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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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lulu - it seems it is just you and me here...was it something I said???:thumbdown:

i guess - i'm a slave to the house today waiting on AC guy/direct TV & a fed exp pckg for DH that needs signed.

that' and a pile of laundry that gets attention when not on the laptop:)

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I have seen an emergency vehicle just push a car that was sitting in the emergency lane out of the way.

Good for them! I always want to do that too but I'm in my truck! It's tall enough tho that I probably could "Monster Truck" somebody w/out too much, if any, damage to my beast! LOL!!! Does always make me happy to just think about it!

PJTP-I am not sure what DS is buttering me up for, but he told me that I look pretty good. He even mentioned that I looked thinner. It made me feel good because of a little situation from Friday where a mean spirited "Christian" woman (I used the quotes because she is one of those PG Christians that turn you off religion)that I work with on occasion told me that I needed to go on a diet. WTF??? :thumbdown:

You'll have to let us know if DS does have another agenda! But it was nice of him to compliment you!

And I see no problem with a "virtual" slap to your co-worker! LOL! Just picture the whole thing in your head. It'll make you feel better. My "monster truck" dreams always make me feel better! LOL!

Okay, think I need more sleep!

I bet that did make you feel good.

I can empathise with you about the "well meaning" woman.

g4e, in all honesty, I'm not sure she meant it that way. I know how it sounded but she probably meant well, it just didn't come out well. She should've thought about it first. I hate thoughtless acts of speaking.

Morning everyone! As I type there is an alarm on the server going - a high pitched squealing alarm. And of course, the helpline isn't responding...I'm going insane listening to it, and if someone doesn't respond soon to my messages, I am going to unplug the d*** thing!

Has it stopped yet? Yikes! I think I'd unplug it too!

And the ice cream sandwiches and Cookies went over VERY well! I made some of the cookies into sandwiches and left the other cookies plain so they could do both, neither, or....

I'm so NOT a baker. Love to cook but not really bake. So I experiment on the crew when I get a bug to bake something! It keeps me from eating all but maybe one and DH doesn't need to be eating it all and DD would eat it all if I let her! LOL! Better to just bake it off and get it out of the house to those who have the metabolism to process it! LOL!

heartfire - hope the pup is doing better today.

Lu, she's doing great now. Back to her old self. Thank you!

lulu - it seems it is just you and me here...was it something I said???:crying:

Nope, I'm here too. Just checking in before we head out for the day.

PJTP: If DH ever gets his butt back home, we're going for a hike today. I was thinking in the Park but it's getting later and later so we'll probably do a shorter one just up the hill from us. Still a nice hike but I was looking forward to the longer one. Guess I'm going to have to play "mommy" again and call him to see if he plans on coming home anytime soon! He had to run up to the station to talk to his co-captain. I swear both of 'em are worse than women! UGH!!!! He left before 8 and it's now nearing 10!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

Well, I'm off. Have a wonderful day all! TTFN!

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PJTP: After playing telephone tag since last Wednesday or Thursday, finally got hooked up with an eating disorder therapist and have an appointment on Wednesday at 7:30! YAY... I think... lol

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I go onto Craigslist on the job board I check daily and guess what? Remember the attorney who asked me to come in and interview with him, who never contacted me back even after I called once and e-mailed asking if he had made a decision? Well, there's a job posting right there for his office looking for a part-time legal assistant.

I just called the office to inquire, asking that he contact me back about this. I'm not sure if he thought I only wanted full-time and once he realized he needed a part-time person just figured I wouldn't be interested or if I wasn't the fit he thought I might be. I just called and talked to the girl who's leaving to get her to find out for me. If I'm not a good fit, that's fine -- I'd rather know. But if he's paying decent even for part-time, I might be able to ramp up my classes and get more hours in there.

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PJTP...back from vacation and trying HARD to catch up!:biggrin:

No word on the job yet - nothing before I went on vacation, nothing today, though I did email them this morning...:thumbdown:

In no particular order...

