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Appetite back with a vengance!

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30 minutes ago, AshAsh1 said:

Its a weird feeling when your BS drops and you are in "normal" range. You said you start feeling crazy at 5, which is 90 in US metrics.... I usually wake up around 70. I feel hungry and shaky, but ideally you should be sitting between a 6-7 all day long. When you are at a 8-10, that is too high, and your body will react to dipping down, but that doesn't mean that you are "hungry", it just means your blood sugar is lower. I'd try hydrating when it gets within normal range.

Ash I Celebrate when I wake up and I am 12. For years I woke up and I was 17-22. And I am 12 with half the insulin I used to take. Type II is a bit different to type 1. Type 1 is far more severe. I would much prefer to be higher than lower and to me 12 is not extreme. When I loose more weight the hope is that I will be OFF INSULIN all together. My aim is to stay alive until then and not fall into a coma while I sleep LOL 12 is fine for now but I can increase my long acting during the day time to try to keep it tighter during the day

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Late to the party, I feel the pain of being actually hungry (y'all have seen me say in so many times in sure). I'm 11 weeks post op, I've been hungry since practically coming home from the hospital. I've scanned through this thread, and I'm giving my 2 cents. After my liquid phase was over I decided to go gluten free, I don't do any bread or crackers or anything like that, gluten is an inflammatory substance and I have arthritis in my hands and knees from Lyme disease so no thanks. I'm not diabetic though. Anyway, I'm hungry A LOT. I've cut out most carbs, sugar and I've found (PS, I had a wicked sugar/carb addiction and being severely depressed doesn't help) I don't crave carbs or sugar anymore.

I eat my meals, which are Protein and vegetables I rarely eat fruit because of the carbs berries I do eat occasionally. I do not give in to the hunger, I have one snack (maybe) a day which is protein. I drink Water or Decaf unsweetened tea if I feel hungry between meals. I keep my calories under 1000, I just don't give in to that hunger beast. There are days I will sit with the cabinet open but then shut them. I have 2 teenagers and a stick of a husband and they all are adapting to no Snacks, I also have 3 dogs that get dog bones. I keep a food journal and have the calorie king book my nutritionist have me. I will not eat bread or any sweets. I eat low-fat cheeses, I make my own Greek yogurt, honestly I'm sick of almonds. I've lost 53 pounds so far, I have to really start exercising, but you can do it. I lived off toast, crackers, coffee, Peanut Butter m&ms and cigarettes forever, oh and Coca-Cola. Use this tool and kick some ass!

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On 07/05/2018 at 12:08, BajanSleeve said:

I have appetite suppressant pills which I am going to have to start taking...….again...……..what is the point of this surgery. Sigh

Hi bajansleeve! I haven’t had my surgery yet but will by the end of the year. From all of my research in and out of these forums, you should just really re-think your diet plan. Check out the new weight watchers diet, I’m not saying join but just a peek at what it’s like. HIGH Protein LOW carb LOW sugar is all of us as WLS patients goal diet.
As my surgery is approaching I have cut all rice, noodles, bread and Pasta ( they simply turn to sugar). Try mixing it up with oats, quinoa, barley instead. Focus on protein, your shakes, Greek yogurts, cottage cheese, etc. Don’t feel discouraged you still have lots of time to make use of your sleeve! ☺️ do some more research on the desired diet.

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22 minutes ago, BajanSleeve said:

Ash I Celebrate when I wake up and I am 12. For years I woke up and I was 17-22. And I am 12 with half the insulin I used to take. Type II is a bit different to type 1. Type 1 is far more severe. I would much prefer to be higher than lower and to me 12 is not extreme. When I loose more weight the hope is that I will be OFF INSULIN all together. My aim is to stay alive until then and not fall into a coma while I sleep LOL 12 is fine for now but I can increase my long acting during the day time to try to keep it tighter during the day

I hope I can help you to sleep better at night, by saying this, you are not going to go into a coma if your a 12. Let me put it this way, I am regularly a 4 when I wake up in the morning.... never have I had a scare.

12 is a vast improvement from 17-22, but I bet you can get that even lower by cutting out the carbs. Just think about it.

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@BajanSleeve I'm sorry you're having such a struggle. We all want you to succeed. Are you taking acid-reducing medicines? Acid mimics hunger. If you're not, try an experiment. Next time you're hungry, chew a Tums well and wait 10 minutes. See if you feel any different. Please, just give it a try. What have you got to lose?

(And no, Tums are not appropriate for Calcium supplements, but they still work fine to neutralize excess stomach acid. With my smaller stomach, I've never needed more than one.) And, I take Tums in addition to prescription-strength Prilosec.

