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Do You? You know use that word!

Do you use the "N" word?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use the "N" word?

    • No, NEVER!!
    • Yes, but in the past!
    • Yes, what's wrong with saying it...
    • OMG! I don't want to answer this..How dare you!!

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Whatever, just go on living your little fantasy life. Continue to ask questions that you dont want a whole answer to. You will stay pissed off all the time.

I don't live a fantasy life, trust me. I asked a question, got different answers, opinions, and even a mean pm. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, however when you use justifications like "my black friends don't mind" and "where I live it's a term of endearment" and "Stella Byrd has me to dinner often" as reasons to continue the use..then that's when I take issue. I take issue with the fact that you dismissed the seriousness of James Byrd's murder as a drug deal gone bad, that you are quite ignorant to American History when there are libraries to further your knowledge...I take extreme issue with the fact that you're ok with your way of thinking, and don't want to think outside the box, or even worse your small town mentality. Everyone on this thread has tried to enlighten and educate you, but you ignorantly declined. It's very sad that someone who is allegedly pregnant doesn't want to improve the world they will bring this baby into. This makes me wonder what happen to the "No Child Left Behind Funds" alloted to Texas!!!

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Thats what I like to see...a 20 year old pregnant self proclaimed "faghag" bar fly...LMMFAO...oh yeah, who is bi-polarish...WTF???????

I remember your posts earlier this year. When you posted about dating all these different guys. You were just as freakin crazy then.

Im not crazy. I was a barfly because I like bars. Its just that simple. I like to hang out in bars and play pool and throw darts, and talk to some of the most interesting people ever. I love being a fag hag btw. I like to date around, I dont like being stuck with one man right now, and now I know why, because men that I meet are jerks! I dated several men, that doesnt mean that I screwed them or did anything else with them besides go to dinner and have a good time and great conversation. I like to keep my options open.

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I don't live a fantasy life, trust me. I asked a questions, got different answers, opinions, and even a mean pm. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, however when you use justifications like "my black friends don't mind" and "where I live it's a term of endearment" and "Stella Byrd has me to dinner often" as reasons to continue the use..then that's when I take issue. I take issue with the fact that you dismissed the seriousness of James Byrd's murder as a drug deal gone bad, that you are quite ignorant to American History when there are libraries to further your knowledge...I take extreme issue with the fact that you're ok with your way of thinking, and don't want to think outside the box, or even worse your small town mentality. Everyone on this thread has tried to enlighten and educate you, but you ignorantly declined. It's very sad that someone who is allegedly pregnant doesn't want to improve the world they will bring this baby into. This makes me wonder what happen to the "No Child Left Behind Funds" alloted to Texas!!!

I made all As in American History, would you like a copy of my transcript? "No Child Left Behind" is killing our school system here. My town's school district was just deemed "unacceptable" by the state. Im not quite sure what's going on, but what has been reported (and I swear this was in the newspaper and the reports Ive seen) is that the african american and hispanic students are MAINLY the ones messing with the statistics. NOW I know for a fact that many white children are having problems passing it as well here, but under their study the MAJORITY is the black and hispanic students. I work for the school district, but I work with young kids...what I have noticed however is that the curriculum is not the same as it was when I was in school at that age. We were doing much more difficult work and using more creativity and having a lot more hands on experiences. These kids now are not learning because they are bored (from what I have observed). I don't know what the solution is, but something needs to be done. Kids are dropping out of high school because they are afraid of the TAKS test and doing everything right except passing the test and being embarassed of not walking the stage. I know that a group of like 4 girls dropped out my senior year 2 weeks before graduation. They couldnt walk because they refused to or couldnt pass the TAKS test. I myself thought it was REALLY freakin easy...but I had a lot of terrific educators growing up...a lot of the teachers now are teaching WAY below the comprehensive ability of their students, I think thats part of the problem. I just know that its ridiculous for these students, any of them, to repeatedly fail a test over basic procedures.

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You might want to ask your therapist about that, then, and make sure she knows that you weren't prescribed mood stabilizers to go with it.

This is some of what I was able to find about antidepressants and bipolar (emphasis mine):

I really need to schedule an appt with her, but I need to get paid first lol! I have a decent check coming next week, Ill probably drive up there to see her if she has an open appt. I have a few things to talk to her about anyway.

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I disagree, ask any of my black girlfriends if they would rather be called the "n" word or the Big C bomb! Bet they choose the "n" word... I believe that the C word is possibly the most controversial and powerful word in the english language. If you EVER want to see a 85 pound anorexic or a 350lb woman go psycho on someone (especially a man) and muster up the energy and strength of a pro-wrestler....Bust out the C word (whether joking or not) SEE WHAT HAPPENS THEN...At least the "n" word is used in casual (hopefully not formal) situations in a joking manner and with other black people, however women USUALLY (there are always exceptions) NEVER joke with the "c" word

Are your "black girlfriends" lesbians or are they the two who aren't Gay?

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Are your "black girlfriends" lesbians or are they the two who aren't Gay?

