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Prayer! If you do not believe in prayer, do not click on this post..

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I didn't join the thread to change minds - I'm certainly not trying to convert anyone to atheism, or to shake their faith in a higher being, or to prevent others from changing their mind (I assume you mean being convinced by Christian proselytizing). And I'm not trying to change your belief; I'm fully aware that very religious people believe that if you don't adopt their religion, then: brimstone. But there's a difference between believing something and broadcasting it, and that's where I stepped in. I'm not trying to change any minds, but I AM going to remind people that what they're saying is A) not the way everyone thinks, despite this small group being in accord, and B ) is unfriendly to people outside your group. It's about the broadcast, not the belief.

I'm with Penn when he views proselytizing as being motivated by caring, in its purest form. But once someone tells you that your words are both unhelpful and unwelcome, then that really should be that, and pursuit beyond that point is no longer motivated by caring, it's motivated by a willingness to ignore someone else's stated wish to cut it out. And that works both ways.

Despite the "Prayers" label on the thread, this is not church, and it is still a public message board. While I would not walk into your church and start picking apart Abrahamic principles, if I was sitting in a coffee shop and heard your Bible group at the next table talking about how atheists will be proven wrong on Judgement Day, then yeah, I probably would chip in. It's a slippery slope between saying things in private settings and feeling able to say them in the public sphere, and without pushback, in-groups may think their rhetoric is more acceptable to the general public than it actually is. This is literally what's happening on social media networks right now, and on certain cable news channels - people become unmoored from what society is actually willing to tolerate out in the open.

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I hope it's okay, but I've gone through and quoted everyone who has asked for prayer up until now so that we don't lose sight of the intent of this thread. I sincerely apologize if I forgot any of them.

On 8/20/2018 at 11:20 AM, cindy t said:

I'm praying i will be approved by my insurance company to have the sleeve procedure. I'm so scared it won't happen. Can you pray for me?

On 8/20/2018 at 12:13 PM, Letsgetgoing2018 said:

I am six weeks post op. Stuggling a bit with anxiety and depression. Could use all the prayers possible!

On 8/20/2018 at 1:32 PM, Frustr8 said:

As you know in a little,more than 2 weeks I will,be having my Bariatric surgery after 3 years of planning , trying, and continuing to try for I believe this is something the Lord has planned for me.
My friends, I ask that the Great Physician "Scrubs" in with my surgeon. That with his help my surgeon's hands will be swift, sure and true. And that I be restored to health that I may continue to be of service to,others. And that God's purpose and plan for,my life continues .🙏Amen and amen!

On 8/20/2018 at 1:39 PM, ShrinkingMichael said:

I'd welcome your prayers on Thursday when I have my sleeve surgery here in Colorado Springs! Like someone else said in this thread, I'm praying that the Lord scrubs in with my surgeon and has His hand on this whole journey!

On 8/20/2018 at 2:54 PM, SummerEssence said:

Preacher my surgery is September 7th and my name is Rosina please lift me up in prayer that God be my surgeon and that I have a easy, painless surgery and that I have only good reports with this surgery that I exceed my goals and expectations, In Jesus Name. Amen also thanks for your prayers in advance. Please use my name when praying for me 😁

On 8/22/2018 at 10:51 AM, ellie123 said:

My Sleeve to RNY revision is in T - 2 hours and 20 minuets. Arriving at hospital. Please say a prayer for me , and accept my prayers for all going through this process as well. Thank you so much to my pillar of support @Frustr8 for letting me know about this wonderful thread! Blessings and love

On 8/22/2018 at 1:50 PM, redmustang812 said:

I am grateful for your services, I am a very spiritual person and pray frequently, I would also ask that you pray for me. My name is Desiree and my daughter is Morgan, we are having surgery on the same day and we could you all the prayers we can get for a successful surgery without complications. Peace, love and blessings to all.

On 8/22/2018 at 1:50 PM, redmustang812 said:

surgery is August 27th

On 8/22/2018 at 4:11 PM, Jingle123423 said:

I could use some prayers- surgery is scheduled for September 5th!

On 8/23/2018 at 1:45 AM, thetaxlayd said:

My prayer request is for a renewed spirit. I have allowed the enemy to set up camp in my mind, I gained most of my weight back and I’m struggling to get back on track.. pray as you feel led

On 8/23/2018 at 7:43 PM, ellie123 said:

Hello everyone just a quick note to say that I am alive and well. Surgery went well yesterday and save an uncomfortable night with a drain in my side and with a catheter and not being allowed to drink until the next morning when they could do a barium swallow I have done OK I think. I was discharged today and sent home I have been doing my breathing exercises and walking every hour or two for substantial period of time but still cannot get the gas out of that is trapped in my lower abdomen just wondering how long it took for all of you to be able to pass the gas out I know I will feel better if I do.