Beth - so sorry to hear about the sunburn - got one in Florida a few years ago. So much for black people don't sunburn!:glare: Glad you had no problems with the Biter (bad dog) and very jealous of the Vette driving. DH wants a Vette bad - says he'd even let me drive once in a while (yeah, right!)

SMS - sorry you are having job issues with co workers who are jealous of your happiness with your sweetie. Don't let it go to far - I agree you should nip it in the bud. Had similar issues when I worked with my 1st DH - female coworkers that wouldn't give him the time of day all of a sudden wanted to flirt...grrr! :cursing: Same issue, but different hoes - er - women with my current DH. When they get to work parties and have a couple of drinks, their 'sober' thoughts appear and they have no trouble trying to live out their Mandingo fantasies with my DH! :angry::cursing::angry::cursing:

Heartfire - the herb growing sounds wonderful - wish I had a spot to do that in my yard. Good news about the repair to the truck! :crying: Sorry your Migraines were giving you trouble, but glad that's subsided. I agree with you on the driveway idiots...sometimes they block my driveway beside my house - even though by NOW they should KNOW someone lives there and USES the driveway!:cursing: Nice to know your dog is feeling better too...hate with the furbabies are sick...

Plain - welcome back from your vacation! :biggrin:

Glouc - need help with the impending beatdown of the jealous co-worker? I'm available most weekends...:glare:

G4E - wonderful news that you are finding relief with the chiropractor, and you're following his orders. I think you should pursue the legal cause of action...hope all goes in YOUR favor!

Tap - dealing with test cheaters is so heinous...had a similar issue once when I worked in Internal Medicine. The guy was obviously copying off another med student's paper, and we made him move - twice! We informed his program director and let HIM deal with it.

Lulu - the mac and cheese sounds awesome - I probably would substitute another kind of cheese, but I really gotta make that someday soon! :wub:

Kate - glad the guardian angels that ride with motorcyclists were watching out for your DH - that must have been SO scary! I don't think I could have kept the bike up...and Im so glad he's doing okay. Sad about the deer, but...

Ceradad - agree with you totally regarding honoring law enforcement and soldiers. Actually, most people in a official capacity get much respect from me, until they prove they're not deserving. One of my first 'crushes' was on an officer who worked with a local youth program I was a part of...still remember him fondly - Officer MacDonald...

Something that infuriated me was when the first local soldiers came home to be buried from the Iraq war, there were protesters across the street from some of the funerals. They even disrupted a couple of funeral processions because they were against the WAR. A group of veterans and their wives, me and my DH among them, formed barrier lines around a few of the local funerals after that - and we DARED those idiots to come NEAR the grieving families. We were ready to kick butt - and we sang so loudly that they couldn't hear the idiot protesters yelling...what a bunch of a**es! :cursing:

Babygrl - too funny about the ticket - think I'd pay that one cheerfully too! :cool2:

The end of my week in Florida was wonderful - DD and I left a couple of days early and stopped over in VA to ask about additional help for the college bills...sorry I missed you, Beth! No help immediately forthcoming, so the plan is now for her to attend community college for a year and transfer. Ended our vacation in NYC - she was supposed to meet up with her youth NAACP group, but we were off by a day, so we came home and then sent her back up on the train on Sunday.

Back at work...still no word about the job, but I've put my name in for three more...can't wait around until I get a definate answer from SOMEONE!

DD is gone in NYC until Thursday, so DH and I are pretending that we're young marrieds with no kids for a few days :wub::wub::tt2::tt2::wub::wub:

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Hi everyone! I hope that everyone is doing well. It was pretty busy at work today, so I wasn't able to get on here to check in.

Beth-I hope that you get some good news on the job front.

heartfire-I am glad that your DDog is much better.

tap-I hope that the alarm went off very soon after you posted about it. I don't think I could just sit there and listen to it. I would have unplugged it.

