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How did everyone do this weekend and where the heck are ya!? :D

I can't remember if I fasted this weekend or not. LOL. I think I did--without reading up above at my previous post. LOL. Oh wait, I def did IF, without worrying about food comp. I did fine. I'm actually down a few ounces, but I am still up a couple from my recent low. Today I'm gonna do about 15 hours with caloric restriction (DD = 500 cals). I'm gonna have brothy green Soup all day. Have a terrible cold--think I caught it at the ballpark where people are hocking up lungs all around me.

We thought the game started yesterday at 5pm so that we would be out in time to eat afterward, but we misread the start time and ended up not getting home until 11pm. Oy! :( So I scrambled a couple of eggs with greens for Mr. F. and I just had a cup of black coffee.

Not proud of this, but ended up only having a couple cups of popcorn and tons of Water at the ballpark, and about freshly shelled peanuts for the day. So ALMOST a total fast. (Oh and my eukanuba for my cold which does have naturally occurring sugars. :( )

I am proud of myself though. Despite not eating, I wasn't ravenous. I also didn't wake up ravenous. But I won't lie. I am ready for my green soup and I'll maybe drop a beaten egg into it and add a splash of sesame oil and five spice and turmeric. :) I'm also proud because despite feeling crappy and coughing, I still walked over an hour each day this weekend and finished my walking this morning. So I'm sure that will help boost my immune system.

That's all I've got. Nothin much to report except we won last night in the 10th with a grand slam. It was totally amazing! So we're in the championship that begins tomorrow night and Wednesday, then they finish it on the Atlantic coast.

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Hi .... real talk, I'm frustrated, and more than a little scared.

So yesterday was a bad day for everything but IF. But one day, whatever.

But I'm scared of the big picture. I've basically in a stall for 3 weeks now. I don't want to be one of those "sky is falling" people, but, I'm scared right now about what this means.

Ok, so over these 3 weeks I've had some bad days with poor choices. But on the whole I've made a lot of good choices too, and had more good days then bad. Even my bad days are nothing compared to pre WLS. My highest cal day was 1442. I only had 5 days out of 25 where I went over 1000 cals. On average over the last 25 days (to account for my 3 week stall, and then plus a few days), I averaged 554 calories.

I'm scared. Is this just a set point? Have a wrecked my metabolism like in the Biggest Loser study? What is my long term quality of life if I have to eat sub 600 cals in order to even maintain?

Sorry, I'm having a Monday morning pity party here.


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36 minutes ago, sillykitty said:

Hi .... real talk, I'm frustrated, and more than a little scared.

So yesterday was a bad day for everything but IF. But one day, whatever.

But I'm scared of the big picture. I've basically in a stall for 3 weeks now. I don't want to be one of those "sky is falling" people, but, I'm scared right now about what this means.

Ok, so over these 3 weeks I've had some bad days with poor choices. But on the whole I've made a lot of good choices too, and had more good days then bad. Even my bad days are nothing compared to pre WLS. My highest cal day was 1442. I only had 5 days out of 25 where I went over 1000 cals. On average over the last 25 days (to account for my 3 week stall, and then plus a few days), I averaged 554 calories.

I'm scared. Is this just a set point? Have a wrecked my metabolism like in the Biggest Loser study? What is my long term quality of life if I have to eat sub 600 cals in order to even maintain?

Sorry, I'm having a Monday morning pity party here.


I'll be back to answer you with my opinion. :) Sorry it's just an opinion. I've no facts to back this up!

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Stalls are real and very frustrating. I don't really know where you are in terms of the whole process so can only speak about my experience and what I have read from others on this site.

At some point, you will need definitely more calories that 500-600! Nobody can live on that forever. Eventually you will be up to the normal 1200-1500 or whatever the number is. BUT, it's got to be clean. I say that more for me than you. I have been off the wagon so to be speak and it is not good.

The one common theme I have heard from others on this main site is that when they hit a stall, the best way to break through it is to actually increase how much Protein you are taking in. That usually does it. A bit counter-intuitive but...See what happens if you try this. Increase your protein and Water intake, follow the basic rules (don't drink with your meals, chew the hell out of your food, take 30 minutes to eat, etc.)

Again, part of this is to remind myself but maybe there is something in there for you?? I will tell you that you are still in the honeymoon phase of the magic weight loss. Once that is over, you are "back to normal" and life gets really tough then.

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1 hour ago, sillykitty said:

Hi .... real talk, I'm frustrated, and more than a little scared.

So yesterday was a bad day for everything but IF. But one day, whatever.

But I'm scared of the big picture. I've basically in a stall for 3 weeks now. I don't want to be one of those "sky is falling" people, but, I'm scared right now about what this means.

Ok, so over these 3 weeks I've had some bad days with poor choices. But on the whole I've made a lot of good choices too, and had more good days then bad. Even my bad days are nothing compared to pre WLS. My highest cal day was 1442. I only had 5 days out of 25 where I went over 1000 cals. On average over the last 25 days (to account for my 3 week stall, and then plus a few days), I averaged 554 calories.

