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Taoz the rebel is home!

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So, I've officially turned rebel! My surgeon wanted me to stay at the hospital ANOTHER night and have staff discharge me Sunday morning (surgery was Wednesday morning) because I had thrown up twice back on Thursday but I dug in my heels and opted to discharge at 4pm today (had to sign a form stating it was "against surgeons advice").

I had realised both times the vomiting had happened was because I was made to go from a long period of laying down on the bed to sitting/standing upright and immediately swallowing tablets without having 5-10 minutes for any more gas to bubble out of me first. (thankfully the vomiting didn't hurt much because my tummy was pretty much empty). once I started insisting that I be upright for at least 10 minutes before swallowing any tablets I never vomited again... it just meant that for "controlled substances" like endone pain killers they had to take the tablets away with them and come back 10 minutes later for me to swallow them.

I also had to take more pain killers yesterday than I would have liked, not because of gas or incision pains, but because overnight Thurs/Fri my IV point slipped out of my vein and started pumping lots of Fluid into my arm. I had someone check the IV at 4am as my arm was feeling a bit sore, but they said it looked fine, That reassurance plus an injection of morphine not long beforehand allowed me to sleep through until I woke at 7 with my arm now REALLY swollen and throbbing. I had to keep up endone all day until the pain and swelling subsided 24 hours later. I still got 500ml oral fluids in Friday and didn't need to have a new IV put in my other arm.

I was only receiving "bariatric soups" at mealtimes which I was initially told was made with "real stock" because the aspartame in Optifast triggers nasty headaches for me, however it turned out that the "soups" were also loaded with other forms of MSG, the other major additive I told them I have to avoid because of headaches. I ate half a small bowl of scotch broth Soup at lunch yesterday, and some soup at dinner last night, and today the 24-hour MSG headache roared into gear :( so I had to alternate codeine and endone to manage the severe headache today, again not pain from the actual surgery. This left me with nothing but Water that they could supply that was "safe" for me to eat/drink, only my sugary tasting Protein waters and a little chicken broth I brought in (I tried some formulite shake but making it without a blender and crushed ice meant I just couldn't stand the texture/taste). I still got nearly a litre (4 cups) of fluids in orally today before 4pm.

I also didn't do too well with the loud call-bell buzzers jerking me out of sleep half the night, it did a number on my nerves every time, especially with those patients who liked to really LEAN on their buzzers for ages. still woke me even with ear plugs.

And I walked... I stalked up and down those hallways for days... many laps.. even made a few friends in my travels (including a lovely lady sleeved by my surgeon 18 months prior who was in recovering from skin removal operation, and who pulled me into her room for a good hour long chat).

So yeah, I tried first to see if I could get surgeons permission to leave this afternoon/evening rather than spend another interrupted night without decent food, then switched to leaving against instructions when I was told that was going to be my only option allowing me to leave today.

I am super happy to be home. Have had a little REAL soup from my freezer (cauliflower and sharp cheese made with genuine home chicken stock), had a decent shower, threw some washing in to wash (hubby will hang it up), and now sipping slowly at a stevia-sweetened Decaf mocha before bed. Feeling 10 times better already (even with the two mega loud children in the house), and the remnants of the MSG headache.

Good night all, and best wishes to you and your journey!

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Congrats that your surgery is over, but sorry you had such a rough time in the hospital. I's sure you'll improve quickly at home! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Glad you are home. You should start feeling a lot better now. I had the same issue with my IV when I had my hysterectomy. I still remember the pain and swelling.

i also get headaches from splenda and aspartame. I have my pre-op appt on Tuesday and I’ll ask my surgeon if I should pack some shakes and chicken Soup powder to take to the hospital. Surgery, 5/14. It’s getting very real.

Thanks for posting on your recovery, it really helps us pre-op folks.

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Hi everyone. My sleeve was done Thursday about 4:30-5. He also fixed hiatal hernia. Slept a lot. Icy always makes me vomit so I took one yesterday about 4pm. Now just Tylenol. As long as I’m still it doesn’t hurt as much. I am sore though. They let me go home last night around 5pm.

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I’m So jealous you got morphine! They gave me OxyContin but that makes me vomit so I wouldn’t take the full dose. They did the surgery exactly 2 days ago at this time of day. Everything considered, I’m doing pretty good. I do ya cramps but didn’t get anything for that either. I’ve only been taking Tylenol today along with anti nausea pills.
I’m very tired but find if I make myself Walk I actually feel a little better.
Last night I vomited and some dried blood came up. I have been drinking Water and Protein Drinks, very slowly. Well taoz and Baribetty, surgery is done and behind us now. Hopeful we’ll all feel better soon.
Almost forgot, I have rolling veins too so I asked them to put iv someplace else. They used a vein in my forearm and that worked really well.

