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Farrah Fawcett died today. :thumbup:

Very sad...I thought she was absolutely gorgeous, and I even had my hair cut like hers when I was in high school...loved flipping it over my shoulders.

RIP Farrah...:bored:

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Very sad...I thought she was absolutely gorgeous, and I even had my hair cut like hers when I was in high school...loved flipping it over my shoulders.

RIP Farrah...:bored:

I used to go to high school with one of her cousins (though he died his senior year), and I knew where their family lived.

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That is so sad.

i know - i was really pulling for her.

kat - sorry about the deaths in your family ((hugs))

i did catch your grand canyon pics, which were beautiful!!!

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Aside from the drooling, a lot of Newfs have a thing with Water.

Strangely enough, he doesn't really eat all that much (although he isn't really active, lol).

Yeah, we live literally 5 minutes from the lake. No problems there! LOL!

My theory is they don't eat much b/c they don't expend much energy! LOL! Have you ever seen a Newfie go any where FAST??!! LOL!! Unless there's water involved!

Yeah, but now I keep booking flights outta town.

Have fun on your trips!!

Well, the interview I had today, they think they won't make a decision until the end of next week (hopefully she said that right) anyway, though I said I would be available on Tuesday July 7.

Pulling for you! Best wishes and LOTS of prayers!

DH tells me the girls are looking like deflated water balloons.

OH NO HE DID NOT!!!!!! And you let him LIVE???!!! If DH said that to me, he'd better have, in his hand, the money for my boob job. Course I want one anyway so that would just be a good excuse! LOL!

PJTP: Why do some people, especially those closest to you, have to be so negative?

I'm so sorry!

Now if I would quit bouncing and get to 239 I would be thrilled.

I don't want it sitting in an empty pouch.

I HATE bouncing lbs!! I would think that just drinking a lot of water with your meds would wash them thru to your stomach. Maybe?

i LOVE it - had 4 shots on each eye; 2 on the corners, 2 underneath and one shot between the brows.

Yikes! You're braver than I am! Course I had my eyeliner tattooed, so what am I talking about??!!

When I told my mother that I wanted my daughter to be my maid of honor and my best friend to get an online certificate and marry us, she just wails - OH NO...OOOOHHH NO.

I think before, mom was sneaking her food and she was eating it and not telling me.

You have the wedding YOU want!! It's not up to anyone but you and DH and maybe DD.

UGH!!! Glouc, your mother makes ME want to scream! LOL! What gets me tho is this concerns your DD's health and yet she's willing to jeopardize that for some sick sense of self. So wrong!

Off-line most of yesterday because for some odd reason, I developed a major league 'crick' in my neck that wouldn't relax!

How's your neck today?

Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy packing and you guys have been just as busy posting.

Hi Susan!! Best wishes on the packing and moving!!

I feel powerful and strong today - watch out world!

YOU GO GIRL!! Sorry about the DBB!

off current topic - random ptjp: lapband member contest????

UGH! Yeah, I saw this too. Not changing a thing.

I have been in and out quickly for a couple of weeks, we have dealt with a couple of deaths, and my DH and I escaped town for a long weekend and went to the Grand Canyon.

So sorry about your losses. Very nice you two were able to get out of town to decompress!

Farrah Fawcett died today. :thumbup:

Oh, that's so sad!

What kind of got me the other day tho was that I heard that what's-his-name finally proposed to her the other day in the hospital and they were going to tie the knot when she was feeling better. Ummm, okay, only NOW that she's near death, you're going to propose? I'm probably taking it totally out of context but heard on the news that's what he said in some interview he'd just done. AND why was he giving interviews and not by her bedside?

Okay, guess that made me mad! LOL!!

PJTP: Yesterday had a fill appt at 4:30. DH and I were then going to run errands and since it was going to be a late evening, we got a sitter for DD. So. We get in my truck and head down the hill. Biggest town is 1hr away, surgeon, major shopping, etc.

Halfway down the hill, truck starts acting up. Now mind you, this is the family rig, we always drive this first. We'd taken DD to school, run errands, gone home, picked DD up, gone home, picked sitter up, gone home, then headed down, with NO indication of trouble. So we turned around and limped it home. Now it's sitting in the driveway til we can get it to the shop next week. DH went to work this AM so we can't get it there til then. UGH!!!

