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And the beat goes on, I got a call from an local number Friday, turns out it is the Wound Care Center at my local community hospital, no one admits to making. such a call, I have no open wounds. Turns out my PICC LINE cultured negative, so why pull it unless everyone was just tired of me having it? Now to the matter of the elusive Fe Infusion, the one OSU said I would require, local yokel PCP said " Don't travel a 100 mile roundtrip to Columbus and back, I can can order it here" today one of his nurses , an LPN I never have liked in the first place, called to tell me it never was ordered, am I deluding myself that I even need it? Now what? Do I call OSU, the lady at Option Care? They both said I needed it , when are my last blood labs at? Local hospital was drawing them here, sending results to Columbus but supposedly my PCP was also getting a copy. Flip HIPAA and all the little legal tweaks, it should have been my body, my choice, my records and I should have been in the Loop on all this, not on the outside knocking on doors trying to get the info everyone is hiding.. I could have had my INFUSION last week in Columbus if I could have found transport, instead I waited for local yokel, who seems to have done nothing.
So let's examine the record, I was hospitalized for pneumonia, nobody knows what the infective agent was? I had Fluid build-up in my Right shoulder, Orthopaedic drained the Acrominal space, got what seemed like a small jelly jar of what looked like funky looking fluid. Decided it didn't look pussy, just some sort of inflammation so he decided not to culture it, then my PICC line which I felt was of use to me was pulled, I feel capriciously because all the cultures were negative. I am left with a dressing on my left arm where the PICC was, I can't get it wet until it fully scabs over, a right shoulder that still is painful when I try to move it, and a cough that has still fully resolved. I am weighing and trying to eat something every 3 hours, 2 oz of Protein or soft veggies etc although I would prefer being left alone. I feel much more miserable eating than not. Does anyone listen? Nope, my road to recovery is not mine, it seems to belong to all these other people, yet I am supposed to spout the cheery Weight Loss song while they manipulate me? I don't eat junk or fast food, I have tried to be good, I can only pray I show a weight loss, something to be proud of in all this chaos. And I get hiccups, in the old days I could drink Water to stop it, sip a carbonated soda, well those 2 are gone so I burp- bump like a car alarm in a parking lot until my side's get sore and I gradually stop. And if my first 6 months are so crappy, will I even be still sane by my year anniversary? IDK what next👈!😣👉

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Attention : I didn't come this far to just come this far! Going to keep on even when the odds are stacked against me. Cane into this life kicking and screaming, chances are I'll leave the same way!

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Oh my! I hate that you are still going thru this mess! I’d be tearing the local dr a new one and insisting on communicating with the Columbus dr at least weekly! Keep on keepin on!

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Well, next short stop along Frustr8 Fantastic Freeway, Monday March 11th I finally get my first Fe( iron) INFUSION. I was caught for a period of time as the prize in a turf war. I was notified by Phone call from Valerie, Dr Needleman's top Nurse- Practitioner on February 26 it was felt my prenatal Vitamin, and even my Ferrocite which they had prescribed were not getting assimilated. Normally Iron digestion is in the duodenum, well we , as bypassers, don't have any digestion happening there, oh yeah it still is there and passes on the enzymes and other goodie into the mix but of course much farther downstream. So flooding my body with p.o. iron didn't work, would I be okay if I could flood myself with beef and organ meats, especially liver? Who is certain? But I am just heading into Stage3 after a long delay because of my slow healing style, ulcers and the stoma stricture, it was easier to keep me going also on TPN, hoping I have healed inside. I would have thought they not would be discontinued after my next endoscopy, an EGJ on April 12th, but they have formulated a care plan I am not totally understanding.
So they wanted me to come to Columbus, scary in that the cancer division, the James , does it. Well my PCP said he didn't want me making the 100 mile round trip just recovering from pneumonia, then he proceeded to not schedule locally as he had promised. Called Thursday to check up why it has not been scheduled, one of the LPNs returned my call, basically told me. I was delusional and if I needed it , it already would have been done. Meanwhile every time I visit my local yokel community hospital, they mention with every blood draw that my iron levels are low. I know ,I know it, but this is not something you can walk in off the street and request it. So I Called my bariatric office, asked a nurse to return my call, first thing Lana said, Was I don't find a record of your levels after infusion, Well, if course not, when my PICC line was removed I no longer got my weekly blood draw, so I am hung out" on. the clothesline blowing in the breeze." so to speak.
The last few weeks have not been Giggles and Laughs, PICC line removed because they thought it might be a focus for infection & it tested clear, pneumonia, had Fluid drained out of my right shoulder, both tested clear, but blood cultures had been positive. Part of my meds were temporarily stopped because of interaction, now since the anti- fungals and antibiotics have run their course, I am restarted back on them.
Oh I am going to be. a fine fine specimen if I can keep from being sent into insanity or senility in the meantime. Sure isn't a test book recovery I am having, but I guess it is my Journey to travel. And what is your March bringing you? I also seemed to. have developed renal cyst and an nodule on my thyroid, Gosh every test I get these days seems to have an extra bonus. Nothing yet fatal but certainly " pains in the Wahoo" substances. Your Frustr8 is just a treasure trove for the Medical community at this point!👉😣👈

