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Do You? You know use that word!

Do you use the "N" word?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use the "N" word?

    • No, NEVER!!
    • Yes, but in the past!
    • Yes, what's wrong with saying it...
    • OMG! I don't want to answer this..How dare you!!

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BTW, a drug deal gone wrong is not a justifiable reason to take someone's life. I dont believe that there is any reason to take the life of someone else (you know that from the pro-life stance I took in another thread). But what I am trying to say is the issue wasnt racial.

Just because one race committs a crime against another doesn't make it racial, but instead a crime nonetheless.

Again you are wrong, and any paralegal student would know this...it makes it A HATE CRIME!!!

Now, let me tell you one final thing. When you have lived life, then get back to me. I have seen and talked to actual rape victims, and I know that everyone takes this serious crime against them differently...enough to know the trauma, and drama they go through; whether they report it or not!!! I have always taken the side of the victim, and always will. I have seen a lot of cases where the girls make up stories just to get attention. I also know enough to know when I am being shoveled bs by alleged sexual crime victims... And on that note I am done responding to you, before I come off much more insensitive and rude than I already did. You have a very blessed life, because no matter if it's all lies, or whether there is a thimble of truth in it--it's not up to me to say.

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I second that! :clap2:

I'm not sure if everyone is on the same page as far as respect. I will be polite to someone I don't know; I'll hold the door open for anyone; I'll help pick up something if I see they dropped it; I'll smile and say good morning; I will wave someone across the street, etc. All regardless of color, weight, religion, height, gender, or if they're wearing stupid clothes, silly hats, or if their shoes don't match. I don't care.

But. If they speak to me and they are ignorant and especially if they are proud of it, I will instantly not respect them. That doesn't mean I won't still help them, or that I'll start treating them rudely. It just means I cross them off my list of people who could be a friend. I don't respect stupidity or ignorance.

There are so many ways people can better themselves, and I know so many people who chose not to. I'm not just talking about spelling, grammar, or whether they have all their teeth. I work with people who can spell, have very nice teeth and are as slimy as they come. Respect them, just because they're human? No. No way. Respect is earned, not just given away. I think that's why a large group of our people DON'T better themselves. Why do they have to? Society caters to them, the government pays for them, people pay lip service to them...they do what they want and don't have to be a better person.

Pretty much any reality show personality is not worth a lick of salt. Flava Flav, New York, Bret Michaels, The Cory's...I see commercials for this and just get disgusted. Those are the types people that I don't respect.

I know this has nothing to do with race or the N word and I'm sorry that I ranted...I just believe people need to earn respect and not have it handed. To me, respect means something more than just basic politeness.

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I'm not sure if everyone is on the same page as far as respect. I will be polite to someone I don't know; I'll hold the door open for anyone; I'll help pick up something if I see they dropped it; I'll smile and say good morning; I will wave someone across the street, etc. All regardless of color, weight, religion, height, gender, or if they're wearing stupid clothes, silly hats, or if their shoes don't match. I don't care.

But. If they speak to me and they are ignorant and especially if they are proud of it, I will instantly not respect them. That doesn't mean I won't still help them, or that I'll start treating them rudely. It just means I cross them off my list of people who could be a friend. I don't respect stupidity or ignorance.

There are so many ways people can better themselves, and I know so many people who chose not to. I'm not just talking about spelling, grammar, or whether they have all their teeth. I work with people who can spell, have very nice teeth and are as slimy as they come. Respect them, just because they're human? No. No way. Respect is earned, not just given away. I think that's why a large group of our people DON'T better themselves. Why do they have to? Society caters to them, the government pays for them, people pay lip service to them...they do what they want and don't have to be a better person.

Pretty much any reality show personality is not worth a lick of salt. Flava Flav, New York, Bret Michaels, The Cory's...I see commercials for this and just get disgusted. Those are the types people that I don't respect.

I know this has nothing to do with race or the N word and I'm sorry that I ranted...I just believe people need to earn respect and not have it handed. To me, respect means something more than just basic politeness.

I am not quite sure why I was quoted on your response because that is exactly what I was seconding was respect is earned not given which went along with what you just said.

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Maybe I should elaborate on my last thread because I am with Voondahbah on this one. It seems like some peoples conception of "respect" is common courtesy. I am not going to "respect" someone I just met because I do not know you, your personality, your accomplishments, etc. I will be courteous to you. "Respect is earned" is a great qoute depending on how you interpret the word respect.

