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I have been banded about 2yrs. At each fill never felt restriction really until the last fill. Then occasionally after that, very occasionally if I ate too fast I had terrible pressure as if my esophagus (area) was going to explode. Gross part*** sorry, there would be much saliva to have to spit out. Only twice with food returning, other times just the huge pressure like the largest gas bubble in the world in me.

Now we have different insurance and it does not pay for lap band ANYTHING. I am already in debt due to a lumpectomy during a "no insurance" time and money is very very tight with other bills other medical as well. H does not support lap band process, thinks it has been a failure, I have been a failure and I know he is disappointed in the lack of result.

When last fill occurred MD withdrew Fluid before putting in more so band must be in correct position and ok, right?I believe I was at 8.?? full. He told me then no more fills, acting very annoyed and borderline angry. Definitely not supportive. I left feeling very very humiliated.

So now no insurance, MD that did procedure seems to thrive on the successes (understandably) but where does that leave the failures? The social worker of the program was very supportive and helped me by keeping e-mail tabs every so often. I re-visited dietician (my cost) at her suggestion and learned my Protein intake way way to low so I have tried to improve intake and have pro drink for Breakfast. I cannot get Breakfast down at 6,7 or 8 am I am up around 4:30- 5 ish. Can drink a pro drink though. Dietician said better than nothing and increases Protein.< /p>


I rarely post here, once I saw someone admit to slipping, and having a hard time and person was flamed and judged so harshly I chose never to write here. I feel in a quandry though and just do not know what to do and I am risking. I know I am asking what would you do, but please ahead of time, I beat myself up enough. I really would feel awful (more so than normal) if I get a lot of judgemental, mean spirited, harsh not helpful comments.

I do exercise what I can, I fell 2yrs. ago and really hurt one and cut the other kneecap to the bone needing stitches in and out, never went to PT (cost) So now they are very painful, car accidents hit from behind (not my fault they put up a stop sign and I stopped, ditto for the green light that turned red. My back really hurts and neck. I am in PT now (insur.pays) for my back very helpful.

Why is it that it does not seem to work for some people?

I am truly looking for helpful feedback. I am 51 y.o.and feel 97.

5'4 and still in the 200's where I started. I lost initially for a few months

Well here goes and I will be off and send this in good faith that maybe there is someone out there that may have/had similar experience or give an opinion.

Thank you so much,


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Hi forreste, i've only been banded for 6 days so I don't think I can be much help to you but i can say i feel for you. It seems that sometimes everything goes wrong and you feel that you can't get out of the sludge. I guess you need to speak to your doctor (or a new one) about what's happening and don't let them make you feel bad... you have every right to find out what's going on and how they can help you. It's a lot of money to spend and not get the right support afterwards. Good luck and keep us posted.

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This is my fill issue:

I only feel restriction in the morning time, NOTHING goes down...But by night I can eat practically anything I want. This doesnt mean that I do (well anymore lol) but I could if I wanted. This happens whether Im filled or not. So I would go and increase my fill, and increase it, and increase it, until it was practically full...I still wouldnt feel the right amount of restriction...then one day it would ALL kick in and I would puke until I could arrange to see my Dr and could afford to go (no insurance, plus from my hometown its an 1 1/2 drive and from college it was like 9 or 10 hour drive). IDK whats going on, but I wanted you to know that your not the only one having problems with restriction. I havent had a fill in almost a year, and now Im pregnant so I actually need an unfill (although Im eating normally at night, but my fill actually seems to be working since Ive been pregnant). The Dr is just plain rude to me because I havent lost all my weight yet and its been 2 years for me as well. He says things that are so rude like "such a beautiful girl if you would get down to 125lbs" . I took my thin friend with me last time and SHE was offended by the things he said to me, she even admitted to being jealous of me because she feels like Im prettier than she is. Which I had to deal with (ugh! i hate it when ppl say crap like that), but she was offended because people tell her to gain weight and SHE weighs 135lbs! and the Dr wants me to be 10lbs thinner than her! Its soo frustrating, not getting good treatment because Im not a total success story. He acts as if I lie to him about what Im eating, and I dont! I have extremely SLOW metabolism, he knows that, he says its one of (if not the) slowest he's ever seen. Anyways, back on topic, lol, My fills are abnormalish as well and give me problems, so you're not alone