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I have a question for y'all.

What do you do when you receive email from someone you seriously do NOT want mail from? As is my DH's psycho ex? She latched onto an email address from something I sent to my DIL, who obviously does not clean up her email before forwarding it. I know it is where it come from because his ex sent it on to several of my contacts. She is seriously mentally imbalanced, and it takes a twist to where she talks to God and works for him in a daily basis. She prays outside naked....tries to baptise people in the grocery store.....and has been in psych lock up many times. She is forwarding us all kinds of junk. Some personal email, but not a lot so figure just block her.......right?

Then I am getting mail, all personal, letters of a sort, asking me all kinds of questions, relating to the band, but also trying to "befriend" me, for lack of a better word, from an extended family member. I have no issues with her, I simply do not have the time, or desire to do the back and forth she is looking for, and I do not want to upset the family member that puts us together.......

And lastly, on FB---a neighbor who I find really creepy keeps sending messages through mutual friends that I am ignoring his friend request....

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**mac/cheese - my mom hates blue cheese, so when i make it for her i either use gruyere (swiss type) or smoked gouda.** - forgot i add an egg to the mix. i'm bad w/recps as i cook on the fly.

ok have a pjtp - neighbor. ** disclosure - i have no kids**

we are not overly close but talk several times a wk - she has older boys, and a 6yr old girl. one of my labs goes to visit her dogs via the pond that connects our 2 properties. we are 67 acres apart - so not kissing cousins.

my gripe - her daughter. VERY rude.

the minute her mom and i talk - she starts crying or pulling on 'mom', interrupts the conversation or starts climbing on my truck and jumping up/down on it.

mom says nothing. 2 wks ago she got in front of her mom who was talking to me through my truck window and she grabbed onto the window and was just hanging.

i told her to get down when i heard "crush". sure enough the window broke inside the panel - $400 to fix. said nothing.

come out of their home last wk - same brat is hanging on the back window - window breaks again inside the pannel - another $400.

yesterday - i went to go fetch my lab, they were all in the pool, when said brat starting screaming - i told her to hush DQ. she asked what i meant by DQ i said DRAMA QUEEN. your mother and i are talking.

mom wasn't happy w/me at all - but damn....check your kid or shall i say write me a check.

so for the parents out there - and i know this mom knows what this kid did each time to the windows as it's hard not to heard glass break - this mom does NOTHING, to correct this girl. how else do i handle??? as we WILL interface all the time as our dogs go back/forth & i have no intention of moving anytime soon....??

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Kat-I say block the crazy ex. I am not sure what to tell you with the letters. I would continue to ignore the creepy neighbor.

Luluc-first, I wouldn't let my child behave that way. If something happened to your vehicle, I would have offered to pay for the damages. I sure as heck (as a parent)would not have sat around and allowed it to happen again. She does need to check the child. If she doesn't want other people to do it, then she needs to get the little bugger in line.

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**mac/cheese - my mom hates blue cheese, so when i make it for her i either use gruyere (swiss type) or smoked gouda.** - forgot i add an egg to the mix. i'm bad w/recps as i cook on the fly.

ok have a pjtp - neighbor. ** disclosure - i have no kids**

we are not overly close but talk several times a wk - she has older boys, and a 6yr old girl. one of my labs goes to visit her dogs via the pond that connects our 2 properties. we are 67 acres apart - so not kissing cousins.

my gripe - her daughter. VERY rude.

the minute her mom and i talk - she starts crying or pulling on 'mom', interrupts the conversation or starts climbing on my truck and jumping up/down on it.

mom says nothing. 2 wks ago she got in front of her mom who was talking to me through my truck window and she grabbed onto the window and was just hanging.

i told her to get down when i heard "crush". sure enough the window broke inside the panel - $400 to fix. said nothing.

come out of their home last wk - same brat is hanging on the back window - window breaks again inside the pannel - another $400.

yesterday - i went to go fetch my lab, they were all in the pool, when said brat starting screaming - i told her to hush DQ. she asked what i meant by DQ i said DRAMA QUEEN. your mother and i are talking.

mom wasn't happy w/me at all - but damn....check your kid or shall i say write me a check.

so for the parents out there - and i know this mom knows what this kid did each time to the windows as it's hard not to heard glass break - this mom does NOTHING, to correct this girl. how else do i handle??? as we WILL interface all the time as our dogs go back/forth & i have no intention of moving anytime soon....??