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Again you are wrong, and any paralegal student would know this...it makes it A HATE CRIME!!!

Now, let me tell you one final thing. When you have lived life, then get back to me. I have seen and talked to actual rape victims, and I know that everyone takes this serious crime against them differently...enough to know the trauma, and drama they go through; whether they report it or not!!! I have always taken the side of the victim, and always will. I have seen a lot of cases where the girls make up stories just to get attention. I also know enough to know when I am being shoveled bs by alleged sexual crime victims... And on that note I am done responding to you, before I come off much more insensitive and rude than I already did. You have a very blessed life, because no matter if it's all lies, or whether there is a thimble of truth in it--it's not up to me to say.

Ok now I have to disagree with you on this. Just because someone of one race commits a crime against someone of another race this DOES NOT make it a hate crime. A hate crime is when a person commits a crime against another person BECAUSE of the sole reason of race. But just because a white/black man robs a store where the cashier was a black/white man for the sole purposes of wanting money does NOT make that a hate crime unless the person robbed the store wanting to hurt the said cashier because of their race.

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I am not quite sure why I was quoted on your response because that is exactly what I was seconding was respect is earned not given which went along with what you just said.

I chose it because I was 3rding it. :) I'm not up for attacking any one post or person, so I usually tack on to something I agree with and stay away from the posts that will get me arguing. I can get carried away with some of the things I've read here, so I'd rather keep it friendly and just state my opinions.

Sorry to single you out.

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I chose it because I was 3rding it. :D I'm not up for attacking any one post or person, so I usually tack on to something I agree with and stay away from the posts that will get me arguing. I can get carried away with some of the things I've read here, so I'd rather keep it friendly and just state my opinions.

Sorry to single you out.

Hey no offense taken!! :) Just wondering if maybe I didn't make myself clear. I think we are pretty much on the same page on this one. :clap2: yay us. LOL

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I can respect that. :)

HAHAHAHAHAH. Pun intended right! :heh:

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Again you are wrong, and any paralegal student would know this...it makes it A HATE CRIME!!!

Now, let me tell you one final thing. When you have lived life, then get back to me. I have seen and talked to actual rape victims, and I know that everyone takes this serious crime against them differently...enough to know the trauma, and drama they go through; whether they report it or not!!! I have always taken the side of the victim, and always will. I have seen a lot of cases where the girls make up stories just to get attention. I also know enough to know when I am being shoveled bs by alleged sexual crime victims... And on that note I am done responding to you, before I come off much more insensitive and rude than I already did. You have a very blessed life, because no matter if it's all lies, or whether there is a thimble of truth in it--it's not up to me to say.

The term racial crime and hate crime coincide with one another. I know that I was raped. I know the crimes that have been committed against me. I dont need your approval of my decision, or anyone's in that matter. I have no reason to lie on this thread, or any thread on here. I dont need your attention. If I wanted real attention I would have reported the rape, however I value my life enough not to report it. I would never make up a story like rape to get attention. I still have nightmares about that night, and I have to live with them. You dont. So believe me when I say that you have no idea what I personally have gone through and what I continue to go through. I hope that you dont disregard people that you see and speak to in real life in this manner. I frankly think you are just prejudice against my opinion. I dont care, I like being controversial. Its what makes me good at what I do. Its what made me an excellent student in my classes, and its also what got me dismissed from a political science class it A&M (I deserved it, I must admit, if I were the professor, I would have kicked me out too.) However, the professor applauded the fact that I took a stance and said what I had to say, and agreed with me. Just not with the way I said it. Just remember my name when Im famous :)

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I just watched a Sandra Bullock movie and have to wonder if anyone else really cares about world peace. Does anyone care about world peace here? Is saying the word nigger when it offends and hurts 60% of the population worth so much ugly? Just because the Constitution calls it a "right" doesn't mean it's right. My neighbors have the right to keep me up all night with Mariachi backyard parties at 2am on Tuesday work nights because as long as the cops don't hear it, they have the right to continue. In Raul's words, "This is America and we do what we want" Doesn't make it right. What's so wrong good manners anymore?

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I just watched a Sandra Bullock movie and have to wonder if anyone else really cares about world peace. Does anyone care about world peace here? Is saying the word nigger when it offends and hurts 60% of the population worth so much ugly? Just because the Constitution calls it a "right" doesn't mean it's right. My neighbors have the right to keep me up all night with Mariachi backyard parties at 2am on Tuesday work nights because as long as the cops don't hear it, they have the right to continue. In Raul's words, "This is America and we do what we want" Doesn't make it right. What's so wrong good manners anymore?

