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So I'm very frustrated! I quit smoking 12 days ago and I'm doing the Nicorette gum. I've already gained back 3 lb of the seven I lost in the past two and a half months! I am so so so frustrated! My tentative procedure date is September 24th and I cannot gain any weight before the procedure! What do I do?



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Ugh quitting! I don't have too many words of wisdom, because i totally sucked at quitting and said I quit when I really didn't, I kept trying and failing and my surgeon thought I had quit the whole time and I didn't say anything because I didn't want to NOT have my surgery! Long story short (I feel like I'm going to get crap for this) I quit 5 days before surgery! (DON'T DO THAT LOL!) And probably had a longer recovery time, but cigarettes make me gag now and I can't imagine going back, ever! Drink lots of Water (I've quit many times before and gained and sometimes not gained) use the gum or patch for as little as possible, I used them max 5 days, then regular gum. Exercise, go to a support group or one online. Do stuff with your hands, I knit and sewed and cleaned and stay out of the kitchen. It's so hard! I smoked off and on for 20 years, quit probably 5 times, after my surgery i seriously haven't had ONE craving, not even one. It's like they re-elected my brain! Good luck, I've been there, at least you're trying.

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I feel your pain. Are you quitting bc the rule they have in place? If you're not made to quit not, bc your insurance says you have to , then I'd say, quit once you have the procedure not before. If your situation is like mine, you don't have that option. I had to pass a nicotine test for my insurance to cover my surgery and I had to b clean 6 weeks at least to pass nicotine for my insurance. I almost didn't get the surgery. When I learned that I had to quit and become a nonsmoker, I said to hell with that. I was a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker. I couldn't go an hour without a cigg and that in of itself was tough. I did it and yes, I gained a tad and was panicking bc hello, I dind't want them to think that I wasn't a good candidate for this surgery bc I was gaining each week a little . But if your doctor /surgeon is on board with you quitting, then he or she will or should understand, you are going to gain a little when you quit. But make sure they know you are quitting. Don't try to cheat the smoking thing and do it right before surgery, you could risk it being terminated... IF, if there is no nicotine test going to be done, Id say quit after surgery, that way you dont have to worry about them being hesitant bc of your weight gain. Make sense

On the smoking and quitting, its tough, its the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it CAN be done. I swear. Lots of gum. I bought straws cut them in half and used them to mimic the feeling of a cigg. I got on chantix and loads of sugar free gum. I even did therapy and I googled a ton of videos on YouTube. It helped

The key to quitting is understanding that this " I am going to die if I don't have a cigg " will pass. Just don't cave in to the urge to go and pick up a cigg. IT will pass. The addiction tells us we will die or wont' make it if we don't have a smoke, but it's a lie

I hope this information helps

I quit on July 25, 2017. I did it early bc I wanted to give myself time for relapses before surgery date Dec 11, 2017. Fortunately, I never had one

You can do this

It's been almost 11 months for me. I miss it. You will always want a cigg.

But.. the degree will pass



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Hello, fellow stop smoking friends,

I hardly post because i have been feeling like a failure...yep the stop smoking has been an issue for me also. I can say this where I have been a 2 pack a day smoker for 38 years I have managed to be able to go 2 weeks without one then I will buy a pack that pack will last 7-9 days and I will not buy another for 2 weeks ... yes I know this sounds crazy but its like if I don't a pack nearby I begin to panic and go crazy............I have just finished my last pack and have vowed not to buy another one...... I have my last pre-opt appointment with surgeon and psych eval on July 10th. the doc says we will be setting the date for bypass on that date. this whole thing has been a process sleep study, colonoscopy, stress test, heart cath to be told nothing was wrong with my heart very scary and traumatising. trying to lose weight and trying to quit smoking. taking that 2-hour drive to little rock for these appointments. plus appointments with my doc here and I haven't even had the surgery yet. I am a little high strung anyway so this proccess has been very overwhelming to say the least. but thank God i think we have finally reach the finsh line where this thing will be on a popping. It really helped my to read thes post and find out that i was not by myself .....it gives me the hope and assurance that i can do this my doctor or insurance is not saying anything about it but i dont want to go through all of this get the finish line and be cancelled because i am still smoking . hell nah not going out that way.......I had lost 7 big pounds but gain them back trying to quit smoking. I did tell my doc it is because have quit smoking and he as ok with that saying ti was more important to be a non smoker .

