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Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!

Yes Pat you are right, up to my elbows with cooking. My feet and legs hurt too! But, it's all for a good cause!

I have more to cook tomorrow or Sunday, I refuse to have it on Saturday as it is my Anniversary!

Pat - I am glad you still have it! Tee Hee! The surgery sounds awsome, I should check into it but I can't right now.

Cindy - Congrats on the new job!~

Sherry - It's in the 40's here today!

Diane - Awwww, we are glad you found us too!

Mandy - Check out the Black Friday Ads on line!

Kat - YOU need to learn to say no! Same to you, you can buy from home and pick up at the store the next day or so on the black friday ads.

Eileen - Hope you have a great day!

I know I am missing people, but I have to check my dressing in the oven before it burns. It's almost time to go and I have to get finished.

Everyone, have a great and safe holiday! Thanks for being who you are and thanks for being my friends!


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Hope everyone had a great day! With Rick's help, the things I made were not a big deal, and the day was quite pleasant....We ate, and kicked back on the sofa at my inlaws to watch the game, and next thing I knew I woke up and it was the 3rd quarter!!! I had not planned on staying that long...but I felt so much better! We left hit my DD's house, was a great time, and finished up at my folks. Now settling in, and gonna just go hit Target and Radio Shack tomorrow, but not for any HUGE deals, just finishing up some of our list.

Will catch up with y'all when we get in tomorrow!


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Hey girls, looks like I'm are the only one NOT out doing the Black Friday sales.

Turkey Day was great, we took the family and extended family (daughter in law's mom and gma) 14 of us in all, to CC, had a great time. It was relaxing, no kitchen to clean, no dishes to do, no trying to find a place to put the leftovers, LOL.

It was 76 here yesterday, 40's today, so last night the hubby and I jumped in the Corvette, put the top down and rode down to our local beach in Yorktown, then we stopped at Walmart, were we bored or what, LOL. He parked way out in the parking lot, I said aren't you going to put the top up, he said naw, it'll be ok. Well.....we're standing in the produce section and what sounded like the AC coming on was RAIN, :rain: then they announced, "if you're driving a Corvette, with the top down, it's pouring down raining", didn't know DH could run that fast.

When he got out there, there were four cars sitting around the Corvette, just to see who the idiot was who left the top down. Needless to say, we bought new bath towels for the ride home. It was still fun, not too terribly soaked.

Got the garland on the stairs yesterday, but that was about it for decorating.

Looking forward to hearing about those bargains today, lets see who got the best deal...Diane, did you get that tv?

Later girlies.



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I am home from the black friday madness. I mostly had to get price adjustments. I did my shopping last week from the ads that I had online. I did some shopping, but not much. Basically I spent what I got back in price adjustments. I did get myself a compact digital camcorder, it takes pictures, plays MP3's and does movies. $50 at wal-greens after the rebate. I also bought 2 2gb sd memory cards for $12.88 each, one for my digital picture frame and one for the camera. My local wal-greens had wrapping paper for $1.99, buy one get 2 free so I'm set for paper.

I'm off to make Breakfast, but I'm making hubby take me to cracker barrel for the Fish Fry later today. After Breakfast it's nap time, my alarm went off at 4:30am.


