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I consider myself a newbie around here, and in the six or so months I’ve been a member this is the first drama I’ve noticed and it sucks. I hope you get resolution to your issues but I wouldn’t throw in the towel on the forum because a couple people who don’t know you started whining on your thread and ruined it for you.

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2 minutes ago, GettinSkinnywithit said:

I consider myself a newbie around here, and in the six or so months I’ve been a member this is the first drama I’ve noticed and it sucks. I hope you get resolution to your issues but I wouldn’t throw in the towel on the forum because a couple people who don’t know you started whining on your thread and ruined it for you.

Ditto. There are people here who have a softer approach and who really want to offer support. I hope things get better for you.

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All the people that offered support gave the best possible advice.

Support is about ensuring the person gets what they need. If someone can't drink and is having Migraines those are signs of dehydration and that is a killer.

If someone had given "soft" advice e.g you poor thing go and lie down and take a couple of headache pills instead of advising to do what was needed to treat dehydration then it's possible the outcome could have been fatal.

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Your beating a dead horse right now. Poster already responded. Enough said, holy crap.

All the people that offered support gave the best possible advice.
Support is about ensuring the person gets what they need. If someone can't drink and is having Migraines those are signs of dehydration and that is a killer.
If someone had given "soft" advice e.g you poor thing go and lie down and take a couple of Headache pills instead of advising to do what was needed to treat dehydration then it's possible the outcome could have been fatal.

Sent from my Z970 using Tapatalk

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I'm so sorry OP, that you have no confidence in your surgical team and ancillary providers. You must be scared to death. Complications suck, even when we know they are possible. I hope, since you don't have a great relationship with your team, that you will be very careful with yourself, and be diligent in doing what YOU can do to be OK. Some advice was harsh-ish, but it isn't wrong. If you were my patient, I'd likely have told you exactly what you heard above, not to be a biatch, but to endorse the severity of the situation.

I hope you have every success and get through this rough patch without too much more trouble! I hope you'll post later down the line and look back and laugh at this period in time!

