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Thanks. Didn't wake up as sore this AM. Really strange.

How is your pain management going? You haven't said lately. You okay? And how's the job going? Have I missed updates?

Have fun at the party! And a happy and SAFE 4th!

Good afternoon and happy 4th!

Good afternoon and happy 4th!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's never done this before! I'm really going to try to make this trip happen! I was already trying to look up trains and planes but I can't get anything past May! I'm sure rates will really go up then. The train alone would be a 2 day trip, each way and if I get a sleeperroom, over $1000!!! Yikes! If not, it's less than $400! But I can't see sleeping in a coach chair for 2 nights! Yuck!

That is a lot of money!

I'm also already freaking out about the trip. Especially the flying part. Well, not the actual flying b/c I like that part but the navigating the big airports part. If I can, I'll spend the extra money to do a non-stop from our local little airport. I could fly out of Sacramento but I'd have to ask my mom to get me there and pick me up and she'd have to take off from work to do it. We'll see.

I am actually scared of the flying part. I have only flown twice. Unfortunately for me, it was the month after the Sept. 11th tragedy. I was terrified of flying before that and would have backed out after but the trip was for work.:smile2:

And meeting y'all has me really nervous. I'm not so good with face to face stuff. Much better over the computer! But I'm going to work hard to make this trip happen. I'm determined.

That is so me. I do much better on the computer.

I have NO comments re: your MIL! UGH!

None needed.:thumbup:

*Lu, good idea for starting to throw dates out there. Guess I'll start. I'm actually pretty good for most of June.

Weekends are:



18th or


We might be having DD's 4th b-day party the 5th, so I'd rather not do that, just in case. BUT if that ends up the best weekend for everyone else then we'll do her party the weekend before Memorial Day. We'll just party before her actual b-day! :)

I like the weekend of the 11th. My birthday is that week.:thumbup: I am good any time that month though.

We got up early and went to one of our local volunteer fire department's pancake Breakfast. So yea, pancakes, eggs and sausage. I was SO hungry! Got stuck on the first bite of eggs. Dammit!!!!! Thought it might go through, it sort of did so ate a few more bites, of everything. Not good. You'd think I'd know better by now. Was able to make it to the bathroom before embarrassing myself.

Ouch. :crying:I am glad that you made it to the bathroom. There is something to be said about allowing ourselves to get too hungry. I always end up regretting that first bite.

So I came home after going to the grocery store and had a shake. It went thru fine. I'll have some Soup later and see how I feel. Chest still hurts a little but I PB'd pretty hard and I think that's why it still hurts. It's an ache more than actual pain. I'll be careful and take it easy today.

Good thinking. I hope you didn't irritate your tummy too much.

On a good note, I came really close to a July 4th challenge that I did. Was shooting for 179. Didn't hit it but got really close. I've never gotten this close to a goal before. I usually sabotage myself before I can get there! So yay me!


I hope everyone has a wonderful and SAFE Independence Day!!!

I have been completely lazy! We did the hot dogs for today. I have found that I can't tolerate my moms ribs, so it has made me scared to try any. :thumbup:

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SNT, there is nothing wrong with being lazy! It is one of my favorite hobbies.

Where the heck is everyone today?

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mother nature knew exactly what i needed today - FINALLY clouds, in the low 90's and maybe RAIN!

i love company - but love when they leave too.

came home from the gym, and everyone was gone!!! the best guests know when to leave.:(

actually had a great time, but i need an afternoon to veg out - which is what i'm about to do ..... huddle down w/some movies:)

enjoy the rest of the wkend!

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Thanks. Didn't wake up as sore this AM. Really strange.

That's good! Hopefully you will stay that way.

How is your pain management going? You haven't said lately. You okay? And how's the job going? Have I missed updates?

On a scale of 1-10 it's at 11 plus most days. I keep running into "So sorry but we can't help you" I am tired of taking pain meds and they usually just take a little of the edge off. But it is getting where they aren't even doing that as much. My DD told me I have a knot on my back. I don't know if it is from being tense and hurting so much or if it is the ruptured disk protruding. I know it is getting worse because my other arm is going numb. I am trying not to complain to much on here. I don't want to bore people with the same thing all the time.