I'm scared. Is this just a set point? Have a wrecked my metabolism like in the Biggest Loser study? What is my long term quality of life if I have to eat sub 600 cals in order to even maintain?

Sorry, I'm having a Monday morning pity party here.


Ok, so I've been reading for close to 18months. I closely follow successful vets both here and elsewhere on the internet and they all have a few things in common:

1. As they neared goal, weight loss became very tough and hard-fought. They weren't just eating abstemiously (and near gold-star perfect), they were also exercising (cardio and strength).

2. They all were eating between 600-800 cals during the losing phase.

3. Most were keeping high glycemic carbs, treats, and alcohol out of the equation.

4. They all did better than the national averages for their weight loss surgery--MUCH MUCH better--like some are below goal and maintain that weight.

5. They all talk about the rules of weight loss/maintenance/starvation mode being different for WLS pts than the rest of the world--don't know about that one--can only surmise it "may" be true judging by their n=1 anecdotal evidence. They all say that despite keeping things low carb, low fat, super low cal during weight loss, they all have been able to move up to at least 1000-1400 cals/day.

6. But they are STILL low carb (the ones who are maintaining) most of the time with occasional time off for bad behavior. And when the scale starts up, they nab it at 2-3lbs (or a 5lb window) and resume the 600-800 cal per day jag until they are back to the bottom of their weight range for maintenance). (That sure sounds like some strategic IF to me. ;) hehe)


Here's my graph over the past year. It's slow going and not nearly as steep as yours!! In general I'm averaging about 820 cals/day and right at 60g Protein. I do walk daily, but have only started strength training. I think that is going to be important to us to maintain lean body mass--especially as we get close to goal. BTW, my cals are up the past 2 months from my previous months where I averaged 600-700cals per day.

Since IF, I still have about the same average cals/macros! Weird huh? But I've been able to have much more "free" days where I am not pre-occupied with doing the numbers and am having a LOT of um shall we say "poor behavior"? LOL--something that I'm gonna cut down on dramatically now that birthday month is over lol. But the diff is, that I've lost more weight so far this month! I am pretty on target to lose about 10lbs this month. Last month I only lost 2.8lbs with the same cals and macros! Holy *kitten* right?

So something is working. I bet if you go back and look at the numbers you'll see month to month, you've done better this month? And I'm hopeful we will both be able to have clean increases of cals/macros as we hit maintenance without having to go crazy every day. And when we do splurge, we have the assurance that IF will get us back to the bottom of our weight range fairly quickly.


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@sillykitty BTW??? ((hugs)) Gosh I'm so sorry you're going through this--it IS ginormously frustrating and I sometimes just have to stop myself from thinking too far down the road or prognosticating on what I'll be able to do in the future or where my weight will bottom out...cuz otherwise it ties me in knots!

So I completely get and understand your fears!!!! Wish I had a magic wand to make the scale behave!

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Thanks @esskay77

I appreciate your advice. I'm really hoping this is just a regular old stall. If it's that I can totally deal. It's the "what if this is my new reality" that has me freaked out.

The whole "must eat clean" is the part that scares me. Eating clean while I'm at home, that takes will power, but is manageable. So much of my life is work travel and entertainment. Eating relatively healthy is do able. Eating perfectly, just isn't. :(

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1 hour ago, FluffyChix said:

Ok, so I've been reading for close to 18months. I closely follow successful vets both here and elsewhere on the internet and they all have a few things in common:

1. As they neared goal, weight loss became very tough and hard-fought. They weren't just eating abstemiously (and near gold-star perfect), they were also exercising (cardio and strength).

2. They all were eating between 600-800 cals during the losing phase.

3. Most were keeping high glycemic carbs, treats, and alcohol out of the equation.


THANK YOU THANK YOU! This is what I've been looking for - I've upped my calories but afraid I'll stop losing weight, but I'm right in the middle of 600-700 per day. My scale in these early days is not really my friend, but I keep listening to all of you and I'm trusting and believing in the process... If I lose more slowly, so be it. The weight didn't come on over night... plus it's less dramatic at work that way... less questions :) :)

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So close to being sub 220 it's killing me LOL

Did a 4.5 mile hike yesterday, with super minimal food intake prior as well and it was totally fine! Broke my fast with 2/3'ds a pouch of oatmeal. Had my coffee. And that was it for more than 1/2 the hike. I ate a handful of cashews at one point... but that was it for all 4.5 miles and fitbit tracked as 52 flights of stairs. Gains a tad from yesterday, but I think that's Water retention in the muscles from the hike.

Everyone else have a good weekend?

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Thanks for your thoughts and support.

I hope this is just a combo that weight loss becomes hard fought near goal, combined with a regular old stall. I don't want to be one of those people, but I also have legitimate fears about metabolic damage :(

I know that a lot of vets are low carb. I would love to see more from those that aren't. I'd love to know if it is possible to maintain on long term moderate carbs, with high carb splurge days? Being real, a low carb lifestyle will be a constant struggle for me.

