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World has gone to PC

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Maybe I do get oversensitive for jokes about Islam but until you've walked in my steps you'll never understand. I used to live in the majority, came from a small town with all whites with redneck parents. Then because I chose a different way to worship God I'm suddenly in the minority. I've been called a terrorist b/c of the clothes that I wear. I've had death threats left at my doors telling me I need to go back to my own country, guess what? This is my country. When I walk into a public place everyone stares at me and starts whispering. This happens as well with my 14 year old daughter. When we go to my hometown which is almost never she's scared to wear her garb b/c of the comments we've gotten in the past. All I'm saying is yes I'm sensitive. This is something I deal with on a daily basis in my life. It's not easy and when I see certain things posted that says Islam is this or it's that it is very hurtful b/c Islam is not really that way. Just b/c some of the people that say they are Muslim act the way they do and are terrorists the majority of true Muslims are put through the ringers for it. So if I've offended or hurt anyone I'm truly sorry but I will not be sorry for getting offended by what others think is funny.

Not trying to be disrepectful but if you go through like getting offended by things other people say fo rhumor purposes then you are going to spend alot of your life getting offended. But that's just IMO.

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pippinje i'm sure you are probably right and believe me it's gotten easier but i think that's b/c i have become a shut in. i used to be a shut in for weight, then decided screw them if they don't like how i look don't look at me but this is something very new to me and it's just taken me some time to deal with but yes at the same time it's very hurtful to see remarks about islam that aren't true b/c it just keeps fueling the hatred and paranoia......

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My friends know if I'm angry or upset by something, I'll get angry, then cry...then slowly start making jokes about whatever is was that bothered me. Part of my healing process is to make jokes and I don't see it as feuling hatred and paranoia, rather trying to lighten the world up a little bit. What fuels my hatred and paranoia, personally, is when something of mine is threatened. I don't hear a joke and get angry.

If you think about it, right after 9/11 there weren't any jokes being told. People were too pissed. Now, more and more jokes (whether in bad taste, or incorrect in factual content) are surfacing, so I tend to believe making jokes is many other people's way of healing, too.

I think the really offensive jokes are either told by comics for effect, or from one truly racist/sexist/bigot/fill-in-the-blank-ass to another. The ones that people feel comfortable telling to large groups of people probably aren't meant to be offensive and should be taken less seriously than they are.

It parrallels what I've told my daughter about cussing. If she stubs her toe and says, "F***!" then I'll be less angry than if she looked at me and said, "F*** you." Same word. Different meaning and intent behind it.

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So its ok for anyone else? Your statement makes no sense at all.

Hmm a double edged sword? Whats good for one is not good for another? Heinous acts? Your joking right? So you blame the US for terrorism? Wow!

Its justified to blow up innocent people just to get a point across? Imagine if Ghandi and Martin Luther Kind went about there struggle that way?

Its a joke not many of them are in great taste but usually a satire of what is going on in the world today. Some people do find it funny. Sad some can't laugh at life. Maybe you should get over it and relax a bit. You may cause yourself anxiety if you can't smile at life once in awhile.

Please tell me who is cleaning up our mess? You have to be kidding. Your nation was there since day one.

Its funny over 30 nations were there at the start of the war.

Who is the arrogant one? Childish name calling? Grow up please. No one said you had to like it or even respond to my thread so please move on if you are going to flame or be childish. Please get off your holier than though horse. This thread wasn't actually about Derricks thread but about how the world has gotten to PC today.

Its funny tonight I spoke to a friend of mine that I speak to probably a few times a week. The man is an Iraqi interpreter that decided to work for the Marines after the invasion. He presently resides in Jordan after serving 2 years fighting terrorists. He is proud of whats going on over there. I actually sent him a link about that car. He cracked up and said you have got to be kidding me. I then proceeded to tell him about what derrick said and he laughed and said yeah that would be the terrorist upgrade edition. I should get him in this thread. He always posts on a site I help run called Liveleak.

Chris, I'm with you, calling people names doesn't put this person in a different category of any that critizices a particular religion, in fact, it's even worst in my opinion because ultimately anybody has the right to critizice or not agree with any religion..., which byt the way, I know that's not what you were doing..you were just defending the point of a joke just being a joke and to lighten up... which I also agree with you.