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I just got back from Black Friday shopping and I'll probably go out there again. My alarm went off at 4:30 am also Mandy. I went to hit Best Buy for the Tom Tom there but, the lines just to get in were rediculous and it was freezin out. Since Best Buy is at our local mall DH and I walked inside and passed Radio Shack. They weren't suppose to open until 6am but, they decided to open the doors at 5am too and they had the same Tom Tom on sale $15 more than Best Buy but, it was worth that to me instead of waiting outside in the cold for over an hour or so just to be let into the store. Who knows if they would of had them by the time I got in at least I know I have it now. I told Radio Shack they were smart to do that because they got my sale instead of Best Buy...and that was their point for opening. The poor guy was helping me and this other women kept butting in asking him questions about what I was buying...you could tell he was getting annoyed...me...well ya I thought that was rude but, I didn't get upset because I go out there on Black Friday KNOWING this is how people are. Man they get all tense don't they? I think its funny and I enjoy it. I actually got DH to get up and go with me. He'd never done that before and even he liked it. Then again we weren't in a mad hunt for anything special...if we got it great, if not no big deal is my attitude. Picked up my mom after that trip and hit the local Christmas Tree Shop. They were giving out 20% off coupons for your entire purchase...not bad since they're already pretty cheap. I purchased new LED lights for outside to replace my other lights. Saves energy and they are brighter ;) Got some cute things for the house and some gifts too saved $35 on my purchases. Oh the Tom Tom here was $119 and it's usuall $239 or so so great deal on that too.

Did I tell you folks my son was in another car accident...this time he was a passenger? He's got whiplash because they were hit from behind but my son, not thinking, watched the car as it hit them. Trip to the chiro and a neck brace...his friends insurance is going to pay for the medical bills. UGH. What a pain in the neck, literrally for my son anyway. He's still really sore but, lucky...once again. No wonder he's scared stiff to be in a car now! Cripe!

Ummmm oh Went to a new Bass Pro shop they opened up here last week. We were in that dang store for over 3 hours...beautifully decorated but, man looking at all that hunting, fishing, whatever gear booooooring! DH is good in going to stores I like so I didn't complain but, man once you seen one lure you've seen em all hahaha.

Hmmm might take another trip out there today. Doing damage on my credit card for sure UGH Hate that part! The shock of the bill is going to be worse though *sigh*. We've cut back on some things but, then ended up having more to buy for this year...certainly makes it tough. Sometimes I wish Christmas was like Thanksgiving...get together, enjoy each others company, eat then go home lol.

Pat...sounds like your Tday was a great one. One thing I missed the year we did something similar, was the leftovers. Love openface turkey sandwiches the day after :) That's on the dinner menu tonight at this house. Simple, quick and easy.

Mandy, I didn't know stores would do price adjustments on previous things bought. That's smart actually...didn't think of that but will next year. How about things that are on the special flyers....do they give you that special Black Friday price?

Well....better go see how DH is doing with the new lights. Hugs!

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Sherry, Walmart did price match the other stores door buster deals. I bought DH a playstation 2 game that Toys R' Us had for half price and walmart matched it. I also had Operation for Abi and it was $15.88, but today it was $5.88 and they refunded the difference. I got over $100 back today and didn't have to wait in line, just walked to the service desk. We decided to put in a closet organizer and the local hardware store had some of the nicer ones for 50% off today. I bought 2 as our closet is 12 foot long. We will install them later in the week. It's a huge deal to clean out a 12 foot closet.

Well I'm off to do puzzles with Abi. She's mad that she didn't get to go shopping with me today. I was home before she got out of bed, but she's still mad. ~Mandy

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Hi Kids,

I didn't go shopping today, instead I did a whole poop load of cleaning and I still have a whole poop load more to go...gosh we are slobs. We put our Christmas lights up outside yesterday, it was to warm not to. Slowly, I'll do inside and tomorrow the tree goes up. I made some Turkey salad with cranberries, apples and raisins mmmmm mmmmm. Gee I wonder why my pants are tight OY VEY.

Pat.... are you having surgery on the 3rd? is it a done deal?

Haaaaaa on Dh and the corvette... my favorite car is a 1959 corvette, red and white...dang that thing is purdy and I'm not a car person per sey....nothing impresses me lol (cept a buffet lol).

Betty, Kat, Sherry, Mandy, glad you all had a good day and got some good bargins :hug:

Well its back to the movie (Santa Clause III).