I have also been able to drink quite a bit 16 ounces of diluted pear juice 8 ounces of Optifast Protein and a cup of chicken broth which is way more that I could do following my sleeve surgery. I do wish I could eat, I miss eating even this close after surgery but I know I can’t maybe it’s just in the head

Thank you all so very much for your encouraging words the prayers and well wishes prior to my surgery I needed all of it and it made a world of a difference in my confidence level going in.

On 8/23/2018 at 9:19 PM, Midwest Girl said:

Hi The Preacher,
I am a woman of faith and I would love it if you prayed for me. I’m having a revision from the lap band to the gastric bypass on September 18. Please pray that it all goes well!!! Thank you!!

On 8/24/2018 at 10:06 AM, Christabelle said:

Yes please. I have oral surgery today at 2:00 CST for 2 impacted wisdom teeth, one which is infected.

My VSG was originally scheduled 9/5, but had to be rescheduled because of the infection. I'm flying out of state and the Lord answered our prayers not to have to change our non-refundable plane tickets and with an equally fantastic surgeon at the same clinic. Sleeve surgery is now 9/13.

The oral surgeon said it will take 2 weeks to heal. We leave for Texas on 9/2, so only a week after oral surgery. I'll need a letter clearing me by the oral surgeon for anaesthesia & to be intubated before 9/13. Prayers that I heal quickly and that the surgeon feels comfortable writing the letter before I leave or I can find an oral surgeon in TX easily that will write me a letter after I've healed.

Thank you,


On 8/24/2018 at 12:20 PM, Nurse T said:

Please pray for me I have my gastric sleeve coming up August 30. Thank you

On 8/25/2018 at 2:02 AM, Auroragirl4489 said:
On 8/20/2018 at 9:57 AM, The Preacher said:

I have been praying about this, and really feel led to do it.

I have been criticized for sharing my faith in Jesus Christ on this website, I truly do respect others feelings because it certainly is their right to believe or not to believe, even God does not force one to believe in Him, it must be of one's own free will.

I feel deeply that there are some on here that would love to be prayed for, before surgery, during surgery and after surgery, so here's what I am willing to do, if I can be of some comfort to anyone, please email me at brotherron98@gmail.com

I assure you that I do have a personal and close relationship with the Lord, he does and always has answered my prayers, and I'm sure as long as I walk in his ways, he will continue to answer them, so please if I can help you in any way, email me.

Sincerely, The Preacher.

Plz pray for me. I have a god fearing mom who is continuously praying for me, I’m praying for myself but any additional prayers would be amazing. I’m nervous and anxiety is through the roof! 3 days remaining until i undergo my first surgery.

On 8/27/2018 at 4:02 PM, Chrisb428 said:

Tomorrow at 6 am its time! Ready for all those prayers please!

On 8/28/2018 at 12:05 PM, MassMom said:

My surgery is tomorrow morning. Please pray that everything goes well. Thank you!

On 8/28/2018 at 4:55 PM, Midwest Girl said:

Hi the preacher, please put me on your prayer list for my band to bypass revision on September 18. I’m embarrassed to say that I’m really scared. People ask me why I’m afraid if I believe God is with me and I can’t answer that. I know God loves me and has a plan for my life but does that mean nothing can go wrong? What am I missing?

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Update to my prayer request - I had a follow up appointment with the oral surgeon. I'm healing nicely and have a letter of clearance for my VSG. Thank you for your prayers and praise the Lord! All testing is done. Doctors are paid. All I have left now is flying down to TX, finishing my pre-op diet, paying the hospital, and getting my check in time.

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12 hours ago, Russ D said:

I like Penn Jillette's take on proselytism the best...that proselytism, however fire and brimstone it may be, comes from a place of love and wanting the best for someone, however much you may think the thought process behind that love is faulty:

Thank you for that link. It was very insightful.

@CyclicalLoser You write eloquently. Thank you!