This was not about americans or the rest of the world agreeing with fundamentalist islam, which I would think that those fundamentalists muslims that live in American and other countries would agree with their religion obviously, other than thpse, I'm not so sure why they would agree with that religion...., otherwise they would be practicing it...and I don't see that happening...

Besides, if there are plenty of fundamentalists islamics in American, then why would the joke be treated any different from a Catholic joke, right?

WHoever found the joke tasteless is fine, I respect that, but whoever took it as a joke and only that, it should be ok too....

As far as countries having allies, ALL countries do, for one reason or another, whether we like it or not, I suggest they take it with their own leaders as to why they want to be US allies... and if it's because our country is "so powerful", well, how is that anybody's fault...

I wonder why so many nations were there when we went to Iraq... it must have been because we are so powerful that they felt the need to agree with us out of fear, give me a break!

Ultimately, it was a joke, I welcome all jokes about Christianity, which I am one...or any other subhect, bring them on! if they are jokes, that's how I take them!:clap2:

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My friends know if I'm angry or upset by something, I'll get angry, then cry...then slowly start making jokes about whatever is was that bothered me. Part of my healing process is to make jokes and I don't see it as feuling hatred and paranoia, rather trying to lighten the world up a little bit. What fuels my hatred and paranoia, personally, is when something of mine is threatened. I don't hear a joke and get angry.

If you think about it, right after 9/11 there weren't any jokes being told. People were too pissed. Now, more and more jokes (whether in bad taste, or incorrect in factual content) are surfacing, so I tend to believe making jokes is many other people's way of healing, too.

I think the really offensive jokes are either told by comics for effect, or from one truly racist/sexist/bigot/fill-in-the-blank-ass to another. The ones that people feel comfortable telling to large groups of people probably aren't meant to be offensive and should be taken less seriously than they are.

It parrallels what I've told my daughter about cussing. If she stubs her toe and says, "F***!" then I'll be less angry than if she looked at me and said, "F*** you." Same word. Different meaning and intent behind it.

Well said!

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Maybe I do get oversensitive for jokes about Islam but until you've walked in my steps you'll never understand. I used to live in the majority, came from a small town with all whites with redneck parents. Then because I chose a different way to worship God I'm suddenly in the minority. I've been called a terrorist b/c of the clothes that I wear. I've had death threats left at my doors telling me I need to go back to my own country, guess what? This is my country. When I walk into a public place everyone stares at me and starts whispering. This happens as well with my 14 year old daughter. When we go to my hometown which is almost never she's scared to wear her garb b/c of the comments we've gotten in the past. All I'm saying is yes I'm sensitive. This is something I deal with on a daily basis in my life. It's not easy and when I see certain things posted that says Islam is this or it's that it is very hurtful b/c Islam is not really that way. Just b/c some of the people that say they are Muslim act the way they do and are terrorists the majority of true Muslims are put through the ringers for it. So if I've offended or hurt anyone I'm truly sorry but I will not be sorry for getting offended by what others think is funny.

YOur feelings are legitime to you and that I respect, I really think it was a joke, but wish you wouldn't have gotten hurt since I personally don't agree with hurting anyone, but I n my heart feel that it was really a joke, same kind of joke I've heard about every other religion, race, being fat, and so forth..... I sincerely hope you feel better.

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The are American Muslims so your point was not really valid by saying that a joke about Catholics would have been funny because some Americans are Catholic.

Did you realized that? thank you, I did too.... for a moment there I had to go back and read it twice... hello....

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Maybe I do get oversensitive for jokes about Islam but until you've walked in my steps you'll never understand. I used to live in the majority, came from a small town with all whites with redneck parents. Then because I chose a different way to worship God I'm suddenly in the minority. I've been called a terrorist b/c of the clothes that I wear. I've had death threats left at my doors telling me I need to go back to my own country, guess what? This is my country. When I walk into a public place everyone stares at me and starts whispering. This happens as well with my 14 year old daughter. When we go to my hometown which is almost never she's scared to wear her garb b/c of the comments we've gotten in the past. All I'm saying is yes I'm sensitive. This is something I deal with on a daily basis in my life. It's not easy and when I see certain things posted that says Islam is this or it's that it is very hurtful b/c Islam is not really that way. Just b/c some of the people that say they are Muslim act the way they do and are terrorists the majority of true Muslims are put through the ringers for it. So if I've offended or hurt anyone I'm truly sorry but I will not be sorry for getting offended by what others think is funny.

