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Summer 2018 Surgery Buddies: POST-OP Discussion

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Will do - I promise!!👸😪💦

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On 10/05/2018 at 09:05, Frustr8 said:

Will do - I promise!!👸😪💦
It gets better! Just give it time :)

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On 9/25/2018 at 11:24 AM, Megan Sadler said:

Carbs are stressing me out. Why are vegetables so carb loaded!! Ugh!! I can’t afford having 44 carbs, when even with high Protein it’s only got 10 grams!! And I can’t eat that much... ugh.

Bright side—I was right, my stall broke. I’m finally down to 221.2 this morning. A full lb lower than when my stall started on the 12th... so it lasted almost 2 weeks.

I hear you! But you know...Veggies have Fiber which decrement from the Carb count and reduce it by that amount. Plus they keep you REGULAR :) I've been super regular after I started my AMAZING Green smoothie for the AM.

Not sure if I posted Recipie but it's like this:

1 Cup Organic Baby Kale and Spinich Mix

1 Cup Organic Unsweet Soy milk

A dash of my Coconut Probiotic Water

1 Scoop genpro 30g Protein mix

Fresh Papaya

Frozen Blueberry OR Mango OR strawberry (I mix and match to taste) OR this AM I had Frozen Pear, banana, Lemon, Spearmint mix

And my entire One a Day chewable Bari Vitamin with 45mg Iron (I totally don't taste it in there! So its the first time since surgery I'm able to take the whole thing!)

Ice to taste

I wind up getting about 18oz of it when it's all said and done

So I blend it all up and VIOLA! Health and vitality in a delicious nutritious drink! Getting ALL my vities for the day, it keeps me FULL and it's just brimming with goodness, gut health, and nutrition and my body is like "aaaaahhhhhhh", I actually can't wait for it and crave it! That's fiber and everything good good good for me. Yes I want to loose weight, but more so I want to gain health! So since starting, my stall broke too! 238lb today, when I was teetering on 245 (oh and by the ways, I've broke my stall by going totally Vegan too :) I did that after watching the "What the Health" documentary and getting an epiphany....(more on that in a the other thread I started), but anywho, I feel great and I have had a burst of energy, and I'm walking almost 5 miles a day and doing light weights and feeling the vitality that has eluded me for so long. And the carbs, yes I have actually upped the carbs, I have a few healthy crackers, with a flavourful hummus or cashews and I think that stoked the furnace in my favor too :)

Edited by ellie123

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6 Week Post Op Doctor visit Results


I went to visit my doc yesterday. Here are my Stats

Prep Op 271

Op day 257 (lost 14lb on my own)

6 weeks out: 238 (33lb lost overall and 19lb since surgery)

Here are some high level notes from what I remember:

- He was super happy with my results, especially as a revision (10lb in the last month since I last saw him)

- I told him I went Vegan, he said GREAT!!! And that that was the healthiest thing I could do (I was expecting him to scold me for not doing an Egg for Breakfast, but he loved that I was doing a Green Smoothie instead, and said that I will be able to avoid many deficiencies this way. He said he wished more of his patients will follow this plan but the thought of it would be too off putting for most.

- I asked if I needed to see a nutritionist and he said no...you're doing all the right things (woa?)

- I asked him if there was a Macro Nutrient limit he wanted me to work with: Calories, Protein, Carb, Fat etc? His answer was NO! Keep doing what you are doing, and live life. Don't worry about tracking each macronutrient or even what you eat, listen to your body, continue eating healthy and don't stress about the numbers. In his words "you're not on a diet, this is just your new eating plan" So essentially he absorbed me of food tracking (so...I ditched my app for now anyways). If I stall for long or have issues, I may track again, but gosh, I've got so much time back in my day from not tracking. To his point too, it's no way to live. I'm about to head out to England for work (in 2 weeks), I would not easily be able to calculate stuff there, I'll have to eyeball and learn to manage it. which brings me to my next point.

- I've been cleared to travel, so I'm super SUPER nervous, what if I'm sick trans-atlantic, what if I take ill there and they don't know what to do with me...what if I get sick our naucious in front of clients (today I over did Edamame Pods, and out they came)... To mitigate my fears, I got a Portable scale on Amazon, and I will travel with it so I can stay honest.

