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Do you use the "N" word?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "N" word?

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Ok now I have to disagree with you on this. Just because someone of one race commits a crime against someone of another race this DOES NOT make it a hate crime. A hate crime is when a person commits a crime against another person BECAUSE of the sole reason of race. But just because a white/black man robs a store where the cashier was a black/white man for the sole purposes of wanting money does NOT make that a hate crime unless the person robbed the store wanting to hurt the said cashier because of their race.

No, I was referring to the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crime. I should have specified that...


On June 7, 1998, Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from 3 drunk men named Shawn Allen berry, Lawrence Russel Brewer, and John William King. He had already known one of them. Instead of taking him home, however, the three men beat Byrd behind a convenience store, tied him to their pickup truck with a chain tied around his waist, and dragged him about three miles. It is not known whether he was alive during the dragging. Although Lawrence Russell Brewer claimed that Byrd's throat had been slashed before he was dragged, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive for much of the dragging and died only after his right arm and head were severed when his body hit a culvert. His body had caught a sewage drain on the side of the road and severely torn his head off of the rest of his body.

King, berry, and Brewer dumped their victim's mutilated remains in the town's segregated black cemetery, and then went to a barbecue. A wrench with Lawrence Brewers name was found within the area along with a lighter that had the KKK symbol on it.

The next morning, Byrd's limbs were scattered across a very little used road. The police circled 75 areas found with Byrd's limbs. State law enforcement officials and Jasper’s District Attorney Guy James Gray, along with Assistant Pat Hardy, determined that since King and Brewer were well-known white supremacists, the murder was a hate crime, and decided to bring in the FBI less than 24 hours after the discovery of Byrd’s brutalized remains. One of Byrd's murderers, John King, had a tattoo depicting a black man hanging from a tree, and other tattoos such as Nazi symbols, the words "Aryan Pride," and the patch for the Confederate Knights of America, a gang of white supremacist inmates. In a jail house letter to Brewer which was intercepted by jail officials, King expressed pride in the crime and said he realized he might have to die for committing it. "Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history. Death before dishonor. Sieg Heil!", King wrote.

Brewer and King were sentenced to death. Berry received life in prison.

Numerous aspects of the Byrd murder echo lynching traditions, including mutilation or decapitation, and revelry, such as a barbecue or a picnic, during or after.

The 77th Texas Legislature passed the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Act on May 11, 2001.

A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.


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Ummm...A&M-CC is a VERY easy school to get into. You should have seen some of the idiots that I went to school with. Dont insult my intelligence just because I know about what going on beneath the surface of a city. I got into every school I applied to, including UT-Austin and A&M-College Station. I chose CC because of the beach and small size. All you have to do is score like a 900 on the SAT or like a 23 on the ACT and or in regardless of anything else (besides actually graduation from high school). I was top quartile in my class in HS (would have been higher had I gone to class more). I read the case when I worked for the district clerk's office as a sophomore in high school. I NEVER said that I was on drugs, I NEVER said that I was in a gang (besides I worked at the club with gang this past summer when management changed at the bar, therefore I was not enrolled at A&M at the time). I became homeless AFTER my lease expired at A&M, meaning in July. And just because someone is bipolar doesnt make them an idiot. Some people with special mental conditions are notoriously intelligent. I wasnt diagnosed bi-polarish until sometime around May?? So the entire time I was at A&M the most I ever did was become an alcoholic.

As far as 3 black men dragging a white man, go ahead and google Ken Tillery...http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID={7B0E6C30-94D4-478E-90BF-751B9CFB1F9A}

<Just a month ago, in the town of Jasper, three men in a car offered Tillery a ride, which he accepted only to be kidnapped and driven, against his will, to a remote location. When the terrified Tillery jumped out of the vehicle and tried to flee, the kidnappers caught up with him, beat him, and finally ran over him dragging him to his death beneath their car’s undercarriage.

Ken Tillery’s name is unfamiliar to most Americans. Though he died very near to where James Byrd had died before him, few people outside of Jasper ever heard about his gruesome slaying. No civil rights activists attended his funeral. There were no pained oped pieces lamenting his death. No prominent political figures issued public statements about the national significance of his killing. Mr. Tillery, you see, was white, and his three killers Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes were black. Thus his death had no political currency for those whose reputations depend upon their ability to portray themselves as crusaders for justice, ever guarding against white racism. Even though blackonwhite killings far outnumber the whiteonblack variety in this country, unfortunate people like Ken Tillery die in complete anonymity as opposed to unfortunate people like James Byrd, whose deaths are spotlighted in the national media. Should a murder victim’s skin color determine the significance of his or her death? It’s a serious question, well worth pondering.>

See the link above for more information concerning James Byrd, I just excerpted the part about Tillery.