Had to call and cancel my appt. We decided to go back down in another vehicle and run our errands anyway since we already had the sitter. Today I'm waiting for the nurse to call me back so I can reschedule the appt. Doesn't look like I'll be able to get in until around the 15th now. We'll see what she says. This was another nurse saying that this AM.

I'm bummed. I needed that fill. Oh well. I'll just have to be careful for a few weeks, til I can get in. Hate that tho.

Double-bummed since my truck is down too! AND I gotta get it repaired and pay for it!! AND both trucks need to be registered by the end of the month! YUCK!!!!!!!! So much for the overtime check DH just got. I had other plans for that check that did not include truck repairs!!!

Okay, gotta go! TTFN!

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Thanks for all the well wishes on our losses, y'all are the best! One was expected, when you make it to 96, and have heart issues, it is not a big surprise. She was ready, so we accepted that. The second was not expected, and was heart breaking.

This little girl, was a part of our family, was being raised by my niece. She was both physically and mentally handicapped, and remained at about an 8 year old level in maturity. She was loving and sweet, and special in every sense of the word. She fought asthma her entire life. She was born being told she would never walk, or eat on her own, through many surgeries, she did both VERY well!!! She was very active in Special Olympics, and my niece coached her in many sports there. She got pnuemonia a couple of weeks ago, and her lungs were too weak to fight it. They opted last week to turn off the ventilator.

So incredibly sad. We were at the Grand Canyon when we got the news, and we headed home early. Ironically the last time we saw one another was at her Grannies funeral, and she was upset, so the last words I said to her, were that it would all get better and remember we loved her. Now they are together.

She was a Navajo Indian, so the services involved her natural family and their cultures as well as our family and the customary funerals of our church. Some serious differences! They have some odd beliefs, and customs, but all were attempted to be followed. They had live chickens at the service!

Her parents were dead, and she had been being raised by grandparents who did not speak English, and are both well into their 90's. So she lived with my niece most of the time. We will miss her forever.

And I do appreciate your kindness.

Ed McMahon, Farrah, and MJ----all from my childhood, and all gone now--does that mean I am getting old? No! Wait!! Don't answer that!!!!!

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Thanks for all the well wishes on our losses, y'all are the best! One was expected, when you make it to 96, and have heart issues, it is not a big surprise. She was ready, so we accepted that. The second was not expected, and was heart breaking.

This little girl, was a part of our family, was being raised by my niece. She was both physically and mentally handicapped, and remained at about an 8 year old level in maturity. She was loving and sweet, and special in every sense of the word. She fought asthma her entire life. She was born being told she would never walk, or eat on her own, through many surgeries, she did both VERY well!!! She was very active in Special Olympics, and my niece coached her in many sports there. She got pnuemonia a couple of weeks ago, and her lungs were too weak to fight it. They opted last week to turn off the ventilator.

So incredibly sad. We were at the Grand Canyon when we got the news, and we headed home early. Ironically the last time we saw one another was at her Grannies funeral, and she was upset, so the last words I said to her, were that it would all get better and remember we loved her. Now they are together.

She was a Navajo Indian, so the services involved her natural family and their cultures as well as our family and the customary funerals of our church. Some serious differences! They have some odd beliefs, and customs, but all were attempted to be followed. They had live chickens at the service!

Her parents were dead, and she had been being raised by grandparents who did not speak English, and are both well into their 90's. So she lived with my niece most of the time. We will miss her forever.

And I do appreciate your kindness.

Ed McMahon, Farrah, and MJ----all from my childhood, and all gone now--does that mean I am getting old? No! Wait!! Don't answer that!!!!!

Oh Kat. I'm so sorry! Even when they're old, it's still sad. You miss a lot from the old ones. And when it's the young ones, it's always tragic.

How cool that they combined services from her biological family and her "adoptive" family! It would have been so sad to have only done it one way and totally ignore another important side of her.

NO! You're NOT getting old!! LOL!!! I'm not either! <foot stamp and arms crossed!> Dammit!!! :thumbup:

Take good care of yourself. You've been through a lot in a short amount of time.

I'll "see" you around! 'Night!

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PJTP: Teething problems ... it's just teething problems ... bite your tongue and it will get better ... *grits teeth and chants*

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Kat, so sorry about your losses. I agree with heartfire about the 2 cultures and their ceremonies.

Morning everyone.

Fanny are you ok? Or is the new job getting to you?

