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Tap, as I am biased about the disrespect shown to the police in our society today, it is nice to see the honest show of respect you show in your concern over these officers. Thank you.

To the officer who gave his life, he will always be remembered by all his brethen in arms. His partner showed just how much we care for each other. I will keep her in my prayers for a full recovery. Also, prayers to for the families of both officers.

Unfortunately, it has become "cool" in our society to disrespect the police. People only think of the bad ones that get in the news. They do not consider the officers that put their lives on the line each and every second of the day. Even the most mundane duty can change in a second and become a life or death ordeal. How many jobs are there that can say that?

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* beth, DH had a corvette for yrs - he sold it when we moved to the country because our driveway is a dirt road essentially....have fun in OC, use to spend my summers there as a kid - is phillips restaurant still open???

* kat, VERY grateful your DH is all ok, how scary. the bike can always be fixed!

* heartfire, i know what your going through. my golden is on insulin shots twice a day & w/the heat she barely lifts her head up off the cold tile most days. i'm just managing her health till the vet says it's time - right now it's not.

sorry your dealing w/it - pets can just crush ya when sick or when you have to put them down (sorry beth).

* 105 weather, suppose to get to 110 today.....nobody is foolish to run or do much after noon time. i've just come in from mowing several acres - jumped in the pool and it wasn't even refreshing.

* mac/cheese. NOT low cal:

1.5lb med shells

1c cream

half stick butter

1c blue cheese

1.5lb pancetta

1c panko breadcrums

boil & cook Pasta, dice up pancetta & saute' till crisp - remove, add butter & cream (s&p) to cooked/drain pasta, fold in blue cheese - add to baking dish. breadcrumbs on top then bake 375 @25mins.

you can modify anyway - good news, could only eat 4 bites.

* taps, that is just disguting invading a procession like that. you will get a ticket in TX if you interrupt a funeral at any stage where there is a police escort.

your right - your day, better than the policemans family. very sad.

*think this was my longest post - LOL, have a good wkend all*

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re:funerals-I don't understand why people are so disrespectful to funeral processions. We had a long time family friend, he was a police officer, that died in the line of duty a few years back. I could not believe the number of people that drove through the procession (some even got into the lane with us!). I don't know if we have any laws concerning funeral processions, but I was always taught that you pull over to the side of the street out of respect and let the full process pass (no matter which side of the street you were on). We didn't have a problem with the people trying to cut through the honor guard in front of the church, but the procession was just ruined.

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I've been migraining a lot the last few days again. Tonight seems okay. Thank GOD!

I am so sorry heart that your Migraines are getting more frequent. I hate when I get them. I started getting them when I started menopause. I hope you get better real soon. thoughts and prayers are with you.

Worried about my dog. She was fine this AM but tonight, not so much. Won't come in the house unless I call her, head/tail/ears down. I pet her, offer her a biscuit and she turns her back on me and goes back outside to lay down! I finally got her to eat one after taking it outside but she wouldn't take it from me. She only took it after I set it down for her. She's really off tonight. Oh and a friend came by to pick some veggies up and she NEVER BARKED or came in the house to see her!!!!!

so sad about your baby. I hope that she is better. Pets are our family too. I just wonder how people treat their families when they abuse their pets. not a pretty picture. Prayers for your pup also.

*g4e, so sorry your day was so hard w/the new co-worker! Best wishes with the lawyer thing. That is SO wrong what the ER did!

Thanks. I haven't heard back from the lawyer yet to set an appointment. Hopefully I will know something Monday.

Kat, glad hubby is alright. Praise God.

Beth - What a beautiful vehicle. I'm with you - just the car, not the obligations please!

yes keep the car!

Heartfire - Hope your dog is ok. Re: the driveway...you have no idea how many people somehow believe it is communal property. There is a school bus pick up close by, and during the school year parents would drive into my driveway and wait for the bus. On one memorable occasion, I politely asked the driver to move as she was blocking MY car from getting out, and she launched into a tirade about my selfishness, etc. After that, DH and I parked the cars to prevent people from entering either part of the driveway, but it is such a pain to do that. And besides, I shouldn't HAVE to!

I agree with you. You shouldn't have to block YOUR driveway to keep people out. My thing is people will park in front of my driveway if there is a party going on in the neighborhood. Drives me crazy. If I want to leave/pull in I have to find out who is having the party and who is driving the car and have them move it. It has happened several times. I wouldn't mind if I don't need to go anywhere or am returning. There is enough road to park on. Walk the extra few steps to the party.