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Amen @Christabelle thank you so much for this awesome compilation! As we keep praying for you and your upcoming surgery dear! Prayers for a safe journey to Dallas and a smooth preop, peace that surpasses understanding, all the support that you need, health and vitality in abundance and for God to touch the surgeon, the nurses, the Anasthesioligist, the receptionist and everyone who comes in contact to care for you. That your procedure is successful and recovery is speedy and pain free! And that your results are Glorious and even better than you could have ever imagined! Amen

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17 hours ago, sideeye said:

Praying isn't a thing I do, so I was sort of interested in following the dynamic - my mind is definitely made up as to its usefulness to me personally, but it's still intriguing to see how it works for others. I didn't pipe up until things took a hard turn from positivity into dark mutterings about how atheists would find out "too late". Overall I don't find it beneficial to let stuff like that slide - group dynamics mean that if a bunch of like-minded people get together, the echo chamber of them hearing their own views mirrored back to them can reinforce their beliefs. When that's about sending people good thoughts during their surgery, cool. But when you hear one person start to introduce rhetoric that denigrates another group... Well, it's worth stepping in and reminding the in-group that we can still hear you, and that it's a crappy thing to say. Don't want that sort of thing to build momentum.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Most religions organize around a robust set of fixed beliefs, while atheists kind of gravitate to a single agreed principle that there's no intelligent organizer of the universe but don't organize outside of that. And I think you're right that "please pray for me" and "think good thoughts" are pretty much the same sentiment - in fact, I believe most of us are generally feeling extremely similar emotions all the time, just attributing them to different sources. If something wonderful happens, a religious person might say "it's a miracle" or "I'm blessed', while I would probably be marveling at my luck that I just happened to be around in this particular place at this time to witness this thing. The religious person thinks it's intelligent and deliberate, and I think it's extremely good luck in the midst of organic entropy. Same sensation of joy and wonder, though.

As for the afterlife, that one's harder. I mean, life is wonderful, and I don't want to treat it like a test run. I'm pretty thrilled the assembly of atoms that makes me up came together at this point in time, and I want to appreciate that luck and grab onto it. When I die, I'm good with those atoms breaking apart again and becoming components in the next turn of the universe. I think atheism gets a rough ride; because a lot of people's first exposure to atheism is a family member snapping and going full militant atheist on the "family religion", it's easy to tar it as a void or a rejection, but there's really a ton of wonder and beauty in it. Just not attached to a supernatural intelligence.

Religious people and atheists can be friends, absolutely. My family is aunt-in-the-nunnery-Catholic, and I get along with them fine. It took a while, but they now understand that no, I CAN'T attend Christmas Mass just because "it's a family event", and I only wrapped their Christmas gifts in Winter Solstice wrapping paper for a few years in a row. As long as I don't mock their beliefs or tell them they're imagining things, and as long as they don't inform me that it's their sorrowful duty to tell me I'm going to hell, we're good. It's pretty simple, just be kind to each other. No "truth" you feel compelled to speak in support of your religion (or nonreligion!) is worth it if it's essentially telling someone else they're wrong and doomed.

I appreciate your honest reply, I'll do my best to answer your initial questions, as far as how it works for me. Praying is an interesting thing even in the Christianity world. There are those that believe you say them over and over again for doing something wrong, there are others that believe you have to kneel down and pray in a formalistic way. In the bible, there is a "template" if you will, the "Lord's Prayer" (The one that is prayed in times of trouble, vigils, etc...). I believe some people believe you pray that exact prayer. I look at it as a template, however I suppose I am a bit "progressive" as I believe that I can have a pseudo conversation in the car "Hey Jesus, please help me remember what I studied for the test today". Obviously I wouldn't close my eyes.

I don't mean to sound preachy, but I think this helps address why we pray. In the bible we are told that if one has the faith of a mustard seed, it shall be done. It also tells us that if two or more are in agreement, that God will answer your prayer. So we are not only told we should pray, but encouraged to pray.

This next part will probably be hard to wrap your head around. I/we(?) believe that God always answers prayer, sometimes in the affirmative and other times not so much. One preacher has a saying (I'm paraphrasing here) 'Sometimes God says "go", sometimes God says "no" and sometimes God says "slow"'. One could question why we pray at all if God is omnipotent, and can answer any way in which He desires, and this questions ponder even Christians. One group says that because God is all-knowing, that he knew that John will not believe and therefore go to hell, while on the other side, he knew Sally would believe and go to heaven. Another believes that God gives us free-will. I believe in both actually, and when combined with the above reasons, that is why I pray.

Praying is a comfort for us Christians. It gives us "hope" and allows us to "do something for" a person at any time, from any where, and in any language. I quote the above two words because I'm trying to explain this as how I think an atheist would view it. We don't believe it is hope, we believe that it seriously helps. Some people tend to pray last; I'm guilty of that sometimes, but that's not really the way it should be.

