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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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And guess what? I weighed 116 today! So he was right.

I'm 5'1" and I have a small frame so that weight is perfectly fine for me.

116 is amazing !!!

your right though how much "work" do you want to put in to get lower - i know i've peaked at my committment level w/food & exercise. if i want to eat the way i do - i have to work out ... i'm ok w/that

How did the botox go?..

i LOVE it - had 4 shots on each eye; 2 on the corners, 2 underneath and one shot between the brows. i can even still show expression - which i was worried about.

beth - go w/your gut about what you want to do re: school.

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PJTP: Why do some people, especially those closest to you, have to be so negative??

Omg, my mom just drives me nuts sometimes.

Omg, I just feel like that little girl who was told by this same woman that I would never amount to anything... and so far I feel like she was right. Never mind that I consider myself somewhat intelligent -- I still hear that I will never amount to anything.

I could about cry right now. I'm so sick of this crap. :thumbup:

Beth - wow...is your mom MY mom? Cut from the same cloth, at least!

When I told my mother that I wanted my daughter to be my maid of honor and my best friend to get an online certificate and marry us, she just wails - OH NO...OOOOHHH NO. Like I've hurt her. She does that with everything I do, like I'm making a huge mistake. I told her about the wedding, I'm going to plan it and you're going to listen and when I tell you things you'll say: ooh and ahhh. Nothing negative - at all. It's what I want, not what you want. - She pouted for a little while and then got over it.

I feel the same way...that she put me down all my life and I believe it!

Right now, my daughter goes to her house in the afternoons. I'm *still* considering "breaking it off" but keep talking myself out of it, for some reason.

My daughter is overweight and we have been struggling with it. I still don't understand why she was gaining - until now anyway. I had to discuss with her that my mother WILL try to sabotage her diet. Grandma doesn't want her to be healthy because Grandma's not healthy.

Two days since we had that conversation and my mother bought my daughter pastry horns w/icing inside, and today brought her over a second Breakfast - SCRAPPLE!!!!

I was proud of DD that she turned both down (actually, she smashed the horns into bits!) and that she's texting me when these things happen.

I think before, mom was sneaking her food and she was eating it and not telling me.

All this stuff makes me want to smash my mother's face in...but she's still my mom. She puts me down, points out all my flaws, and yet I still care about her and want to help her.

Sorry...your story kinda triggered anger in my mom all over again! :thumbup: But, I "feel your pain"!

I think you're smart and can do anything you want to do - don't listen to the old bat! If she can't see the accomplishments you've had, then it's not you that's the problem; it's her.

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There is an old saying that the reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy. Sucks, but if allowed to go unchecked as in your case Glou, it could have easily been turned into a them against you. I think you caught it at a PERFECT time. Plus your DD does not see you expecting her to act or eat any differently than you do yourself. She has fun with you at the gym, and sees you working on yourself, while seeing your Mom do none of this.

I am 100% behind you in your DD being your maid of honor---no one else could do it as well. As for who marries you----who cares more about you, and your future happiness, a minister you met once or twice or your best friend???

My best friends son just got married, and the brides grandfather had himself ordained so he could do the honor. He is VERY active in the church, teaches Sunday school, and is the go to guy when the minister is gone--------but he had to go on line to get documentation to do it legally. It was a wonderful, moving, service they had. To be able to reference the couple in a different light than just them standing there, makes it so special. I think how you want it sounds wonderful.

This one wedding we attended of my husbands cousins, when we got there, they herded us all around to the side of the house. It was done at an old plantation home in central TX. The groom and his attendants were getting ready at another home, so when they drove up and Marcus got out of the car to walk to the front of the service area, NO ONE was there! Then the soloist, began singing, and everyone---all the guests filed in, and stood, and the bridesmaids and all were at the end, followed by the bride being brought in by her entire family. We were instructed at the side of the house to reply to the question of "who gives this woman in marriage?"----"We do, her family and friends and we welcome you Marcus". I would have LOVED to be in the front of the group and seen his face relax when people were really there!!!

