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Do You? You know use that word!

Do you use the "N" word?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use the "N" word?

    • No, NEVER!!
    • Yes, but in the past!
    • Yes, what's wrong with saying it...
    • OMG! I don't want to answer this..How dare you!!

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NEVER! That is the most OFFENSIVE word in the English language. I don't like it when Black people use it but it is NEVER acceptable for a white person to use it.

The history and hate behind that word has torn apart an entire group of people. The use of it so casually now by younger, ignorant (yes! I said it) whites as well as blacks discounts the disturbing history behind that word.

Too many people risked their lives to rise above that hateful word for it to become commonplace.

Furthermore, as a white woman with a black child and I will go to jail and possibly prison behind some one speaking of mine in such a matter.

My best friend of 15 almost 16 years is black and never would I refer to her as "MY N.." with the A or the ER.

It's inappropriate and for whoever mentioned the "C" word--absolutely NO COMPARISON!

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First of all NO ONE owns a word...my friends are not ignorant, they know everything there is to know about the word, therefore they can not be ignorant. I dont see why you would let one little word control your life. Your no better than Al or Jesse, really. They are idiots, I hated it when they were here. They made all of us look like idiot rednecks, thank God for the documentary my class made to correct their wrongs to the state of Texas atleast. For someone to get their feelings hurt over one little slur is absolutely ridiculous, its being overly sensitive and out of the bounds of reasonableness. What your saying is that my whole town is ignorant just because WE ALL GET ALONG (well for the most part), mostly the younger generations. We dont see color when we look at a person or go somewhere, just the goal. I go to the black parts of town all the time. Ive never had anyone get mad at me in my hometown for using the word. Now in Corpus Christi its different, I knew it would be, and I didnt use it as much. Plus most of the people there use it negatively anyway when they do use it. ALLOW PEOPLE TO EXERCISE THEIR FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Stop censoring them! If you get your feelings hurt, you need to learn not to. Black people werent the only people who were enslaved in America! They arent the only ones in history that have ever been enslaved! The evil white people didnt just go to Africa and pick up some black people, their tribes sold them out...what happened, happened, it was wrong, but its real, it was there, and some of us white people lost family in the fight for the freedom. It wasnt good times at all. Get over the past, learn from it and live in the PRESENT, to make a BETTER future!

Okay as far as seeing someone new, I have been seeing them (not dating, not anything serious). We've had a thing for a long time, its just we are both single now. It wont go anywhere because I dont want it to, and I cant trust him to seriously date him, but its fun while it lasts right?

I don't know where to start, but I will say this.. from an earlier post of yours I can say that you are somewhat racist..I don't know if it falls over to Black people, or if it's just Asian but your comments about them was surely a hurtful racial slur. I don't think it is acceptable for anyone to be disrespected because of their race, who they love etc.. It makes the person who uses words to demean others more than less intelligent, in my opinion. Before all of the hypocrisy of Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson they stood for something, and should be respected for that at least. However, I can see how many of their recent actions ie.. The Duke Case, as well as many others can lesson their achievements. There aren't a lot of Black people who agree with them, some people find them an embarrassment.

It's not "some" people who get their "feelings" hurt over the use of this word, nor a FREEDOM OF SPEECH ISSUE, it is the meaning behind what it was used for, to demean, and make blacks second class citizens. This fact is lost amongst the younger generations(the rappers, teens, adults etc) who use it today whether it has an "er" or an "a" on the end. Whether one is using it to take power over it, or in a "friendly" situation, or even for it's original use the word shows considerable disrespect to the people who heard it instead of their name, or used along with dogs and Water hoses, or in any other way to dehumanize them.

Yes, it is true that most African slaves were slaves in Africa (usually they were prisoners taken in battle). However, before Europeans started buying the slaves, it was not a business--tribal fights were used to gain land, women, and sometimes food. It was because the Europeans started buying the members of the losing tribe--that African tribes started intentionally raiding other tribes for NO OTHER PURPOSE than to sell them to the Europeans. The slave trade was in such high demand that the first set of slaves went to Cuba starting in the 1600's, because at this time the United States wasn't a "settled" entity. Europeans saw the slaves as a high commodity and knew from this that their was money and free labor in the slave trade. Free labor that Europeans used to establish and build the United States.

