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Why is there no name???

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I just threw it in there and some people ran with it. Energised Elevens has a great ring to it... happy to go with that as well.

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okay so here are so more thoughts:

energised elevens

eating-less elevens

exciting elevens



I dont know, I kinda like the last one.....what do you all think. lets do a poll or something. huh?

Say decide by friday this week?

Debbie :ranger:

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There's now a thread called November Poll for us to vote on for a name... check it out.

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What about a french fluer de lis? It's the little tri petal flower you see on french stuff. It was the official sign of French royalty. I feel like a princess doing all this for myself, so I think the royal flower is appropriate, don't you??? Not to mention I am of French decent, so naturally I love the Nouveau idea!!

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What about a french fluer de lis? It's the little tri petal flower you see on french stuff. It was the official sign of French royalty. I feel like a princess doing all this for myself, so I think the royal flower is appropriate, don't you??? Not to mention I am of French decent, so naturally I love the Nouveau idea!!

There is a poll for us November 2007 bandsters. You can vote for which name you like there.


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For the past few days I have been attacked regarding the name "November Nymphs" and glitter/images in the signature being too large...and being used at all, for that matter. I just thought you guys might want to read it. I'm curious to see what your comments are.

The tirades begin on the middle of page 35.


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For the past few days I have been attacked regarding the name "November Nymphs" and glitter/images in the signature being too large...and being used at all, for that matter. I just thought you guys might want to read it. I'm curious to see what your comments are.

The tirades begin on the middle of page 35.




ok, in all seriousness .... WTH is with the "November Nymphs" ????




I was wondering the same thing.......




I don't understand why any of the months feel the need to name themselves.....I mean there isn't anything wrong with it, but I just don't get it...




You guys are making me feel like an r-tard.




sorry ... i just dont get why someone would want to be called a Nymph(o) ..?????

how does that relate to the band?




Tishbite, a "nymph" is defined as "a beautiful maiden"

A "nympho" is defined as "A female who is affected with nymphomania; a nymphomaniac."

They are not the same and I think the name of your group makes perfect sense for the lapband and I like the artwork as well.

This thread is a little odd because people are blowing of steam in a way that includes a bit of meanness. Try not to take it personally. It is not meant to be.




The person who came up with the name was looking at it from the perspective of Greek mythology; as in a beautiful, female divinity often depicting fertility and the creative aspects of nature. A nymph is also an insect in the chrysalis stage. Both definitions are fitting in relation to the band in that we, as "November Nymphs," are beautiful, strong women in the cocoon phase of development. With the aid of this tool, we will be able to develop into the goddess-like creatures that we are on the inside.

The sexual connotation is derived from the depiction of mythological nymphs as having complete control over their sexual nature and fornicating with men at their own will. This is contrary to the historical view of women lacking sexual tendencies and urges, and merely being at the disposal of men's carnal needs.

In modern times, the idea of "woman as sexual-being" has been further perverted and deemed as negative. Hence the term "nymphomaniac" was coined in order to describe a person, usually female, as hyper-sexual. It plays into the societal stigma of a sexual woman as evil and wrong, and the chaste woman as ideal and virtuous.

If people on this board have the misconception that I am some sort of over-sexed slut due to a monthly group name, then so be it. I don't have the power to sway someone's opinion, especially via the Internet. I've already been shunned by society for my physical appearance, so what if a few people who are simply black and white patterns on a computer screen ostracize me as well.




Thanks for the support, Mark!




Well, I certainly didn't mean to offend, and I could care less about what the name IS, I just don't get the whole idea of naming ourselves, like we're part of some sort of club.

Please, don't anyone take it personally.

It is rants and raves, after all, right?

Oh, but I do have to add, I DO love the artwork, though.




We never had any kind of name other than Dec bansters.




You know, I don't even notice the naming. If ppl like it, they like it. What does bug me just a bit is that people have to put huge ginormous sparkly things, pictures, text, etc. advertising their month's name in their signatures. It's just as bad as when people used to put 30 limes of text, so literally a whole page OR MORE is just their signature, and none of it matters. Is anyone's signature so important that it needs to be that prominent? Why does this bother me? Because I run at 1680 resolution, meaning an awful lot of stuff should fit on my screen, but I STILL have to scroll down to see more than part of one reply because of all the clutter in the signature.

