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Do you use the "N" word?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use the "N" word?

    • No, NEVER!!
    • Yes, but in the past!
    • Yes, what's wrong with saying it...
    • OMG! I don't want to answer this..How dare you!!

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I agree that we being white can never know the effects of racism truly, but I truly believe that is not an excuse to contribute to it. I think making a snap judgement based on skin color is wrong. Making a judgement on the person's speech or how they carry themselves is not wrong.

I am the granddaughter of a Plosh Jew, and the Great Grand daughter of a Concentration Camp survivor. I did not have to live that like my GG to have it affect me. She taught me many things, the biggest that hatred and words can become much more.

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I am about as WASPy as you can get, and of course I've never experienced racism personally.

But Derick, do I need to have experienced it to know it's wrong, and to teach the younger people in my life that it's wrong? Do I need to have experienced it to speak out about it?

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I was raised with the idea that 'respect is earned not given' so are you all calling my parents bad parents?

also white people who think they are qualified to speak about racism amuse me, possible new thread on this subject later if I have time.

Nope - we were just raised differently. No offense intended.

And racism is an ugly issue that impacts all of us - regardless of color. I will fight it every chance I get.

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I agree that we being white can never know the effects of racism truly, but I truly believe that is not an excuse to contribute to it. I think making a snap judgement based on skin color is wrong. Making a judgement on the person's speech or how they carry themselves is not wrong.

I am the granddaughter of a Plosh Jew, and the Great Grand daughter of a Concentration Camp survivor. I did not have to live that like my GG to have it affect me. She taught me many things, the biggest that hatred and words can become much more.

I agree with your post. My father, Polish Jew, survived the Holocaust because he left Poland in 1937. Most of his family was not so lucky. He taught us the exact same things that your GG taught you. :(

(Hey, maybe we are related from generations ago.... :eek:)

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I am about as WASPy as you can get, and of course I've never experienced racism personally.

But Derick, do I need to have experienced it to know it's wrong, and to teach the younger people in my life that it's wrong? Do I need to have experienced it to speak out about it?

I also agree with your post, Laura. This is something that you do not have to wear in order to know that it is wrong.

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As for white folks and racism, I believe that Derick has a made a very good point. I don't believe that anyone of us can really get it except on an academic level. That being said, I have had some experiences of racism and I am so white that I have to wear #50 sunblock. My father's side of the family is Jewish, you see, but because I don't look Jewish I have been listening for years to all kinds of truly ugly crap about the Jews ever since I left white collar land in order to join the union as a blue collar worker. This always hurts horribly.

On the other hand, I have never been stopped or discouraged from doing something solely because of the colour of my skin. Nor have I had people walk up to me and insult me or my family because of the colour of my skin. This would hurt far, far more.

I have tried to understand racism all my life. When I played softball as a young adult, I was invited to play on an all-black team. It was a great experience for me - I learned so much about people.

When I worked in D.C. as first a Program Manager, then a Director - my teams were global. As a white female, I was definitely in the minority. I worked for a minority owned firm, and I was often the only white person in the boardroom. Again - it was a great experience for me, and I learned much.

That said - I did see racism. I even experienced racism on a small scale. It was sad, and usually derived from ignorance. Someday I hope we can move past that - I would love to see racism disappear in my lifetime.

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"Respect has to be earned"-to me that's the response of someone with a chip on their shoulder.

I respect everyone on the basis of their humanity; until they give me a reason not to respect them. Say...being a racist.

I've never lived in Jasper, thank God, but I grew up in Corpus Christi and my grandfather was the assistant dean at A&M, so I've spent plenty of time in Bryan-College Station. My family never has used the n word, we just call everyone the same thing: "people".

Jodie, please don't try and lessen the horror of what was done to James Byrd by claiming it was a drug deal gone bad, or that black men have done the same thing to a white man-unless you can direct us to legitimate news reports that verify what you say. Small town gossip from Jasper doesn't cut it, whether you've ever waved to Mrs. Byrd or not. As far as the 3 men in the truck not being racist; do you think they would have ever tied up and dragged a drunken white man-even if it was a drug deal gone bad?


What part of Ive seen the case files dont you understand? Its not small town gossip, its the fact that my sister was friends with Sean, and I had met him before. I havent merely waved at Stella Byrd, I have sat down in her house and had dinner with her on several occassions. I was one of the people that was invited to the unveiling of the memorial attached to her house. Everyone around here knows that it was a drug deal gone wrong, and if you think it doesnt happen, then you need to re-examine Corpus Christi. I cant say much, but I happen to have connections to T.S. there, and trust me, they've killed for less.

