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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Part Two Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Well friends....I got a call this week from Dr. K's office. They had to reschedule my surgery date a week earlier or a week later because Dr. K has a lapband seminar to attend. My first thought was..."yeah a week earlier!!" Then I thought about it and went for the week later, after his seminar training he has too attend. But it's all good!!! I'm just excited to get this far!!!

Okay, a little bit about myself. My name is Amie and I'm from Oklahoma City and like all of us here, I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have tried every diet known to mankind....and have had little successes...but nothing that has truely worked. This led me to research the band. When I found out that many insurance companies where covering it, I thought...finally...this might actually be the tool I need. But of course, my husband's company (city insurance no less) has a written exclusion. Soooo...I began searching for other cheaper, self pay options. I was blessed to find the original Dr. K thread while doing a websearch and could not believe it!!!! My prayers had been answered. So..with that and many other financially answered prayers...here I am!! Scheduled and just a couple months out from reclaiming my health and life back!!! :clap2:This web forum has been truely inspiring and I can not waiting start my journey.

I have a wonderfully supportive husband and family ready to make the journey with me to Denver. My loving husband has been so helpful and encouraging. He has even said that he will try his best to eat better with me :hungry:. He's an OKC firefigher (*sigh*..."my hero") and feels he needs to lose a little too.

All for now....share more later. Thanks for listening.


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I am glad that there is this "new" thread -- I tried to read most of the other Dr. K thread but it got pretty overwhelming!

To make an extremely long story short, I have been researching & thinking about lapband for over two years. I scheduled surgery once in Mexico then canceled it. I rescheduled it recently for 2/15 but I am chickening out again. I just don't feel comfortable going to Mexico, despite all of the positive things I have read/heard about this surgeon. I am too worried about aftercare and potential complications. As you can probably figure out, I am self pay because my husband's employer excludes coverage for WLS.

So I started trying to find a U.S. surgeon that was both highly recommended and affordable. That's how I ended up contacting Dr. K's office today. Natalie called me less than 15 mins after I sent the e-mail and went over the basics with me. I have to finalize my surgery date with my husband as he'll be coming with me, but I'm hoping it'll be the week of February 11. We live in Georgia and I have not found a surgeon locally who is the same or less than Dr. K and has the testimonials to back him. So here I am! Coincidentally I was just in Colorado last May to visit a friend and loved it. I look forward to visiting again. Since my husband is with me this time, maybe I can start trying to talk him into moving west...

I'm NOT looking forward to calling my Mexican surgeon's office to cancel again...but if you're not sure, you're not sure. I got much further this time than last time, had sent all of my paperwork and everything. Sigh.

I am sure about lapband but I just know I'll feel more comfortable with Dr. K. I know my husband will be too; he was always supportive but I know that going to Mexico made him nervous.

Almost forgot...my BMI is 43. I have no co-morbidities yet thank goodness -- just really starting to feel the effects of being obese (shortness of breath, knee pain, etc).

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Ok I am started to want to chicken out. I am really concerned about aftercare. I checked with a local surgeon here and he WILL NOT do my aftercare for me. *grumble* I still have another one I can check with on Monday.

I am not sure how often I will need to travel to CO for aftercare. I can't afford to continue to go to Colorado for fills and such. I am also a tad worried about having a surgeon that is 13 hours away. What if I have an emergency? His staff seems very accessible on the phone, but I am still apprehensive about feeling like I have nowhere to turn here locally.

So I would love any input from a "been there done that" patient about what it is like having your surgeon so far away.

Do you regret your decision to travel to your surgeon?

Were you able to line up aftercare in your hometown?

Or do you travel to CO every time you need a fill?

And how often have you had to travel back since your surgery?

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Well, I survived!! It has been alot more painful than I thought it would be. The gas in my shoulder has been unbearable, even with the walking. Nothing seems to be working, I have tried heat, cold, gas x and walking still in pain. Any advice???

Well I am still loopy so I am going to get off of this!


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Brandy~ how are you now feeling? I had a terrible time the first week, but then the pain began to subside. For some reason, I never had any shoulder pain at all, so I don't have advice. Just the pain meds and lots of sleep got me through it. Has it eased up since your last post? Gosh, I wish I had more ideas, but I just want you to feel better!