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I have something new to whine about, Sharon's posting reminded me, okay?
Am I the only woman of my age or on this forum to NOT have had a hysterectomy?
My previous to current PCP every time he did a pelvic and/or Pap test made disparaging remarks about my cystocele and rectocele. Kept saying,"You ought to have that fixed" And we all can figure what he meant, he wanted me spayed in the process.
Finally after hearing this repeatedly and thinking since was a bono fide doctor, I drug myself off to the friendly neighbour gynecologist. Mine had retired,so I. had to see his replacement, Dr Prior. I'm going to speak his name because I'm sure he doesn't know of Bariatric Pal, let alone frwuent here. So here I am trussed up on his examing table like. a virgin ready for the sacrifice. So I told him what I was there for, to offer myself for a hysterectomy, if necessary. Durn fool,laughed at me while he was examining me, said if PCP thought my innards were bad he should see some of the things he'd seen. I offered myself for an uterine sacrifice and he DId not Want it. Some days you just can't win, made snide remark that unless I decided to service an entire army,camp I wouldn't get enough mileage to justify it.
Fast forward a few yeas and it's the day I met Bariatric Surgeon #1. .August,2015.
I am in his office, still,fully clothed. He tells me to lie back on his table, pushes my slacks down enough that entire abdomen is exposed and starts palpating my abdomen. Has some sort of junior doctor trailing along with him, perhaps a resident? Anyway he's prodding my belly with,his fingertips like a wayward bowl of bread dough, looks up and says Dear and what year did you have your hysterectomy? I said"I've never had a hysterectomy!" He says to junior doctor "She's gynecologically,intact, can you believe it?" Junior doctor,put half-smile on his face out of embarrassment. El Surgeio keeps muttering,to himself over and,over that phrase.Finally tells me he's through and pushes my slacks back up.
Now I admit this still shocksme, I never knew it was an entrance exam , do you not qualify,do,you have an uterus? I admit at my age. I'm not using it for,much. The gynecologist didn't want it, now the general surgeon is lusting after it? Don't make sense to me!
Then I had been having some urinary problems so went to urologist here in my town. First question they asked,me when I get in that doctor's examining room " Have you had a hysterectomy?" Now listen to,me folks, I offered my female parts to the proper specialist, he yawned in my face, said the equivalent of Thanks but No Thanks. Now all the sudden you're interested too. So I go through the ecplaination, they must not have written anything down because every time I visit they ask the same thing. About ready to tell them to give me a chair with half the seat missing, a weedwhacker,with string, plug it in, I will do myself and no body,will have to ask again. I'm feeling,inadequate still having it!😪

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I’m So jealous you got morphine! They gave me OxyContin but that makes me vomit so I wouldn’t take the full dose. They did the surgery exactly 2 days ago at this time of day. Everything considered, I’m doing pretty good. I do ya cramps but didn’t get anything for that either. I’ve only been taking Tylenol today along with anti nausea pills.
I’m very tired but find if I make myself Walk I actually feel a little better.
Last night I vomited and some dried blood came up. I have been drinking Water and Protein drinks, very slowly. Well taoz and Baribetty, surgery is done and behind us now. Hopeful we’ll all feel better soon.
Almost forgot, I have rolling veins too so I asked them to put iv someplace else. They used a vein in my forearm and that worked really well.

I know what you mean. I got a small dose oxycodone and it tasted manky. My fantastic anaesthetist gave me iv dynastat twice during the 2 post op days which is an anti inflammatory and was great for my pain without making me sick. It’s ok for the stomach luckily unlike ibuprofen and voltaren and is used during gynae surgery a lot also.

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I have something new to whine about, Sharon's posting reminded me, okay?
Am I the only woman of my age or on this forum to NOT have had a hysterectomy?
My previous to current PCP every time he did a pelvic and/or Pap test made disparaging remarks about my cystocele and rectocele. Kept saying,"You ought to have that fixed" And we all can figure what he meant, he wanted me spayed in the process.
Finally after hearing this repeatedly and thinking since was a bono fide doctor, I drug myself off to the friendly neighbour gynecologist. Mine had retired,so I. had to see his replacement, Dr Prior. I'm going to speak his name because I'm sure he doesn't know of Bariatric Pal, let alone frwuent here. So here I am trussed up on his examing table like. a virgin ready for the sacrifice. So I told him what I was there for, to offer myself for a hysterectomy, if necessary. Durn fool,laughed at me while he was examining me, said if PCP thought my innards were bad he should see some of the things he'd seen. I offered myself for an uterine sacrifice and he DId not Want it. Some days you just can't win, made snide remark that unless I decided to service an entire army,camp I wouldn't get enough mileage to justify it.
Fast forward a few yeas and it's the day I met Bariatric Surgeon #1. .August,2015.
I am in his office, still,fully clothed. He tells me to lie back on his table, pushes my slacks down enough that entire abdomen is exposed and starts palpating my abdomen. Has some sort of junior doctor trailing along with him, perhaps a resident? Anyway he's prodding my belly with,his fingertips like a wayward bowl of bread dough, looks up and says Dear and what year did you have your hysterectomy? I said"I've never had a hysterectomy!" He says to junior doctor "She's gynecologically,intact, can you believe it?" Junior doctor,put half-smile on his face out of embarrassment. El Surgeio keeps muttering,to himself over and,over that phrase.Finally tells me he's through and pushes my slacks back up.
Now I admit this still shocksme, I never knew it was an entrance exam , do you not qualify,do,you have an uterus? I admit at my age. I'm not using it for,much. The gynecologist didn't want it, now the general surgeon is lusting after it? Don't make sense to me!
Then I had been having some urinary problems so went to urologist here in my town. First question they asked,me when I get in that doctor's examining room " Have you had a hysterectomy?" Now listen to,me folks, I offered my female parts to the proper specialist, he yawned in my face, said the equivalent of Thanks but No Thanks. Now all the sudden you're interested too. So I go through the ecplaination, they must not have written anything down because every time I visit they ask the same thing. About ready to tell them to give me a chair with half the seat missing, a weedwhacker,with string, plug it in, I will do myself and no body,will have to ask again. I'm feeling,inadequate still having it![emoji25]