I just read up on Ken Tillery. He was murdered over gas money for $50, not because they singled him out for his race. The FBI investigated and determined that it was not a hate crime.

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No, I was referring to the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crime. I should have specified that...


On June 7, 1998, Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from 3 drunk men named Shawn Allen Berry, Lawrence Russel Brewer, and John William King. He had already known one of them. Instead of taking him home, however, the three men beat Byrd behind a convenience store, tied him to their pickup truck with a chain tied around his waist, and dragged him about three miles. It is not known whether he was alive during the dragging. Although Lawrence Russell Brewer claimed that Byrd's throat had been slashed before he was dragged, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive for much of the dragging and died only after his right arm and head were severed when his body hit a culvert. His body had caught a sewage drain on the side of the road and severely torn his head off of the rest of his body.

King, Berry, and Brewer dumped their victim's mutilated remains in the town's segregated black cemetery, and then went to a barbecue. A wrench with Lawrence Brewers name was found within the area along with a lighter that had the KKK symbol on it.

The next morning, Byrd's limbs were scattered across a very little used road. The police circled 75 areas found with Byrd's limbs. State law enforcement officials and Jasper’s District Attorney Guy James Gray, along with Assistant Pat Hardy, determined that since King and Brewer were well-known white supremacists, the murder was a hate crime, and decided to bring in the FBI less than 24 hours after the discovery of Byrd’s brutalized remains. One of Byrd's murderers, John King, had a tattoo depicting a black man hanging from a tree, and other tattoos such as Nazi symbols, the words "Aryan Pride," and the patch for the Confederate Knights of America, a gang of white supremacist inmates. In a jail house letter to Brewer which was intercepted by jail officials, King expressed pride in the crime and said he realized he might have to die for committing it. "Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history. Death before dishonor. Sieg Heil!", King wrote.

Brewer and King were sentenced to death. Berry received life in prison.

Numerous aspects of the Byrd murder echo lynching traditions, including mutilation or decapitation, and revelry, such as a barbecue or a picnic, during or after.

The 77th Texas Legislature passed the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Act on May 11, 2001.

A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.


Well, Im glad you finally figured out that racist motives have to be involved in a HATE CRIME...like I said previously. One of the men (King I believe) had been raped several times by a black man while in prison previously (which was his reason for being the racist that he was). I never said that King and Brewer were NOT racists, because they were...however they did not randomly select a black man to drag, EVERYONE in Jasper knows that it was a drug deal gone bad, and we can not convince the world of the because of the IDIOTS that made that stupid documentary, the movie, and the media coverage. Cant believe everything the media tells you. They have to twist it to make it good most of the time. The media did a horrible job covering the Byrd case and made all of us look like dumb rednecks.

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Ken Tillery of Jasper, Texas, was murdered on January 19, 2002. On that night, of his murder, Tillery was outside of a suspected crackhouse, when he was approached by Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes, and offered a ride in their truck. Tillery accepted, but an argument later developed over the gas money he agreed to pay. Tillery expected to pay only $5, but the men demanded $50. When the truck passed Tillery's home and arrived at a gas station, he jumped out and tried to flee, but was caught and beaten by the three men. Tillery's attackers ran him over, and as a result, his body was dragged under the truck for 20 to 30 feet before it separated from the vehicle.

The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men.

Holmes pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and received a 15-year term. Little was convicted of murder and sentenced to 70 years incarceration. Both are still serving their sentences. Gilbert was sentenced to a 20 years in prison; however, on February 14, 2005, Gilbert was murdered in the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Stiles Unit by fellow inmate Reagan Caldwell.

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I just read up on Ken Tillery. He was murdered over gas money for $50, not because they singled him out for his race. The FBI investigated and determined that it was not a hate crime.

Oh they can get to the bottom of a white man getting killed, but God forbid that they say that a black man was killed over drugs. Like I said the Media has a whole Hell of a lot of power. Go get one of those nifty usernames and passwords for one of the legal research webpages (you have to obtain them through a university or lawyer or some other legal entity entitling you to look at case files) and compare the two cases. You will find a lot of similarities. The investigation team here is horrible anyways, and very biased. They cant put 3 black men behind bars so soon after the tragic death of James Byrd Jr, bad politics. Small town politics run this whole damn place.

Why did they choose the form of murder that they did? Because they wanted to prove a point and get back at the white community and prove that they could easily get away with murder.

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Ken Tillery of Jasper, Texas, was murdered on January 19, 2002. On that night, of his murder, Tillery was outside of a suspected crackhouse, when he was approached by Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes, and offered a ride in their truck. Tillery accepted, but an argument later developed over the gas money he agreed to pay. Tillery expected to pay only $5, but the men demanded $50. When the truck passed Tillery's home and arrived at a gas station, he jumped out and tried to flee, but was caught and beaten by the three men. Tillery's attackers ran him over, and as a result, his body was dragged under the truck for 20 to 30 feet before it separated from the vehicle.