I have worked helping others in hospitals for a long time while putting myself through college. While I was transcribing orders a lady called the nurses station asking for her nurse...I told her that I would send her nurse in as soon as she was available. She then said "all of you "N's" are the same I want a white nurse like I had last night." This was the first and only time I've been called that word, and it has stuck with me for ten years. So, maybe I am a little sensitive, but regardless of my REASONS I never want to hear that word in any way. I date outside of my race, I also have friends of different races..never has the topic of them using it EVER came up!!

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I don't know where to start, but I will say this.. from an earlier post of yours I can say that you are somewhat racist..I don't know if it falls over to Black people, or if it's just Asian but your comments about them was surely a hurtful racial slur. I don't think it is acceptable for anyone to be disrespected because of their race, who they love etc.. It makes the person who uses words to demean others more than less intelligent, in my opinion. Before all of the hypocrisy of Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson they stood for something, and should be respected for that at least. However, I can see how many of their recent actions ie.. The Duke Case, as well as many others can lesson their achievements. There aren't a lot of Black people who agree with them, some people find them an embarrassment.

It's not "some" people who get their "feelings" hurt over the use of this word, nor a FREEDOM OF SPEECH ISSUE, it is the meaning behind what it was used for, to demean, and make blacks second class citizens. This fact is lost amongst the younger generations(the rappers, teens, adults etc) who use it today whether it has an "er" or an "a" on the end. Whether one is using it to take power over it, or in a "friendly" situation, or even for it's original use the word shows considerable disrespect to the people who heard it instead of their name, or used along with dogs and Water hoses, or in any other way to dehumanize them.

Yes, it is true that most African slaves were slaves in Africa (usually they were prisoners taken in battle). However, before Europeans started buying the slaves, it was not a business--tribal fights were used to gain land, women, and sometimes food. It was because the Europeans started buying the members of the losing tribe--that African tribes started intentionally raiding other tribes for NO OTHER PURPOSE than to sell them to the Europeans. The slave trade was in such high demand that the first set of slaves went to Cuba starting in the 1600's, because at this time the United States wasn't a "settled" entity. Europeans saw the slaves as a high commodity and knew from this that their was money and free labor in the slave trade. Free labor that Europeans used to establish and build the United States.

I have worked helping others in hospitals for a long time while putting myself through college. While I was transcribing orders a lady called the nurses station asking for her nurse...I told her that I would send her nurse in as soon as she was available. She then said "all of you "N's" are the same I want a white nurse like I had last night." This was the first and only time I've been called that word, and it has stuck with me for ten years. So, maybe I am a little sensitive, but regardless of my REASONS I never want to hear that word in any way. I date outside of my race, I also have friends of different races..never has the topic of them using it EVER came up!!

Thank you, Diva! :rockon::sleep That story of yours makes me sick. I can't believe people act that way. I remember reading a post on another forum several weeks ago by a woman who was in a parking lot. She'd used her remote to open the door of her van, which made a beeping noise or something while it opened. A 5 year old was walking into the store and asked her father what the noise was. The woman answered her automatically, and the child said, "I wasn't speaking to you, n____!" That made me feel so sick for the woman, and so PISSED at the child and her father.

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Thank you, Diva! :rockon::sleep That story of yours makes me sick. I can't believe people act that way. I remember reading a post on another forum several weeks ago by a woman who was in a parking lot. She'd used her remote to open the door of her van, which made a beeping noise or something while it opened. A 5 year old was walking into the store and asked her father what the noise was. The woman answered her automatically, and the child said, "I wasn't speaking to you, n____!" That made me feel so sick for the woman, and so PISSED at the child and her father.

Thanks you Lauren. That upsets me, because she wasn't corrected, and probably being raised that it is ok to call someone that--she will use it and teach her children to use it. Kids are sponges and more likely than not absorb everything they see their parents do or say.

** I used the word their in my earlier post, when I should have used there** I made a mistake.

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People may not agree with me on this one but when it comes to the kid using the word, I feel more sorry for the kid than I do the person it was used against. That kid is being raised in a specific manner. It will take years of education to undo the trash the kid is being taught.

I'm not making light of what the victim was put through, I can't imagine the horror she felt. But at least she's an adult that knows better. A five year old child doesn't even know better.