So I’m only 34, but I’ve definitely still got everything down there. Not planning on any kids, but not planning to get spayed either [emoji23]

HW: 311
CW: 257
SW: We’ll see on May 10!
First goal weight: 191 lbs
Second goal weight: 159 lbs
Goal weight: 142 lbs

5’6” 34 yo female in NC

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I had uterine cancer, so, not a lot of options.

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Thanks both Moongoggie and Sharon. I❤ you both for answering. You know,many of u,ahave esteem issues. Me- everything in the worl that is bad is my personal fault. But,Donald :J Trump is not my fault, that b one😡 I won't take the blame for. You might call it a missplaced sense of guilt. Yeah I like that --might keep it and,work the phrase in somewhere. Well when the doctors kept,mentioning that I feel like I had done something very wrong, like it was a "rite of passage" I had somehow missed.
I wanted not to lose it while it was still churning out hormones,now I really wouldn't care.
So,Moongoggie did you find the excerpt you were going to share with me? The one telling,WLS post diet needs and helpers.

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Taoz, congratulations on getting home, and I hope you have a smooth recovery from here on out!

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Frust8. I’m 65 and fully intact.

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I have something new to whine about, Sharon's posting reminded me, okay?
Am I the only woman of my age or on this forum to NOT have had a hysterectomy?
My previous to current PCP every time he did a pelvic and/or Pap test made disparaging remarks about my cystocele and rectocele. Kept saying,"You ought to have that fixed" And we all can figure what he meant, he wanted me spayed in the process.
Finally after hearing this repeatedly and thinking since was a bono fide doctor, I drug myself off to the friendly neighbour gynecologist. Mine had retired,so I. had to see his replacement, Dr Prior. I'm going to speak his name because I'm sure he doesn't know of Bariatric Pal, let alone frwuent here. So here I am trussed up on his examing table like. a virgin ready for the sacrifice. So I told him what I was there for, to offer myself for a hysterectomy, if necessary. Durn fool,laughed at me while he was examining me, said if PCP thought my innards were bad he should see some of the things he'd seen. I offered myself for an uterine sacrifice and he DId not Want it. Some days you just can't win, made snide remark that unless I decided to service an entire army,camp I wouldn't get enough mileage to justify it.
Fast forward a few yeas and it's the day I met Bariatric Surgeon #1. .August,2015.
I am in his office, still,fully clothed. He tells me to lie back on his table, pushes my slacks down enough that entire abdomen is exposed and starts palpating my abdomen. Has some sort of junior doctor trailing along with him, perhaps a resident? Anyway he's prodding my belly with,his fingertips like a wayward bowl of bread dough, looks up and says Dear and what year did you have your hysterectomy? I said"I've never had a hysterectomy!" He says to junior doctor "She's gynecologically,intact, can you believe it?" Junior doctor,put half-smile on his face out of embarrassment. El Surgeio keeps muttering,to himself over and,over that phrase.Finally tells me he's through and pushes my slacks back up.
Now I admit this still shocksme, I never knew it was an entrance exam , do you not qualify,do,you have an uterus? I admit at my age. I'm not using it for,much. The gynecologist didn't want it, now the general surgeon is lusting after it? Don't make sense to me!
Then I had been having some urinary problems so went to urologist here in my town. First question they asked,me when I get in that doctor's examining room " Have you had a hysterectomy?" Now listen to,me folks, I offered my female parts to the proper specialist, he yawned in my face, said the equivalent of Thanks but No Thanks. Now all the sudden you're interested too. So I go through the ecplaination, they must not have written anything down because every time I visit they ask the same thing. About ready to tell them to give me a chair with half the seat missing, a weedwhacker,with string, plug it in, I will do myself and no body,will have to ask again. I'm feeling,inadequate still having it![emoji25]

Nope! I’ve never had a hysterectomy!

HW: 225
SW: 214 (5/2/2018)
CW: 208
GW: 145

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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