Have a wonderful night everyone ;)


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Hi Gals,

well I decided to brave the friday madness. JCPenny opened at 4:00 so I was up at 3:30am. I wanted to snag an Onedia flatware set (279.00 for 69.00!) ...success, got it! Isn't that ironic,that I finally get a decent flatware set AFTER bariatric surgery!!!!!LOL

I did also pick up an LCD tv, waited in line for 45 min. this morning to get into Target and missed the tv....came home checked the sales again, headed out to staples and got a nice tv (happy girl :).

Sherry I'm with you...seen one lure, seen 'em all. DH is a fishing fanatic! I've spent many a day at Bass Pro shop...usually wanted to go look at the clothes insted, then got depressed at that cause most of the sizes are for thinner women!!!! Sorry to hear about your son. Hope he starts feeling better soon.

Wow Pat, Dec. 3?!!!! that's quick! Is it at the HRSC? I'd love to have the results from a surgery like that! But first things first for me....gotta get this weight off!!!! I almost cried, I GAINED three pounds!!!! Didn't bother to change the ticker...too bummed. Two more weeks til first fill.

Mandy, loved the free rice link! I've forwarded it, but not until I wore myself out building up the vocab! LOL! Good luck with the closets.

Betty, Hope you have a crazy, sexy Anniversary....like some other people we know :) Seriously, hope it's a good one!!!!

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Yawwwwn...just getting up. Pooped from being up at the crack of dawn...heck it wasn't even dawn when I got up yesterday! Shopped all day but, didn't buy anything the last 4 stores I went to.Just peeked around with my mom. DH stayed home for the last 3 and put up our outside lights. Got new LED lights this year for outside to replace the other small ones we had. Better on energy and they're brighter :). We try to do what we can to conserve and recycle. My mom took the other lights home to do her house.

Not sure if anyone is interested in the BodyBugg but, it's on sale again for $249 and then they give another $20 off at checkout because you spent over $100. Welcome to 24 Hour Fitness MyStore! thats the link for the store. It saved my butt yesterday in keeping me from eating too much. It's getting really hard right now to NOT eat chocolate or salty foods because TOM is around the corner. Man do I crave that crap when TOM is coming to town. I have to say knowing how much I have to workout to burn the crap I eat, keeps me from eating it or at least from eating a full regular serving that I've done in the past. Right now sugar free Jello chocolate pudding is about what I'm willing to eat and workoff. Hell those Hershey's with almonds were calling me but, DANGGGGG the cals in those little suckers.

signgirl - I was at the mall when everyone was coming out of Penney's with bags and bags. I didn't get any flyers so I didn't know what kind of sale they were having. Looked like a good one they way the bags were coming out of there. I would of ended up buying myself too many things so I stayed out lol. Bad enough DH and I bought a new George Foreman grill the other day! Glad you found your tv. I didn't even know Staples sold them.

Mandy - Cripe, I didn't think any store would match the Black Friday prices of anyone else. That's something to know for sure. Nor did I think they'd adjust prices for things on sale that special time slot because otherwise why wouldn't someone buy the thing the week before then come back in. You'd be guaranteed you got it. I'm really suprised at that! Good for you for knowing that. I didn't buy much at Walmart sale wise except I did get that 2 quart crockpot for $3.98. I got one last year and use it all the time so went for a 2nd one and one for my single friend. Those little suckers come in handy to make Soups, smaller dishes and great to keep your mashed potatos hot for a crowd. I also make hobo Beans in mine..just the right size :)

Pat - Sounds like your DH really did try to make your day special but, you put the icing on that cake hee hee. Way to go! I think it's great and so special! Good for you can congratulations on our anniversary :rant: 39 years...that's wonderful and not seen as much these days! I got to 15 with my first one.....this one...it's til death do us part. Congrats on your appointment with your doc. You can do it girlfriend and we want pictures of those beauties when it's all done :eek: Oh yea baby....nice an perky. I know I'm going to need work when the remainder of this weight comes off. They be pretty low as it is right now lol Wet Corvette huh? Nice of those people to "watch" who was coming..people are unreal sometimes. Me I would of felt bad for the person who did it.

