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NJ November Thread

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Hello Y'all!

Well, I worked in the new job and it certainly is challenging. I am at the same place, just a different position. I still have tons of stuff to learn, but I really do like it. I am just too busy to think right now, and the last thing I want to do is be on a computer after all the stuff I am learning on one! lol

I got my grocery shopping done, but haven't done anything else today. I can't get in the mood to get busy. My house needs to be cleaned up as well as the outside! Heck, we have leaves that need to be swept up, but I just keep looking at them! lol Although, I did clean the toilets! tee hee!

Eileen - I'll take your daughter for you to class! I want to see too!

I will be cooking some things and taking them to DB house again this year. I usually cook a meal for here too, but I don't know if I will do as much this year. I keep wondering why I do all that cooking/baking and can't even enjoy all of it. So, what will I do? Probably do it anyway, I always do. Just kick me in the a$$!

Have fun at the party!

Jessica - Hope you are feeling better today!

Mandy - How is Abi today? Hope she is feeling better!

Pat - Did you get a new boat? OK, fill me in on what I missed!

Sherry - Your new toy sounds like fun, but I am not the kind of person that would keep it up. Just like all my other w/l stuff, it would end up in a corner.

Chrispy - How is the new beau doing? Hope he is the "one".

Anne - So, let us know what has been going on with you!

Cindy - How did the pizza's turn out, or was that tonight? Gosh, my brain isn't working!

Kat - Where you at? I miss your posts!

Well, going to get off here and see if I can look at stuff to be done some more! lol

The bad part is it will all be looking at me tomorrow if I don't do it today.


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Crispy.... this new fellow sounds like a keeper...its good to see you feeling so good ;) ... he's got the whole package huh naaaaaaaah naaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Lol, you caught that huh? lol As Sherry says, it's about damn time!!

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Hello Y'all!

Well, I worked in the new job and it certainly is challenging. I am at the same place, just a different position. I still have tons of stuff to learn, but I really do like it. I am just too busy to think right now, and the last thing I want to do is be on a computer after all the stuff I am learning on one! lol

Wholey crap Batman, I thought I wrote this post....had to do a double-take.

Hang in there Betty !!! ;)


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Goooood Mornin' ya'll :woot: Can ya tell I just watched my southern friend on the food Network....Paula Deane. Just love her bubbly personality and who can't smile when she's smilin' hee hee Now if I cooked like her I should just rip the band out and throw away this Bodybugg because man she LOVES butta', real mayo and DEEEEEP FRYIN' hahaha Gosh that stuff looks so yummy. Heck yesterday she deep fried a pumpkin cake...yeap dipped the baked cake in batter and deep fried it GEESH!

Sooooo lets see if I can do a bit of catching up here hmmmm

Eileen - Yeap this bugger is really keeping me in line. I have to say it's quite the eye opener :woot: ;) When all along you thought you weren't doing bad calorie wise then you see what a sit down job does to your calorie burn oh man. Lets just say I now get up from my desk and take a quick less than 5 minute walk around the building and it makes a big difference. I was never one to take breaks so I'm actually not using any time I'm not allotted. I go down 3 flights of stairs, walk the building, back up the 3 flights in less than 5 minutes and it's amazing how much it burns. I'm hooked I tell ya lol. It can be a pain when you go out to eat because that food adds up fast but, it keeps me from ordering those fried dishes I so love when I go out and other fatty things because I find myself thinking...how long will it take to burn these calories....oh yea M&M's just don't look the same lol Sounds like you're Holiday shopping already.....hmmm might have to take a peek at Amazon myself :P

Betty - Sounds like you've been pretty busy and I'm with ya on being on the computer after work. Its just so tiring after working reports all day to get back on. I have to do it for this bugg but, that's pretty quick. I do find I don't chat as much and I'm barely able to completely read everyones posts lately. Just too brain dead after the long hours. My commute is really getting to me lately too because the traffic has been so bad lately. It takes me anywhere from 1 hour to 1.5 hours to get in. That's 3 hours a day just sitting in my car UGH. Sounds like you're busy for Thanksgiving too. We're having it at my house this year with mom and her friend coming over. DH loves to make the turkey and he helps me with the rest of it too. My DM is bring the dessert and rolls so we don't have to worry about those. Glad you're liking your new job.

Mandy - How is Abi today? Is she feeling better? I hope so. How are you doing and your DH? Are you planning next years trip to Disney already? I wish I could get my son there on the offseason but, it's college next year so that's kinda out. DH is now interested in possibly going there. He didn't realize there was alot there for adults to do too. I tried to tell him but, it took going to dinner with friends last night and that guy saying he's hooked on Disney to get his attention lol

Chrispy - Hope you had a good visit with your friend yesterday :) How did it go? I'm excited about this new guy too and I'm looking forward to meeting him. Good things come in small packages:heh: yumm hahaha my bad!