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I have been banded about 2yrs. At each fill never felt restriction really until the last fill. Then occasionally after that, very occasionally if I ate too fast I had terrible pressure as if my esophagus (area) was going to explode. Gross part*** sorry, there would be much saliva to have to spit out. Only twice with food returning, other times just the huge pressure like the largest gas bubble in the world in me.

Now we have different insurance and it does not pay for lap band ANYTHING. I am already in debt due to a lumpectomy during a "no insurance" time and money is very very tight with other bills other medical as well. H does not support lap band process, thinks it has been a failure, I have been a failure and I know he is disappointed in the lack of result.

When last fill occurred MD withdrew Fluid before putting in more so band must be in correct position and ok, right?I believe I was at 8.?? full. He told me then no more fills, acting very annoyed and borderline angry. Definitely not supportive. I left feeling very very humiliated.

So now no insurance, MD that did procedure seems to thrive on the successes (understandably) but where does that leave the failures? The social worker of the program was very supportive and helped me by keeping e-mail tabs every so often. I re-visited dietician (my cost) at her suggestion and learned my Protein intake way way to low so I have tried to improve intake and have pro drink for breakfast. I cannot get breakfast down at 6,7 or 8 am I am up around 4:30- 5 ish. Can drink a pro drink though. Dietician said better than nothing and increases Protein.< /p>


I rarely post here, once I saw someone admit to slipping, and having a hard time and person was flamed and judged so harshly I chose never to write here. I feel in a quandry though and just do not know what to do and I am risking. I know I am asking what would you do, but please ahead of time, I beat myself up enough. I really would feel awful (more so than normal) if I get a lot of judgemental, mean spirited, harsh not helpful comments.

I do exercise what I can, I fell 2yrs. ago and really hurt one and cut the other kneecap to the bone needing stitches in and out, never went to PT (cost) So now they are very painful, car accidents hit from behind (not my fault they put up a stop sign and I stopped, ditto for the green light that turned red. My back really hurts and neck. I am in PT now (insur.pays) for my back very helpful.

Why is it that it does not seem to work for some people?

I am truly looking for helpful feedback. I am 51 y.o.and feel 97.

5'4 and still in the 200's where I started. I lost initially for a few months

Well here goes and I will be off and send this in good faith that maybe there is someone out there that may have/had similar experience or give an opinion.

Thank you so much,


I am also 1 year banded, lost 8 kg at first, had 5 fillings, have the same complications and gained all the weight back. I also dont know what to do. Am 59, feeling 100.

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Thank you so much for responding to my question and doing it with tact and understanding.

Thank you Sades. I wish you the best and I hope it goes very well. I appreciate your supportive words.

Jodie- Congratulations!!!! I love the picture you have posted. Technology is amazing. I hope everything goes well for you and your baby Your circumstances sound very similar to mine. I have to say I was never much of a breakfast eater. I always get up early, just not hungry till around 9-10 A. That throws everything off unlesss I am very careful. In the morning I would say I also probably (if I ate) would feel restricted. Times I have nibbled a breakfast I was preparing or for some occasional reason (breakfast meeting) I am very very aware that only the smallest if any amt. of food is going to stay down. So I am careful etc. As the day goes on that "feeling" is lost, gone, I do not feel it what so ever unless as I said on the occasion I have eaten too fast. Things that are very cold can do it as well. I love pears and apples this time of yr. and keep in fridge or they will turn so fast I have to let them sit out or put under hot Water.

