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My first post here, awaiting insurance approval!

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Hi everyone! I’ve been reading these forums for quite some time while deciding whether or not to go through with the surgery. I finally got off the fence a few weeks ago and made the decision to go through with VSG. I completed my psych eval a week ago (which was the last thing I had to do to meet requirements) and my doctor’s office submitted everything to my insurance co last week. I’m now anxiously awaiting a response from my insurance on whether or not I’ve been approved. I have to say that through this whole process so far, waiting on insurance has to be the most nerve-racking!

It’s been tough lately for me to not eat those unhealthy foods that I love, knowing I won’t be able to eat them post-surgery. Did/does anyone else struggle with this problem? I wish I could shut that part of my brain off!!

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13 minutes ago, teenyshell said:

Hi everyone! I’ve been reading these forums for quite some time while deciding whether or not to go through with the surgery. I finally got off the fence a few weeks ago and made the decision to go through with VSG. I completed my psych eval a week ago (which was the last thing I had to do to meet requirements) and my doctor’s office submitted everything to my insurance co last week. I’m now anxiously awaiting a response from my insurance on whether or not I’ve been approved. I have to say that through this whole process so far, waiting on insurance has to be the most nerve-racking!

It’s been tough lately for me to not eat those unhealthy foods that I love, knowing I won’t be able to eat them post-surgery. Did/does anyone else struggle with this problem? I wish I could shut that part of my brain off!!

Congrats and good luck! Any reason why you decided to go with the Sleeve over the RNY?

As far as cravings, some go away, some don't. The trick is to find swaps, things that you can replace those bad foods with that will satisfy those cravings while still being healthy (or healthier at least).

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Congrats on your big step towards a new life!!! And I agree with Matt ^, defn look for those void replacements (swapping bad things for the good things) Im in love with hot chocolate and have found the bariatricpal hot chocolate to be heavenly. so defn check out some of their stuff!

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I'm with Matt. Always curious why one chooses one procedure over the other. Some people don't have a choice (my buddy macadamia comes to mind because of his Crohn's).

So happy that you've reached this point in what has no doubt been a long and arduous road. My experience was a quick turnaround with insurance approval. Hope your experience is the same. Stay positive. Keep reading all you can. Mental preparation and knowledge is everything. You'll be able to conquer things ahead of you that you never thought possible. We've all faced these obstacles and somehow found the fight in us in order to take on all sorts of unforeseen experiences.

Remember, we'll be here for you. Now that you've made the plunge with your first post, don't be a stranger.

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Wishing you a speedy approval!

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3 hours ago, Matt Z said:

Congrats and good luck! Any reason why you decided to go with the Sleeve over the RNY?

As far as cravings, some go away, some don't. The trick is to find swaps, things that you can replace those bad foods with that will satisfy those cravings while still being healthy (or healthier at least).

Thank you all for your encouragement and advice! I chose the sleeve based on my doctor's recommendation due to my lower starting BMI. I don't think I'd be comfortable with what the RNY procedure entails anyway, so I guess it was a no-brainer for me.

Edited by teenyshell

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13 hours ago, teenyshell said:

Thank you all for your encouragement and advice! I chose the sleeve based on my doctor's recommendation due to my lower starting BMI. I don't think I'd be comfortable with what the RNY procedure entails anyway, so I guess it was a no-brainer for me.

It's funny, I originally thought the same thing, but what's odd is that the sleeve actually entails MORE changes... with the physical removal of 90% of your stomach, the RNY doesn't actually remove anything, it just re-organizes it. The sleeve is 100% not reversible, whereas RNY is, in rare situations where it's warranted.

Hopefully your surgeon advised you to all the common side effects related to the sleeve, like GERD and Acid reflux issues etc.

I went RNY because I was being revised from the Band. My surgeon won't do Band to Sleeve due to the increased potential for staple line failure due to the scar tissue created by the Band. I originally wanted the sleeve a well, but once I read up on the common side effects and the rate of regain... Coupled with my surgeons information on the conversion issues, I went RNY and I've been very pleased with the whole ordeal.