- He stressed that a daily dose of 50g B1 was vital (My Bari multi has only 20, so I need to supplement that).

- He cleared me for all forms of workouts so yesterday I hit the weights, and I finally did some serious Stomach crunches. Felt good to exercise those muscles nicely!

- He patted me on the back and assured me I was doing awesome.

And that's about it. Not at ALL how I expected my visit to go! I expected to be scolded on Vegan choice, schooled to do more animal flesh protein, a visit with Nutritionist, him ordering a bunch of tests to check my levels of stuff etc etc. Nothing like that...go figure...

Anywho, hopefully this was helpful to you. I love to read about other peoples accounts of their doctors visits.

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PPS: Today, I'm not feeling too good at ALL. It's the time of the month where the sun don't shine! I'm buckled over in horrid cramps and I don't feel like working out or walking or ANYTHING. I want pain meds and to crawl into my recliner and sip Verbine tea and comfort myself. I suspect I'm all swollen from it, which will explain why the Edamame peas came back out. Do any of you experience extra pouch tightness during your period? My energy is super low too...I'm zeroed out! And I have not come anywhere close to my daily Water requirements. Ugh...bracing for 7 days of this mess...

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@ellie123 congrats on the great dr visit! Yesterday was 6 weeks for me and I've finally hit 20 lost since sx.

Wednesday night I ended up in the ER. I got backed and food got stuck. I was in so much pain I was shaking uncontrollably by the time we got there. Thankfully everything started moving after being there for a bit. They still had me do a CT scan. But I had one of the worst experiences with a doctor that night. He was a TOTAL jerk! He said I shouldn't have gone to the ER. After the 3rd time saying that I told him I called my surgeon first and they told me if I felt like something was stuck that I needed to go to the ER. My husband who rarely loses his temper almost lost it on this guy. When my info is available online & I can see his name I'm filing a complaint with the hospital. He was THAT bad. Even the nurses were complaining about him.

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Wednesday night was the night to start back on my RA meds so I could keep the same schedule. I wasn't able to start them because of how terrible I was feeling. Now I feel like I'm getting a cold. Ugh! I do NOT need to get sick right now. I've been trying to work back up to 50 hours a week but I've not had a week of more than 42 hours yet.

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10 minutes ago, ChellNC said:

@ellie123 congrats on the great dr visit! Yesterday was 6 weeks for me and I've finally hit 20 lost since sx.

Wednesday night I ended up in the ER. I got backed and food got stuck. I was in so much pain I was shaking uncontrollably by the time we got there. Thankfully everything started moving after being there for a bit. They still had me do a CT scan. But I had one of the worst experiences with a doctor that night. He was a TOTAL jerk! He said I shouldn't have gone to the ER. After the 3rd time saying that I told him I called my surgeon first and they told me if I felt like something was stuck that I needed to go to the ER. My husband who rarely loses his temper almost lost it on this guy. When my info is available online & I can see his name I'm filing a complaint with the hospital. He was THAT bad. Even the nurses were complaining about him.

Omg! What an insensitive jerk!!!! Makes my blood boil!!!! I was in that much pain and readmitted for 3 days too! Omg, we’ve lost almost same amount of weight and everything. I really feelfor you going through that and dealing with his judgmental self!!! Probably had a God complex, and yet would have himself been in the ER if he had a fraction of your pain!!! How are you doing and feeling now? Did they do CT with contrast? Are you on any restrictions? Do you know what food caused this. Good to know so you can avoid for a while. Feel better dear!

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Thanks @ellie123! There were a few other insensitive things he said. I'm used to dealing with constant pain so for me to hurt that bad says something. I was reading your post about your weight loss to my husband because it made me feel great that I'm on par with you. Hehe.

I did have a CT with contrast. It showed some inflammation so that probably had a lot to do with it. Also, I was struggling with Constipation. I think my system was just being stubborn. Not sure what food actually caused it all but I'm doing soft foods for a few days again. Last Friday I moved on to solids and my body must have been shocked after not having solids for 2 months.

Thanks for letting me whine.