So this stupid woman's BRAT breaks two windows on your truck and says nothing, does nothing to offer to pay for it??? Are you serious??

I don't know how good your friendship is, but anytime her child comes near your truck (or anything else that is breakable) I would tell her very loudly to get away from it because she is getting to be very expensive for you since her mother does not take responsibility for her daughter's actions. :thumbdown:

If mom gets pissed, I'd tell her tough crap -- it's apparent that her "parenting" is very much lacking since the child has NO manners, NO boundaries, and she is allowed to harm other people's property. Stupid woman... I HATE parents like that.

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kat - i'm good w/non kid issues, i would block the EX & neighbor.

DH and i moved 1.5hrs away from his EX on purpose - FB requests, i ignore unless i know you.

re - truck, if DH knew that neighbors daughter broke both windows he'd have an f'in FIT. he tried to fix the second window last wk, 105 degrees sweating his ass off .... but it too ended up at the dealership.

if he ever reads this my ooops i'm DEAD...LOL

while i have no kids - i'm aunt to MANY.

every summer my nieces/nephews come to TX to ride horses/play - escape....let my brothers and their wives have down time. i get to be a parent 10 days a yr.

but my my brothers lay down the law that what aunt lu says - consider it the law as if coming from them.

what's odd is - i have access to her (neighbors) gate codes & likewise. when i went over there today, when my lab was out wondering....she changed them. fine i can do the same, but really it's that easy than actually parenting???

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Hi everyone! Drive by posting just to peak in and see what is going on.

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while i have no kids - i'm aunt to MANY.

every summer my nieces/nephews come to TX to ride horses/play - escape....let my brothers and their wives have down time. i get to be a parent 10 days a yr.

but my my brothers lay down the law that what aunt lu says - consider it the law as if coming from them.

what's odd is - i have access to her (neighbors) gate codes & likewise. when i went over there today, when my lab was out wondering....she changed them. fine i can do the same, but really it's that easy than actually parenting???

Your neighbor sounds like a real piece of work. Rather than parenting her child, she is acting as though you are in the wrong. She is in for a rude awakening (both mother and child). That child is going to cross the wrong person. The child is going to write a check that her mother's butt can't cash. When I was growing up, you didn't talk while the adults were talking. My aunts and uncles could whip my behind just as well as my mom (some of my older cousins could too:crying:). They just didn't play that stuff. I am trying to train mine the same way that I was trained.:thumbdown:

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LU - I would have to do some serious deep breathing. I think next time your truck is in the vicinity of the brat (now I love children - but she is an uncontrolled brat) you should immediately say in a very matter of fact manner that she is not to touch your vehicle until she can learn to treat other's property with respect and pay for damages she causes - then go on talking to her mother without dropping a beat.

I wonder if the mother is secretly hoping that either 1) no real damage was caused and she doesn't want to ask in case there was or 2) she knows there was damage and sneakily thinks that unless you tell her she doesn't have to do anything. Both of which go along with her defensive stance recently.

Although there are many times when very good parents do all the right things and kids just go through bad times (sometimes those times last for years :thumbdown:) but that girl is probably just like her mama in more ways than one.

My nephews know that what I say goes, even if their parents are around.

Good Luck!

BTW - I think I like it here and will post more often.

Edited by kcmagu

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BTW - I think I like it here and will post more often.


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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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