I would be very curious why the "feeling" of restriction is only present in the am. Of course no insurance, rude MD, long distance as well, 0$,oil $$ for this winter coming. I do not know. I was looking for this restricted feeling to be with me all of the time to use as my guide to know to stop. Now I continue the evening meal on a sandwich plate, try and eat meat first, then more then my veggies, yea! Love the veggie part, keeping at the meat part.

I am sorry you have experienced the rudeness, lack of compassion and the struggles with the fills. Seems like my MD was wonderful while I was losing, amazing the transformation.

I went into this after long pondering, the full year of stuff that has to be gone through before you get to the surgery. I fully expected 100% this to work. It never entered my mind it wouldn't. Here you have to have a psych eval. before the procedure; and I was asked what would happen if I didn't lose the weight. I was flabbergasted- how could I not!!!????. She then went on to explain....I should have listened, but my mind said No way, not me I will lose it. Well......

Thank you again for offering your story, hardships and now happiness.

Thank you for showing me nicely that I am not alone in this. I still want it to work and would not consider removal unless there was a problem. I guess I keep hoping the restricted feeling WILL kick in. Take care.

Varja- Hi, it is an awful feeling isn't it? I am sorry you have the same problem. I really thought this would work and have been so upset that it has not. When I see the success stories I am happy for them but I feel such a bitter disappoinment in, for and about myself. Thank you for telling me about how you are and not saying anything to make me feel worse than I already do. Are there any support groups in your area, the ones for me are about an hour away, so none really. Especially now that the social worker left I do not know if they even run them anymore. I feel very isolated and the exercise class the run is even further away. With gas costs it is too much and there is nothing close except exp. health clubs. They Y is almost $500.00 a year so frustrating!!!!!

Take care Varja, I hope as this procedure becomes more and more common that maybe there is an understanding and real knowledge about what happens and why to some like us that it does not appear to help.Then maybe they will know what to do to make it work. I can hope....

Thank you again everyone for not making this brutally painful. You were so kind and respectful. I appreciate your comments very much.

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Thanks for sharing your story. I've read so many on here that they have had so many fills and no restriction...only to discover there doc wasn't giving them full fills.

Restriction should be acquired soon after having the band put in. 6 weeks, 1st fill, 4 weeks later another. Then 4 weeks later another. Then 4 weeks later another.

And for a 4cc band that's 2ccs for the first fill, up to .5 for the second, etc. I'm sure there's a recommended schedule for a larger band.

But within a few months you should be restricted. If not...something's not right and you should find out what.

You said you got restriction on your last fill...but I didn't see when that was...should have been over a year ago.

I slime frequently...but it keeps me in check of speed of eating and what I eat.

Thanks for posting and I know so many are quick to blame.... but bandsters are in this together and should uplift..not shoot down.

I recommend ditching all the providers and just get a fill doc. It's only like 155 dollars for a fill and you would see him/her every 4 weeks...when you want. Restricted? -then you wouldn't go.

Good luck and keep us posted on how things are going for you.

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Hi GraceUtah, thank you very much for your educational and supportive words. I really appreciate that. I agree with uplifting, helpful and non-judgemental when someone is struggling. I always feel I really do not know what a person's life is really like as I do not live it. I try very hard not to judge anyone, life is just too complicated as it is!!!!

I am curious and know very little; by slime do you mean the times when there is just this constant heavy amt. of saliva that there is no other choice but to spit out? If yes this is to me is one indication of restriction (but I am not sure) the other is if it goes beyond the heavy saliva to severe pain (and I do not know what the severe pain means) I do know if I can get Water down just a bit then it is relieved if I can burp. It almost feels like an air lock in there once the burp can come up most times no vomiting (only2x ever and more like PBing now that I've read) then the pain goes away. I endeaver not to create the pain for sure. Most times I eat very very slowly by nature.