Betty - Are you doing anything special for you Anniversary? I hope you can take it easy and enjoy the day. It's 14 degrees here today! Geesh just a few days ago it got up to 58! That's New England though...I love it hahaha Hope you had a wonderful Holiday, I can bet they all loved all that cookin you did :)

Eileen - That turkey salad sounds so yummy! We had open face turkey sandwiches yesterday. Yummy but the guys didn't know I reduced the cals and they didn't seem to mind lol. I used Fat Free Heinz turkey gravy and Pepperidge Farm Light wheat bread...save alot of cals that way! All that cleaning....man I probably should of done that. I'll be working on that this weekend though. You'd be amazed at how many calories cleaning your house burns! lol Congrats to your DS on her karate stripe too! I used to love watching my son at his karate lessons. He got up to a brown belt with 3 stripes ...ready for his Jr. Black belt when he decided he didn't want to do it anymore. UGH. He learned the bowstaph routine but, when it came to all the workouts and extra pushing for the black belt it wasn't for him. I tried making him go but, that was useless.....when the kid decides he's done....he's done, end of story. I drove quite a ways to bring him and I wasn't putting myself through rushing around anymore if he wasn't enjoying it. He got alot out of it though....that was over 6 years ago and he still knows alot of the moves instinctively. Great tool!

Kat - Sounds like you got some needed rest Tday and that's a good thing for your body. I'm so glad it all went well for you. Did you catch your deals BlackFriday?

Cindy - Congrats on the new job...sounds like great deal all around :) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Patty - Sorry to hear you're still going through some crud. Sounds like you need your computer totally cleaned then you'll be able to use it regularly. That spyware is terrible. I have two programs on my computer to clean mine out here and there. Amazing how much crap you pick up when surfing the web.

Jetti - Hope you were able to enjoy some mashed potatos and squash on turkey day :) Are you on mushies now?

GR8 - I think you're going to love your Bodybugg when you get it. It's quite an eye opener! You've done fantastic with your band......way to go!

Well folks....time to move my butt by this time yesterday I had well over 3000 steps in hahaha. Gonna be hard to get this ARS moving today. Today is Christmas Tree decorating day. Gotta get DH to move the tree from the attic to downstairs along with the decorations. DS can't help because of his neck...he's really upset he's missing so much work too although the insurance said they'd pay him 75% of his loss wages still....work has been tough enough for him without this hassle too. He is feeling better though..still sore but, he can move around more. Back to the chiro on Monday for him. ok ......gotta gooooooooo yeap..slowly trying to get up lol


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Sing to the tune: Winter Wonderland

Lacy things -- the wife is missin',

Didn't ask -- her permission,

I'm wearin' her clothes,

Her silk pantyhose,

Walkin' 'round in women's underwear.

In the store -- there's a teddy,

Little straps -- like spaghetti,

It holds me so tight,

Like handcuffs at night,

Walkin' 'round in women's underwear.

In the office there's a guy named Melvin,

He pretends that I am Murphy Brown.

He'll say, "Are you ready?" I'll say,"Whoa, Man!"

"Let's wait until our wives are out of town!"

Later on, if you wanna,

We can dress -- like Madonna,

Put on some eyeshade,

And join the parade,

Walkin' 'round in women's underwear!

:omg: :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :omg:

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GR8 - I think you're going to love your Bodybugg when you get it. It's quite an eye opener! You've done fantastic with your band......way to go!


I can't wait -- it is suppose to be delivered 29th. I will be leaving for Nashville and Knoxville TN on Monday until the 30th - so I have to wait a day longer.

I need it -- I am up 6.4 lbs since 10-21 lowest weight right after fill.

No leaving the house on Black Friday for me - I am almost done Christmas Shopping -- I have a secret santa exchange on LBT I am still shopping for - and then those that work for me -- managing offices in the southeast? 12 men - 1 woman -- hmmmm....that's the killer one for me-- any ideas???

Have a great and relaxing weekend everyone!