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Hi, Me Again! Well I had my Iron INFUSION on Monday. Very interesting experience I must say. Decided to opt out of the p*****g war, appeared PCP was content sitting on his tuffet like Little Muffet so called OSU and went to Columbus. First it wasnt as hard finding OSU East as I feared. And my driver Terry actually didn't get lost. Got there, check-in was easier than at main hospital. Went up to the 14th floor, got weighed, rest of vitaks, must have passed everything there because they put my IV line in , rather odd looking critter, a wide platform on the " aeroplane" needle. I know they have to have a more formal title.but that's what I Call Them. I hadn't had iron supplementation since I was carrying baby # 2 and he, as it turned out, was robbing me. I was at a level,of 8, my little parasite, had a bilirubin level of 19+ when he was born, kid turned orange instead of red when he cried, just missed an exchange transfusion, OSU does them for a level of 20+. Half because he was stealing my iron,the other was he was Rh+, I am negative and my antibodies were attacking him. Spent his off time from nursing , under bilirubin lights, had his own little sunglasses on, rather cute, usually leave them naked but since he was a boy he kept laying there peeing on himself, said for Gosh sakes put a diaper or ABD down there before he starts smelling like an urinal. It was quite a yellow rainstorm.
Anyway in those days they did Z track injections, so an INFUSION is much neater and sweeter a thing.
They took me to a smallish room where I had my own comfy recliner. First they start a bag of saline, this is to make sure you're not too dehydrated, then they piggyback on a small bag of solution and watch you closely to make sure you don't have any unexpected reaction, if that goes cool and it did for me, they let the rest of the saline flow in, then after observing me another 30 minutes, they give you a steroid, 2 Tylenol and 2 Benadryl , I knew Benadryl was gonna kick my : "tushie" and it did. Got very sleepy, but then they brought in another bag of clear, I assume Saline but it could have been D-5-W and the monster bag of iron solution, golden brown. and clear. They could have told me they were going to feed me Ricin and kill me, I would have said Well that's very nice of you! curled up and gone back to SlumberLand. Oh I was the poster child for Mellow Yello at that point. Tomkitten assures me I didn't snore, drool or lay there with my mouth hanging open, and I guess that's a blessing. I got there at 8:30 and they released me 3ish, so it did take a while. What next? IDK , they said maybe another 3 months, maybe as long as a year, all depends on what my next blood labs show. So the dreading , like many things in life, was worse than the actual thing.
Got home to the sound of Water erupting, either a pipe split or the hot water heater died. Landlord keeps basement locked so texted landlord and he came out , lookedthings over, saidtoomuch for me, shut the whole houses water off , we had still cold water at that point, now I have to keepTomkitten from doing # 2 because we only have enough water in the tank for 1 flush. Just texted me he hasn't found a willing plumber, but he will this afternoon. And I did have places I wanted to go today. Oh well, its just the Hurry Up and Wait Boogie for me!