Edited by Orchids&Dragons

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It sounds like you expected the surgery to do all the work for you. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. I wish it did. We have to work to reach our goals. You are eating a lot of carbs and things that don't fill you up, so that's why you're hungry a lot. I eat almost all Protein, and I eat 800 calories a day, on average. I'm almost never hungry. I'm a little over 3 months post op. Drink Protein Shakes that are low in sugar and carbs but high in protein. Eat meats, yogurt, cheese, etc... Stay away from carbs. I eat no more than 30g of carbs per day. A few questions for you too:

Are you tracking what you eat?

Are you getting in at least 64 ounces of Water?

Are you eating/drinking at least 60-80 grams of protein every day?

Are you exercising?

Are you taking your supplements?

All of the above will help you in losing the weight.

Another thing, you've got to change your attitude. You keep saying that you can't do this and you're going to fail, well, yeah, you will with an attitude like that. We're all rooting for you and want you to succeed, but we can't want it more than you do.

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7 minutes ago, FancyChristine15 said:

We're all rooting for you and want you to succeed, but we can't want it more than you do.

:89_clap: yes.

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Are you tracking what you eat? - yes. that is why I know I am eating too many calories. But I make home made Soups and I don't know how to really track those calories accurately

Are you getting in at least 64 ounces of Water? - no. I cant drink plain Water, makes me feel sick. So I am up to about 50 oz of liquid intake now

Are you eating/drinking at least 60-80 grams of Protein every day? - yes. I have 90 grams of protein in protein powders in my daily drink and some additional protein via food

Are you exercising? - My post op info says no exercise until after 4 weeks. so I am week 5 now. My treadmill is broken and I have someone coming to look at it tomorrow. I live WAY out in the country side and it is not safe to walk. If the treadmill cant be fixed, I will have to walk up and down the drive way and do YouTube exercise videos.

Are you taking your supplements? - yes. I have tons! Right now I take daily multi V, Vitamin B and Calcium. I will add Biotin at 2 months for Hair loss and I take Iron once a week. I have supplement Patches and pills, liquids too. I bought a whole bunch to bring home to Barbados with me enough for 6 months

People I KNOW what you are supposed to eat. I studied this surgery for a year. But practically I am struggling with the fact that I am one of those people whose hunger was never diminished.

I am not an idiot. I think I keep saying that the surgery is not the easy ticket out. I am expressing disappointment however that the anticipation I had from the research I did concerning a significant decrease in hunger has not been my experience from the surgery. And yes, I was sincerely hoping and had that expectation that at LEAST I would not be feeling hunger the way I used to pre surgery and quite frankly I have had ZERO change in that regard

Edited by BajanSleeve

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Sorry dear, I keep interjecting my opinion.....

2 minutes ago, BajanSleeve said:

Are you tracking what you eat? - yes. that is why I know I am eating too many calories. But I make home made Soups and I don't know how to really track those calories accurately

You can use MyFitnessPal and enter the ingredients of the Soups into the "recipe" section, and it will help you get a gage of the calories for each Soup. It saves your recipes and is easy to log again, and again.

6 minutes ago, BajanSleeve said:

People I KNOW what you are supposed to eat. I studied this surgery for a year. But practically I am struggling with the fact that I am one of those people whose hunger was never diminished.

I don't think you do know what to eat... I'm sorry, but if you do... than what's worse than that, is you are choosing to eat things AGAINST your plan. You should stop blaming the hunger for eating the wrong foods. You could be hungry and eat the right foods.

6 minutes ago, BajanSleeve said:

I am not an idiot. I think I keep saying that the surgery is not the easy ticket out. I am expressing disappointment however that the anticipation I had from the research I did concerning a significant decrease in hunger has not been my experience from the surgery. And yes, I was sincerely hoping and had that expectation that at LEAST I would not be feeling hunger the way I used to pre surgery and quite frankly I have had ZERO change in that regard

Again, I challenge you to think really hard about your hunger.



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I disagree about the head hunger. I have absolute real hunger, and maybe she does too. I know the difference, I can tell the difference and it does happen with this surgery. I take double the acid reducer per my surgeon and it helps some but if I don't stay on top of it, I feel like I'm starving especially before dinner.