I mean - really - as if we can't see things unless they're like 20 inches high. (It's not just the month names, it's the people names, avatars, etc. that people do in these obnoxious ways. Come on. The glitter stuff isn't even pretty, it's the online equivalent of blue eyeshadow with pink pearl lipstick.)

It's the same thing when you're on a board that doesn't limit avatar size, and someone wants to use a 500x500 avatar picture, so you're scrolling along just fine and all of a sudden you have to go way to the right just to see the person's message ( = you're not getting a reply from a lot of ppl).

From a usability perspective, this is like nails on a chalkboard.





I don't mind people making big sigs, I think some of them are really cool, and I really like the ones that have pics that show family or their progress. But I like seeing them once on a page, not five times.

That having been said, I get tired of scrolling and scrolling and scrolling down to get to the next post. I mean, once or twice in a thread to allow a large sig is fine, but if you are replying multiple times to the same page, then uncheck the box for "Show your signature" please. When I had a larger sig than I do now, I would try to always remember to uncheck that box if I was posting more than once per page.




i was going to post about the huge pics/glittery stuff a few days ago then looked at my sig. i had my weights, my BMIs, blog addy, my exercise quote, my ticker and my 'BR dedication ... which was a lot and was viewed by some, i'm sure, as over the top...

so, i removed some. now i can vent ...

i dunno what it is (hormones maybe?) but every little thing lately is just getting on my nerves. the glittery stuff has always been obnoxious, but to combine it with huge ass fonts and other pics is just over the top...

and i know nymph is a Greek mythological character/female, but i guess whenever i see it, i see nymph-o ... and yes, that is just me, but this is RnR and the name combined with the pics/glittery crap just threw me over the edge. its not like i went into November 07's threads and trashed them (although i wanted to soooo much *see above hormone comment*)

i guess that's why we have the ignore feature ... when i see stuff that I think is crap, "ignore"... which is kind of disheartening because i am sure i'm missing out on some people's valid points/posts, but i just cant take the over the top stuff ...





Yeah, certain stuff like that gives me the twitches.




I have resized my signature as so many of you have passive-aggressively suggested. All you had to do was tell me, "Your signature is too large." and I would have gladly changed it.

I am very aware that this is a "rant and rave" section and that things aren't supposed to be taken personally. That is a little difficult to do when so many people are saying things that are specific only to you. If someone has a problem with me, please call me out on it directly. Please don't insult my intelligence and belittle me with underhanded comments.

After reading this, if you decide that you must "ignore" me, all I can say is good luck with your weight loss. I truly wish success for you.




please take this in the nicest way possible, cause its not meant to be hurtful - at all...

it's not all about you though... you arent the only one who have/had a huge sig ... really.


I took the liberty of collecting all the comments on the other thread regarding either large sigs or the month names. As you can see, what started as a comment (didn't appear to be an attack to me, but a comment) about the November name then evolved to many of us who have been around a while saying we just don't get naming the month groups.

And it seems this group isn't the November Nymphs yet anyway. I think the Energized Elevens is great and would allow the men in your group to feel included.

I realize if you are a bit newer you don't realize what the large sparkly things do to a page. It does make it hard to read pages if your monitor res is set so that you have to scroll.

There also were comments made about how pretty some of the artwork you guys are choosing is. I truly do fail to see how this was all a huge attack. And yes, you are welcome to your opinion as well.

BTW, it started yesterday at 6:45pm (not even 24 hrs ago), not a few days ago.

I too wish you all luck! We are really all in this together. I just had to come and post the entire conversation (up to when Tish made this post) for those of you who haven't seen it yet so that you can decide for yourselves. I am looking forward to your comments.

I guess my post here would be more of a tirade than most of the comments above.

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And just to make note, the thread Tish is mentioning is in the Rants and Raves section, which is defined here:

"LBT Rants and Raves *** Off-Topic DEBATE AREA *** Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!"

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I have noticed some people's posts are either straight out nasty or sarcastic and I think it's no-one's business if people want to name their group. I notice that some people have got nothing better to do than put other people down. Some of us a more computer literate than others and can find our way around the board more easily than others but it's no reason to put people who post incorrectly down which seems to happen on this board. If the "regulars" don't like it then stick to your own group and leave us "newbies" to our own devices.