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6 hours ago, magpie26 said:

Ugh quitting! I don't have too many words of wisdom, because i totally sucked at quitting and said I quit when I really didn't, I kept trying and failing and my surgeon thought I had quit the whole time and I didn't say anything because I didn't want to NOT have my surgery! Long story short (I feel like I'm going to get crap for this) I quit 5 days before surgery! (DON'T DO THAT LOL!) And probably had a longer recovery time, but cigarettes make me gag now and I can't imagine going back, ever! Drink lots of Water (I've quit many times before and gained and sometimes not gained) use the gum or patch for as little as possible, I used them max 5 days, then regular gum. Exercise, go to a support group or one online. Do stuff with your hands, I knit and sewed and cleaned and stay out of the kitchen. It's so hard! I smoked off and on for 20 years, quit probably 5 times, after my surgery i seriously haven't had ONE craving, not even one. It's like they re-elected my brain! Good luck, I've been there, at least you're trying.

Thank you very much for your feedback

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1 hour ago, Toomanytacos said:

I feel your pain. Are you quitting bc the rule they have in place? If you're not made to quit not, bc your insurance says you have to , then I'd say, quit once you have the procedure not before. If your situation is like mine, you don't have that option. I had to pass a nicotine test for my insurance to cover my surgery and I had to b clean 6 weeks at least to pass nicotine for my insurance. I almost didn't get the surgery. When I learned that I had to quit and become a nonsmoker, I said to hell with that. I was a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker. I couldn't go an hour without a cigg and that in of itself was tough. I did it and yes, I gained a tad and was panicking bc hello, I dind't want them to think that I wasn't a good candidate for this surgery bc I was gaining each week a little . But if your doctor /surgeon is on board with you quitting, then he or she will or should understand, you are going to gain a little when you quit. But make sure they know you are quitting. Don't try to cheat the smoking thing and do it right before surgery, you could risk it being terminated... IF, if there is no nicotine test going to be done, Id say quit after surgery, that way you dont have to worry about them being hesitant bc of your weight gain. Make sense

On the smoking and quitting, its tough, its the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it CAN be done. I swear. Lots of gum. I bought straws cut them in half and used them to mimic the feeling of a cigg. I got on chantix and loads of sugar free gum. I even did therapy and I googled a ton of videos on YouTube. It helped

The key to quitting is understanding that this " I am going to die if I don't have a cigg " will pass. Just don't cave in to the urge to go and pick up a cigg. IT will pass. The addiction tells us we will die or wont' make it if we don't have a smoke, but it's a lie

I hope this information helps

I quit on July 25, 2017. I did it early bc I wanted to give myself time for relapses before surgery date Dec 11, 2017. Fortunately, I never had one

You can do this

It's been almost 11 months for me. I miss it. You will always want a cigg.

But.. the degree will pass



Oh my goodness thank you so much for understanding and giving me wonderfully practical advice and experience of yours. I think it is more the doctor wanted me to quit then it is the insurance and really not sure. I am psyched about being a non-smoker it's just I'm concerned about gaining weight prior to having the surgery that's all. I am doing the Nicorette gum and somebody had the nerve to tell me last night but that doesn't mean you're a non-smoker then! I could have punched him in the face LOL just kidding... Because the truth is not having a cigarette that you're inhaling is hard and getting nicotine from gum is not the same thing. But I've also cut the gum down I probablychew 4 pieces of gum a day

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1 hour ago, mandmom said:

Oh my goodness thank you so much for understanding and giving me wonderfully practical advice and experience of yours. I think it is more the doctor wanted me to quit then it is the insurance and really not sure. I am psyched about being a non-smoker it's just I'm concerned about gaining weight prior to having the surgery that's all. I am doing the Nicorette gum and somebody had the nerve to tell me last night but that doesn't mean you're a non-smoker then! I could have punched him in the face LOL just kidding... Because the truth is not having a cigarette that you're inhaling is hard and getting nicotine from gum is not the same thing. But I've also cut the gum down I probably chew 4 pieces of gum a day

Oh I completely get wanting to punch them in the p-face. Lol. Girl, I still have moments where I think, I can't do this **** anymore ( life) I need a cigg lol. Trust me, I get it. Tell me this, have you checked if your insurance requires you to quit? Ask them. Find out, if you MUST be a nonsmoker for thet doctor to do it or for your insurance to cover it. If the doctor or your insurance requires you to be a non smoker. They may do a test to see if you're really quit, which is a nicotine test or a blood test. And if so, then chewing nicorette or nicotine gum would potentially fail you. Because even though you're not getting the smoke etc, you're getting the nicotine which is a drug. Stupid huh"? Because what diff does it make if you have niotine in your system? What or how is that going to affect your surgery. But find out. My insurance did a text of nicotine an dI knew about it way before, which is why I dind't go the gum route. I did Chantix and girl, it makes you fel like you're smoking. I mean, kinda sorta. It makes you "get through" those urges bc it gives you the same feeling that nioctine does. Girl, trust me, its worth asking your doctor AND your insurance. You don't want to have quit for nothing or quit but the nicotone make you still lose in the end.. Let me know what they say, I am just curious

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12 hours ago, Toomanytacos said:

Oh I completely get wanting to punch them in the p-face. Lol. Girl, I still have moments where I think, I can't do this **** anymore ( life) I need a cigg lol. Trust me, I get it. Tell me this, have you checked if your insurance requires you to quit? Ask them. Find out, if you MUST be a nonsmoker for thet doctor to do it or for your insurance to cover it. If the doctor or your insurance requires you to be a non smoker. They may do a test to see if you're really quit, which is a nicotine test or a blood test. And if so, then chewing nicorette or nicotine gum would potentially fail you. Because even though you're not getting the smoke etc, you're getting the nicotine which is a drug. Stupid huh"? Because what diff does it make if you have niotine in your system? What or how is that going to affect your surgery. But find out. My insurance did a text of nicotine an dI knew about it way before, which is why I dind't go the gum route. I did Chantix and girl, it makes you fel like you're smoking. I mean, kinda sorta. It makes you "get through" those urges bc it gives you the same feeling that nioctine does. Girl, trust me, its worth asking your doctor AND your insurance. You don't want to have quit for nothing or quit but the nicotone make you still lose in the end.. Let me know what they say, I am just curious

That's a good idea I'm going to call my doctor's office today and ask what their my insurance is requiring me to not smoke or if it's in fact the doctor. Yeah because if I'm doing the Nicorette gum and not the cigarettes they're still nicotine in my system. Thanks for the heads up

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My doctor told me they didn't test for nicotine so that's why I kept smoking. Actually I'd buy a pack, then stop for a few days then buy a pack then smoke a few that day then say I was done and repeat the process over and over. Something in my brain post op got re-wired and I have no cravings at all, the thought of smoking makes me sick. I think if someone (actually people did do that to me) telling me that the gum or patch or chantix was still smoking I would smack them. People don't get it unless they have actually smoked, daily, for a long time. Cinnamon toothpicks sometimes work too, I chewed them here and there they were hard to find at first but I got some on Amazon and found some at a natural food place. My grandmother died of lung cancer, I even have her signature tattooed on my wrist to make me quit smoking, this surgery has really changed my life in every way

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And lol if you REALLY want to toe the line, Amazon also sells nicotine test kits. Look like a pregnancy test, I bought them because I was so paranoid I was going to be tested and did a million "cleanses". In reality I was just dumb

