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NJ November Thread

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Hi Kat!!!! So happy to see you are home, with your ice pack and recliner and hubby. I KNOW you are not cooking for Thanksgiving. You're not. Right? Please take as good care of yourself and you would take of us, and I'll rest easy! BIG HUG!

Hi, Eileen! WHOOPEE!!! The interview went extremely well. I was hired in about 15 minutes. In fact, I filled out the application after the interview. LOL! I begin on Dec. 3, which will be a few days of training (reading manuals and learning the state compliance laws, etc.) I believe I will even have (gasp) an office. Swear. I do not have to go to it every day...they are (pinch myself) going to send a tech guy to my house to set up a fax machine so the schools can fax most of my work to me here at home, and I can make decisions from here, and email or call them. There are 6 schools in the system, and I will coordinate the testing for all the students in those 6 schools. Because I am a retiree, I am only allowed to work 20 hours a week, and they are very flexible about how those hours are scheduled. I guess I'll learn more about this as I learn the actual job, but I do believe in blessings, and this is one. I can still pick up my DD from school, still arrange my work schedule to take her to basketball games and all that stuff...and the pay is great. I'm very excited!

Christmas "want" list: not so exciting, but I want a Kitchenaid Artisan mixer. (really...I told you it wasn't exciting but I want a mixer I don't have to hold the bowl while it works, and that has a dough hook).

DD wants a DVD/VHS player for her room. Like last year, the rest of her presents will be tickets to shows and stuff like that...or Webkinz. She's discovered that now...it is kinda fun, I have to admit!

I made cranberry sauce/relish today. Tomorrow is cornbread dressing. Wednesday is turkey. Thursday is mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, early that morning. We have to eat early in the afternoon to be done by the Cowboy game. How 'bout them Cowboys?! Finally, a good year for us.

Okay, gotta get to bed...I have a pet-sitting job that I have to start at 7AM...this job goes until this coming Saturday, and I have to go over there twice a day, and give the dog food and insulin and several pills...he's a good dog, but high maintenance!



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Well Thanksgiving is kinda crazy this year. We always ALL get together, both Rick's and my families. This year it was to be done at his Moms, and we all bring something. I am supposed to take mashed potatoes (20 lbs worth!!), and some pies. I made the pies in advance and froze them, and no one will have any idea, and Rick is handling the potatoes! BUT....my oldest DD has chosen not to go, and instead have her own dinner. With her and Ryan both being kids from divorced families, they have 4 places they feel like they are expected to go...everyone wants them to eat, and by the 2nd trip in the car the girls go to sleep and wake up grouchy....so she is staying home, and if anyone wants to see them, they can come there. So, my folks decided to hang with my DD, as did my brother. Our friends Becky & Gary who usually join us, had family decide to come in from TX, so they won't be there either. So as of now my plan is to go to the inlaws, and when everyone gets ready to watch the game I am heading to my DD's. There are other reasons---personality clashes with my DD, but I recently found out, I have a family member who just follows me around LBT reading what I say and if and when I mention family it all gets thrown in my face when we are together---immaturity at its finest!!

But no--I am NOT fixing dinner, nor hosting dinner...I refused back in the summer when I got stuck with EVERYTHING!

I have hit the black Friday shopping every year for well over a decade--we always have fun. Not sure about it this year. The bottom is supposed to drop out of our temperature and it is supposed to not go above freezing for our high--not sure I can hang with that, feeling like I do. Plus turning my head is an issue....will probably forego it this year....waaah!

Well I promised Rick I would eat something, so I guess I better go find something. Will check back with all of you after while.



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:typing: Hi Everybody!

Hey Cindy! Terriffic news about your job!!!!!!! Er, I mean Dream Job!!!! Man, my jaw was hangin' open when you said they were sending techs to your house to hook you up to be able to do a bulk of work from home!!!! :)

Kat just remember.....there's Black Friday online too ;-), And don't forget Cyber Monday! The busiest online shopping day of the year!

Well, I'm really, really trying to be good with this band. My calorie intake is not bad at all and I don't drink anything with meals (and up to 45 mins. later), but I'm at a stand still, weight-wise. Then there's thanksgiving looming large....I can't help feeling conspicuous, you know...like folks are going to be checking out what and how I eat (not used to that. after all, our friends and family know about my band, and people can't help being curious :paranoid) I have three more weeks to go of no restriction at all (before my first fill)....I think I'm having newbie-bander nervousness, lol

see ya later!!!!