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Shame Hurricane florence didn't wash that guy out to sea! Let the sharks have him! When you were in pain where did he expect you to go besides the ER, the Multiplex and. watch Star Wars beginning to end?
I think I once had a boss who might have been an aunt. She said " I just hate to order the Xtra large size Adult Diapers, even tome I do you girls use them all ! Sorry but that is what they were there for, we had many patients who the one-dize'fits-all,size just didn't fit. When you're large, your happy equipment should not be bound up , just because some were not verbal, it did not keep them from being uncomfortable.

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2 hours ago, ChellNC said:

Thanks @ellie123! There were a few other insensitive things he said. I'm used to dealing with constant pain so for me to hurt that bad says something. I was reading your post about your weight loss to my husband because it made me feel great that I'm on par with you. Hehe.

I did have a CT with contrast. It showed some inflammation so that probably had a lot to do with it. Also, I was struggling with Constipation. I think my system was just being stubborn. Not sure what food actually caused it all but I'm doing soft foods for a few days again. Last Friday I moved on to solids and my body must have been shocked after not having solids for 2 months.

Thanks for letting me whine.

You’re never whining! We all want and need to vent! I used to have constipation bad...but my Green smoothie full of fibrous veggies which also has Probiotics helps. Try some probiotics maybe, and up the fiber? I can’t eat spinach or kale just yet but baby kale and spinich blends right into my smoothie and my Miralax. I have seriously chugged arsenal of fleet enemas, stool softness, Miralax etc, I had them all post surgery but not needed anymore! Try it for a few days

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I had a cold this week so I never made it to the gym which kind of bums me out because I enjoy going. However, I stuck to my eating plan, which I decided would be Keto, and I lost 7lbs. This came after a 3 week stall.

I’ve noticed that some people noticed weight gain during their stall. I just sat at 251 for 3 weeks. I wonder what causes to see weight gain.

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On 10/06/2018 at 08:20, BadWolf523 said:

I had a cold this week so I never made it to the gym which kind of bums me out because I enjoy going. However, I stuck to my eating plan, which I decided would be Keto, and I lost 7lbs. This came after a 3 week stall.

I’ve noticed that some people noticed weight gain during their stall. I just sat at 251 for 3 weeks. I wonder what causes to see weight gain.
It could be a variety of benign causes when we’re only this far out. When I’m stalled, I fluctuate between 1-2lbs and just gain/lose that amount during the stall. The reasons could be being constipated, monthly cycles that cause women to retain Water, hormones, etc. Or it could be user error and they aren’t weighing themselves at the same time every day.

Sorry you have a cold! I dread the first time I get sick!

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Good morning everyone, I had RnY on 9/26 and have lost almost 30 pounds since my first weight in at the clinic. I am supposed to be on puree food at this stage of the game. I am not there. I am seeing my surgeon on Tuesday afternoon to hopefully be able to get some answers to why I am afraid to eat. I tried to go full liquids on the day I was supposed to and it took me 2 hours to finish my breakfast of coffee, 2 oz of thinned Greek yogurt, and 6 oz of Protein Shake. I know it was a bad meal as we are not supposed to drink for 30 minutes before or after we eat. The coffee was first and that was part of why it took me 2 hours to finish it all.

I had the same thing for lunch except no more coffee and even then it took me 2 hours to finish my meal.

For dinner I only finished the Protein shake. I did have Water through out the day and I also had off and on increasing and incredible back pain.

I did not sleep well Sunday night and Monday morning I had to drive myself to a class. I went back to Clear Liquids on Monday because I was hurting so badly. When I got home I had explosive diarrhea, luckily it didn’t happen until after I got out of my car.

I drank protein2o protein water with whey protein and my regular water for the day. That was the extent of my “food” for the day. I had finished the protein2o at about 7pm and went to bed at my normal bed time of about 11:30pm and then woke up at about 3:30am with what my surgeon’s nurse said could have been the dumps.

I did a day of broth and Jello and Gatorade like I had in the hospital and then tried the protein shake again. I am tolerating them well, I just have not add anything else to my diet.

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You know, iattcom , truth be known there are as many of Our slow, steady, we have the rest of life to make it to solids, let's not tax our systems as those" Nothing Fazes Me" I am 21 days ahead of you, my pouch doesn't want to progress, having EGD on October 12th, to either confirm or rule out Stricture, until then liquids are my only friend. Good news I have lost 22 pounds since surgery, Bad news, the Good Times have not started Rolling for ME.😟

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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