Have fun at the party! And a happy and SAFE 4th!

Thanks. I felt sorry for DGS. I went and took the neighbor kid, because they play together. 1 other person showed up and only stayed about an hr. No one else came or called and said sorry but I can't come. You just don't do that to a little kid! He was so heartbroken. It broke my heart. But on the flip side I didn't have to put up with the kids I can't stand! Bad Nana, bad!

Good afternoon and happy 4th!

Hope you had a good 4th!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's never done this before! I'm really going to try to make this trip happen! I was already trying to look up trains and planes but I can't get anything past May! I'm sure rates will really go up then. The train alone would be a 2 day trip, each way and if I get a sleeperroom, over $1000!!! Yikes! If not, it's less than $400! But I can't see sleeping in a coach chair for 2 nights! Yuck!

I'm also already freaking out about the trip. Especially the flying part. Well, not the actual flying b/c I like that part but the navigating the big airports part. If I can, I'll spend the extra money to do a non-stop from our local little airport. I could fly out of Sacramento but I'd have to ask my mom to get me there and pick me up and she'd have to take off from work to do it. We'll see.

And meeting y'all has me really nervous. I'm not so good with face to face stuff. Much better over the computer! But I'm going to work hard to make this trip happen. I'm determined.

I'll drive. I love to drive. Unless things get worse.

Have a safe and happy Sunday everyone

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G4e-I am so sorry that you are not getting the help that you need right now. I just don't understand it. The people that abuse the system get what they need, but the people that have worked hard and are simply on hard times get left in rain. That sucks. I hope that you are able to get some relief and help with your situation.

Susan-I was around, but no one else was...I have no life (other than the pesky MIL situation). DH went to work today. I tried to get DS to go with him, but no... I am just going to do as luluc said, veg out in front of the TV. My vacation is officially over in the A.M. (although I have been on call since Thursday night). I am ready to go back to work (can you tell I am trying to work myself up here?).

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G4E-I meant to add that you are right about the people that didn't come to DGS' birthday party. The least they should have done was called to say that they couldn't make it. They should not have done that to a child.

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Thanks on both accounts Slim. The 1 family that didn't show has 3 kids. the other family finely called after I left at 7pm. She ended up pulling a double. So I can excuse her. But not the other one. They did the same thing last yr. I reminded my DD about that. But this is her best friend. Now she came to DGD's party 2 weeks ago and she will show up for other DGS's party at the end of the month. If you don't want to come because of the holidays just say so. yet she gets mad at DD if she can't make it to her kids parties. So DD will cut short whatever she is doing to pacify her friend. NOT! I would be darned if she can't understand that I had previous plans then to bad!.:( Ok off rant!

Slim you seem so excited about work tomorrow:rolleyes:

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Hi again. I hope everyone in the US had a happy 4th of July weekend! It's not a holiday here, of course, but I was away for the weekend anyway. I went "down south", which in Western Australia means I went to the south west corner of our state. Chris and I had to go and visit his Father, so that Chris could fix his Dad's computer. His Dad lives in a little coastal town about 300km south of Perth, called Augusta. We didn't see much of the town coz Chris was working on the computer a lot, but they do have a lovely back garden with lots of birds, so naturally I took photos!!

These are the two that came out the best but the link at the bottom leads to the slideshow of all of them (not many this time).

Red-capped parrot (he was backlit from the evening sky, so the pic isn't great, but he's a beautiful bird anyway):


Silvereye (this bird is tiny! Only about 10cm from beak to tail tip):


Slideshow linky

All up, I saw:

Red-capped parrots

Ring-necked parrots

Pink & grey galahs


White-browed scrub wrens

Splendid fairy wrens (although it wasn't breeding season so they were only just starting to show their colours)

Western Spinebill

Red wattlebirds

White-cheeked honeyeaters

New Holland honeyeaters

Willy wagtails

Edited by Fanny Adams

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PJTP...Hi Everybody!:thumbdown:

First, let's get the updates out of the way...

No word on the job front - I did expect an email by Thursday afternoon when I left, but nothing...:thumbdown: Hopefully I'll hear when I get back a week from Monday.