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Im not by any means racist at all. I dont know where you got that from, but Im not. If I was racist I wouldnt have as many black friends as I do. Ive always dated guys that were not white except 2 (they were mexican). I have absolutely nothing against any race, just some of the idiots that are a part of it (including white people). The word is socially acceptable where I am from among the younger generation, which means that they have moved on in life. I dont use the word to make anyone a second class citizen, if anyone knows what thats like its me as well. Im not going to disrespect someone just because of their race, unless they do it to me first anyway. I dont believe that anyone should be turned away regardless of race. However if you believe that black people are the only ones that experience racism your wrong, or even if you think white people dont experience it your wrong. What happened, happened. The past is the past. Live in the present and adapt to what is real.

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People may not agree with me on this one but when it comes to the kid using the word, I feel more sorry for the kid than I do the person it was used against. That kid is being raised in a specific manner. It will take years of education to undo the trash the kid is being taught.

I'm not making light of what the victim was put through, I can't imagine the horror she felt. But at least she's an adult that knows better. A five year old child doesn't even know better.

That is my feeling also. She is a kid, and she is being reared to think and believe these things. Now fast forward 10 or 15 years later when she hears it in songs, by her classmates or friends of other races, and then her parents on top of that.. it will now be solidified in her mind that it is OK for her to use it.:help:

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Im not by any means racist at all. I dont know where you got that from, but Im not. If I was racist I wouldnt have as many black friends as I do. Ive always dated guys that were not white except 2 (they were mexican). I have absolutely nothing against any race, just some of the idiots that are a part of it (including white people). The word is socially acceptable where I am from among the younger generation, which means that they have moved on in life. I dont use the word to make anyone a second class citizen, if anyone knows what thats like its me as well. Im not going to disrespect someone just because of their race, unless they do it to me first anyway. I dont believe that anyone should be turned away regardless of race. However if you believe that black people are the only ones that experience racism your wrong, or even if you think white people dont experience it your wrong. What happened, happened. The past is the past. Live in the present and adapt to what is real.

Asian racial slur

Just exaclty where am I going to find a ching-chang-chong in deep east Texas that doesnt do nails? LOL! We don't have that here, and if we did I would be scared to go to them because things to come to this little podunk town lol. We dont have anything here.

You've contradicted yourself. Plus justifying the use of racial slurs by saying "other people use them" or that "I have black friends" is kinda racist in itself. Plus, it comes off as a follower mentality.

It is never acceptable socially to use racial slurs or phrases as any kind of terms of endearment. The use of these things are Ignorant, by the people who use them, and the people who let someone call them that. This younger generation is lacking respect, values, and sometimes dignity. Racism isn't in the past, and I will never let what happened happen again. It wasn't 1967 when that patient called me and a few nurses that...it was 1997. The folks you are talking to when using that word might not care, but I bet you their grandparents would, and I won't believe you if you say their grandparents find it acceptable. Maybe it's the way kids are being raised, hold on..I am only 11 years older than you. So maybe it's..well never mind it will only get lost in translation, and that each one, teach one, reach one thing has went over my head. Damn, BET!!

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First of all, that comment was over 2 years ago! And that is not a big deal. One of my very good friends is vietnamese(sp?) and I have several other asian friends... The point is, if I didnt like these people, WHY would I be friends with them? If I was just so racist I couldnt bear to look at them, why would I want to go out with them all the time? I dont understand why Im being called a racist, when Ive NEVER denied anyone anything based on their race. Ive never overlooked someone because of their race. Or underestimated them for it. Or anything else.

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First of all, that comment was over 2 years ago! And that is not a big deal. One of my very good friends is vietnamese(sp?) and I have several other asian friends... The point is, if I didnt like these people, WHY would I be friends with them? If I was just so racist I couldnt bear to look at them, why would I want to go out with them all the time? I dont understand why Im being called a racist, when Ive NEVER denied anyone anything based on their race. Ive never overlooked someone because of their race. Or underestimated them for it. Or anything else.
You have posted that you are scared of black men, that you didn't want them to get too close to you, though, just because they are black. And that was only 4/5 days ago. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f80/what-your-favorite-but-hated-stereotypes-44506/index2.html#post616477

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You have posted that you are scared of black men, that you didn't want them to get too close to you, though, just because they are black. And that was only 4/5 days ago. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f80/what-your-favorite-but-hated-stereotypes-44506/index2.html#post616477

This is true, but also in that post I said that I wasnt rude to them or anything else, I just like my space because of past events. That post is very thorough explaining why Im afraid of them and that Ive tried working it out with my therapist. Im not going to go running and screaming at the sight of a black man, Im not going to do that at all. I just get myself out of the situation (if I feel uncomfortable) and get in my car and leave or whatever I need to do. But Im not going to shout at them or anything.