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Things I baseline Do Not Regret
Going through 2 and half bariatric pre-surgical programs. I did meet a lot of nice co-journeyers,on Bariatric Pal. I did learn all lot of info on the "ups, downs, and the when will ever end?"facets.
My current surgeon- Bradley J Needleman, skilled, smart, full professor in Medical College, so a teacher and technician, but basic core values I can honor him for!
My Facility- everyone from nurses, surgical techs to ho7sekeeping to dieticians, kind, smart, comitted to their professions.
What I resent, oh and there is a few things here.
First I resent I was encouraged to enter a fi4st program who did not have my best interest at ❤, They varied between ignoring, giving poor or inaccurate informations a surgeon who had no depth, and never cared for me. They ripped off me, my insurances, my time and were all smoke and mirrors. I paid $200 out of my own pocket pocket for dietary consults I never got, maybe insurance suspected something since they refused to,pay for this "service".
2.I resent the way my body is healing. Oh my surgery was smooth, not frightening, painless, in fact I checked myself out when I woke up in my room, wanted to see if I had incisions, he had merely marked on me with magic markers or if they had let me sleep off the anethesia and I was going home in a couple minutes.
3. I resent feeling I was on "room arrest" After all the stories I heard related on B.P., I expected to meet other freshly operated people in the halls. Figured I would have gas to walk off, the idea was to be up and ambulating. Ha Ha! I'm sure there were other,people there, can't prove it by me. Took my journal for autographs, e-mail addresses, still blank. Maybe that's the way things are done there, but I FEEL CHEATED
4. Why when things were going smoothly, if I was following their instructions, did I develop a stricture, and why when I brought up the possibility was I poo-pooed? I heard everything from it was imagination, swelling, pleads for attention, if that was true, it wasn't working, we are the medical professionals, you're just a patient- this might be true but I have lived in this body many years and I DO KNOW WHEN SOMETHING ain't right! It's early days, give yourself to time to heal. Well could,be true, but why not heal right?
Well, maybe to stifle my complaints, they conceded to perform an endoscopy and Guess Who Was Right? ME ME ME! OCTOBER12th- Precious Pouch was a skosh swollen but that did not negate the fact,i had a 9 mm stricture of my stomal opening into the jejunem, 2 new ulcers in my pouch, 3 additional on the back wall of jejunem, this with the fact I already had Hector my gastric ulcer in the main part of my stomach, discovered by my gastroenterologist in December 2017 while already,on omeprazole therapy? Should this not given a hint I was an Ulcer Producer? Although Dr Noria, my surgeon's Junior partner now prescribed Carafate, should I have I not been on it from the beginning? Now Hector's stepbrothers had a 5 week start and we are playing " Mop Up" to use a sports term. My mental picture is Hector was Gizmo the Gremlin, unusual but rather sweet, not much trouble to anyone. Now we have the 5 stepbrother ulcers, like Stripe and his evil ilk, in locations more likely to bleed, cause me perforations, potential kill me? So Dr Noria attempted to stretch my stoma, 1 mm and THAT WAS IT! Repeat booking October 26th, 2 weeks later, no improved results, and much as I hate to quibble, they might have slightly sedated me. but unlike the 3 previous endoscopies in my lifetime, I failed to go to sleep, oh it was interesting to watch on the monitor, saved me having to look it up on YOUTUBE, did not feel scope going down due to throat- numbing spray, it did take long enough I felt it being extracted, sort of a swish-swooshy sensation, not too bad to endure, I had 3 natural or quasi-natural childbirths, numbed me for episiotomies stitching, had also skin and tongue lacerations sutures sans any deading. I may kvetch at times but I'm pretty stoic. Other doctors present in procedure room acted like I was delusional when I rolled over and announced " I supposed you all know I am still awake", anything you need to know about how it all goes down, ASK I'm your woman! Only Dr Noria looked abashed, told me to remain on the same diet( such as it is) and she was going to try again on November 9th at 2:50 pm, the fact she was able to roll off date and time, shows me this was planned ahead of time..
And I can be a little stinker, dare me to ask " Do I go to sleep like I did October 12th or stay awake like October 26th? That way I know WHAT to expect. 😝Pudgy Princess 1 Medical community Nil.
And lastly the foreboding that although they keep telling ME I appear still healthy, scrawnier but good color, I am functionally malnurished, starving myself, even with Vitamins, minerals and various drugs they ordered me. Yeah does me little good if I am a more petite corpse the pallbearers have less trouble lifting. I kind of want to see who blows the 🌎 up -Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump or someone I don't even suspect, I always hate leaving parties EARLY!
Why is my body, who I used to trust with my life, literally , so MALFUNCTIONING? And no I do not want to return to 355 pounds and no health hopes, I like 127kg, 278 pounds and still lowering!👼💇

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For what it's worth, I am a week out and I regret it. I did this for the wrong reasons and I know it. I am also dehydrated, bad, but I am waiting for lab results to return before my surgical team decides if I need emergency fluids. I haven't walked since I was gone because I can't stand more than 3 min without getting lightheaded. I am starving and have cravings, despite eating. I CAN drink Water, but it feels like it gets stuck when I swallow and it's a huge deterrent but they won't look for a stricture for 4 weeks. I get about 20oz of liquid a day right now. I used to get over 100. My urine is straight up brown. Maybe it'll get better. Maybe it won't. Either way, it is what it is and you aren't alone. I was told NOT to go to the ER yet. So I wait.

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

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7 minutes ago, mousecat88 said:

For what it's worth, I am a week out and I regret it. I did this for the wrong reasons and I know it. I am also dehydrated, bad, but I am waiting for lab results to return before my surgical team decides if I need emergency fluids. I haven't walked since I was gone because I can't stand more than 3 min without getting lightheaded. I am starving and have cravings, despite eating. I CAN drink Water, but it feels like it gets stuck when I swallow and it's a huge deterrent but they won't look for a stricture for 4 weeks. I get about 20oz of liquid a day right now. I used to get over 100. My urine is straight up brown. Maybe it'll get better. Maybe it won't. Either way, it is what it is and you aren't alone. I was told NOT to go to the ER yet. So I wait.