Would love to do the second weekend in June for my PJTP reunion in Texas - I really WANT to see everyone, and weekends would be better for me...I'd try to make it a long weekend - Friday through Monday, but it will depend on where I'm working then.

Let's see - prepare to leave on Friday the 3rd - craziness as usual - laundry, packing, etc. Left Saturday morning for Floriday - arrived with no issues, got to our resort (timeshare) and checked in. We kinda lazed around the rest of the afternoon, had broiled chicken for dinner (which I couldn't eat much of - I think travel makes my band tight) so off to bed I went.

Today was fun - went for a walk this morning before the fog burned off and the humidity got any worse - projected high was mid-90's. Got to see family this morning, but they wanted to do the amusement parks (Universal) which we did the last time we were down here, so we stayed behind. The resort is really cool - our unit has two bedrooms, a full kitchen, a screened porch, a jetted tub...it's nice - I'll try to post some pics tomorrow.

Went and played 9 holes of 'real' golf - that was fun, though it was really HOT...got caught in a small shower, which cooled us off. Finished the round and had ice cream. :tongue_smilie:

Came back and met up with family, just went to a restaurant on the property which had a theme dinner - Southern BBQ. The meat was falling off the bone tender and oh so good! Nothing got stuck - thankfully - and I did restrain myself reasonably well.

Loving my vacation so far - I have two more days with DH, then he has to go home early for work. DD and I are staying until the end of the week, when we'll be headed to VA for her last college visit. Even though we've come to the difficult decision for her to attend a local community college and transfer next year, we still have questions regarding the possiblity of a deferral, and since we already paid for the flights and such, we'll go ahead and do the trip.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the week and relaxing. Tomorrow will be a pool / beach day, I think...

Everybody have a wonderful week - I'm thinkin' 'bout y'all!:laugh:

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I am so glad that you made it to Florida ok. Enjoy yourself (like you really had to be told that one). I am living vicariously through you (just like I have done through everyone that has traveled recently) so as many details as possible! I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the job front!

Obviously, I am so excited about work that I can't sleep!

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Where the heck is everyone today?

Conquering my nemesis hill!

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I'm deep in thought...work is getting really weird for me. I feel like I'm under a microscope..

Nobody wants to see me and Don happy and people just make things up now about us its so stupid and I'm worried if it come across the bosses desk 1x to many I'm gonna be out a job..

Like last we week we had a patient a young guy and he was very sick my patients are usually very old he was in the hospital for over a week and I worked 3 nights in a row and some how the guy thought because I was nice to him and got him chips from the vending machine I was interested...um no I thought the guy was gay actually.well he asked for my number and I said I'm engaged and my fiance works here and is here now and I thought that was the end of it..well when I got back to work everyone was talking and saying I must have lead the man on ..I didn't I thought he was gay and when younger people are on my floor I try to be nice because they get depressed more easily.

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Ebony, So glad your having a good time.

Sms, so sorry your going though that at work. Aren't they nice to people without leading them on?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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Hey, y'all, just got back from Michigan!

Nice visit, but nice to be home and seeing familiar sights.

No issues with the dog, thank GOD, because that could have gotten ugly. However, I was always watching her to be sure that she wasn't thinking about it. :tongue_smilie:

Got some sun on Saturday and -- well, "some" is too tame a word. You OUGHT to see my face. :thumbdown: And now I have dried blisters on my chin and alongside my nose. And my interview is in three hours. Omg... hardly had any sun at ALL the whole time I was there, and the couple hours we sit out on Saturday and I got burned.

Anyway, I was only able to peruse the five pages waiting for me because I'm trying to study up on the firm I'm interviewing with and get myself informed on what they do so I don't sound like a total dolt.

The only question I saw that was asked of me was from Mac -- about my looking for an eating disorder counselor. I think for me it's important to feed the mind as I change my body -- not only because of my own perceptions of myself as this goes along, but also because of potential changes in relationships, and frankly, because my outlet (eating) is being affected. Because of that, I think it's important for somebody like me to have the support of a professional to help keep me on track because I know my own track record and how I fail (even though the band is different, but I'm not).

Ebony: My biggest reason for scanning the posts was to see if... IF... but alas, nothing. :thumbdown:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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