You have every right to be angry and offended when people want to hurt you and your family because of your beliefs. The joke about the Islamobile was, I think, just too silly to be viewed as anything other than a joke. Perhaps the damage which you have received due to the abuse has made you overly sensitive. This is certainly understandable. I am very sorry that you and your family are being humiliated by ignorant and malicious strangers for your beliefs. Let us hope that one day this will change. And let us hope that one day the dhimmi will once again be tolerated in the Islamic nations as they were in the past. :(

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I think that the "politically correct" crusade is quite out of control as are recent "no tolerance" policies. Boys can't scrap in the schoolyard any more to settle a difference (not that I personally encourage people to fight, but that used to be part of a young man "coming of age" back in the "old days"). Obviously, we don't want people shooting each other in the streets, but if kids were allowed to defend themselves, they wouldn't be repeatedly bullied and decide to gun down their tormentors in school hallways. The tormentor would learn to knock it off the first time the nerdy kid wound up and clocked him with a right hook upside the head!

Since the 1980s, we've been raising a bunch of pampered, namby-pamby weaklings that can't have the gumption to stand up for anything, can't sacrifice any modern conveniences (I saw that first hand after Hurricane Isabel hit my area), or lose at a game without falling apart. Subsequently, the kids never learn how to deal with hard times or how to handle disappointment. When tough times come along, the parents rescue them again and again. I'm in the schools, so I get to see this nonsense first hand.

Many schools are not selecting valedictorians because it would hurt someone's feelings if they didn't win. :violin:Sports teams give trophies to everyone no matter what the outcome of the tournament. What's up with that? If you win, you win. If you lose, you lose. Duh! Deal with it!

Sometimes you just have to say it like it is. Spit out the truth. For example, if you are wearing a very unflattering outfit that you mistakenly think is H-O-T, do you want someone to lie to spare your feelings and let you go out looking like an idiot or should they be tough and tell you the real deal? I'd rather know that I look like heck before heading out the door.

I don't know if any of you happened to watch Ken Burns' recent series on "The War." It was fascinating to watch how people handled themselves during World War II. They were unbelievably tough. They went without so their share of goods could go toward the manufacture of weaponry, airplanes, and to feed and clothe the soldiers. About 300,000-400,000 sets of U.S. parents lost a soldier (it's difficult to fathom today how many households that war touched--thousands and thousands more soldiers were wounded). Thinking about all of that really put things in perspective for me.

It frightens me a great deal that our citizens are so different today. I often hope that we aren't put in the position again where we have to really fight to save our country because I think we'll be going down in flames. Kiss your butt goodbye! I don't think our citizenry (except for our military personnel) is resilient enough to suck it up and get the job done anymore. How could they function without their Starbucks, after all? :biggrin1:

Just wanted to say that I've been watching "The War" excellent! and you are so right about that, those people back then were really tough... they could do and take pretty much everything.... impressive!

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Especially when the rest of the world has to be involved in cleaning up the mess. We've lost two Australians over there in the last few weeks - both fathers of young children, in a war that should have nothing to do with us. It pisses me off that we have to be so careful to remain allies because of the power that America has.

I will have to disagree with you on the last point in the above quote. Canada chose not to join in the Iraq war, an act which did lead to some coolness between Washington and Canada at the time. It was your Conservative government who made the choice to back Washington up. I sympathise deeply over your military losses. Canada is engaged in Afghanistan and we have seen quite a few of our own men come home in caskets.

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I will have to disagree with you on the last point in the above quote. Canada chose not to join in the Iraq war, an act which did lead to some coolness between Washington and Canada at the time. It was your Conservative government who made the choice to back Washington up. I sympathise deeply over your military losses. Canada is engaged in Afghanistan and we have seen quite a few of our own men come home in caskets.

YEs indeed, it's the governmen who made the choice to back Washington up... and I clearly remember when Canada didn't and things were a little cold, but you know what, if they felt that way, then good for Canada! and even though things were cold for a while, Canada is still there , surviving and not living in fear of the US...