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I have experienced racism...I dont know how anyone can believe that white people dont experience the racism that any other race does! I was hired at a club in CC because I was blond, white, marketable body, and outgoing. I was also paid LESS than the hispanics that worked there, was the ONLY one who had to tip-out, and was the ONLY person who worked there that didnt get paid in cash (so I had to pay taxes). I wanted to be paid in cash too, but they refused. I was also the ONLY one made to clean up the seating areas after the club closed, I was always the only waitress/bartender left there at 3:30am, and was always the first one they scheduled to come in, so I worked more hours. THATS RACISM, I quit because I wasnt making good enough money, I would have stayed if the tips would have been a little better, but I had to pay bills. There have been a TON of times that Ive been passed over for a job just because the company needed "diversity". So instead they hire someone less qualified than me just to put some "color" in the work place. So I end up homeless because the company needed "diversity" or they know that they can hire someone illegal to do the job for less money (yes its the truth, Im sorry). Also when I was in high school, I reported the sexual harassment, but the principal that handled it brushed it off because, well she was black too and gave him the minimum and acted like she didnt understand the complaint. Racism does not just go one way ladies and gents, it can go many different ways.

And Ive always been taught that "respect is earned not given" as well.

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Racism is alive, you cant really do anything about it, why not just either sue them (when its committed against you) or just go on and ignore their incompetence. No one in the ENTIRE world is EVER not going to be racist. Im a realist, I dont believe in changing the impossible. I know that there will always be that person that hates anyone's race but his own, that one person that thinks fat is disgusting and will tell an entire grocery store about it, that one person who hates gay people although they've never met a gay person (that they know of) in their entire life....these problems will never be completely dissolved, so why envision or dream it? Why waste the mentality on it? Think of how to solve a problem that is within reach so you can actually contribute to the world-at-large, rather than building air castles get out the brick and mortyr (sp?).

BTW, why is Jasper that bad that you have to say "Thank God?" Its a nice diverse community that has its issues just like any other small town (btw most never involve racism). Its not any fun here for a young generation, but for someone who has a career, family, and friends its just peachy.

And if you dont believe that drug deals go bad, and thats the result, you've apparently NEVER been around someone on serious drugs. People on serious/mind-altering drugs really mess with your head, and the James Byrd crime is mild compared to other crimes involving drugs that Ive studied and seen. This is why I cant go anywhere without being looked at like Im a white-trashed idiot, How can you believe the media over someone who ACTUALLY lived it?

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I'll give anyone the benefit of the doubt, which includes a certain amount of respect, but they do have to earn more, or they can lose what the have. And yes, how a person sounds when they open their mouth is going to affect my opinion of them.

As for being nice just being easier, I agree with that and I practice it myself... but I don't see what that has to do with respect in all honesty. I have zero respect for some of the people I work with, and I manage to be perfectly pleasant with them. You don't have to be nasty to someone just because you don't like them/don't respect them.

As for the race issue, I think all races experience racism. The racism that I experience is vastly different from what a black person, or hispanic person my experience, but it's racism none the less.

I also think there's a difference between being racist and 'stereotypist'. If that doesn't make sense, I'll come back later and elaborate. I need to get some work done!

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I'll give anyone the benefit of the doubt, which includes a certain amount of respect, but they do have to earn more, or they can lose what the have. And yes, how a person sounds when they open their mouth is going to affect my opinion of them.

As for being nice just being easier, I agree with that and I practice it myself... but I don't see what that has to do with respect in all honesty. I have zero respect for some of the people I work with, and I manage to be perfectly pleasant with them. You don't have to be nasty to someone just because you don't like them/don't respect them.

As for the race issue, I think all races experience racism. The racism that I experience is vastly different from what a black person, or hispanic person my experience, but it's racism none the less.

I also think there's a difference between being racist and 'stereotypist'. If that doesn't make sense, I'll come back later and elaborate. I need to get some work done!

I do agree. This makes a world of sense.

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Wow, Jodie....you've had an incredibly dramatic and eventful life for a 20 year old. I might even say amazingly so.

I never planned to post in this thread, but it offended me greatly that you made my hometown of Corpus Christi sound like hell on earth. While it's not a perfect place, it's not the gangland drug-and-rapefest you describe.

Ultimately though, I was disgusted by your complete dismissal of the horrific murder of James Byrd. You continue to insist it was a drug deal gone wrong-an assertion used by the defense but never proved, and really irrelevent anyway. I don't care if he cheated them out of a k of Columbian; that doesn't justify chaining him to the back of an old pickup and dragging him almost 3 miles on asphalt until his head was finally torn from his torso when it hit a culvert-he was alive until decapitated, by the way. Doesn't justify the fact that they found body parts in over 50 places along that road. That they dumped what was left of him in your town's segregated cemetary and then went to a BBQ.