I was talking about my close friends. My regular friends that I have known most of my life, but since we all dont live in the same town anymore we dont get to see each other, are more diverse. In Corpus most of my friends were gay and not black. But from my hometown some of my black friends that are girls are lesbians, yes.

I have multiple categories of people I have met.

1. Best friends = one gay one straight

2. Close Friends= mostly gay, a few straight

3. Friends=very diverse

4.Acquaintances(sp?)=more diverse

5. People that I dont like=diverse

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I was talking about my close friends. My regular friends that I have known most of my life, but since we all dont live in the same town anymore we dont get to see each other, are more diverse. In Corpus most of my friends were gay and not black. But from my hometown some of my black friends that are girls are lesbians, yes.

I have multiple categories of people I have met.

1. Best friends = one gay one straight

2. Close Friends= mostly gay, a few straight

3. Friends=very diverse

4.Acquaintances(sp?)=more diverse

5. People that I dont like=diverse

******* Originally Posted by Jodie_Warner06 View Post

I know that to me, I am not attracted to black men at all. I believe there are some very handsome, beautiful black men in the world, but Im not physically attracted to them. Im not necessarily attracted to very white guys either. I usually go for the darker skin type, or the white-boy jock type (one that plays golf would be perfect lol). The whole world is not going to marry someone just to dissolve the race issue. Its who you are attracted to. Marrying someone to dissolve the race issue is no different than marrying someone to keep the same race. Color of skin really shouldnt come into play when picking a partner. I consider many different things when I choose to date someone. I look at their physical appearance not so much color of skin, but hair, nose, eyes, teeth, physique so forth. It just so happens that most black men are built the same. Same goes for asians, they do not peak my interest at all, there are a whole collage of different things I look for in a partner, not just color, but one should not marry another just to "fix" a problem, because there will be more problems, and more problems. God made us all different and unique for a reason, why should we change that if we dont want to. It isnt our duty to society to fix the color of people's skin. Not to mention the fact that there will still be different skin tones, everyone in the world will not be the same skin tone (nor in a group of 10 people). That will cause racism once again. Plus the rarity (like me) when one culture's feature do an extreme overtake of the others, and that person looks more white or black or asian or hispanic, whatever. My mother looks VERY hispanic (dark hair, skin, eyes) and my dad is darker complected with dark hair and eyes (as for the rest of my family that I know), YET I have Blond (light) hair, Hazel eyes (usually green), and VERY fair skin as well as a different body type than ANYONE in my family. Basically the Jewish part of my heritage reared its head, but since Im mixed up with God only knows what I somehow inherited an odd mix that does not go with the rest of my family. I look different than everyone at reunions on either side. Its as if I dont fit in, like I am a strange onlooker, but Im full blood with them. Yet Im very white, Blond and everything....So the color of skin definately would not be consistant **** Notice nothing about the black men who sexually...




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******* Originally Posted by Jodie_Warner06 View Post

I know that to me, I am not attracted to black men at all. I believe there are some very handsome, beautiful black men in the world, but Im not physically attracted to them. Im not necessarily attracted to very white guys either. I usually go for the darker skin type, or the white-boy jock type (one that plays golf would be perfect lol). The whole world is not going to marry someone just to dissolve the race issue. Its who you are attracted to. Marrying someone to dissolve the race issue is no different than marrying someone to keep the same race. Color of skin really shouldnt come into play when picking a partner. I consider many different things when I choose to date someone. I look at their physical appearance not so much color of skin, but hair, nose, eyes, teeth, physique so forth. It just so happens that most black men are built the same. Same goes for asians, they do not peak my interest at all, there are a whole collage of different things I look for in a partner, not just color, but one should not marry another just to "fix" a problem, because there will be more problems, and more problems. God made us all different and unique for a reason, why should we change that if we dont want to. It isnt our duty to society to fix the color of people's skin. Not to mention the fact that there will still be different skin tones, everyone in the world will not be the same skin tone (nor in a group of 10 people). That will cause racism once again. Plus the rarity (like me) when one culture's feature do an extreme overtake of the others, and that person looks more white or black or asian or hispanic, whatever. My mother looks VERY hispanic (dark hair, skin, eyes) and my dad is darker complected with dark hair and eyes (as for the rest of my family that I know), YET I have Blond (light) hair, Hazel eyes (usually green), and VERY fair skin as well as a different body type than ANYONE in my family. Basically the Jewish part of my heritage reared its head, but since Im mixed up with God only knows what I somehow inherited an odd mix that does not go with the rest of my family. I look different than everyone at reunions on either side. Its as if I dont fit in, like I am a strange onlooker, but Im full blood with them. Yet Im very white, Blond and everything....So the color of skin definately would not be consistant **** Notice nothing about the black men who sexually...




What are you trying to prove here? The comment about the black men in my life was not relevant to that discussion, nor was important. Nor was I willing to discuss my past issues with this board.