I personally dont try to accomplish the impossible (i.e. world peace). Is there any evidence that 60% of the population is offended by that word? Your neighbors can not keep you up all night like that, call the cops, keep calling them until they get caught. Its noise pollution and public disturbance. TRUST me, I have two police reports on me for it (I wasnt doing it, my roomie was and the downstairs neighbors thought it was me, they didnt know she was home.)

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When you first began talking about the murder of James Byrd, you mentioned that 3 black men had also dragged a white man. Since that is such a similar crime, can you provide more details?

When and in what context did you read the Byrd case files? You were around 11 when he was murdered, and around 13 at the conclusion of the trials.

I'd love to hear whatever you come up with, along with however you managed to get into A&M in between the drugs, the gangs, the homelessness, the bipolar meds, etc. A&M is a notoriously hard school to get into, despite all the "Aggie" jokes.

Don't spin too hard, you'll get dizzy.

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When you first began talking about the murder of James Byrd, you mentioned that 3 black men had also dragged a white man. Since that is such a similar crime, can you provide more details?

When and in what context did you read the Byrd case files? You were around 11 when he was murdered, and around 13 at the conclusion of the trials.

I'd love to hear whatever you come up with, along with however you managed to get into A&M in between the drugs, the gangs, the homelessness, the bipolar meds, etc. A&M is a notoriously hard school to get into, despite all the "Aggie" jokes.

Don't spin too hard, you'll get dizzy.

Ummm...A&M-CC is a VERY easy school to get into. You should have seen some of the idiots that I went to school with. Dont insult my intelligence just because I know about what going on beneath the surface of a city. I got into every school I applied to, including UT-Austin and A&M-College Station. I chose CC because of the beach and small size. All you have to do is score like a 900 on the SAT or like a 23 on the ACT and or in regardless of anything else (besides actually graduation from high school). I was top quartile in my class in HS (would have been higher had I gone to class more). I read the case when I worked for the district clerk's office as a sophomore in high school. I NEVER said that I was on drugs, I NEVER said that I was in a gang (besides I worked at the club with gang this past summer when management changed at the bar, therefore I was not enrolled at A&M at the time). I became homeless AFTER my lease expired at A&M, meaning in July. And just because someone is bipolar doesnt make them an idiot. Some people with special mental conditions are notoriously intelligent. I wasnt diagnosed bi-polarish until sometime around May?? So the entire time I was at A&M the most I ever did was become an alcoholic.

As far as 3 black men dragging a white man, go ahead and google Ken Tillery...http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID={7B0E6C30-94D4-478E-90BF-751B9CFB1F9A}

<Just a month ago, in the town of Jasper, three men in a car offered Tillery a ride, which he accepted only to be kidnapped and driven, against his will, to a remote location. When the terrified Tillery jumped out of the vehicle and tried to flee, the kidnappers caught up with him, beat him, and finally ran over him dragging him to his death beneath their car’s undercarriage.

Ken Tillery’s name is unfamiliar to most Americans. Though he died very near to where James Byrd had died before him, few people outside of Jasper ever heard about his gruesome slaying. No civil rights activists attended his funeral. There were no pained oped pieces lamenting his death. No prominent political figures issued public statements about the national significance of his killing. Mr. Tillery, you see, was white, and his three killers Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes were black. Thus his death had no political currency for those whose reputations depend upon their ability to portray themselves as crusaders for justice, ever guarding against white racism. Even though blackonwhite killings far outnumber the whiteonblack variety in this country, unfortunate people like Ken Tillery die in complete anonymity as opposed to unfortunate people like James Byrd, whose deaths are spotlighted in the national media. Should a murder victim’s skin color determine the significance of his or her death? It’s a serious question, well worth pondering.>

See the link above for more information concerning James Byrd, I just excerpted the part about Tillery.

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There are so many ways to hurt people in the world, isn't there. The "n" word, the "c" word, fat ass, etc. We figured out how to hurt people centuries ago.

What I question is the level of class and intelligence of the "speaker" of these words. If your attacking someone, for whatever reason, is it better to mention skin color, gender, or size (perhaps the obvious)...or attack someones character.

I teach middle school, so "name calling" is part of my job. I would like to think that we grow out of that at some point.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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