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19 hours ago, magpie26 said:

My doctor told me they didn't test for nicotine so that's why I kept smoking. Actually I'd buy a pack, then stop for a few days then buy a pack then smoke a few that day then say I was done and repeat the process over and over. Something in my brain post op got re-wired and I have no cravings at all, the thought of smoking makes me sick. I think if someone (actually people did do that to me) telling me that the gum or patch or chantix was still smoking I would smack them. People don't get it unless they have actually smoked, daily, for a long time. Cinnamon toothpicks sometimes work too, I chewed them here and there they were hard to find at first but I got some on Amazon and found some at a natural food place. My grandmother died of lung cancer, I even have her signature tattooed on my wrist to make me quit smoking, this surgery has really changed my life in every way

The cinnamon toothpicks sounds like a good way to go. Thanks... And by the way, the person who told me the Nicorette gum doesn't count was an ex-smoker! SMH still want to smack her in the face though LMAO

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Be very careful with your cinnamon toothpicks- Guy was just on Animal Planet "Monsters Within Me". Swallowed one, had an intestinal perforation and it wasn't PRETTY!

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Nicotine use is highly correlated with very dangerous complications after weight loss surgery. (even years after weight loss surgery)

I know ya'll don't need me to say that...you're adults.

Fact is, I miss nicotine dreadfully. I was never a smoker, but I was addicted to the gum for 10+ years.

My doctor cautioned me never to do the gum again.

I miss it. But I'm better off without it. Haven't touched it in over a year.

I feel your pain. But I'm hell bent not to endanger myself. My years of self abuse, are hopefully...behind me.

Edited by Creekimp13

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I'm gonna be a Mom here and post this..... please don't think I'm criticizing anyone's choices....just putting information out there.


Tobacco use is actually more prevalent among obese people than it is across the general population, with up to 38 percent of obese individuals being regular users of tobacco products. When you are making the choice to undergo weight loss surgery, it is time to put the tobacco products away for good. Aside from the standard health issues that smoking causes, from increasing risk of heart and lung disease to damaging the skin and posing an increased risk of cancer, smoking is a surgical risk factor.

Bariatric surgery has a rather low risk factor, with under a one percent mortality risk. Among smokers, however, that risk doubles. This means that you are twice as likely to experience serious surgical complications leading to death if you are a smoker. Smokers are 1.5 times more likely to experience non-fatal surgical risks, too. This is just part of the reason why so many weight loss surgeons mandate that smoking cessation happens at least one year prior to surgery.

Smoking increases your risk of experiencing the following surgical complications:

  • Blood clots
  • Pneumonia
  • Marginal ulcers
  • Surgical wound infection

Smokers have almost a 30 percent complication rate after weight loss surgery, which is astoundingly higher than the surgical complication rate for non-smokers.

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I quit for surgery. I think the mini-lozenges you put in your lip/gum work best and Wellbutrin. But there are lots of facets of addiction to cigarettes. I had been at only 4 ciggs a day for a year from once a pack and a half a day habit. There is the habit part (after coffee, dinner, driving, home from work, stress relief, and for me my cleaning break). The oral fixation part - I didnt have this really but my mom chewed straws for a year while quitting. Then the nicotine. I realize now that the nicotine is often the same as food and sometimes I confuse them.

My doctor scared me enough to quit for surgery and long enough for my body to be ready for it. Between pneumonia, blood clots and the lack of healing that happens from cigarettes I knew it was something that I had to do. Nicotine from the gum can cause the stomach stitches to ulcerated and cause stricture. So you must be done with them period. Also if I couldn't quit smoking, then how could I ever believe I could stick to the rules of using this tool of surgery. (You can still never lose a pound if you don't follow the rules, drink your calories etc.). I also want to be able to exercise and not have as much sagging skin as possible. Smoking really ages you and will not help with skin elasticity at all.

Think of all the money you will have someday for the cigarettes and just nibbling off of everyone's plate :) Bikini and vacation money.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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