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I was thinking the same thing, Matt. Not sure what was meant by not being comfortable with what the RNY entails...

This morning I literally met a woman in the lobby of the hospital where I had my bypass who was there to meet with a bariatric surgeon to discuss getting a bypass. Apparently, her sleeve turned out to be nothing she had hoped it would be. Reflux, weight gain. She expressed regret (to me) that she didn't get the bypass from the beginning and was upset that her surgeon hadn't steered her in that direction. I know I'll always be grateful to my surgeon for persuading me to get the bypass even though I thought the sleeve was what I needed (based on what I had read at the time). This was before I joined this board. I doubt I would have ever considered the sleeve if I had joined several months prior.

Edited by Missouri-Lee's Summit

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7 hours ago, Matt Z said:

It's funny, I originally thought the same thing, but what's odd is that the sleeve actually entails MORE changes... with the physical removal of 90% of your stomach, the RNY doesn't actually remove anything, it just re-organizes it. The sleeve is 100% not reversible, whereas RNY is, in rare situations where it's warranted.

Hopefully your surgeon advised you to all the common side effects related to the sleeve, like GERD and Acid reflux issues etc.

I went RNY because I was being revised from the Band. My surgeon won't do Band to Sleeve due to the increased potential for staple line failure due to the scar tissue created by the Band. I originally wanted the sleeve a well, but once I read up on the common side effects and the rate of regain... Coupled with my surgeons information on the conversion issues, I went RNY and I've been very pleased with the whole ordeal.

Out of curiosity what is the regain percentages.. I know my surgeon had been considering having me switch to RNY bc they did show slight reflux on my barium swallow..(which normally i dont suffer from now) and hes concerned it may be a problem in the future. He said hed go over options with me in my final follow up...

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I'm prepared for the lashings by saying this, but I don't know why anyone does the sleeve.

From what I've read, the statistics aren't as good for taking off and keeping off weight. And of course everything that Matt mentioned above about permanent anatomy changes.

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21 minutes ago, sleevegirl88 said:

Out of curiosity what is the regain percentages.. I know my surgeon had been considering having me switch to RNY bc they did show slight reflux on my barium swallow..(which normally i dont suffer from now) and hes concerned it may be a problem in the future. He said hed go over options with me in my final follow up...

Not finding anything specific unfortunately, at least nothing "new" or recent (or clearly outlined). Rebound rates aside, if you've got a slight reflux now, it will be amplified with the sleeve and reduced with the Bypass, based simply on what the surgery does. And in the off chance that you end up with a major problem... there is no going back after the sleeve, 90% of your stomach is rotting in medical waste somewhere (or been incinerated), with the bypass, everything (for the most part) is all still in there.

The sleeve is ONLY a restrictive surgery, there isn't any reduction in caloric intake caused by the surgery itself outside of forcing you to reduce your intake, but then there are all the "slider" foods etc.

I made the mistake of choosing the lapband back in 2011 because I was under-educated about the bypass, and well, I didn't want to make any permanent changes, which is ironic, because, I didn't get any permanent weight loss. So, second surgery to remove the band and revise to the bypass in March and I really couldn't be happier... I really do wish I went with the bypass from the get go. A personal (in real life) friend of mine had the sleeve, and he's getting it revised to the bypass because of the lack of progress.

Just things to be aware of.

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10 hours ago, Matt Z said:

It's funny, I originally thought the same thing, but what's odd is that the sleeve actually entails MORE changes... with the physical removal of 90% of your stomach, the RNY doesn't actually remove anything, it just re-organizes it. The sleeve is 100% not reversible, whereas RNY is, in rare situations where it's warranted.

Hopefully your surgeon advised you to all the common side effects related to the sleeve, like GERD and Acid reflux issues etc.

3 hours ago, Missouri-Lee's Summit said:

I was thinking the same thing, Matt. Not sure what was meant by not being comfortable with what the RNY entails...