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I try to stay away from RnR. It can get ugly there. Don't worry about it, Tishbite. Seriously. Just because they've been here longer doesn't mean their opinion is more valid than yours. And I'm fed up with that way of thinking..."I've been on THIS board longer than you, so your opinion doesn't count." WTF is up with that? I've been on message boards since 2003. Just because I haven't been on THIS board doesn't mean I don't have a lick of sense when it comes to board etiquette. I made my pic and my November graphic lettering smaller before anybody said anything to me because I understand how it could bother some people. So, yeah - I get it. But if you have something to say to somebody, why not just say it? I've seen a lot of cattiness in the RnR and it was pretty disheartening before I got the band to see how some of the oldies could tear apart some of the newbies, or less actives of the board. It's very unfortunate that we can't just be nice. Did your momma not teach you any manners? It's like some people think just because they're hiding behind a computer that it's now socially acceptable to gossip and backstab. Give me a break.

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Thanks for the support, ladies! I don't mean to continually harp on the subject. It really did/does bother me, but it feels good to know that even if you don't fully agree with everything I say, you're still there with your support. I hope that I can offer the same level of support that you've shown me!

How did your surgery go Stephanie? Are you up running marathons yet? :) I should go check the recovery stories thread!

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Tishbite - I read it all and - yikes!! What to say!! I can feel your pain!! How awful. I've noticed a LOT of "older" users, if I can use that term, can be harsh in their answering questions, sometimes sensitive questions that even say right in their post, "Please be nice when you respond," and even then they're blunt to the point of hurtfulness. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your nymph, and if some people think it refers to nympho, let them think that. Who cares? YOU know what it means, and it's an EMPOWERING thing, and it's also empowering and feels great and supportive to know you're part of a group who you belong to. So post your picture BIG BIG BIG and your glittermaker thingy - put it back to the original size, and if some people hate it, let them hate it. I LOVE it!! And I love yours too, Stephanie. It makes me smile whenever I see your nymph pics, and then when I see you on another thread I recognize you instantly due to it, not your name, but because of your pics and glittermaker stuff. It's uniquely you, and I think that's great!!!

And SADES - You better not move off!!! I read that in the RnR post. I LOVE to hear from you too!!

I think it's just a newbie thing, like we're useless and have no valid opinions or points, so either we're ignored or looked down on or picked on because we don't have the band 'wisdom' yet. God, we're all FAT here people, where EVERYONE and their donkey have looked at us and pointed their fingers and talked behind their hands about us. I don't know why there's the need to belittle OTHER FAT PEOPLE!! Maybe some people haven't learned if you can't say something nice, don't say it at all. Even though it's a rants and raves thread, I can't imagine ever belittling someone else FROM THIS BOARD. I would have thought that's an area to vent what the SKINNY people have said to you today, or what your boss made you do, or the dog poop you stepped in, or how your car broke down, but not to cut down other members. How awful for you Tish!! You know you've got my support, for what it's worth! God, what a can of worms!


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Well, I'm not too crazy about people making comments about a group they aren't a member of. I think only the November people have a right to say such things. I personally, pretty much agree with them. I don't like the name and won't use it. But since I'm a member of this group I have the right to say that. LOL And they don't!!!

I would just ignore that nasty stuff. That's why I stay out of areas like that. I will probably only post here and in the TN area.

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Wendy, can I just say you're awesome! I was wondering how you'd feel about the remarks since I know you didn't like the name :) See, this is why we're part of a group, the solidarity that comes from it, the support that we can give each other. Even if we don't agree with each other, we can still agree to disagree, and we don't cut each other down to do it. This is the reason this board came to being, any board for that matter, and some people just can't resist trying to make themselves feel good by making others feel bad. And that IS what they did - made Tish feel bad, I don't care how they try to explain it.

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Well, I'm not too crazy about people making comments about a group they aren't a member of. I think only the November people have a right to say such things. I personally, pretty much agree with them. I don't like the name and won't use it. But since I'm a member of this group I have the right to say that. LOL And they don't!!!

I would just ignore that nasty stuff. That's why I stay out of areas like that. I will probably only post here and in the TN area.

Wendy - I totally get what you're saying and HONESTLY, I have no problem with you not liking it - YOU'RE in the group...you should get a say. But the high school stuff from other people is getting really old. This is not the first time I've seen it. Oh, well. Not much you can do about angry people that aren't happy unless they're being passive-aggressive.

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