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I'm back! And the beat of my life goes on and on. Decided to post here because I was the OP and started it beck last summer.
Well, the Fe Infusion wasn't too awfully bad, when I told PCP I had it done, nary an apology about failing to schedule me one in Mount Vernon, just reminded me I could end up on a quarterly schedule. Well that would make the next one within a day or 2 of Tomkitten's birthday and that's a warm pleasant time in Central Ohio.
Now back to the Infusion and its side effect. Well early in the evening of the next day I was able to do #2 with a minimum of grief. Every since surgery except when I had my PICC line in, my stool is very reluctant to leave me, have to be on twice daily Miralax and when not even that works, the Trusty bottle of M.O.M. the cherry- tasting agitator of all things fecal💩.
Okay I said to myself, small amount of stool, still fine, I do not eat that much. And then the tsunami hit, black viscous stool, the kind I rationalize as double or triple wiper. And it went on and on, each movement the same until the last 3 which ended about. 3 AM that were nothing more than black profuse Water. And before each movement I was cramping in the same area as childbirth pains, I had 3 9+ pounder, last 2 Lamaze, that is an sensation one does not forget. Well, I says if your uterus does fall on with all this straining , we can push it back in , slap an ABD on it and see the doctor in the AM.
If this is gonna happen every time, I would rather be unmagnetic, obviously my body didn't feel we needed or wanted that much Iron so got rid of it as best it could!
Now I don't know if I mentioned but when I had my Chest MRI at Mount Carmel East to check the status of my Thoracic Aortic aneurysm, the one my Cardiologist conveniently forgot to mention, maybe she thought it would depress me? OMG, my middle child and first son died in 2008 of an Ascending Aortic aneurysm which exploded in his chest and within a few seconds bled out and died at 31. This takes it from a horrid one in thousands freaky happening to be possibly genetic and. I , a mommy who loved him with every breath of my being, may have had a part in his destruction? I cried when I saw in Black and White, " to rule out ant enlargement of existing Thoracic Aortic aneurysm, current measurement____cm" , did not go into depression, because maybe my baby's death might somehow save me? Happy to report it is still holding at under " must do surgery" have to keep faithful on BP meds to reduce stressors. But I can do that! And now the results show I have a Renal Cyst also present, don't know which one of my 3 it's on, urologists office not as worried as me, said no need seeing you right now.
Then next, about 10- 12 days ago I woke up with a stiff neck, not a "oops I strained something ", I could not turn it to either side, and I had a degree of nucal rigidity. Oh I am a Medical Geek, scary cause that can be a sign of meningitis, a disease that doesn't take hostages, and can kill if neglected. So off I go to E.R., it of course happened on a day PCP was taking off. After beaucoup levels of tests even I hadn't been through before and 2 I didn't even have book knowledge of, I received a diagnosis of cervical arthritis, okay-bee, the bad part I have a thyroid nodule approaching 2 cm on left side of thyroid. They suggested getting it checked-out by ENT, endocrinologist, or at very least PCP in very near future. Well , I just so happened to have an appointment with PCP coming up, so I mentioned it to him, at first he said" many geriatric patients have these" could shorten that man's life span, I am not geriatric I merely am in Late Middle Age and I've told him that! Says" maybe I should go to that portal and read what they said" and then had to admit We GOT to do more testing, so last Wednesday I had both thyroid screening and Doppler of my carotid because I also am having periods of double vision, it is bad enough seeing Donald Sr and Donald Jr on CNN , don't need them 2 at a time! Then to round out my week I had a Reclast INFUSION on Friday, in deference to my inability to chug down liquids, Thank You Ms. Precious Pouch, I can't have pills or capsules so get this treatment yearly because my osteopenia is rounding the corner towards osteoporosis. I am grateful to be alive, thankful for the extra years my bariatric surgery has granted me, really I am, but is every flippin' test got to have a " by the way"? I knew I had dings in my bodily chassis, but does the jalopy that is me have to have engine failure too?💦

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And the "bestess" news - I am now, today, 238.9 pounds, a state I thought at above 365 pounds I could never achieve. God Bless Ohio State University, my surgeon Bradley J Needleman MD, the mechanics of RnY surgery, and most of all that I have retained the strength and commitment to make it this far, no matter the other setbacks in my WLS trek toward goal. Oh I have a distance yet to travel to goal but I now believe I CAN MAKE IT! Happy Sunny Sunday Everyone!🌈😜

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And since I am having ambulatory/short Stay Surgery at 7: 30 am , I had to have a pre-surgery appointment on Monday the first a.k.a April Fool day. So I took the opportunity to get weighed, 232 pounds, do you know what PeePs? This gives me a BMI OF 35.27 and that means I AM NO LONGER MORBIDLY OBESE- I have entered the world of merely OBESE, on the outside It is yawn, "Yeah that's nice" on here It is TRIUMPH pure clear TRIUMPH and I am both proud and dumb-struck it happened to me!
In case anybody is remotely interested , all that is happening, is the titanium plate and 12 screws that held my badly broken upper right arm bone, the humerus in place for 9 years and 2 months needs badly to be removed, either 1. it has outlived Its usefulness 2. with the weight loss it's like it rocks and pinches nerves, but I have not been pain-free for weeks, it is affecting my life quality, can't sleep without my pain meds that I have hoarded, don't like them, a potential Constipation factor, and have enough sorrow there already, wish I could get back my nice easy to pass daily 💩I had prior to surgery. Maybe when my diet gets more complete it will happen! Gosh I do hope so!!