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

Have you tried ice chips and popsicles? I know many friends who straight up had to get their fluids this way until their inflammation went down a little.

Also, try varying the temperature of your Water. I needed mine warm-ish or room temp. Ice cold or ice water, made my esophagus clamp up and spasm.

I made popsicles and ice cubes that I could suck on (cuz you swallow a tiny amount at a time) made of Protein water.

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Have you tried ice chips and popsicles? I know many friends who straight up had to get their fluids this way until their inflammation went down a little.
Also, try varying the temperature of your Water. I needed mine warm-ish or room temp. Ice cold or ice Water, made my esophagus clamp up and spasm.
I made popsicles and ice cubes that I could suck on (cuz you swallow a tiny amount at a time) made of Protein water.
I haven't tried the popsicles yet which is dumb on my part because I literally just bought some. lol. I'll get one now, actually. I do fine with warm broth. It's something about room temp and cold liquids that just is so uncomfortable. I also constantly feel like I am sipping, but then I look at the ounces drank and it's been like.... 4. I sent a message to my dietitian asking if I can drink broth more in lieu of water. I also am going to go get tea tonight. Late, when no one is at Walmart, so I can shrink to the ground if I need to. lol!

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

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You MUST measure. You can't eyeball this stuff. I drank out of a 4oz jigger until I graduated to measuring my liquids in 1pt bottles (16.9fl oz). I STILL 8.5 months out track my Water.

Drink warm liquids then. I liked "tea" made of warm water and a slice of lemon or orange floating in it. Also I would cut a round of ginger and let it float in it. I also was allowed to have decaff and celestial seasonings tea. ANY Fluid you can take in, whether it's broth or whatever is good--but you need sodium free. I had Herb Ox Sodium Free broth packets and drank those frequently during the day.

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On 11/08/2018 at 16:07, mousecat88 said:

For what it's worth, I am a week out and I regret it. I did this for the wrong reasons and I know it. I am also dehydrated, bad, but I am waiting for lab results to return before my surgical team decides if I need emergency fluids. I haven't walked since I was gone because I can't stand more than 3 min without getting lightheaded. I am starving and have cravings, despite eating. I CAN drink Water, but it feels like it gets stuck when I swallow and it's a huge deterrent but they won't look for a stricture for 4 weeks. I get about 20oz of liquid a day right now. I used to get over 100. My urine is straight up brown. Maybe it'll get better. Maybe it won't. Either way, it is what it is and you aren't alone. I was told NOT to go to the ER yet. So I wait.

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

Just curious, but what are the wrong reasons?

I didn’t have many strong reasons to do it. Sounds crazy, right? I just thought I should do it to try and make my body healthier... so I did it. Didn’t really think about everything this journey would entail. Still fighting head hunger. In hindsight, the lack of thought I put into all that I would be giving up is pretty frightening.

I’m just being a bit emo. Had to leave work early, because part of lunch didn’t settle so great. Oh.. and I’m presently stalled to boot.

I don’t regret doing it. I just maybe regret that I didn’t fully prepare myself for the emotional roller coaster that was coming my way.

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I think one of the rotten facts of weight loss life is as you lose weight you are melting hormones and other chemicals out in ketosis. And it is an evil surge. There was a more seasoned poster on Bariatric Pal when I joined, boy I liked what she said, probably phrased it better then.
It's like PUBERTY, except you don't get zits all over
It's like PREGNANCY except,you don't get a cute baby to cuddle
It's like MENOPAUSE in that you swear it never will end
And you surge back and forth between stages with little rhymn or reason. Some days you taste or sweat what smells like bug spray or worse. And you have gas passing, you're dizzy and always cold, and you swear nobody knows how much suffering in the whole process you have. But to use Fluffy Chix term, Swearsies, it will and does get better, and someday will be a memory that you will someday smile at. AND the vets have promised, and I'm going,to believe it cause They have BEEN THERE, they lived and by Gosh I'm going to also!

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I have nothing to say except I love your screen name, ya bigovergrowndork!!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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