I as well sympathise very deeply over the military losses in Australia, Canada and other countries, I REALLY do...:think

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You have every right to be angry and offended when people want to hurt you and your family because of your beliefs. The joke about the Islamobile was, I think, just too silly to be viewed as anything other than a joke. Perhaps the damage which you have received due to the abuse has made you overly sensitive. This is certainly understandable. I am very sorry that you and your family are being humiliated by ignorant and malicious strangers for your beliefs. Let us hope that one day this will change. And let us hope that one day the dhimmi will once again be tolerated in the Islamic nations as they were in the past. :)

I couldn't have said it better myself. :clap2:

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You have every right to be angry and offended when people want to hurt you and your family because of your beliefs. The joke about the Islamobile was, I think, just too silly to be viewed as anything other than a joke. Perhaps the damage which you have received due to the abuse has made you overly sensitive. This is certainly understandable. I am very sorry that you and your family are being humiliated by ignorant and malicious strangers for your beliefs. Let us hope that one day this will change. And let us hope that one day the dhimmi will once again be tolerated in the Islamic nations as they were in the past. :)

Shortly after 9/11 and for about a year following I belonged to a volunteer group of people that would actually go with Muslims to the grocery store, dry cleaners, etc. They were afraid of being shot by drive by shooters merely for their beliefs. They wouldn't leave the house unless one of us took them and they certainly didn't let their children play in the front yard.

It's sad that because they wear different clothing than me they fear getting shot and quite frankly, they had good reason to fear this. They felt if someone like me was with them they felt safer. So I went with them.

Never spent so much time at a grocery store between all the trips :) but that isn't the point. The point is that every aspect of their lives changed and they are just as American as I am. But for different beliefs the fear for their lives and the lives of their children became a huge issue.

I understand the other poster's comments completely. If I had to live that way life would be difficult. At least I can decline to announce my atheism to people that would hate me for my lack of belief. Clothing is part of their beliefs and culture and they shouldn't have to hide it to fear the "God Loving" hard core, fundie level Christians. I'm not referring to normal Christians, but the extremes that hate in the name of love.

I've lived it but nowhere near the level of Muslims, I fully understand what they are talking about.

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A little about me in a story....

On 9/11 I was home in NJ. I just happen to be an officer of a vollunteer fire department at the time. When the WTC happened me and a few men grabbed our gear and went to NYC as quickly as we could and stayed there for just under a week helping our brother firefighters do what we could to help in recovery. We spent 17 hour plus days digging with our bare hands. I remember coming home from there and just breaking down crying like a little baby about what I saw to my father. You would think after loosing friends that day and what I went through I would be full of hate for the Muslim faith. Just the opposite happened to me. I found myself being kinder and trying to be more understanding of them.

A few days after 9/11 happened there was a lot of tension in the area and I would of expected that. I went to a local pub with the guys I went to NY with to have a few drinks which was probably not a good idea to help with post traumatic stress. That night I saw something that drove me nuts and into a fight at the pub. They were having a beat the Bin Laden doll fund raiser that night. IMO that was sick. They had a big doll dressed up as Bin Laden and you could beat it for a donation that would goto the red cross. It wasn't even the doll beating that got me over the top it was the fact the ass on the mic was yelling extremely racial things and it offended the hell out of me. Yelling things about the gas stations and 7 11's and the people that work there and basically inciting violence. Lets say I took the bad route and popped him in the face. I made my point and yelled now you know why they hate us.

The point I am trying to make is there is a time and place. His timing and way of doing what they were doing was wrong. He was spouting out hate. I can tell the difference. A joke is a joke and not meant to be hateful. People just need to learn to differentiate between to two.

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Oh FFS, that makes it OK? That you beat up someone who makes an obvious racial/religious slur and then that makes it OK to laugh at a stupid joke?

Real smart. Oh for sure, that's made ALL the difference in my opinion. Hey, we can all laugh at hateful jokes because we'll just punch anyone who says anything in public!

So glad the issue is all sorted.

Don't be arrogant. I totally did the wrong thing when I assaulted that man. It was wrong. I agree to that. You need to get off my back. You obviously have some serious issue with me. Get over it. Stay the heck out of my threads and I will gladly stay the heck out of yours.

The point I was making is that people like you are trying to make me out like I am some bigot in which I am not.

Please clean up your own backyard down there in Australia before you complain about anyone else. Or did you forget about the mob riots on the beaches? We never had mobs of 5000 people attacking Muslims in this country.............

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