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Hey Diane, it won't be as weird as you think it is. I just put on my plate what I think I can eat, which pretty much looks like a 4 year old's plate...with a healthy appetite! I choose the stuff I like the best, and make sure I have room for pumpkin pie. No, it doesn't look like everyone's plates that are piled 5 inches high, and have three rolls on the side. But that IS a good thing, right? However, I still enjoy all the same food, just in the amounts I can handle. You (and everyone else) will get used to it, and if you just don't make a big deal of it and apologize for it and stuff, you'll be amazed at how fast they all just ignore it and you after a while. No one even talks about my band anymore. Really.

I just put the cornbread dressing in the oven, so that's done. Tomorrow will be (only) 10 lbs of mashed potatoes (Kat's making me look like a light weight!), and maybe a pumpkin pie. Oh, and the turkey...lol!

Hugs to all,


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woohoo I have my 2 week post op appointment with the doctor tmrw and I cant I am hoping he tells me that I can move on to the next stage of the post op diet. this liquid crap is for the birds!!! I have been really good but I am just wanting to chew something!! And I am really nervous to see how much I really weigh!! YIKES!!!!!!

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Hey All,

Me, bad.... MIA for weeks.

The car repairs, custody battles, surgery and job loss have taken it's toll on me. I never have fun things to tell you guys. I even didn't know that Kat had surgery last weekend. What sent me over the edge was last week I casually asked the ex about plans for Thanksgiving(he has all the holidays for 2007- per our agreement). He explained that he wanted to drive all night Wed 11/21 so that the children could sleep when they arrived in Arizona in the morning thursday, bringing the kids back late Sunday. Wow, drive all night. I calmly explained that Thanksgiving - the holiday was ONE DAY. But, I have visitation this weekend. Yes, I agreed but per our agreement, you return the children on Thanksgiving night and take the children at the regular time 5:30pm on Friday. What I didn't say was Moving away one hour to Perris isn't helping the holiday shuffle. I had intended to let Dan keep the children from Thursday on but bit my tongue when his conversation turned to Arizona. I need to keep the kids in Ca, especially for Lewis and his heart. The car trip is 14hours and the Arizona house is high in the hills, where the air is much too thin for Lewis and breathing( I passsed out years ago). My ex isn't capable of planning for an medical emergency even in the best of circumstances, but I can't tell him that. He called last nite and it sounds like he has changed his plans and dinner is at his home. I am relieved. I haven't slept in days and I wanted to apologize for disappearing.

Logging on is still difficult for me because of the spyware. Please pray that 2008 is somewhat better for me. Hugs to all

Happy Thanksgiving -- my gratitude is for my friendships and my new band.

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Hi Girlies,

Diane, don't worry about the fills, you'll be fine. What I do is just close my eyes and poof, its over. But I still get the willies going even though I know it doesn't hurt...its me nature lol.

Cindy WHOOOT is right, congratulations on getting the job, and at home yet...you rock! Hey a mixer is a nice gift...practicle like me :P

Kat I'm glad your not cooking, you just rest up kiddo :)

Jessica I remember not being able to have mushies until my 3rd week and it drove me insane. At the end of my 2nd week I remember sucking on Gold Fish crackers just for freakin flavor...yes its a rough time but its worth it not to get hurt. Good luck at your visit.

Patty, good to see ya love. I don't blame you for not wanting your boys to go to Az. Especially Lewis..... just follow your gut feelings ... thats all anyone can do. Yes, I hope 2008 is a better year for you :)

Well I'm not sure if I'll be here tomorrow but I wanted to wish you all a very Blessed & HAPPY THANKSGIVING and enjoy the time with your friends and family.

Catch ya later.... taters ;)


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Happy early Turkey day all. We are prepping the fryer as I type. I have eggs on for the deviled eggs, I have sweet potato casserole and wheat rolls ready to bake in the a.m. All this and it's not even at my house. I am also making 2 glutem free pies (no crust) for my bil, he is celiac (sp?) disease. This is all new to us, as it is a new diagnosis for him. So this t-day will be slightly modified. Even though the have never attempted to modify anything for my allergy or my band. Like I said it's a holiday with the in-laws. I will be getting home early for the big black friday deals and then coming home to put up the tree. What is everyone else doing for the big weekend? Any one looking for anything great as far as deals go? I'm mostly getting price adjustments for stuff I bought this past week. ~Mandy

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Hello Everyone....Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May your turkey's be cooked to perfection and may the only thing stuffed be your bird :) hee hee


There is always, always, always something to be thankful for :)

Love you all and thank you for your support over this past year. Love my NJ chicks!

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For not cooking, my list of things I needed to bring kept growing.

So far today I have made dressing (in the fridge ready to cook tomorrow), peeled my 20 lbs of potatoes soaking in cold Water on the washing machine, cleaned and prepped broccoli and cauliflower to steam tomorrow, baked a (warning food porn to follow!!!) Paula Deen Gooey Butter Toffee Cake, and 2 caramel pecan pies, and readied veggies for a relish tray. Be nice Kathy--------I am sooooo mad at some of this family! Wait---I'll come back and tell you that someone opened a can of corn and that was her contribution...meanwhile my MIL is on the phone informing me of who all else she invited.....waking me up when she called....but SHE never requires any recovery time so why the heck should I??? Arrrgghh!!