Lulu - The mac and cheese sounds decadently delicious. The 105 degrees outside though sounds sorta HOT...surely people don't go running or other silly things in that kind of weather?!?

I'm not a blue cheese person. So I would change the cheese. But it does sound yummy.

To cap the day yesterday: my office window looks over to the city's basilica and I spent some time watching the funeral (or at least watching the church grounds where video was set up and hundreds of other people were participating outside) for a local police officer killed in the line of duty. At the end of the service when the casket was being brought out, the various police force officers stood should to shoulder along both sides of the sidewalk as an honor guard. I was astounded/ angered/ appalled/ disgusted by the number of people walking in front of the church who would push between the officers and cross to the other side of the sidewalk - just because they had somewhere to go in a hurry. Such disrespect! Then when the assorted marchers and bagpipers and motorcycle escort etc were leading the hearse and family cars to the cemetery (all roads were closed to traffic for this), there were people who didn't think they were moving fast enough I guess, and would again cut in front of the procession, barge through with their shopping carts, bicycles, strollers...Every one of those people should have been glad that I was in a tower and not on ground level or I think there would have been some serious bodily injured inflicted by me - and I am a peace-loving pacifist!!

Where is respect and common decency? It doesn't matter who the service was for, you should always should respect for a service for the deceased...that it was for a police officer killed in the line of duty protecting the likes of these people was just adding insult. The common element - from the vantage point I had, I could see that they were all 'young' (to me) people - late teens, early 20's...

The most touching moment - the police officer's partner who was badly injured in the same event, was brought by ambulance from the hospital to attend the service on a stretcher bed; the ambulance then also formed part of the procession. It was reported in the news that a trauma physician, a nurse and a respirologist volunteered their time to escort the officer as her medical condition was somewhat precarious and she was adamant she was going - with or against medical advice.

I had an unpleasant day; the officer's family had a worse one. So, I got over it.

This made me cry inside. I know quite a few of our finest. I knew one that got killed a few yrs. ago. Most officers are on the up and up. They are caring and freindly. But unfortunatley we hear about the bad ones. There is one particular "pig" who is really a pig here. I can't stand him. When I had managed this one store on the S. end of town he used to come in there and start his crap. Chovanistic pig, fowel mouthed and would talk dirty about female customers. he would try to get the cashiers to "do him favors" if he knew they had to go to court for something. He "could make it go away". I let him know I didn't like the way he talked and needed to staighten up. I made sure along with any other female cashier that when he came in there would always be someone else in there with us. so we always had witnesses as to what was said. he almost always came about the same time. So that made it easy. Most of the S. precinct hung out at my store. But the store had a nickname for a reason. Murder row. There had been 3 murders in that store, after the 3rd one they put up a cage and bullet proof glass.I am with you about showing respect at a funeral. Pull over and wait. I am not in that big of a hurry to disrespect the one being buried. IMHO military, officers, firefighters are true heroes.

I am so happy that I still have internet and phone.:confused: But Fri. was the due date. Maybe I will have it until Tuesday. If so then I can get a converter box and have TV at least. I have been with out satallite for 3 weeks now. I know I will go crazy without all 3 of them! LOL:blink:

I am being a good girl. I am following the chiropracters orders and it along with the pain meda are making a big difference.:ohmy: I still hurt but most of the time it is isn't unbearable like it was before. So I am thrilled!

Everyone have a great weekend, be safe and God bless you all.

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Sad to say, but there simply isn't much respect for funerals in general anymore, and as for the young people pushing through----you have to wonder how they were raised!

My DD has been taken to funerals of family and friends as need be since she was young. When she was born she had 6 grandmothers and 4 grandgfathers within a 15 mile radius (with no divorce in there---just lots of great grandparents!). The attention she received was wonderful, the down side was she lost them all as she was growing up. She was never forced to go---but she was taken, and she learned from each and every one...and now she someone she knows passes, or the relative of someone she knows, she attends the services out of respect for the remaining family. Her ex husband, was not allowed to attend his one grandmothers funeral as it would be too emotional for a kid, and when they were married, he refused to attend ANY funeral. Well he works with my DH, and they had a guy killed on a joblast year, and he had work related obligations to go to....he freaked out. He wore his work issued shirt----he had no clue what to do, how to act, what to wear---anything! My DH said he was so nervous through it (the ex SIL) that he was borderline giggling through it all. We knew where it was coming from----he was never taught much of anything, and at almost 30 years old he was attending his first funeral!