LA ~ don't chicken out! It is kind of an interesting journey..it is the fastest and most complete way I have ever lost weight, but some days aren't easy. Some meals, I would love to shove all the yummy stuff in my mouth, but can't ! I know that is the point of the band, so I usually chuckle till my compulsion subsides! I drive to Dr. K's for my fills..it takes a bit over 5 hours, so gas is a cost for me. But, do you live in L.A., or where are you from? I have heard stories of people paying $200-$900 for fills from docs different from their surgeons. I know many people fly in to see Dr. K because it would cost as much, or more, to go to a local fill doctor. Have you found out any interesting tidbits since your last post?

VIRI~ congrats on choosing Dr. K...I know you won't be disappointed. I was originally going to a mex doc, but hadn't yet scheduled. I got to thinking of the aftercare and having to go back to Mexico...then made my switch to Dr. K. Have you called yet to cancel the Mex doc? How did it go?

Amieru~ WELCOME to this thread! I thought the other one could get overwhelming for some, so went out on a limb to start this one. We have had a lot of newbies and it has been great! Congrats on your banding decision!

Munchkin and Tarheel...how are you feeling?

Trina and Dee~gettin excited for your upcoming surgery?

I hope all else is well with everyone! It has been crazy here and I haven't posted for a few, but always think of my bandsisters!


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be sure and let us know how your phone consult goes! I am so excited for you! I haven't regretted spending the money for my band at all...and you will love yours!

all of you will!

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Hi ladies! Just wanted to check in and introduce myself. My name is Lori. I live in Tucson with my husband. I just turned 31 and am still fat. Oye. I was suppossed to have kicked this years ago! ;)

I have been researching the band a LONG time. I had some success with diet and excercise about 2 years ago and lost about 50lbs. I have since gained it all back (boo!) and decided I need the extra tool in my arsenol to keep me on track.

I just bit the bullet and scheduled my surgery with Dr K. Finally have insurance that covers it, but employer has a clause... grrr.... so I am paying out of pocket. Hubby is very suportive thankfully!

I am excited and nervous as all heck. ;)

I will be driving up from Tucson with my hubby. Anyone here drive a long distance after their surgery? It is an 11+ hour drive. Hoping I won't be in too much pain.

You'll probably sleep most of the way. WIth the exception of 'comfort' stops along the way. You are pretty groggy after general anesthetic. Gas pains were my only complaint after surgery. The insisions are so tiny. No real discomfort there. I only took Tordol and Tylenol for pain. 48 hrs. I was up walking/hiking the next day. and I'm 52!!

Just a heads up, this is a time consuming and patience trying experience. I was banded July 11th and have had fills every 2 wks since Aug 27th... the only weight I've lost was on the pre op diet... Still trying to get to my proper restriction level... I have a French Midband 10 cc's (mls) I am hoping that the NEW YEAR brings perfect restriction and more rapid weight loss.

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Hello everyone and welcome to all the newcomers!! I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I got a computer virus. It sucked!!

Want2Bme, I'm doing ok. I just PM'd Dee to whine about how my abdomen still hurts. It's not my port incision, it's on my left side over my stomach. I would have thought it would feel better by now, but I never do anything normally, so go figure....I can't wait until I get my first fill, because I am starving alot of the time. I can't eat much in one sitting, but it seems I get hungry frequently. Any words of wisdom anyone?

I hope everyone is staying healthy and sane through this holiday season. I ventured out to shop tonight for the first time since my surgery, and it was not a pretty sight. I'm soooo glad my Christmas shopping is done!:biggrin1:

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Hello everyone and welcome to all the newcomers!! I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I got a computer virus. It sucked!!

Want2Bme, I'm doing ok. I just PM'd Dee to whine about how my abdomen still hurts. It's not my port incision, it's on my left side over my stomach. I would have thought it would feel better by now, but I never do anything normally, so go figure....I can't wait until I get my first fill, because I am starving alot of the time. I can't eat much in one sitting, but it seems I get hungry frequently. Any words of wisdom anyone?

