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11 weeks post-op, solid food not easy

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Hi, Pals. Looking to get some feedback. I'm 11 weeks post-op, cleared for all food types. I drink Protein Shakes for Breakfast and lunch most days. When I try to eat something solid, I have very mixed results. In general, I feel somewhat sick when I eat anything solid. Soup is ok. I made turkey chili and that was OK. But eating any kind of turkey, ham, shrimp, cod, chicken- I generally feel really sick and most times I end up throwing it back up. I am not supposed to have carbs for 6 months, but generally those are easier on my stomach than meat Protein. I can eat a bit of baked potato or a few bites of lean cuisine mac&cheese. I can eat popcorn and pirates booty- but I am trying not to eat stuff that I know I shouldn't. I have spoken to my medical team and they didn't seem overly concerned. Some foods are ok one time (egg whites), then I try to eat them again and get really sick. After getting sick, I can barely look at the food let alone try it again. (The medical team suggests just giving it more time and trying the food again after time passes.) I have been losing about 3 pounds a week consistently for the last 4-5 weeks, so maybe I am just expecting too much at this time. Anyone with more time under their belt experienced this and have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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5 minutes ago, MassMom said:

Hi, Pals. Looking to get some feedback. I'm 11 weeks post-op, cleared for all food types. I drink Protein Shakes for Breakfast and lunch most days. When I try to eat something solid, I have very mixed results. In general, I feel somewhat sick when I eat anything solid. Soup is ok. I made turkey chili and that was OK. But eating any kind of turkey, ham, shrimp, cod, chicken- I generally feel really sick and most times I end up throwing it back up. I am not supposed to have carbs for 6 months, but generally those are easier on my stomach than meat Protein. I can eat a bit of baked potato or a few bites of lean cuisine mac&cheese. I can eat popcorn and pirates booty- but I am trying not to eat stuff that I know I shouldn't. I have spoken to my medical team and they didn't seem overly concerned. Some foods are ok one time (egg whites), then I try to eat them again and get really sick. After getting sick, I can barely look at the food let alone try it again. (The medical team suggests just giving it more time and trying the food again after time passes.) I have been losing about 3 pounds a week consistently for the last 4-5 weeks, so maybe I am just expecting too much at this time. Anyone with more time under their belt experienced this and have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Everyone's healing time is different, I would advise taking it easy as your team has suggested. Are you drinking with your meals? Are you chewing those items that give you issues to a baby food consistency? What else are you eating with those foods when you get sick? How much of those foods are you eating?

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Also staying fully hydrated helps you pass things through your pouch and makes it "less sticky-ish." That was from Dr. Alvarez the bariatric surgeon.

If you are at all dehydrated, it may take a couple of days to really replenish your Fluid levels. To me, it makes all the diff in how I handle food and post prandial nausea.

Also, if you're having issues with Protein, use meat lube (low fat, low cal, low carb gravies, soupy stewpy things like your chili and for god's sake, don't overcook eggs! LOL.) Also soft cooked white flaky mild fish is usually pretty easy for most people, as can be soft scrambled eggs with yogurt or lite sour cream mixed in to make them creamy. Beans and cheese, or canned beans mashed with some yogurt or cheese go down easy.

If it were me, I'd stay away from the obvious slider culprits. You're losing well now, but that habit is hard to shake and your weight loss WILL level off and you could potentially stall out.

Sorry you are struggling.

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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