Anne - Sooo glad you're back. Are you enjoying your work? I'm with you on the love/hate relationship with your band. I love mine during the day but, I have to tell ya the night burping and acid is yet again getting to me. It doesn't happen all the time but, it is happening again and now I'm wondering if I need a slight unfill yet again. Cripe....I wish we could do is ourselves! I only need like .25cc taken out but, I know if I go he'll take out more than that grrrrrrrrr. It's like talking to a wall sometimes although this last time he did listen better to me and pay more attention. Probably my file is flagged because of the last visit and me complaining he doesn't pay attention or listen to me and I always feel rushed. That's when I was going through my reflux issue. Well I had an emergency visit and the nursing staff made SURE he spend the time with me. I'm glad you're back :whoo:

Cindy - Subing and baking huh? hee hee Oh isn't getting new tires fun...bleck! I had to get them last week myself. I was putting it off until a little later this year but, found a screw in my tire and it wasn't worth paying to fix it knowing I was going to have to buy tires anyway. Sooo I had to get them sooner than I wanted. Got a good deal though buy 3 got one free. :) These tires were cheaper than those I bought 2 years ago...back then I paid over $400 and the tires were only 40K mile tires..these were $369, I get $69 back and they are 75K tires. So I won't be buying tires at the dealership anymore, rather go to this local national shop for them. Hope the grandparents tea goes well. Sounds like fun actually :)

Jetti - how are you doing with your nausciousness?(spelling of that word is so difficult lol) I hope it's gone away.

Pat - Have you got your holiday decorations started yet? Keeping the girls busy with the wrappin? I'm terrible with the wrapping and end up doing it mostly the week before Christmas. Hmmm might have to take the queue from you and Eileen and wrap as I get the stuff. Then again....only if I keep a good list because I forget what I've already bought lol

Patty - Your Eggnog recipes sounds good but, where is the egg? I love eggnog but, I won't be having any this year...DH's mom makes an awesome eggnog homemade but, man oh man the real homemade stuff is loaded with eggs and calories yipes!

Signgirl and Gr8...hello, hello and howdy do?

Hmmm DS is not happy...had the weekend off from work but,the boss just called him in for 5 hours. Cripe I'd be happy having only gotten 8 hours this week in the first place but, instead he's all upset saying he wanted the weekend off but, I told him he shouldn't refuse the hours and just go in. lol. Ohhh pardon me for having common sense in letting them know you're looking for more hours...oh wait it's suppose to be on HIS time lol. Well kiddo until you're a manager or corporate big wig ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get the hours to get the money to pay for those things you want lol. He'll get over it and I'll have a few hours for MOMMY too hee hee. DH is out on his motorcycle, yeap 42 degrees and he's riding with his friends. CRAZY to me! Too dang cold to be hanging on the back of a bike...errr no dear I can't go I have laundry to do and have to pay the bills. I wasn't lying I have my most unfavorite things to do (besides cleaning toilets) but, at least I can do them in the warmth of my own home lol. I'll be getting on the dreadmill later too. DH and I already took a walk this morning more than 3400 steps lol only 6600 more to go for the day. Amazing how many steps you take just cleaning your own house. The next time you hate cleaning your bathrooms.....lets say I burned over 500 calories cleaning 3 bathrooms last weekend :) Doesn't seem as bad hahaha. While folding laundry, I'm marching in place..it alllll counts :) It's been working too.

Hmmm I think that's it...nothing too exciting on this end. Ohhhhh DH and I went to dinner with an old friend of mine. I actually met this guy through the same dating service as my hubby and dated him a few times before my DH but, we remained good friends. We chat sometimes online and finally decided to get together again because he wanted to meet my DH. OMG him and DH totally hit it off. The old military talk started and lets just say the girls didn't get a word in edge wise hahha. After my DH said he was really glad he met him and he can understand why I liked him. I thanked him for understanding and being willing to meet him. DH said well the way I look at it you chose me and we're very happy together, why wouldn't I want to meet one of your friend. Gotta love the man. He surprised me last week too...I was having a bad day..self doubt kind of stuff...and came home to a nice bouquet of purple carnations and daisies and other flowers. Then Friday he called me at 11am and said....do you realize in 1 hour it was the day and time we first met. I had totally blanked it out because I was so busy with reports I didn't even look at the calendar to know the date I only knew it was payday, casual day and I needed to get the reports done lol. My heart melted that he remembered. It's not a wedding anniversary or birthday...but the day we first met in person. Awwwwwww the big ole' Teddy Bear certainly keeps my heart light.