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Don't tell me to keep quiet in an open discussion, whether it be vocal or typing. You are ridiculous to think that I would keep quiet after that statement anyway. If you don't like what I say, or if you just cant handle it, put me on an ignore list or something. I don't force you to read what I write. I intrigue you though, you want to know what is going to come out of me next. I am your entertainment, your little delight.

Im not suicidal, Im barely bi-polar.

If you are not suicidal then explain your comments posted:

"Ive resisted the urge to hurt myself for 2 YEARS!! I cant believe that, that is such a milestone for me! Not even one suicide attempt in OVER 2 years!"


That is the great thing about being online. You have to stand by your statements whether you have multiple voices talking to you or not. I would not be surprised if you have not even been banded and that you are basically using this web site as your "therapy sessions". If you go back and look at your numerous postings you seem to derail every conversation with your Jerry Springer comments and lifestyle. You have been pregnant for 3 years and you have more postings in the "off topic" area than you do about the lap band. Stop using us for therapy and get a life.

Oh one more thing, stop watching Hannibal Lector. Your postings are weird enough.

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Don't tell me to keep quiet in an open discussion, whether it be vocal or typing. You are ridiculous to think that I would keep quiet after that statement anyway. If you don't like what I say, or if you just cant handle it, put me on an ignore list or something. I don't force you to read what I write. I intrigue you though, you want to know what is going to come out of me next. I am your entertainment, your little delight.

Im not suicidal, Im barely bi-polar.

If you are not suicidal then explain your comments posted:

"Ive resisted the urge to hurt myself for 2 YEARS!! I cant believe that, that is such a milestone for me! Not even one suicide attempt in OVER 2 years!"


That is the great thing about being online. You have to stand by your statements whether you have multiple voices talking to you or not. I would not be surprised if you have not even been banded and that you are basically using this web site as your "therapy sessions". If you go back and look at your numerous postings you seem to derail every conversation with your Jerry Springer comments and lifestyle. You have been pregnant for 3 years and you have more postings in the "off topic" area than you do about the lap band. Stop using us for therapy and get a life.

Oh one more thing, stop watching Hannibal Lector. Your postings are weird enough.

Actually, when someone changes their signature, it changes it on all their posts, even ones that were made before they changed it.

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Ignore what she says... she is to be prayed for

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While I don't necessarily agree with what she says, we need to steer this thread away from being an "Attach Jodie session".

This story is a bit anecdotal, but the moral is that you should take any online (only) friendships/acquaintances with a grain of salt; I was friends with a young girl for a long time (online). We played online games together, she told me about her school woes, girls she liked etc. Once day she disappears off the face of the online planet not to be heard from for more than 2 years. She messages me out of the blue one day and says "I have to tell you something" and proceeds to explain that while her age is the same, 'she' is in fact a 'he' who had been depressed and therefore created an online persona that had nothing to do with his real life. To be honest, either could be true. To be honest, I had fun conversations with him, had fun playing games with him, and I don't care. Sure, it's hard to wonder when he mentions his real life, but seeing as I'll never meet in person, I choose to just have a friendly online friendship with him.

Maybe what Jodie says is true. Maybe it's mostly true with some embellishment. Maybe some of it's true. Maybe none of it's true.

At the end of the day, does it matter? Does it affect your daily goings on one way or the other? I hesitate now as I hover over the "post" button, but this thread has long since gone from "subject debate" to "character attack" from both sides.

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I neglected to revisit this thread - my bad. Marimaru is right. I gave one warning to stop the personal attacks. We are fine with attacking an idea, but not a person. I don't like to lock threads - let's make sure this one can stay open.

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Don't tell me to keep quiet in an open discussion, whether it be vocal or typing. You are ridiculous to think that I would keep quiet after that statement anyway. If you don't like what I say, or if you just cant handle it, put me on an ignore list or something. I don't force you to read what I write. I intrigue you though, you want to know what is going to come out of me next. I am your entertainment, your little delight.

Im not suicidal, Im barely bi-polar.

If you are not suicidal then explain your comments posted:

"Ive resisted the urge to hurt myself for 2 YEARS!! I cant believe that, that is such a milestone for me! Not even one suicide attempt in OVER 2 years!"


That is the great thing about being online. You have to stand by your statements whether you have multiple voices talking to you or not. I would not be surprised if you have not even been banded and that you are basically using this web site as your "therapy sessions". If you go back and look at your numerous postings you seem to derail every conversation with your Jerry Springer comments and lifestyle. You have been pregnant for 3 years and you have more postings in the "off topic" area than you do about the lap band. Stop using us for therapy and get a life.

Oh one more thing, stop watching Hannibal Lector. Your postings are weird enough.

A.) I posted the above quoted statement to prove that Im not suicidal anymore.

B.) I changed my signature so it changed on all my old posts

C.)Ive been banded for 2 years, but I would rather talk in the off-topic area because I get tired of the SOS about constantly talking about being banded, theres really not that much to talk about.

D.) Ive seen ONE Hannibal movie years ago

E.) Ive never heard multiple voices, having any form of bi-polarism doesnt make give MPD

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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