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I have a secret santa exchange on LBT I am still shopping for - and then those that work for me -- managing offices in the southeast? 12 men - 1 woman -- hmmmm....that's the killer one for me-- any ideas???

For the LBT person, ho about something Boston and she sent me a cool local womans group charity cookbook. It was filled with local recipes, and so much fun.

For the people from work...I prefer to get gifts that spoil people rather than something practical. I always give Abi's teacher a gift card to blockbuster or a good restaurant. I don't want to give target or Walmart cards, no laundry soap with my gift card. I want the people to be able to do something special with my gift. Last year I bought a huge cheap bowl, added some popcorn a couple of big boxes of candy some 20 oz pops and a $25 blockbuster gc. It was movie night. They loved it, and the teachers were joking that they all wanted Abi this year for the cool Christmas gifts.

I managed to sleep almost 11 hours last night. I needed it. I went to the doc on wed and he said I have really bad bronchitis, and the beginning of pneumonia. I'm on antibiotics and cough Syrup, but still feel like poop. I'm going to attempt to put up the tree today. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Good morning/afternoon to all!

Lots of good shoppers here...I went into the mall for a while, but those lines! Ya'll are some brave women! I just walked around a little, looked for some of the doorbusters, and of course, they were sold out (it was 8 AM), and left. You guys are awesome, though...what great deals!

Congrats on your upcoming surgery, Pat! I imagine you will have all the holiday decorating done ahead of time? Or, are you just going to blow it off this year?

Eileen, your song lyrics are hilarious, and now I will have trouble listening to that song without cracking up!

Kat, you are amazing. How did you not shove that can of corn somewhere unpleasant???? You know, I would have had to ask her where the rest of the recipe was!

Patty, sorry for all the troubles. Hope things sort out for you, very soon!

Betty, it is darn cold here, right? I even saw some sleet out this morning. Good thing it isn't sticking. I have to go back out this evening one more time, to take care of the diabetic dog I'm pet sitting. His owners come home tonight.

Sherry, you were a shopping maniac, too! I just get too frustrated with the long lines. I would have done the Radio Shack deal, too. I thought about getting a Tom Tom for my DH, but I have a feeling it would actually be for me, so I'm still thinking what to get him. He mentioned an expresso machine, but I am not sure he knows how much work goes into that process. Any great ideas for DH's? What are ya'll getting yours? We're more into practical things...but he gets me much better things than I ever get him. I think they are good gifts, but then he doesn't use them, so I guess they weren't. I thought he'd use the food Saver (vacuum pack thingie), but he didn't. He said he wanted a Carhart jacket, but he never wears it. And so on....

I'll keep thinking, but if you have some good ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Gotta go...I should do something productive today.



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I too found what I went after for black Friday...all of it for the grandkids. Ended up with a new Ipod for myself, Rick wanted my Zune....so since we didn't happen to get one of them during the sale----we improvised!! I am learning it now!

I am so bored, I am not sure why. Not bored, I feel like there is something I need to do, and sitting here is not getting it done. I don't know whether it is because I need only to buy 3 more gifts and I am done--------so I feel anxious to get them done or what....but it is driving Rick nuts, he says I keep sighing---heck who knows!

Sherry so scary to hear of your son-----he sounds like Manda-she was in more than her share, and is now fine, and one of the safest drivers I know---VERY particular about her passengers! It takes her 10 minutes to put Kinsey's car seat in to her satisfaction. She insists your seat belt not only be worn of course, but will actually tell me I need to settle the belt lower or something. She will not talk on her phone, eat....nothing! She pulls over before she does anything! Possibly a bit overboard, but it comforts her, and is showing the girls good habits!

Well I guess my "boredom" is over. We have to go play chimney sweep. Could we have done it when it was light and warm out? Oh hell no! Could it wait til tomorrow? Oh hell no! Could my inlaws be more irritating to me today? Oh hell no!

Talk to you all soon!



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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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