The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men.

Holmes pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and received a 15-year term. Little was convicted of murder and sentenced to 70 years incarceration. Both are still serving their sentences. Gilbert was sentenced to a 20 years in prison; however, on February 14, 2005, Gilbert was murdered in the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Stiles Unit by fellow inmate Reagan Caldwell.

Once again, my point is proven...

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Oh they can get to the bottom of a white man getting killed, but God forbid that they say that a black man was killed over drugs. Like I said the Media has a whole Hell of a lot of power. Go get one of those nifty usernames and passwords for one of the legal research webpages (you have to obtain them through a university or lawyer or some other legal entity entitling you to look at case files) and compare the two cases. You will find a lot of similarities. The investigation team here is horrible anyways, and very biased. They cant put 3 black men behind bars so soon after the tragic death of James Byrd Jr, bad politics. Small town politics run this whole damn place.

Why did they choose the form of murder that they did? Because they wanted to prove a point and get back at the white community and prove that they could easily get away with murder.

NAH! You're not racist..:)

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NAH! You're not racist..:)

If that makes me racist, then I guess I am...Do I need to state that on my driver's license or something? "hi, Im from Jasper and Im a racist because I dont believe that black people are the only ones that experience racism and I believe that small town politics contributed to the unjust trial of Ken Tillery"? Naw too long, better get it tattooed on my back so I can add to it later

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Once again, my point is proven...

The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men.

The FBI and The Sheriff said no hate crime. Two right wing journalist said it was...HMMM

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The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men.

The FBI and The Sheriff said no hate crime. Two right wing journalist said it was...HMMM

1. The FBI arent from here and do not know what the hell goes on here that you couldnt even imagine.

2. Rowles is drunk 98% of the time that he says or does anything

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How sad JW you continue a behavior just because you feel it's a hopeless task to improve it. I try to accomplish the impossible each day. I force difficult meditation to become a more helpful person to this planet by letting go of negative energy without spreading any ugliness whether it be a word or not letting an angry driver into my lane just because I don't have to. Tossing a gum wrapper out the window is okay because there is no hope for our pollution problem, and we may as well stop recycling because there is no hope for the planet, too, I suppose. You ignore a poll right in front of your nose that indicates almost 60 percent (59 2B exact) of this small population really hates that word and what it stands for whether with the 'er' or 'ah' at the end. Still it's important to make your stand and continue. I hope one day you will realize that part of growing up is letting go of some of the rebellion and giving back positive energy instead of adding to the hatred. The entire block has called the cops who have been there 13 times in 12 months with only 2 warnings and no citations to date. Why are you so resistant to being nicer? It's not that hard. You want people to trust you? Maybe they will once you let go of such negative anger and realize that you alone can change the world. But first you need to change your attitude or the power is useless.

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How sad JW you continue a behavior just because you feel it's a hopeless task to improve it. I try to accomplish the impossible each day. I force difficult meditation to become a more helpful person to this planet by letting go of negative energy without spreading any ugliness whether it be a word or not letting an angry driver into my lane just because I don't have to. Tossing a gum wrapper out the window is okay because there is no hope for our pollution problem, and we may as well stop recycling because there is no hope for the planet, too, I suppose. You ignore a poll right in front of your nose that indicates almost 60 percent (59 2B exact) of this small population really hates that word and what it stands for whether with the 'er' or 'ah' at the end. Still it's important to make your stand and continue. I hope one day you will realize that part of growing up is letting go of some of the rebellion and giving back positive energy instead of adding to the hatred. The entire block has called the cops who have been there 13 times in 12 months with only 2 warnings and no citations to date. Why are you so resistant to being nicer? It's not that hard. You want people to trust you? Maybe they will once you let go of such negative anger and realize that you alone can change the world. But first you need to change your attitude or the power is useless.

We tend to change for the better as we grow older...I like you want to stay positive... so I sincerely hope that Jodie gets rid of the negative attitude soon so that she can have a better happier life, and I mean it very sincerely. Thank you.

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<p>iam so glad you put that stright ,iam worried about getting banded and now this pops up.</p> <p>PEOPLE THERE ARE OTHER SIGHTS FOR THIS GO AWAY</p>

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WHY can't people realize that this thread is in Rants and Raves, and that it is the PERFECT place for threads like this? Once again, here is the disclaimer at the top of the forum:

LBT Rants and Raves *** Off-Topic DEBATE AREA *** Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!

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WHY can't people realize that this thread is in Rants and Raves, and that it is the PERFECT place for threads like this? Once again, here is the disclaimer at the top of the forum:

hhhhhhmm.....:ranger: I never read that disclaimer.....duh.........:faint:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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