I believe that sometimes Christians are guilty for using prayer as an excuse for laziness. We are told to give up everything to God, but I believe that if I am to lose weight (for example) I don't keep eating 10,000 calories a day, while praying for God to help me lose weight. Instead, I believe you pray about it, but do everything within your means to make it happen. I'll give you a real life example. I found a car that I wanted to buy on Craigslist. I prayed that "God's will be done" (So, I'm not saying God, gimme gimme). After that, I called, texted, and emailed. I didn't get a response, so I did it again and again. (Maybe once per day, not like a car stalker). After a few rounds of emails, I was set to go look at the car, however the person agreed to let another person look at the car first. Did I get it? Nope, the other person bought it. I'm okay with it and I rationalize it as God telling me "no" - but, I did everything I could do to make it happen.

I believe you are 100% correct in how we feel the same physiological feelings when it comes to needing/providing prayer (good thoughts) for someone. I'm not sure how much stake an atheist might put into it. I think if they follow "principles" then it might have more substance, while I would imagine other atheists might think it's a nice thought but thinking something doesn't do anything at all. With Christians, we really believe that it helps.

I also agree that a lot of the circumstances have atheistic analogues. For example we believe "Judgement is mine saith the Lord" whereas an atheist might(?) say "Karma gets you in the end".

The afterlife is perhaps the toughest thing that I struggle with. I had a good friend die two years ago from brain cancer. He went through two intensive surgeries (They literally split his brain in half to get to the tumor). The entire time he went through it, he was comforted by the fact that if he died, then he would exist in heaven with his friends and families (Who were also believers). He was as calm as a cucumber to be honest. Many of his friends and family were very upset when it happened, but speaking for myself, I do find comfort in that I believe I will see him once again in heaven. So for Christians, death on earth is really a pause in existence. Some believe it is instantaneous "Gone with the body, present with the Lord" (I believe this) and others believe that the person's soul is not "released" until the rapture. I suppose one could look at it just like anesthesia in that time to the observer is not observed, but instead is nearly instant.

As far as right vs. wrong, I think it is hyped up because of political-correctness, and the speed/power with which modern technology makes possible. If I go out there and say what I feel, then I feel like I am being a bit forceful. If, on the other hand, I am asked a question, and I answer it truthfully, I feel like there should be respect for my answer. Debates are great, but I have a problem with the fundamentals of them. If I say "Pluto is a planet" and use a publication which says so, and the other person rejects that book, then there is nowhere to go with it unless both sides can come to a mutual agreement on a particular text. How do I evangelize? If religion comes up, and I am asked about it, I give my response, and usually I will return the question. If said person answers (dare I say "not what I believe") then usually I will probe further and try to get a dialog going. Sometimes the other person is not interested and there is really no point to discuss anymore (And I believe I am halfway decent at sensing that) while others are genuinely open to talking about it.

I am an introvert, and generally a pretty humble/non-confrontational person. I say that because while I can understand that you might be aggravated, honestly, who cares. I really like the quote of the fictional food-reviewer Anton-Ego ["Ratatouille", 2007, Pixar] "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so..." (Emphasis mine). I fully expect other people, whether they ask for my opinion, or I freely express it, to discard it as they may - truth be told, most people tend to ignore what I say anyway. To clarify - I am not advocating for one to stop fighting for their right/cause, doing so would be foolish; however, for non issues (As I perceive this thread) and I will repeat myself "Who cares?" :)

Again, I want to thank you for answering respectfully, (And putting some real thought into your response) and at the end of the day, although we have completely different opinions, I respect your opinion.

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7 hours ago, Christabelle said:

Update to my prayer request - I had a follow up appointment with the oral surgeon. I'm healing nicely and have a letter of clearance for my VSG. Thank you for your prayers and praise the Lord! All testing is done. Doctors are paid. All I have left now is flying down to TX, finishing my pre-op diet, paying the hospital, and getting my check in time.

Congrats to you! Best Wishes :) I also want to say thank you for bringing the prayer requests back into the "light" which is what this thread is supposed to be about!

Edited by kygirl68

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3 hours ago, CyclicalLoser said:

This next part will probably be hard to wrap your head around. I/we(?) believe that God always answers prayer, sometimes in the affirmative and other times not so much.