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First of all, that comment was over 2 years ago! And that is not a big deal. One of my very good friends is vietnamese(sp?) and I have several other asian friends... The point is, if I didnt like these people, WHY would I be friends with them? If I was just so racist I couldnt bear to look at them, why would I want to go out with them all the time? I dont understand why Im being called a racist, when Ive NEVER denied anyone anything based on their race. Ive never overlooked someone because of their race. Or underestimated them for it. Or anything else.

You have a lot more to learn, and you will once you open yourself up to think and live beyond your small town. Just saying that you have friends who are a certain race, but still using the racial slurs and terms doesn't equal out the balance of ignorance, especially when you say "black men" scare you best on a few past events. If someone let's you put them down in that matter it is up to you to grow on this matter.

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You have a lot more to learn, and you will once you open yourself up to think and live beyond your small town. Just saying that you have friends who are a certain race, but still using the racial slurs and terms doesn't equal out the balance of ignorance, especially when you say "black men" scare you best on a few past events. If someone let's you put them down in that matter it is up to you to grow on this matter.

Lol! A few past events are one thing...18 years of events is another. The racial slurs among my friends are jokes. We all know that we are all kidding, its called being CLOSE. You try being 9 years old and a black man telling you that he wants you to suck and sit on his *private part* and I have to go home and ask mom about. Or try being constantly touched even though you fight against it. Try walking out of a convenient store and having a car full of men yelling and screaming "hey white girl you like chocolate? " "Hey white girl you know you want some of this!" "White girl knows she wants this ****" Etc...and so on...these are a few that stand out at the moment above the rest...I went through years of torment and harassment. And 2 years of sexual harassment and threats from one guy. I had horrible nightmares and refused to go to class because of him. So if you think Im unjustified in my fear you think that.

I guess you all are right. Im a N*****, Chink, Towel-Head hating b****! Yeah thats me, I like to go around dragging people behind my sports car because Im white and better than them. I like to randomly shout out insults at random people because I dont like the color of their skin. I hate all people that are not white! Oh yeah, thats me.

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Ummm...BTW I think that A LOT of you need to know the definition of ignorance...because Im not ignorant to this matter at all....

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Lol! A few past events are one thing...18 years of events is another. The racial slurs among my friends are jokes. We all know that we are all kidding, its called being CLOSE. You try being 9 years old and a black man telling you that he wants you to suck and sit on his *private part* and I have to go home and ask mom about. Or try being constantly touched even though you fight against it. Try walking out of a convenient store and having a car full of men yelling and screaming "hey white girl you like chocolate? " "Hey white girl you know you want some of this!" "White girl knows she wants this ****" Etc...and so on...these are a few that stand out at the moment above the rest...I went through years of torment and harassment. And 2 years of sexual harassment and threats from one guy. I had horrible nightmares and refused to go to class because of him. So if you think Im unjustified in my fear you think that.

I am very sorry to say, but I don't believe that all of those things have happen to you. They are contradictory, and the fact that you live in a small town, makes me think that the police or a few family members could've easily found all these alleged pedophiles and rapist.

I guess you all are right. Im a N*****, Chink, Towel-Head hating b****! Yeah thats me, I like to go around dragging people behind my sports car because Im white and better than them. I like to randomly shout out insults at random people because I dont like the color of their skin. I hate all people that are not white! Oh yeah, thats me.

You said it, I DIDN'T

Oh, by the way I know what ignorant means. And it isn't a term or word I throw around to make me sound smart. I use it when the person doesn't know the facts, nor are they interested in learning the truth. Denying yourself knowledge to grow beyond learned behaviors and expectations is very ignorant. I would also like to say that I think you protest to much... If you weren't racist, then you wouldn't have to come up with stories and explanations to prove that you're not one.

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