Would he have done the things you saw them doing? Without a question----NOTHING is as important as what HE is doing. NOTHING that makes him uncomfortable is worth doing anyway. He knows this, his Mommy and Daddy told him so!

DH's leg is purple and black. But no broken bones or anything. He said it looked like the deer broke her neck hitting him---she was still in the median of the highway. Still find myself looking at him and thanking my lucky stars he is still here! Thanks for the well wishes!

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Personally I would like to thank the police officer who wrote me a ticket last week....

She listed my weight on the ticket well over 50 pounds less than I actually weigh. I don't mind paying it so much any more.

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UPDATE: DDog is doing much better today. We'll monitor her over the weekend and if she's not 100% she'll go see the vet next week. I think she ended up hurting her self somehow while we were gone to the pool b/c she was FINE before we left. Thank you all for your best wishes and thoughts. I appreciate it.

*Beth, I'm so sorry about your mom's dog. I certainly know how she feels. We put our last cat down 3 yrs ago and our other dog down 6 yrs ago. Before that, there have been numerous others. Doesn't seem to stop us from getting more tho.

*Kat, soooooo glad DH is okay! I nearly tagged a dear yesterday on the way to the pool but we were in the blue beast so the deer would've definitely lost that one! I was able to get the truck stopped but barely. Deer directly in front of my grill when I stopped. They're thick up here. Which in a way is bad b/c the herd isn't healthy when there are so many.

*Tap, have you tried "private property," "no trespassing," and "no turn around" signs? I don't know if that would work or not but maybe for most people it would. Probably not the "F" man from yesterday tho!

I was always taught to respect funerals, processions and the cemeteries. I don't know how many times I've seen people step on markers in the cemetery. You just DON'T do that!

What strength his partner has in making such a huge effort to get to the funeral! I hope she can make a full recovery. Tho she will have a lot of head stuff to deal with, I hope she can do just that and deal with it well.

*Ceradad, I don't understand the disrespect against officers either. And I'm seeing it against firefighters and ambulance too. Just the other day, DH was going code 3 to a fire and he was passed on a winding road over a double yellow!!! And no one ever pulls over for lights and sirens anymore! I almost got rear-ended by a guy b/c I was pulling off, he was pissed at me for doing that and went into the other lane to go around me. Oncoming was an ambulance going code 3!!!! HELLO!!!!!

*Oh Lu, your poor golden! Our last dog had terminal cancer and we had to make the quality/quantity of life decision. It's awful. My heart breaks for you.

Thanks for the recipe! Yummm!

*Hi Slim!

*g4e, I'm so glad your pain seems to be improved! At least to the point that you can manage it better. My prayers are with you that you can find some true relief soon!

*babygirl, LOL! on the ticket! Too funny!

PJTP, Migraine clusters seem to be gone for now. Thank GOD!

DH had a horrible call right before lunch today. A 10 yr old drowned at the lake. His mom almost drowned too. They managed to get her back and flew her out but she's still iffy. They couldn't get the kid back.

DH has got a brand new firefighter this summer. She's only been working a couple of weeks. And she's young. We'll see how she handles this. DH will keep an eye on her and the others today/night to make sure everyone is dealing okay. If not, he'll call for help for them. Chief will probably make an appearance later to check on them all too.

DD and I made Cookies this AM with the thought of taking them up tonight but it's up to the crew if they want a boisterous 3yr on their midst after today.

This call today follows on the heals of another drowning a couple of weeks ago. This time a 14 yr old at the falls. DH didn't have that call but some of his guys did. Not a good run right now! Very sad.

Well, on that note, I'm going to go turn some of those cookies into ice cream sandwiches for the crew. BBL

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It makes me so mad when people are driving and don't pull over for emergency vehicles and yet I don't think they would think twice about complaining if they were in need of emergency help and it was delayed.

I have been blessed several times with taking care of an officer injured in the line of duty in our ICU. It truly is an honor to care for those who put their life on the line every time they go on shift - not because they have to or it pays the bills - but because they choose to.