Where do you get the fills at $155.00? The Bariatric center I was going to cost $500.00 for a fill. I almost :faint: I watch the whole procedure and understand this part and it doesn't bother me to watch. When I saw the first bill for this I could not believe it!!! I had insurance then so I just breathed a sigh of relief. Currently there would be no way to justify $500.00 with winter coming and oil such as it is. I live in the Northeast and oil is necessary.Thank you so much for your help.

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My fills are only $100.00 and at another center I consdidered going to in San Antonio it was $150 or $200 I cant remember...$500 is RIDICULOUS! lol! You get enough of those fills and you would have paid as must as Breast Implants! lol! made out of the same liquid, Saline lol!

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I have been banded about 2yrs. At each fill never felt restriction really until the last fill.


Darling - I am sorry that you are having such a hard time and no support.

Losing weight is all about calories in and calories out - What are you eating - with or without restiction you can eat around the band.

Your doctor didn't give you an eating plan when you were banded?? He didn't tell you how much Protein you needed daily?? If you weren't given proper guidence then it is understandable that your haven't done as well as you could have.

I read that you can't do a lot of exercise -but they do have chair exercises that you can do with bands,

IMHO i figure that the band will do about 25% of the work but the other 75% is up to you - You must make healthy food choicies - low fat - surgar free - limit the amount of calories you eat daily - per my doc get a minimum of 60 grams of Protein in daily..

With the right support and guidance you can do this.. You just have to find a good support system - which is here on lapband and you need to make the healthy food choices and you will succeed.

Good Luck to you...

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I really do know whats shes going through. My Dr. recommended that, due to my lack of metabolism, that I need to take in about 500-900 cals a day....If I stick to 500 I would lose weight for a little while, very slowly, then it would stop and I would have to do less and less cals til it got to a point that if I went by that I wouldnt be allowed to eat AT ALL lol! He recommends that I eat a lot of chicken, but strangely enough my band will not accept chicken AT ALL, no matter the restriction, in irony lol! it will accept most of a small burger (which I dont eat often). Ive never been an extremely unhealthy eater, nor did I usually eat in large amounts, but I still would put on weight no matter what. Strange isnt it? My band likes to kick in in the strangest situations...like meals with co-workers or out on a date with a nice guy lol! AND now that Im pregnant it has kicked in fairly decently, I can only get food down at night, but I still watch what i eat. My baby Dr is probably starting to freak out because I havent had any morning sickness but Ive consistently lost weight sense Ive been pregnant! Ive lost like 10-15lbs since I got pregnant. Shes not too worried right now, but she wants me to gain 5lbs (without trying ofcourse) by Dec 3! So Im going to get my band completely unfilled soon. I know how forreste feels for sure, seemse like you do everything that everyone else is doing and even extra and it JUST doesnt work! Its intensely frustrating! I feel like a failure most of the time, especially compared to other ppl who have had their band in a shorter period than I have. Ive lost like 60-70lbs MAYBE over 2 years, I should have lost 100lbs the first year, year and a half (according to my Dr).

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Lots of questions here, I'll try to hit on the biggies. My responses in blue:

When last fill occurred MD withdrew Fluid before putting in more so band must be in correct position and ok, right? Nope. being able to withdraw Fluid just means the band had fluid in it, the person withdrawing the fluid was able to hit the port, and the port is still connected. It has NOTHING to do with whether or not the band is in the correct position.

I believe I was at 8.?? full. He told me then no more fills, acting very annoyed and borderline angry. Definitely not supportive. I left feeling very very humiliated. What size band do you have?

So now no insurance, MD that did procedure seems to thrive on the successes (understandably) but where does that leave the failures? The social worker of the program was very supportive and helped me by keeping e-mail tabs every so often. I re-visited dietician (my cost) at her suggestion and learned my Protein intake way way to low so I have tried to improve intake and have pro drink for Breakfast. I cannot get breakfast down at 6,7 or 8 am I am up around 4:30- 5 ish. Can drink a pro drink though. Dietician said better than nothing and increases Protein.< /p>

** Hmm, they really push the protein, and I'm not sure why. A lot of the drinks they recommend, especially when mixed with milk or soy, have more protein than you can metabolize. We convert our extras into bad things, even extra Proteins. ;) If you're a protein counter, space it out.