Thank you all again for your replies. My initial consult with my surgeon was in May of 2017, so I gave it 15+ months of consideration before making my decision. I have a severe fear of vomiting, so just making the decision to have ANY bariatric surgery was very tough for me to make (otherwise, I would've opted for this surgery years ago). I'm not fond of the idea of bypassing the intestines...I would rather have part of the stomach removed than have it re-sectioned. The risks of vomiting and dumping syndrome are much greater with the RNY, so for me, that is just not even an option. Obviously, I know the probability is still there with the VSG, but it's much less likely.

As far as GERD and acid reflux, I do not currently suffer from any such issues. I have also completed the Upper GI and there were no abnormal findings.

At the end of the day, this is a very personal decision that should be made by the patient themselves. Given the relationship I have with my surgeon and the level of trust I have in his expertise along with knowing what I'm comfortable with, at the end of the day I am confident in my decision to have Gastric Sleeve.

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I was told by my surgeon (who trains other surgeons to do bariatric procedures) that one can develop GERD and or acid reflux post-sleeve despite no current history. I have no history of reflux but I was afraid that with a sleeve, I might develop GERD since it's possible. Talk about an unwelcome side benefit! GERD, however, was not my main aversion to the sleeve... but it was certainly near the top of my list. As for having my insides rejiggered, I was more comfortable knowing that nothing would be permanently removed from my body. What if too much of my stomach was removed?

I am three-months post-op. I have never experienced what is referred to as "dumping syndrome". I don't struggle with hunger either. The downside for me is that I have no appetite, but I'm hoping that will change. I need the Protein and the calories.

I'm glad that you feel confident with your decision since you are the one who will be living in your body. No one can or should make this decision for you. Others can give their (often unsolicited:( ) advice, which in my case and I'm sure in Matt's case, is offered in good faith. The number of people on this board who are happy with their decision to have a sleeve seem to greatly outnumber those who ended up regretting their choice or who upgraded to a bypass. I hope you will be one of the happy majority.

I look forward to your post-op visits. But in the meantime, HEY INSURANCE COMPANY! GET ON THE BALL. TEENYSHELL IS WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!:)

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I appreciate your feedback, Missouri-Lee. Also, I’m glad to hear that you’re happy with the decision you made regarding which surgery was best for you. Yes, I’ve been educated on the fact the GERD can develop after surgery for some who’ve never had it previous to surgery. Since there’s no way to guarantee that I will be one of the “lucky” ones, I guess I’ll have to cross my fingers on that one lol. Hopefully my insurance company heard your demands loud and clear!! I will be updating here as soon as I hear something :)

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10 hours ago, teenyshell said:

The risks of vomiting and dumping syndrome are much greater with the RNY

This is new to me, I've never seen anywhere that said that RNY increases the risk of vomiting, I know the sleeve sure does, so many posts about vomiting issues and they are all from those with sleeves. As far as dumping, I don't experience this either. It's one of those listed potentials but isn't a guarantee. And even still, it would only happen if you ate things you really shouldn't in the first place.

I found this, it lists "Nausea and vomiting" as common, but the catch is, that's for food intolerance not "just because you had the RNY.

It's important to note that the same site reports Nausea and Vomiting for the same reasons as the bypass, but with the added potential for that symptom to occur not only for food intolerance but GERD issues as well, in which, 1 out of 5 Sleeve patients will have GERD issues, some sites list this higher.

3 hours ago, Missouri-Lee's Summit said:

Others can give their (often unsolicited:( ) advice, which in my case and I'm sure in Matt's case, is offered in good faith.

Absolutly! The information I provide is simply for the sake of having the information. I'm not going to do anything other than provide what I can find for facts on the surgeries so that folks are better informed. Sadly not all doctors have their patients best interest in mind. All the "must do 2 surgery revisions when it's not medically necessary doctors, those that are being paid to do one surgery over the other (and yes they do exist), those that aren't comfortable doing one surgery of the other and try to sway the patient into their preferred surgery (that happens often as well) I love my surgeon and I trust what she says, but that doesn't mean I don't research it myself and confirm what she's said. It's always best to be as informed and educated on a topic as possible and not just take someone's word for it based on the fact that they are a doctor. I work at a hospital, I see this stuff all day, every day.

At the end of the day, it's your call, I hope things work out well and that everything goes off without a hitch.

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