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I heartily agree. It takes a special type of person to put their lives on the line to help others whether that is police, fire fighters, or military. I am grateful to all of them.

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It makes me so mad when people are driving and don't pull over for emergency vehicles and yet I don't think they would think twice about complaining if they were in need of emergency help and it was delayed.

I have been blessed several times with taking care of an officer injured in the line of duty in our ICU. It truly is an honor to care for those who put their life on the line every time they go on shift - not because they have to or it pays the bills - but because they choose to.

I have seen an emergency vehicle just push a car that was sitting in the emergency lane out of the way.

I LOVE that. I wish more emergency vehicles would just side swipe a few of the people putzing along and not moving!

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PJTP-I am not sure what DS is buttering me up for, but he told me that I look pretty good. He even mentioned that I looked thinner. It made me feel good because of a little situation from Friday where a mean spirited "Christian" woman (I used the quotes because she is one of those PG Christians that turn you off religion)that I work with on occasion told me that I needed to go on a diet. WTF??? :cursing:Thirty minutes later, she pretended that she didn't remember saying any such thing, but we both know that she said it. I wasn't even sure how to respond without possibly putting my job in jeopardy by hitting her in her fat mouth.:) Needless to say, hearing my son tell me that I was looking good made me feel better.

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PJTP-I am not sure what DS is buttering me up for, but he told me that I look pretty good. He even mentioned that I looked thinner. It made me feel good because of a little situation from Friday where a mean spirited "Christian" woman (I used the quotes because she is one of those PG Christians that turn you off religion)that I work with on occasion told me that I needed to go on a diet. WTF??? :cursing:Thirty minutes later, she pretended that she didn't remember saying any such thing, but we both know that she said it. I wasn't even sure how to respond without possibly putting my job in jeopardy by hitting her in her fat mouth.:huh2: Needless to say, hearing my son tell me that I was looking good made me feel better.

I bet that did make you feel good.

I can empathise with you about the "well meaning" woman. When I first found out about all my health issues last month, I told the director of Manna House ( feeds and clothes the needy). I volenteer there. Any way she called 2 other women from the church into her office so they could lay hands and pray. Well the one woman said "please help her lose weight because this will help her." :blink: The flesh part of me wanted to smack her and tell her I wasn't the only one needing to lose weight! But I got a hold of myself really quickly. She said what she thought was best. She doesn't know I had WLS. That I have already lost My oldest grandson plus 4 lbs. Maybe one day I will be able to minister to her. Maybe Slim you will turn the table on her one day. Your son is a sweetie for saying that, even if it has an underlying agenda.:)

Take care.

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Morning everyone! As I type there is an alarm on the server going - a high pitched squealing alarm. And of course, the helpline isn't responding...I'm going insane listening to it, and if someone doesn't respond soon to my messages, I am going to unplug the d*** thing!

Hope you all had a good weekend - the volume of LBT PJTP chatter was certainly down.

Personally I would like to thank the police officer who wrote me a ticket last week....

She listed my weight on the ticket well over 50 pounds less than I actually weigh. I don't mind paying it so much any more.

:sad::lol: But your tickets have your weight on them??:(

UPDATE: DDog is doing much better today.

I'm going to go turn some of those Cookies into ice cream sandwiches for the crew.

Glad to hear about the dog. Were the ice-cream cookie sandwiches a hit??

It makes me so mad when people are driving and don't pull over for emergency vehicles.


Yep, me too.

I have seen an emergency vehicle just push a car that was sitting in the emergency lane out of the way.I LOVE that. I wish more emergency vehicles would just side swipe a few of the people putzing along and not moving!

Demolitionn emergency response support...now THAT'S an idea!

PJTP-I am not sure what DS is buttering me up for, but he told me that I look pretty good. He even mentioned that I looked thinner. I wasn't even sure how to respond without possibly putting my job in jeopardy by hitting her in her fat mouth.:huh2: Needless to say, hearing my son tell me that I was looking good made me feel better.

YAY to your son; BOO-HISS to your co-worker!

Well the one woman said "please help her lose weight because this will help her." :)

Yes indeedy, just the kind of comments that make us feel so nice and happy inside!!!:blink::cursing:

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kc - you need to post here MORE!!!!

heartfire - hope the pup is doing better today.

babygirl - i'd have NO problem paying that ticket :thumbdown:

slim - that was very sweet of your son.

quiet wkend - quiet monday....:biggrin:

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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