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10 hours ago, Frustr8 said:

And since I am having ambulatory/short Stay Surgery at 7: 30 am , I had to have a pre-surgery appointment on Monday the first a.k.a April Fool day. So I took the opportunity to get weighed, 232 pounds, do you know what PeePs? This gives me a BMI OF 35.27 and that means I AM NO LONGER MORBIDLY OBESE- I have entered the world of merely OBESE, on the outside It is yawn, "Yeah that's nice" on here It is TRIUMPH pure clear TRIUMPH and I am both proud and dumb-struck it happened to me!
In case anybody is remotely interested , all that is happening, is the titanium plate and 12 screws that held my badly broken upper right arm bone, the humerus in place for 9 years and 2 months needs badly to be removed, either 1. it has outlived Its usefulness 2. with the weight loss it's like it rocks and pinches nerves, but I have not been pain-free for weeks, it is affecting my life quality, can't sleep without my pain meds that I have hoarded, don't like them, a potential Constipation factor, and have enough sorrow there already, wish I could get back my nice easy to pass daily 💩I had prior to surgery. Maybe when my diet gets more complete it will happen! Gosh I do hope so!!

Your states say back in 2014 you were 355 look how far you have come!!! Now 232 and at 5'8''!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!

You are on the home stretch!!! Speedy recovery on the arm.

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don't know where the 2014 date came from, wasn't active in B.P. then, only since late Autumn/early winter 2017. But I have lost the weight, now 232 as of ThursdayI And I had shoulder surgery, this time I am not bouncing back, flat out miserable, weepy. from this. Emotionally " No Mas!"

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And the latest update, had my plate and 12 screws removed from my upper left arm. That part wasn't Too Bad, but when he got in there he found the rotator cuff on that arm was pretty well shot. So he fixed it, and it is " kicking my butt" pretty bad. Oh he suggested I stay around home and recover a week and come in for a post surgical appointment on the 17th. Have I stayed home like a good little trooper? Oh you all know me better than that, had some paperwork to turn in to JFS, things I didn't want lost or misslaid by the US Postal System. Like to Little Girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead, when they're good they're very good but when they're bad they can be horrid. Returned paperwork once to my attorney in Columbus, took a full week to travel 50 miles. Where was it in the meantime? Well they are not giving out that knowledge.
okay, the next part of the saga- I got to the office, they are doing remodeling in the rear parking lot. Now when I travel on our local transportation system, county- wide so its name is Knox Area Transpirt, well I avail myself of the mechanical lift, the one they use to load/unload wheel- chair dependant clients. With 2 semi- bionic knees and an ankle that needed surgery and didnt receive it,my days of mountain climbing are at a finish! So the driver thought she had gotten me close enough, went to step off, she had left me maybe 6 inches of sidewalk, went over the curb edge, topsey- turvey, and onto the arm that had just been repaired, and there I laid, bawling because did I hurt it worse? Luckily a Sherrif Deputy happened to be coming out of the building, called in on his shirt Mike to dispatch to get me the Emergency Squad because I couldn't get myself up to a standing position, Yeah FAT LADY DOWN! And I was a little frightened also, if I had been planning a fall I would have landed on the healthier side of my body. When they got there,they stood me up by one lifting under my left arm, the other 2 by lifting me by the waistband of my jeans. God Bless you, Levi Strauss, you do weave a strong fabric! And off I go to the local hospital, known in Columbus as the "band aid station", one of the few things they don't screw up badly. So why do I occasionally frequent them with such a reputation, convenience, pure convenience, baby! So off I went to the hospital, 4 days after having my arm operated on, multiple x-days and much maneuverings, many of which I cursed through, no breaks, no cracks, I guess at 232 I got away with some massive bruising, at my high weight of 365+ I would have crunched that rascal but good! Another benefit of weight. loss nobody mentioned. Well I also mentioned my 💩 was residing in my lower colon and unwilling to move. So I got a bottle of adorable Cherry Mag Citrate, took it when I got home, should work 1/2 to 3 hours later. Proceeded to wait, visited the porcelain chamber, a little came each time but no sense of relief. And so went my evening, decided to go on with what I should be doing, let the bowels take care of themselves. Well maybe not the most perfect choice, that and excessive pain pills got me in this predictament. So this morning at 5 AM. I got back up and drank down the chilled remains of yesterday. Finally after all this, at 10:30 am I gave birth to a 2 kg softball, felt like it was like a small bowling ball, probably will be brown and loose the rest of the day, hey NBD the LUMP resident,at the anal opening, is now gone gone gone!
Tried some skim milk this AM , came right back up, maybe I wasn't that hungry and needed it? Well. Ms Precious Pouch, she made the dicussion for me. When things settle down I will take the Zofran I missed at 8 AM, Yeah still troubled with emesis and such at 7 months. But then I am so special. a case I hardly can stand me at times. It will straighten out,by the end.
And poor Doctor Doolittle, he tried so hard to make my arm appear so,pretty despite they surgery , now it looks like somebody twisted my arm severely, bruising on top of bruising. Isn't too pretty now and will be uglier as the bruises turn green and yellow while they heal up.
May try to take those papers down, but sure going use another entrance if I do. I don't want to give my body to science until I am truly done with it!