@BajanSleeve I make everything from scratch, it's such a pain to figure out the nutritional information, I use a recipe builder on the internet, sometimes myfitnesspal my I don't like/use that app, I use baritastic but their recipe builder stinks. I love in a very rural area too, there are a lot of black bears here but I bring the dogs, but I bet it's exceptionally hot there right now. I understand how it feels to feel hungry, my surgeon assured me it would go away in a month, the next visit he said by month 2, month 2 he said "well, it just happens in 10 percent of sleeve patients" Monday is month 3. I was a huge Water drinker, I'm kinda not into it anymore but I force myself to do half my fluids as water and I'm liking it more now. The other half is Crystal light or something.

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With your insulin jumpin' all over the place and your sugars spiking I'd be amazed if you had a thimble size tummy and weren't still starving. In short, there is ZERO bariatric surgery that is going to help you. Zero. Sorry. Don't mean to harsh your mellow.

I'm only pre-diabetic with an A1c at last check of 5.3. Whah??? Yep, cuz I control it with my diet and now with exercise and it continues to go down. If I ate like you, it would not be long before my A1c was back well over my 6.9 that was when I quit low carbing for a while and started back eating SAD. It would probably be a lot higher, more toward the 8's.

I would want to sacrifice small animals and people to satisfy my ravening hunger and appetite.

So you have two choices. You can either start being part of your solution, or you can let this "magic bean surgery" help you about as much as it can/will...which may not even meet the national or international averages.

You can allow the tool to help to its capacity, but more, you have to adopt a proper diet and not that BS diabetic diet spouted by the ADA or whomever you listen to...if I were in your position, I'd get this guy's book and read it, then internalize it and live it. Within 4 days to 2 weeks you will turn your life around. Your hunger will diminish so much and start to come into alignment. And finally, you will be maximizing the opportunities provided by your new tool.

This is one of the smartest diabetologists I've ever seen. He pioneered the concept of eating to your meter, and pioneered and helped develop the home glucometer.


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1 hour ago, BajanSleeve said:

People I KNOW what you are supposed to eat. I studied this surgery for a year. But practically I am struggling with the fact that I am one of those people whose hunger was never diminished.

You aren't eating the right types of foods though. Your meals should consist of mainly Protein with some veggies, and that is what will help you feel less hungry. You don't seem to be getting what we're saying. I think that hunger is real, and I believe that you ARE hungry. But I also believe that if you would eat the right foods, instead of a bunch of carbs, then you wouldn't feel so hungry. Also, if you increase your Water intake (use Mio to give it some flavor) then you won't be as hungry either.

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18 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

With your insulin jumpin' all over the place and your sugars spiking I'd be amazed if you had a thimble size tummy and weren't still starving. In short, there is ZERO bariatric surgery that is going to help you. Zero. Sorry. Don't mean to harsh your mellow.

I'm only pre-diabetic with an A1c at last check of 5.3. Whah??? Yep, cuz I control it with my diet and now with exercise and it continues to go down. If I ate like you, it would not be long before my A1c was back well over my 6.9 that was when I quit low carbing for a while and started back eating SAD. It would probably be a lot higher, more toward the 8's.

I would want to sacrifice small animals and people to satisfy my ravening hunger and appetite.

So you have two choices. You can either start being part of your solution, or you can let this "magic bean surgery" help you about as much as it can/will...which may not even meet the national or international averages.

You can allow the tool to help to its capacity, but more, you have to adopt a proper diet and not that BS diabetic diet spouted by the ADA or whomever you listen to...if I were in your position, I'd get this guy's book and read it, then internalize it and live it. Within 4 days to 2 weeks you will turn your life around. Your hunger will diminish so much and start to come into alignment. And finally, you will be maximizing the opportunities provided by your new tool.

This is one of the smartest diabetologists I've ever seen. He pioneered the concept of eating to your meter, and pioneered and helped develop the home glucometer.



Huge amen from me! We have to kick our own ass sometimes...I am going through adjusting to my meds still and I'm 9 months out! I had no honeymoon period. It's been hellish, but I steamroll forward how bad do you want health? Bad enough pissed off enough to get in the game? Or continue to piss and moan? I am so glad I waited two years before I had surgery, I don't regret surgery and I'm 1000 percent committed to my success. No matter how long it takes.

Take an honest look at your food, write it down by hand if you have to, I log my food via bearatastic app on my phone, and never skip a day Everything that passes my lips is logged even late night snakes. I log each weight lifting exercise, cardio I have fail-safes in place meaning no excuses. I rotate from workout DVD's working out at the gym, walking out hell anything sometimes just walking in place in my room. How driven are you, and how bad do you want this?

Not enough obviously.

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2 minutes ago, Hannah83 said:

late night snakes

Where do you find the nutritional info for these? LOL!

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