I hope everyone is staying healthy and sane through this holiday season. I ventured out to shop tonight for the first time since my surgery, and it was not a pretty sight. I'm soooo glad my Christmas shopping is done!:biggrin1:

Sorry to hear that your tummy still hurts. Most likely just a wee bit of bruising inside. THey have to move things around a bit in there to secure the band into position.

If you are hungry I'd suggest frequent mini meals of PROTIEN.

If you are still on full fluids... protien shakes every 3- 4 hours. Lots of warm tea in between, do you like green tea? I became quite a fan of it and its supposed to be very good for you.

If you are on MUSHIES the variety is endless really. MY fav was chopped ham salad... just canned ham with a bit of mayo. Or tuna salad, (chicken) anything that you favour just be sure its got Protien as this will stay with you longer than any other food group. Plus it will help you heal faster and stay stronger too.

Best of luck :clap2:

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VIRI~ congrats on choosing Dr. K...I know you won't be disappointed. I was originally going to a mex doc, but hadn't yet scheduled. I got to thinking of the aftercare and having to go back to Mexico...then made my switch to Dr. K. Have you called yet to cancel the Mex doc? How did it go?
Thank you! I have my consultation with Dr. K on 1/2 and have my surgery scheduled for 2/14. I feel so much calmer and less tense about the whole thing, aside from the typical nerves anybody would feel about having surgery. I had to leave a message with the patient coordinator for the Mexican doctor, so I also sent her an e-mail. I apologized for any inconvenience and thanked her for all of her assistance, but just said that a surgeon in the U.S. was a better fit for me.

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s9;656104][/color]You'll probably sleep most of the way. WIth the exception of 'comfort' stops along the way. You are pretty groggy after general anesthetic. Gas pains were my only complaint after surgery. The insisions are so tiny. No real discomfort there. I only took Tordol and Tylenol for pain. 48 hrs. I was up walking/hiking the next day. and I'm 52!!
Good to know! We were just talking and we are probably going to fly now. So hubby can have more time visiting family ad have some time to sightsee.

s9;656104][/color]Just a heads up, this is a time consuming and patience trying experience. I was banded July 11th and have had fills every 2 wks since Aug 27th... the only weight I've lost was on the pre op diet... Still trying to get to my proper restriction level... I have a French Midband 10 cc's (mls) I am hoping that the NEW YEAR brings perfect restriction and more rapid weight loss.
I hope that you find your proper restriction soon! That would be a wonderful Christmas gift. :biggrin1:

LA ~ don't chicken out! It is kind of an interesting journey..it is the fastest and most complete way I have ever lost weight, but some days aren't easy. Some meals, I would love to shove all the yummy stuff in my mouth, but can't ! I know that is the point of the band, so I usually chuckle till my compulsion subsides! I drive to Dr. K's for my fills..it takes a bit over 5 hours, so gas is a cost for me. But, do you live in L.A., or where are you from? I have heard stories of people paying $200-$900 for fills from docs different from their surgeons. I know many people fly in to see Dr. K because it would cost as much, or more, to go to a local fill doctor. Have you found out any interesting tidbits since your last post?

I did finally find someone in Tempe that will do follow up care. it is going to cost $500 to become a patient, then $370ea for the first two fills (with ultrasound), and then $265 for each fill after that.

They sound wonderful at this office and are the ONLY ones so far who would take on someone else's patient. Cost wise it will be about the same as going to Colorado, but this way I am only 1.5 hours away from home and can get an unfill if I need to. No spending days away in CO.

I live in Tucson, AZ... so it is about a 13 hour drive to DrK. Definitely makes aftercare with him tricky.

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Sorry to hear that your tummy still hurts. Most likely just a wee bit of bruising inside. THey have to move things around a bit in there to secure the band into position.

If you are hungry I'd suggest frequent mini meals of PROTIEN.

If you are still on full fluids... protien shakes every 3- 4 hours. Lots of warm tea in between, do you like green tea? I became quite a fan of it and its supposed to be very good for you.

If you are on MUSHIES the variety is endless really. MY fav was chopped ham salad... just canned ham with a bit of mayo. Or tuna salad, (chicken) anything that you favour just be sure its got Protien as this will stay with you longer than any other food group. Plus it will help you heal faster and stay stronger too.