A solid attempt was made to raise me Catholic, and I even went to Jesuit uni, so I've got a pretty good grounding in Biblical theory - but honestly, I was digging up contradictions in the Children's Bible at the age of six, my mind's just not made for faith-based religion. I didn't get much exposure the the evangelical side of things, which is a very different flavor and part of why I watched this thread.

3 hours ago, CyclicalLoser said:

I think if they follow "principles" then it might have more substance, while I would imagine other atheists might think it's a nice thought but thinking something doesn't do anything at all.

I think this is getting back to the "atheism = void" misunderstanding. It might be better to think of atheism as a belief that there's no intelligent and purposeful direction coming from on high; we can still believe in systems and energy and karma. Those aren't directed by an intelligence, they're more like natural flows. Like gravity or solar wind, just natural patterns that exist and can be amplified through our actions. There's a lot of natural mystery in life, it's fascinating, we just don't attribute it to an intelligent organizing force.

3 hours ago, CyclicalLoser said:

I also agree that a lot of the circumstances have atheistic analogues. For example we believe "Judgement is mine saith the Lord" whereas an atheist might(?) say "Karma gets you in the end".

Same as above - one involves an intelligence independently laying down the law and holding you to it, and the other is more of a... I don't know, communist thing? Like, the community determines justice and that's meted out when what you put out in the universe comes back at you. The split there would be that a lot of atheists don't get why religious systems would promise eternal reward to a zealot who technically upheld the religious "rules" but also made a lot of non-religious people miserable through his zealotry. Goes back to proselytizing, I suppose.

3 hours ago, CyclicalLoser said:

The entire time he went through it, he was comforted by the fact that if he died, then he would exist in heaven with his friends and families (Who were also believers).

This is one of the sorer points between me and my mom. She's very comforted by the thought of an afterlife with all of her family around her and subtracting me from that image hurts her. And that in turn hurts me, because I don't want my mom to be sad, but I also don't get the whole system. I get the idea of hell for bad people. I do not understand the idea that good people will be split into religious and nonreligious categories and only the religious will get into heaven, even knowing that it will cause the believers pain, it's not logical. I don't understand worshipping a god who applies both a merit-based and personal loyalty test, it's like a politician getting voted into office and then only approving healthcare for those who voted for him. Feels overly Old Testament to me.

3 hours ago, CyclicalLoser said:

I say that because while I can understand that you might be aggravated, honestly, who cares.

Hopefully I haven't come across as aggravated overall, but any group that fosters negative in-group thinking and then starts exporting it is worth confronting, because that crap snowballs. When anti-atheist rhetoric shows up on a weight loss board, pushback will at least make people think twice before mixing it in with their messaging in future. Think of it as a sort of instant karma - the venture into brimstone proselytizing was made, and the reaction made it clear that any further efforts to do so would be met with resistance. At which point hopefully it became less worth it to casually drop bible-thumping references targeting other groups. Turns a low-stakes bid into a slightly riskier gamble.

I'm not trying to get into anyone's head and convince them of the atheist argument; just trying to get casual anti-atheist messaging out of the public square/messageboard. Respectful dialogue's the way to go, thanks for the good back-and-forth.

Edited by sideeye

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To the others in the thread, I do apologize if I am getting off topic here, but I think this is a useful dialog. I didn't include sideeye's response in here so as to not make my reply super long. On that note though, and regarding your second to last point regarding your mother. I think it's important to note that I am not a Catholic, and my understanding is almost entirely what others have told me, with exception to a Catholic wedding I went to. I grew up as a baptist, and now am an evangelical, or non-denominational if you will. I wanted to find a church which preached the Bible "as is" and didn't try to put a spin on it. I haven't found a "perfect" pastor, but the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee literally preached from the start to the end of the Bible instead of "topic based" preaching which is much more common today.

Nevertheless, I think many people lump the term "religion" with "faith" and I would argue that they are two different things. People, by nature, tend to be religious. We start with a core idea/belief and then add-on to it ad nauseam. I think cars are great, so I join a car club. But then I get more focused and join a different car club only with xyz car manufacturers. Then I feel somehow lesser because I don't go to cars and coffee...

I'm sure you know John 3:16, so I won't repeat it here, other than it promises heaven if you have faith in Jesus Christ. I'm also sure you are familiar with the criminals on the cross next to Jesus on Calvary. One of them, having done nothing good in his life (As far as we know) changes his belief into Jesus and is permitted into heaven.