Tomorrow will be a fun day though, I will ignore the ones I don't care to deal with, there will be plenty of others around to visit with!

I think since I managed this today I might try the Black Friday sales, will just see how it progresses...tonight I hurt like the dickens!

Rick is in his recliner behind me snoring ... LOUDLY!!! Which is fine by me, I am all for an early night!!

Hope all my favorite turkeys have a wonderful Turkey day!

I will be thinking of all of you when I cound my blessings to be thankful for tomorrow!

Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my life, I consider myself truly lucky to be blessed with you as friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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Here is a great way to help others, and have fun testing your smarts. I checked it out on snopes.com and it's the real deal.


This place donates 10 grains of rice for every word you get correct. ~Mandy

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Happy Thanksgiving Gal Pals!

Yikes, I've missed so much, I'm not even gonna try to catch up, please forgive me.

Kat, I gotta say how happy I am that you have truly been blessed, so happy to hear of the great news. Hugs girl!

Well, not to be all about me, but our anniversary was awesome. My DH took me to this very expensive restaurant called the Trellis, Diane knows about it I'm sure. The thought was great, but the restaurant was awful, it's in the heart of Williamsburg, it should be called the "tourist trap". It was loud, bright, and again totally over rated. My DH, tried so hard to make it a special night, he had someone make reservations, didn't tell me where we were going, stopped on the way at a local pub and had a cocktail, but he surely tried..:))

After we got home, he kicked back on the couch and started watching TV, so I went into the bedroom, lit candles all around the room, put on soft romantic music playing (through the ceiling speakers, surround sound), then put on the cute, black, halter style nitie, (the hell with those thong panties that came with it), then my long granny velour housecoat. Then I went out into the family room and suggested he follow me to the BR, which he was eager to do, then opened the doors and he was shocked. Well, later he said, "after 39 years, you still got it honey" :D;):whoo::heh::):eyebrows:.

As for Thanksgiving, most of you know what a great cook I am, well, buffet style dinner with all the trimmings, including a Breakfast bar will be served at 3:00, of course that will be at the local Country Club we belong to :hungry:.

I do have one other thing to announce, I probably shouldn't until it's a done deal, but, I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon on the 29th for a breast reduction/lift and surgery penciled in for Dec 3:omg:.

Sorry, about the long boring, all about me post, I try not to do that :speechles. Please forgive me.

Jessica, I didn't have munchies until week 3 as well.

Diane, give me a call when you can, you have my home number, I'll be here this AM, trying to get into the hohoho mode. The guys from work came yesterday and brought all of my Christmas decorations down from the attic, I'm so spoiled, lol.

Betty I'll bet you're just up to you elbows in cooking right now. Slow down, take a break and come play with us.

Cindy congrats on the job, my DNL would love to have a job where she can work from home. I told her it takes a lot of self discipline!

Mandy, how's your job going?

Sherry, you're such a sweetie, I share your same sentiments in your post, so DITTO to all my NJ gals.

Gina, let us know how you're doing with your bodybugg. I was going to get one, but I've read a few reviews that bummed me out, so I think I'll put it on hold for right now.

Patty, I too, wish you a happier 2008.

Not to get mushie, but you're all so much a part of my life, I feel I have been blessed to meet all of you, thanks for being part of my life. :kiss2::kiss2:

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Gobble, gobble...bonk....(quiet)...sizzle....sniff, sniff...mmmmmm Yeap turkey is in the oven hee hee

Happy Thanksgiving!

Already did my 2.5 laps around the neighborhood.....amazing how beautiful it is temperature wise here...it's 57 degrees in New England...geesh! Usually Thanksgiving day people are freezin their butts off watching the local highschool football game...not this year, they're in t-shirts! Have a great day everyone!

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I'll be thinking of each and every one of you as I give thanks today. You all have made me feel so very welcome. I feel honored to be in such good company!

A very special thanks to Pat, for introducing me to you all.

I look forward to positive changes in my life and health with my Band, and in, what I am certain will be some of the best forged friendships ever!!!:amen:

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      1. stevieoriole

        Am feeling this right now. My surgery date is 4/1. Sign the consent tomorrow. I feel like I overloaded myself with too much info, too many opinions. Got to the point where I was wondering if I should do this. Then I thought of my reasons for taking this step and that settled my nerves. Still get moments of doubt but am striving forward. Am just going to follow my book from the surgeon. Joined this because I was told by my dietician that I should do this for support

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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