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And the latest update, had my plate and 12 screws removed from my upper left arm. That part wasn't Too Bad, but when he got in there he found the rotator cuff on that arm was pretty well shot. So he fixed it, and it is " kicking my butt" pretty bad. Oh he suggested I stay around home and recover a week and come in for a post surgical appointment on the 17th. Have I stayed home like a good little trooper? Oh you all know me better than that, had some paperwork to turn in to JFS, things I didn't want lost or misslaid by the US Postal System. Like to Little Girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead, when they're good they're very good but when they're bad they can be horrid. Returned paperwork once to my attorney in Columbus, took a full week to travel 50 miles. Where was it in the meantime? Well they are not giving out that knowledge.
okay, the next part of the saga- I got to the office, they are doing remodeling in the rear parking lot. Now when I travel on our local transportation system, county- wide so its name is Knox Area Transpirt, well I avail myself of the mechanical lift, the one they use to load/unload wheel- chair dependant clients. With 2 semi- bionic knees and an ankle that needed surgery and didnt receive it,my days of mountain climbing are at a finish! So the driver thought she had gotten me close enough, went to step off, she had left me maybe 6 inches of sidewalk, went over the curb edge, topsey- turvey, and onto the arm that had just been repaired, and there I laid, bawling because did I hurt it worse? Luckily a Sherrif Deputy happened to be coming out of the building, called in on his shirt Mike to dispatch to get me the Emergency Squad because I couldn't get myself up to a standing position, Yeah FAT LADY DOWN! And I was a little frightened also, if I had been planning a fall I would have landed on the healthier side of my body. When they got there,they stood me up by one lifting under my left arm, the other 2 by lifting me by the waistband of my jeans. God Bless you, Levi Strauss, you do weave a strong fabric! And off I go to the local hospital, known in Columbus as the "band aid station", one of the few things they don't screw up badly. So why do I occasionally frequent them with such a reputation, convenience, pure convenience, baby! So off I went to the hospital, 4 days after having my arm operated on, multiple x-days and much maneuverings, many of which I cursed through, no breaks, no cracks, I guess at 232 I got away with some massive bruising, at my high weight of 365+ I would have crunched that rascal but good! Another benefit of weight. loss nobody mentioned. Well I also mentioned my [emoji90] was residing in my lower colon and unwilling to move. So I got a bottle of adorable Cherry Mag Citrate, took it when I got home, should work 1/2 to 3 hours later. Proceeded to wait, visited the porcelain chamber, a little came each time but no sense of relief. And so went my evening, decided to go on with what I should be doing, let the bowels take care of themselves. Well maybe not the most perfect choice, that and excessive pain pills got me in this predictament. So this morning at 5 AM. I got back up and drank down the chilled remains of yesterday. Finally after all this, at 10:30 am I gave birth to a 2 kg softball, felt like it was like a small bowling ball, probably will be brown and loose the rest of the day, hey NBD the LUMP resident,at the anal opening, is now gone gone gone!
Tried some skim milk this AM , came right back up, maybe I wasn't that hungry and needed it? Well. Ms Precious Pouch, she made the dicussion for me. When things settle down I will take the Zofran I missed at 8 AM, Yeah still troubled with emesis and such at 7 months. But then I am so special. a case I hardly can stand me at times. It will straighten out,by the end.
And poor Doctor Doolittle, he tried so hard to make my arm appear so,pretty despite they surgery , now it looks like somebody twisted my arm severely, bruising on top of bruising. Isn't too pretty now and will be uglier as the bruises turn green and yellow while they heal up.
May try to take those papers down, but sure going use another entrance if I do. I don't want to give my body to science until I am truly done with it!
Hi, Frustr8. What a lot you've been through with that fall on your left arm. I cringed as I read your post!! Praying you make a speedy recovery and the pain gets better so you can get some sleep. I love reading your posts! Such a great sense of humor!

Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

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Had my latest endoscopy yesterday ( Friday the 12th) Dr Noria was happy with how things are going,assume they used the same sedation but I broke out like had been rolling in a nettle patch, slathered on some cortisone salve , a little better today. Told me to keep on with Protein , purees and my Carafate/ Dexilent et all. I know I am not eating quite right but nobody's listening Maybe I can get my Dietician at OSU to pay attention. She claims my stomal opening is happily open, then why do I vomit up every 4th or 5th meal? Even told her I lost mine Thursday night, she said "Well the pouch looks good" is it normal to ignore what I say just because I'm 7 months out? Do I no longer matter? Is the usual 7-monther supposed to be on autopilot ? Tomkitten heard what she said/ didn't say, he says it sounded okay to him, Am I just being super-critical? Am I ask8ng too much to not be feeling like I am ignored? Maybe I Am just having an April WTF day.

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Vomiting more these last few days, don't think it's what I have been trying to eat, but just going to regress to Soup, up my Fluid content and see if I'll feel betterI
Also my urination has turned darker, stronger, less frequent, so just in case I shall be going to 120 f2f. Doesn't feel exactly like my UTIs usually,do. Called my urologist because it all s5arted when I was NPO prior to last Friday's endoscopy, would you believe,1sr open day they had was Monday the 22nd,,SO,i am on their "wait and see if someone cancels" list, if I don't get better today n I'll go to urgent care and give them my liquid offerring. Don't believe it is simple dehydration because a little extra fluid didn't improve matters all that much. Kinda weird, isn't it?
Now I'm awake because of shoulder pain, Tylenol 4 hours ago didn't faze that so I'll pop a darned Norco and see if I can fall back asleep.

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And an update, met with my former Urologist's partner, Dr Jed Henry, think he maybe will be okay. Said he didn't like how my urine looked,well. I don't either, that's why I'm here. Said UTI with hematuria, thatswhat i duagnosed before I came in. Said let him check exactly what micro-organism is playing fast and loose in my urinary tract, usually with me it's e. coli,maybe not this time? Told me the NPO might precipitated it, was lurking in therejust waiting until time was right. Said he would call back Wednesday, well Wednesday came and went and no call. no antibiotics called in. Had to see my ENT Thursday AM , so after I saw Dr Suzie, I went up 1 floor to his office to be told they had just then heard from him and an antibiotic was waiting at Wal-Mart Pharmacy. Well went over,picked it up and now I have a problem. Oh it is working, the Bactrim, a lot of the pain and inability to void as much as I was taking in is yet to g better. But I have a reaction, my face isflushed like sunburn, my under-eye bags Are swollen and starting to blister. The left one even feels like it popped open a small area. Do I stop the 5 days worth of antibiotics, run the risk of reinfecting or developing a resistant strain? Do I continue the med and resign my self to looking weird for the duration? I'm not broken out anywhere else,no itching which I usually get with a Frank drug allergy. It just looks like I have been Elder-Abused because at best I have dark age spots over both cheekbones, so the redness makes them look worse.
The GOOD GOOD NEWS- I have lost down to 224, now averaging 2-3 pounds a week, I could be in Onederland my 1st Anniversary date( September 5th) or very close to it. So this tired old jalopy is going to keepputt-putting until I make it there! And how is the April doing for all of You?🌞🌈☔

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
      1. This update has no replies.
    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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