Best of luck :clap2:

Thanks for the advice, I need all I can get right now! I love tea, but I have never tried green tea. I will have to try it. I have been eating alot of Protein and eating several mini meals a day, that seems to be working better for me right now. I have my first fill scheduled for January 15th, so hopefully I will get a bit more restriction at that time.

Happy Holidays everyone!:biggrin1:

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It continues to feel more "real" -- I have my consultations with Dr. K and Dr. Pierce scheduled. I'm looking at flights, although I have to wait until after Christmas to buy the tickets.

But I'm still working on financing. SurgeryLoans got back to me with two offers, neither of which were that great. I may take one of them, which won't cover all of the surgery but will cover 80% it. The other one would cover about 90% of it, but the interest rate was just horrid. MyMedical Financing denied me individually, but I just reapplied with my husband as a co-signer.

I'm also looking to see if I can get a home equity line of credit, but I'm not very positive about that since we haven't been in our home very long. If all else fails, I know I can raise the limit on one of my credit cards, but the interest rate on it isn't currently that great either.

I wish it weren't necessary to finance it, but that's the only way. It makes me feel guilty because I already have a fair amount of debt, but I tell myself that I can get it all paid off eventually...and that I'll save money in the long run on food, and if I lose weight then I won't be at risk for all of those things like diabetes and high cholesterol, which cost more than money...right? Help me out here. This is all me putting it on myself, by the way, my husband is entirely supportive and understanding.

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It continues to feel more "real" -- I have my consultations with Dr. K and Dr. Pierce scheduled. I'm looking at flights, although I have to wait until after Christmas to buy the tickets.

But I'm still working on financing. SurgeryLoans got back to me with two offers, neither of which were that great. I may take one of them, which won't cover all of the surgery but will cover 80% it. The other one would cover about 90% of it, but the interest rate was just horrid. MyMedical Financing denied me individually, but I just reapplied with my husband as a co-signer.

I'm also looking to see if I can get a home equity line of credit, but I'm not very positive about that since we haven't been in our home very long. If all else fails, I know I can raise the limit on one of my credit cards, but the interest rate on it isn't currently that great either.

I wish it weren't necessary to finance it, but that's the only way. It makes me feel guilty because I already have a fair amount of debt, but I tell myself that I can get it all paid off eventually...and that I'll save money in the long run on food, and if I lose weight then I won't be at risk for all of those things like diabetes and high cholesterol, which cost more than money...right? Help me out here. This is all me putting it on myself, by the way, my husband is entirely supportive and understanding.

I am having t same issues with trying to finace it right now as well. I just spent the morning on th phone with my Credit Card companies trying to get my interest rates lowered and they won't... well at least not to a level I am comfortable charging $10,000 to.

We just bought a house and are paid ff a ton of debt cashing out hubby's 401k. We finally have our debt under $8,000, no car payments and only the mortgage. I am feeling a lot of guilt about adding such a large chunk of debt back.

One of my credit cards is willing to give me 0% to August of next year, but then it jumps to 15% (ouch). I may just do that and hope to figure something out in the meantime.

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I am having t same issues with trying to finance it right now as well. I just spent the morning on th phone with my Credit Card companies trying to get my interest rates lowered and they won't... well at least not to a level I am comfortable charging $10,000 to.

We just bought a house and are paid ff a ton of debt cashing out hubby's 401k. We finally have our debt under $8,000, no car payments and only the mortgage. I am feeling a lot of guilt about adding such a large chunk of debt back.

One of my credit cards is willing to give me 0% to August of next year, but then it jumps to 15% (ouch). I may just do that and hope to figure something out in the meantime.

I tried to get my lowest-interest rate credit card to raise my limit and they wouldn't. Of course, my highest-interest rate one will gladly raise it. We have more debt than you by far. I definitely feel guilty about adding to it, especially as I was looking to consolidate it recently.

The lowest interest rate I have been quoted on a medical loan is 14.99% fixed (and that was for $7.5k). I did just hear from MyMedicalSolutions that I'm "pre-approved" so I'll have to call them and see what they can offer me. This sucks. I know that self-paying means that it'll happen faster and I don't have to jump through the hoops, but insurance should pay for this, period.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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