The Bible is full of rules as you noted, and there are people who believe that you must comply with all rules in order to enter heaven. Going by those rules, I am, without a doubt, doomed to hell. I am only a human, I make mistakes all the time, and I'm guilty of breaking the 10 commandments ("Thou shalt not covet" in particular, I love, love, love cars that I simply cannot afford). I think this obsession with rules is what puts genuinely-interested people off, and what leads genuine faith-based Christians into a OCD-like ritual instead of maintaining a relationship with their Savior.

My belief is that you don't earn your way into Heaven, you simply must have real faith about Jesus. So I suppose it would apply to the "Personal loyalty test". I think that my belief (And the Bible, at least if read as written) puts people off even more. How could a "good" person go to hell and a "bad" person who accepts Jesus as their personal savior at the last minute enter into heaven? There are many possible explanations ranging from "Hey it's the rules, like it or leave it" to "What standard is good, what is the measuring stick based on since different regions/cultures define 'good' differently?" I will refrain on the subject not because I don't think it is interesting, but I'm trying to keep the focus on answering the questions that brought you into this thread, and that topic could be dissected for years.

I do ask you to keep this in mind, these are my beliefs and thoughts, and I'm positive that not all of the Christians in here shares my opinions, so I would not take my word as fact.

I think the offer to pray for people in a non-lounge forum should be okay, so long that it is exactly that, and I think you might agree we both have taken it out of the original intent. I suppose the title should have been different, such as "If you want me to pray for you, please post inside" but I think the OP was actually trying not to offend people by warning them. As far as any attacking on either side though, that shouldn't be in this thread either, as the original intent was just to pray for people.

Again, my apologies to everyone else who just came in here for prayer and not to get involved in religious rhetoric. I didn't want sideeye, nor any other atheists who did view the thread to think that we all fit into the same mold :)

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I think we’ve exhausted the side-topic enough to let this thread get back to prayer requests - but I do also believe the Lounge is the right place for it.

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It is now less than 4 days, I believe the "Time Until. app. reads 3 days 20 hours.
May God grant me his sustaining spirit
His perfect peace that surpasses all Earthly understanding
Joy in the days that remain
A beacon that will encourage others
And a witness that God pours out His spirit onto all generations but also His abiding love.
This is my Saturday Morning Prayer

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Attention @ the Preacher,its me Frustr8. Our dear Ellie 123 is not doing well. It started out as a reaction to a milk based drink but her discomfort and pain has increased exponentially. As I write she is back in her hospital undergoing multiple testing and she is very scared. Right now she is requesting we blanket her with prayer. I believe in the midst of sorrow, in the midst of pain our God is always there. His children never need feel they are alone.in these times. As a Prayer Warrior I ask you and all readers to prayer for a healing touch be granted her. when we feel weak, when we fear what will be next, our God says My Child, I am here , I will never abandon you, I will never forsake you, and I believe in good outcomes for I believe in God.
So Lord God I commit Ellies care to you, help her fright to be over, give her a peace that passes understand. And if surgery is required I know your guidance will be there, and Great Physician grant her healing, heal her spirit of sorrow , heal her body of pain, may this be a time of witness. Let all who are involved see and feel your presence. And we will give you glory and honor, for you are worthy, all seeing and all healing. And may all reading join me in saying Amen and Amen!

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9 hours ago, Frustr8 said:

Attention @ the Preacher,its me Frustr8. Our dear Ellie 123 is not doing well. It started out as a reaction to a milk based drink but her discomfort and pain has increased exponentially. As I write she is back in her hospital undergoing multiple testing and she is very scared. Right now she is requesting we blanket her with prayer. I believe in the midst of sorrow, in the midst of pain our God is always there. His children never need feel they are alone.in these times. As a Prayer Warrior I ask you and all readers to prayer for a healing touch be granted her. when we feel weak, when we fear what will be next, our God says My Child, I am here , I will never abandon you, I will never forsake you, and I believe in good outcomes for I believe in God.
So Lord God I commit Ellies care to you, help her fright to be over, give her a peace that passes understand. And if surgery is required I know your guidance will be there, and Great Physician grant her healing, heal her spirit of sorrow , heal her body of pain, may this be a time of witness. Let all who are involved see and feel your presence. And we will give you glory and honor, for you are worthy, all seeing and all healing. And may all reading join me in saying Amen and Amen!

Oh no! Praying for our dear friend right now!

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No Updates as Yet but trusting Our God holds her in the palms of his Very Strong Hands! May we All Continue to,Pay for Prayer Avails Much!

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Please continue to pray for ellie123 and her young family. She was throwing up violently and in a lot pain. She's stabilized now.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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