm one of those that is more "black or white" when it comes to sense of humor, I pretty much laugh at anything that's funny, when said in a funny way or as a joke, I'd like to believe that I can tell the difference from a joke or a vicious comment, but I get that other people are more sensitive about this.... same way I could be more sensitive about other things instead of humor...:)

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Yah, I have always had a very black sense of humour and I not only love jokes I also find them fascinating. Of course there are truly mean-spirited jokes and there are also jokes who lose all their humour when they are told by mean-spirited people.

I personally have found this thread to be a very interesting one. All the viewpoints which have been expressed have validity, I think.

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It's interesting to look at the fine line between humor and poor taste. I think we often admire humor for the truth and wit, unexpectedness, etc. in it. After all, a good sense of humor is one of the best indicators of intelligence. And while "good" sense of humor is extraordinarly arbitrary, there are some things that we can find almost universally funny.

The psychology of humor is an amazing study.

Here's a joke I was once told: Did you hear they're building a new skyscraper hospital in Dallas for AIDS patients? They're calling it "Sick Fags over Texas."

I'm not sick (well, not physically anyway) and I'm not homosexual, but that's just not funny to me. It's miserable. I don't know a single homosexual it was funny to, or many straights.

Here's another joke I was once told: Do you know how copper wire was invented? Two jews were fighting over a penny.

I'm not jewish, but I thought it was a cute joke. I also know people who are jewish, and do think it's funny.

So what makes one joke funny, but not the other? What factors drive humor and acceptance?

I think South Park is one of the most brilliant shows around. It has some of the smartest writing I've ever seen. My parents, too, find it funny - so it isn't just an age thing. But I know people who think it's a disgusting show - they won't even watch it. But if they did watch it, do you think they'd laugh at anything? (honest question).

Humor in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The role and nature of humor

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Aka... dark humor.

There is a reason nurses and police officers get along well and it is because the two professions use dark humor all the time. Quite frankly, there are things I would say to another nurse or a policeman that I would never dream of saying in front of anyone else.

It's not that anyone thinks it's funny... whatever the topic is. It's a coping method. You can either spend your time at work in tears or you can pretend something is funny and laugh. Again, nobody thinks it is funny, everyone knows it isn't. It is a coping method and nothing more. Unless you experience it and make a choice to cry or laugh, you just won't totally get it. Just like a naturally thin person will never understand being fat. Thin people are shocked that we don't just eat less, non policemen/nurses would be shocked at what we joke about.

I'd provide examples but I think it wouldn't be wise. :)

I wish you did .....I LOVE dark humor....;)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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