This month is not bad in total weight loss wise, but only due to a steep drop I had post vacation. My issue is between 9/5 and today I've only lost 1.8 lbs, and it's been dramatically up and down (for me) during that time frame.

I'm very analytical, and like to see the end game. This is the fist time I've been scared during this entire process.

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1 hour ago, Matt Z said:

So close to being sub 220 it's killing me LOL

Did a 4.5 mile hike yesterday, with super minimal food intake prior as well and it was totally fine! Broke my fast with 2/3'ds a pouch of oatmeal. Had my coffee. And that was it for more than 1/2 the hike. I ate a handful of cashews at one point... but that was it for all 4.5 miles and fitbit tracked as 52 flights of stairs. Gains a tad from yesterday, but I think that's Water retention in the muscles from the hike.

Everyone else have a good weekend?

Yay!!!! That's impressive!! WTG! I think it's Fluid from the hike too! Can't wait for you to bust the 220s!

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1 hour ago, MargoCL said:

THANK YOU THANK YOU! This is what I've been looking for - I've upped my calories but afraid I'll stop losing weight, but I'm right in the middle of 600-700 per day. My scale in these early days is not really my friend, but I keep listening to all of you and I'm trusting and believing in the process... If I lose more slowly, so be it. The weight didn't come on over night... plus it's less dramatic at work that way... less questions :) :)

It's so frustrating. I totally feel ya and get it. One thing to consider, we didn't start jacking with our programs until recently - now that we are nearing goal? And you are still very early on in your program. I probably wouldn't add IF until I'm at least 5-6 months out and you can routinely eat well and are still having trouble losing or are having symptoms of major inflammation. I just think add one thing at a time. You know? Not trying to dissuade you--just saying if it were me?

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3 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

It's so frustrating. I totally feel ya and get it. One thing to consider, we didn't start jacking with our programs until recently - now that we are nearing goal? And you are still very early on in your program. I probably wouldn't add IF until I'm at least 5-6 months out and you can routinely eat well and are still having trouble losing or are having symptoms of major inflammation. I just think add one thing at a time. You know? Not trying to dissuade you--just saying if it were me?

That's why I'm not giving it a try until I get my other issues sorted out. I'm just watching you guinea pigs figure out the tough stuff so that it'll be easy-peasy (;)) for me when I'm ready!

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1 hour ago, sillykitty said:


Thanks for your thoughts and support.

I hope this is just a combo that weight loss becomes hard fought near goal, combined with a regular old stall. I don't want to be one of those people, but I also have legitimate fears about metabolic damage :(

I know that a lot of vets are low carb. I would love to see more from those that aren't. I'd love to know if it is possible to maintain on long term moderate carbs, with high carb splurge days? Being real, a low carb lifestyle will be a constant struggle for me.

This month is not bad in total weight loss wise, but only due to a steep drop I had post vacation. My issue is between 9/5 and today I've only lost 1.8 lbs, and it's been dramatically up and down (for me) during that time frame.

I'm very analytical, and like to see the end game. This is the fist time I've been scared during this entire process.

I sooooo soooo so bet it's a stall. But that doesn't make it any easier and I think many of us share you current fear. I know I do!! Fu*k! What if we get stuck like this?!!! I don't wanna live on 820 cals per day the rest of my life. (Interestingly, I thought the same thing at 500cals when I was having probs stalling while trying to get my cals up into the 700-800s :D hehe! Me=chronic worrier)

I do think it would be very interesting to hear from vets who are "moderation people" and hear whether or not it's hard or easy to maintain and at what calorie level?

I'm kinda hoping that for me being low carb is natural. I like it. I don't stress about my food choices cuz I adore veggies and low glycemic fruit and the have kept my Protein the same for years--so that's fine too. But, I DO like to go off the game plan with crap from time to time. I DO like to have a celebration meal without fearing that the 2lb Water weight overnight will hang around forEVS and spiral out of control. You know? So that's why I'm hoping that figuring out the balance with IF will help me at least be able to have a tiny bit of maintenance room to be flexible. It may--it may not.

One thing that I do know is I saw a special on naturally thin people. And not only do they naturally move more in a day than obese people. (ie. exercise, but literally fidgeting etc) But they also tend to balance and self limit. So if they are having a cheeseburgery or a thai feast even with rice etc or a Vietnamese cofffee, they naturally cut the cals in the remaining meals to counterbalace. It's a natural thing they end up doing this study showed.

So I think for me--ain't nothin natural about it. If I eat one crap meal, I'm very tempted to have another and another and another. Cuz my pleasure center is getting it's dopamine fix. And so I have to learn these behaviors or create hacks to emulate/simulate what comes natural to thin people. And there may be pain involved. LOL. I might have to go without food for a bit in order to balance it. I may have to force myself to walk more cuz I don't want to...dunno yet what that will look like.

But I do know, STALLS SUCK BIG GREEN ONES!!!!! :D And I'm sorry you're having a tough month!!! ((hugs))

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