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WOOOHOOO.....I finally broke the 240 mark I am now at 239!!! I have been trying for almost a month to get past 240. Of course not being able to eat yesterday might have something to do with it.:thumbup:

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Mornin' everyone! PJTP...it's a sad morning for the entertainment industry.

One of our Angels (Farrah) is gone, and now this...

And now Michael Jackson is dead. It was first reported as cardiac arrest, but now it's said they think he overdosed on sleeping pills. Wow.

Very sad...I hope that there won't be a whole lot of unnecessary speculation (yeh, right) but that people will try to remember the good things about Michael...

OH NO HE DID NOT!!!!!! And you let him LIVE???!!! If DH said that to me, he'd better have, in his hand, the money for my boob job. Course I want one anyway so that would just be a good excuse! LOL!

I second that...especially the part about money-in-hand for the boob job...:lol:

Yikes! You're braver than I am! Course I had my eyeliner tattooed, so what am I talking about??!!

Tattooed eyeliner?!?!?!?!?!! I remember hearing about that, but didn't actually know anyone that did it...you are braver than I!

You have the wedding YOU want!! It's not up to anyone but you and DH and maybe DD.

Yeah! What she said!

UGH!!! Glouc, your mother makes ME want to scream! LOL! What gets me tho is this concerns your DD's health and yet she's willing to jeopardize that for some sick sense of self. So wrong!

Yeah! What she said!

How's your neck today?

Much better, thanks - I can turn my head well enough to drive safely again...that's why I stayed home, I couldn't do the regular 'safety checks' over my shoulder, and I don't 100% trust the mirrors...

YOU GO GIRL!! Sorry about the DBB!

Thanks! :wub:

What kind of got me the other day tho was that I heard that what's-his-name finally proposed to her the other day in the hospital and they were going to tie the knot when she was feeling better. Ummm, okay, only NOW that she's near death, you're going to propose? I'm probably taking it totally out of context but heard on the news that's what he said in some interview he'd just done. AND why was he giving interviews and not by her bedside?

Yeah...what she said! :glare:

Double-bummed since my truck is down too! AND I gotta get it repaired and pay for it!! AND both trucks need to be registered by the end of the month! YUCK!!!!!!!! So much for the overtime check DH just got. I had other plans for that check that did not include truck repairs!!!

Oh yuck! Hate when that happens...

Okay, gotta go! TTFN!

Ironically the last time we saw one another was at her Grannies funeral, and she was upset, so the last words I said to her, were that it would all get better and remember we loved her. Now they are together.

That's a comforting thought...and makes for a nice mental picture...

She was a Navajo Indian, so the services involved her natural family and their cultures as well as our family and the customary funerals of our church. Some serious differences! They have some odd beliefs, and customs, but all were attempted to be followed. They had live chickens at the service!

How wonderful that both of her traditions were honored...that is really cool...

Ed McMahon, Farrah, and MJ----all from my childhood, and all gone now--does that mean I am getting old? No! Wait!! Don't answer that!!!!!

No absolutely not...that would mean I'm getting old too...

NO! You're NOT getting old!! LOL!!! I'm not either! <foot stamp and arms crossed!> Dammit!!! :biggrin:

Yeah...what she said!

Take good care of yourself. You've been through a lot in a short amount of time.

I agree - take good care of yourself...

I'll "see" you around! 'Night!

PJTP: Teething problems ... it's just teething problems ... bite your tongue and it will get better ... *grits teeth and chants*

Hang in there, Fanny!

WOOOHOOO.....I finally broke the 240 mark I am now at 239!!! I have been trying for almost a month to get past 240. Of course not being able to eat yesterday might have something to do with it.:thumbup:

We don't care how it happened, we're happy for you! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Have a wonderful day, everyone! :wub:

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OH NO HE DID NOT!!!!!! And you let him LIVE???!!! If DH said that to me, he'd better have, in his hand, the money for my boob job. Course I want one anyway so that would just be a good excuse! LOL!!

yeah he did - LOL

he's actually pretty generous and if i wanted new boobies he be all for it (really what man wouldn't) - but that is just not on my radar. i'm waiting till the summer is over for some Lipo on the thighs (i have no desire to wear a compression garment in 105 degree weather:wink:).

i have always wondered about tatoo liner.

i must say i hate makeup in general. so on top of the botox i had eye lash exetensions put on - yesterday i had a "fill". i really love them....

well TGIF all,

*sorry fanny if work is bothersome

*congrats G4E!

*kat you NOT old!

*same to you ebony:)

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