Your friend Sean(Shawn)Berry drove that truck, Jodie. Good guy to know.

When you sat down with Ms. Byrd, did you tell her what a good n___ her son had been? Because it's ok to use that word, right? It's not hurtful.

You never answered my question: Would your friend Sean and his buddies have done that to a white man?

(I've gotten the impression that you are trying to go to law school eventually? If so, I strongly suggest spending some time at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Truly an eye opener.)

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What part of Ive seen the case files dont you understand? Its not small town gossip, its the fact that my sister was friends with Sean, and I had met him before. I havent merely waved at Stella Byrd, I have sat down in her house and had dinner with her on several occassions. I was one of the people that was invited to the unveiling of the memorial attached to her house. Everyone around here knows that it was a drug deal gone wrong, and if you think it doesnt happen, then you need to re-examine Corpus Christi. I cant say much, but I happen to have connections to T.S. there, and trust me, they've killed for less.


I am sorry but I just can't believe that you set down to someone's table for dinner on many occasions, while believing that an alleged drug deal gone bad was justifiable to the person's (food you put in your mouth) loved one they took away. In a horrific way. Keep saying it long enough and you, yourself will believe the STUFF that comes out of your mouth. It's becoming painfully laughable to continue to read your postings on this thread; you contradict yourself every time. The stories get more elaborate with each attempt to either justify them, or make them believable. And if respect is EARNED than I lost mines a long time ago.... Sorry, it's just my honest opinion...:cry:cry

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Wow, Jodie....you've had an incredibly dramatic and eventful life for a 20 year old. I might even say amazingly so.

I never planned to post in this thread, but it offended me greatly that you made my hometown of Corpus Christi sound like hell on earth. While it's not a perfect place, it's not the gangland drug-and-rapefest you describe.

Ultimately though, I was disgusted by your complete dismissal of the horrific murder of James Byrd. You continue to insist it was a drug deal gone wrong-an assertion used by the defense but never proved, and really irrelevent anyway. I don't care if he cheated them out of a k of Columbian; that doesn't justify chaining him to the back of an old pickup and dragging him almost 3 miles on asphalt until his head was finally torn from his torso when it hit a culvert-he was alive until decapitated, by the way. Doesn't justify the fact that they found body parts in over 50 places along that road. That they dumped what was left of him in your town's segregated cemetary and then went to a BBQ.

Your friend Sean(Shawn)Berry drove that truck, Jodie. Good guy to know.

When you sat down with Ms. Byrd, did you tell her what a good n___ her son had been? Because it's ok to use that word, right? It's not hurtful.

You never answered my question: Would your friend Sean and his buddies have done that to a white man?

(I've gotten the impression that you are trying to go to law school eventually? If so, I strongly suggest spending some time at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Truly an eye opener.)

Corpus is not Hell on earth...Its BEAUTIFUL! I would give anything to be able to go back and live there again, maybe I will one day. I never said that I was raped in Corpus Christi, because I wasnt. But it is drug-infested just like any town/city in America. And the gangs are there, I worked for them in the club that I waitressed/bartended at. I love CC more than anywhere Ive ever been.

Im not going by assertion made by the defense about the drug deal. Its real and you would know that had you EVER lived through the tragedy here in this town. You would have known that the incident did NOT occur within the city limits, you would know that it wasnt yayo, the cemetary was ONCE segregated (but was not at the time of the murder and isnt now). I didnt say I was friends with berry, I said I had met him. I would never refer to Byrd as a n***** because I didnt know him, and I told all of you that in my context I only use it to refer to people as my friends.

I can not answer your question about if Berry (who was never a friend of MINE) and his cronies would have done the same to a white man, because they didnt, and I cant answer for them. But in the case of drug dealings, it probably would occur. The drug world doesnt see race, just customers and hustlers. I know that Ive lost two of my classmates this year due to ridiculous measures at the hands of members of their own race.

I never said that word aren't hurtful, I said one shouldnt let them hurt them because its all a matter of another person's opinion.

Like I said, you can believe what you want SSDiva, I personally dont care if you believe me, what matters is I know what has happened in my life, and I have to live with it, you dont. I dont want your sympathy. As far as Im concerned your just like everyone else. Your type of person is why I didnt, and will not, report my rape.

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BTW, a drug deal gone wrong is not a justifiable reason to take someone's life. I dont believe that there is any reason to take the life of someone else (you know that from the pro-life stance I took in another thread). But what I am trying to say is the issue wasnt racial.

Just because one race committs a crime against another doesn't make it racial, but instead a crime nonetheless.

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