Ok enough of the mushy stuff and sitting on my ars...I need to get movin' movin' movin...get this body movin' raw hide.... hee hee

Love you gals and I'll say it again...anyone ever visiting New England especially Mass or RI PLEASSSSSEEE let me know. Love ta me ya!

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Well Ms Sherry, weren't we a little long winded this morning. That Paula Dean sure pumps you up. I don't know if I liked that copper bottom, would be a beee-auch to keep clean.

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Hi all,

I did my least fave thing today. I went shopping with my MIL. She can be a real bear, but she was ok today. We shop together one day each year for Christmas. I usually have my SIL to help ease the tension, but this year it was just me and her. We did get everything bought today, so it's over until next year.

Sherry, did you know about the "bounce back" program at Disney? If you rebooked for next year while there, you got free dining again. Maybe if you called and complained that it wasn't offered they would let you book it now. We did, I'm already counting down the days. You DH sounds great, I'm sure Disney would bring out this huge romantic kid in him. I know of men that were total duds make the most romantic proposals there, it's funny how the magic happens. The good news is that since they offered the bounceback, they will have the free dining to the public again in the spring for the mid aug-Oct 1st again.

Chrispy, how is the new fellow?

Cindy, are you recovering from tea? Are you going to be subbing a bunch or just here and there? I know in our district you can work just about full time if you are a sub. Is it the same there? Are you only subing for the public school, or the private school or both? What is Haven wanting for Christmas? Abi wants anything and everything Hannah Montana. She also wants HSM stuff. I am all Hannah'd out. We are redoing her room in a rockstar theme, it's going to be cute. She says she has outgrown the Princesses, that makes me sad but I can deal with it, she is growing up. It does mean the we get to ride rides instead of waiting for autographs while in the parks.

Betty, learning a new position makes you more valuable, remind the boss of that at review time. ($$$)

Patty, how are you? Been to MK recently? Next time you go say Hi to Mickey for me.

The weather here is crappy, and it's only going to get colder everyday. I wanna live somewhere sunny. I'm freezing and it's still in the 40's.

We got an airhocky table last week and have played it a ton already. I need better pucks, any suggestions on where to get good ones?

I'm off to search out something for dinner, not sure what yet, as there isn't much in there. I didn't make it to the store yesterday. I'll go tomorrow afterwork.


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Hello Y'all!

Wow, Miss Sherry, you said a mouthfull! tee hee! I always love reading your posts. My favorite is Paula too! I love her show!

Mandy - Glad you are enjoying your new job! Yeah, I am supposed to be getting a raise soon, I don't know when though. Maybe I'll find out next week! You could come down here and warm up, it has been in the 80's for a few days!

Gina - That just sounds sinful! Wow, a doughnut isn't enough calories! I just gained 10 pounds reading about it!

Miss Pat - Have you named your new boat or did I miss it? Did you post some pictures?

Well, I can't remember chit tonight, so I am going to go kick up my feet and get some rest. My boy didn't win the nascar race, and now it's too late to win the championship too. I guess I will have to settle for 2nd!

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Betty, we bought the boat from a guy who purchased it new in Feb and decided to sell everything he owned and move to Colorado. He had named the boat "liquid Assets", I discovered it was considered bad luck to change the name, so we're going to leave it that name. So now we have a boat that we bought in January, that still has the tags hanging in the cabin, for sale. I think I mentioned this on another thread of maybe even this one, LOL.

As for a picture, my pc doesn't recognize my DVD player, so I can't download the software I need to reduce the size, so that's supposed to be fixed Monday, my tech thinks it's Vista related, it will be the third DVD player.

Boy everyone must have been busy this weekend, but me, it's been very quiet around here. Has anyone heard from Kat, hope she's ok.

Take care girlies.

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HarleyNana - Kat817 went down to Austin I think - hasn't returned yet....She was celebrating Anniversary and working on some property they have there in the area as well - if I remember right.

I miss her also!

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I had to make up for lost posting...it's not until the dang thing finally posts I realize how much I typed lol. OOpsy sorry don't mean to hog the thread page :)

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Yikes Crispy Creme bread pudding...holy calories..ummm sounds yummy though hee hee. I figure I watch the show and drool..that must burn some calories right? hahaha

Soooo how far is everyone with their Holiday Shopping? I got one person done...pretty good for me lol. Went peeking around yesterday and finally found the turtlenecks I was looking for. Love those things in the winter under my sweaters :) Then bought lamps for myself....my friend is right. I'm better off shopping online so I don't impulse buy for myself, DH or DS. I always get them too much for Christmas. Anyone else find that if they start too soon they buy too much?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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