I rarely post here, once I saw someone admit to slipping, and having a hard time and person was flamed and judged so harshly I chose never to write here. That's too bad. You should not let one instance paint the entire MO for the board. I hope many of your questions haven't gone unanswered because of this reaction.

Why is it that it does not seem to work for some people? Most of the people it does not work for, are not using it correctly, or do not have their band adjusted to where it can do its part. This goes way beyond diet. We all know the band cannot do its job until it can restrict. You describe "occasional" restriction, not even on a daily basis, which probably means you are not restricted enough for the band to do its job outside of occasionally. The answer to this is get more fill. So you ask what I would do - I see three options. 1) get another fill, 2) assume more responsibility for the weightloss if you are trying to lose more weight (if we could maintain this, we probably wouldn't have bands), 3) do nothing (at which point you can't expect change). Of those three, I would do #1, but I'm not in your situation so take that with a grain of salt.

Since you're self pay, shop around. Maybe some other providers will offer fills at a cheaper rate than what you have had in the past. I don't really advocate bargain hunting when it comes to health matters, BUT a cheap fill is probably better than no fill. :) I don't know what going rate is, but I know my surgeon charges $150.

It's also open enrollment season. Any chance of switching to a plan that would cover the fills? (My fills, even now that I'm well past my first year, are 100% covered -- their coded as an office visit, but my copay is waived).

Other than Protein Drinks at breakfast, you don't provide any solid info around what you're eating. Share an average day's intake and we can give you feedback on that.

As for mornign restriction, I have it. My restriction is virtually 100% related to time of day. I've slimed over Water in the mornings, sad really. Lunches are a small (rarely finish it) Soup... if I even bother with lunch, and ifI do, it takes a long time to finish. Usually by dinner I can eat without too much trouble.

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Well, well Wheetsin---U shut the lines of communication on this topic down, down, down. No wonder bandsters fail to seek help. The tone of your response seems cold.

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Well, well Wheetsin---U shut the lines of communication on this topic down, down, down. No wonder bandsters fail to seek help. The tone of your response seems cold.

I didn't take it that way at all. I thought it was very informative.

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Well, well Wheetsin---U shut the lines of communication on this topic down, down, down. No wonder bandsters fail to seek help. The tone of your response seems cold.

Sunnysideup - I disagree !!! We need more info on her issues - and come on - What do you call support - a pat on the back saying all will be ok as you are stuffing yourself with the wrong kinds of foods.. Thats not support that's enabling someone. Wrong,.... Tough band love is what is needed (love being the operative word) - Us fat people play so many mind games it's pittyful - to excuse our eating - and that's all it is an excuse... We are strong powerful women... This is work but what isn't.. Living is work - it's hard to change the way you relate to food...

Wheestin - Keep up your kind of support - I don't want some one tellimg me its ok to eat ten tim tams and then wonder why the band isn't working...

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hi forreste

i feel for you. i think we have all been in the position of feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders. when i feel like that i go back to simple basics.

1. track my food (many times when i dont track i fool myself into thinking is didnt eat as much as i have. a little bit here and there really adds up)

2. exercise is key. so maybe just walk a little and then increase each week.

i would ignore the doctor. he sounds like a jack%$s

i find this website to be informational. i havent found too much controversy. people just ignore you....but i've learned to deal with it and only use it for information and if i can share a problem or how i deal with it.

i belong to a 12 step program and there is a saying "your past does not predict your future" so make believe this is the 1st day of the rest of your life. you can do it....

anyway dont give up......

good luck

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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