Point being, it is YOUR wedding, and if you want to get married in zebra stripe hot pants, or by your friend----do what makes you happy.

Beth, everytime your Mom says something negative, find yourself a catch phrase like " I guess I shouldn't be surprised YOU would feel that way" and when she questions you about it, avoid answering!! Make a game out of it. That's what I do with my MIL!!! A well placed chuckle, just make them feel like you are placating them like a misbehaving child, and it gets their goat pretty well!!

We know you can and will do any damn thing you want!

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PJTP...Good morning everybody!:wub:

Off-line most of yesterday because for some odd reason, I developed a major league 'crick' in my neck that wouldn't relax! So instead of typing with my head held sideways and crying all the while, I stayed off the pc and stayed still (you' can't even imagine how HARD that was!)...

Now I gotta catch up...

G4E- i am so sorry you are going thru so much. Do you have any progams near you that help with rx when you are having difficulty paying? I know here, there is a program that is paid for by the drug companies.

I agree - there are many different programs to help with prescription costs - check with the local social service agencies...

Heartfire-i know that fingernail hurts like heck. I have only done that once, but it was enough.

Oh boy, that brings back bad memories...me too!

Ebony-sorry to hear about your friend. Why exactly did having the gastic bypass cause them to have to open surgery? I am confused (not that it takes much).

I think because of the previous surgery, they could not do the appendix repair laparoscopically (sp?) so they had to do an open incision. I think the fact that the darn thing burst shortly before that may have added to the sense of urgency. She's home and doing better, but itching to get out of the house and back to work...

Ebony/Beth-any day now you both will be telling us about your new jobs.

Got an email yesterday from one of my referrals - they contacted her and she wrote me a wonderful reference...hopefully I'll hear more by the end of the week...

Fanny-sorry about the job and the home sell. I am sure the job situation will be better once you really get into it.

What she said...

Luluc-i had my home loan approval before i ever went looking,too. I didn't want to look for more house than i knew i was going to be able to get.

Yep, that was us too...

Snakes-hate them all

Don't hate them, I'm just AFRAID of the bigger ones...

Mine gave me a goal of 142, based on the Met Life standard they all must use and then told me that it was too low and NOT to use that as goal, but it is what they must go by for insurance standards. They are based on the 1950 health model, so it is not realistic or healthy!

I wonder if that is where she got her number today for you?

Hi BBK! Long time no see...

Highly, highly recommend if you have decent weather. Here in East Texas, we have 100+ degree days from (generally speaking) May - August, plus the humidity is insane. It's tough on the big guy, but he LOVES winter time. We can barely get him to come inside when it gets cold.

Yikes! That's too hot for me! My son lived in Texas while in the Army - don't know how he made it, being from Michigan / Connecticut...

We actually got him because my middle boy had a fear of big dogs, and we wanted a sort of "therapy dog" that was big (and boy is Tug big....last vet visit he weighed in around 190 lbs). He is by far the smartest dog I have ever owned.

190 lbs of dog...WOW! :eek:

Aside from the drooling, a lot of Newfs have a thing with Water. I have a kiddie sandbox that I keep filled with Water, and Tug loves to get inside when he drinks and splash about.

Strangely enough, he doesn't really eat all that much (although he isn't really active, lol). He's also nocturnal (I work nights) and sleeps during the day so he can patrol our land all night. Lots of deer, hogs and coyotes to run off, dontcha know.....

My last dog (before the one I have now) was a Leonberger - had some Newf in him - and had the webbed feet and the love of water. My DH used to do regular 'patrols' for our local utility of an area near water, so he'd come home, get the dog, and let him splash in the river while he was on duty. The dog LOVED it...

I'm going to Michigan over the 4th and Houston later in the month.

I wish I could get back to Michigan this summer - with our current travel plans and DD's going to college, I just dunno...

She lives in the Sterling Heights area outside Detroit, off 16 Mile.

I know where that is! I have cousins in that area...I'm an East Sider - lived near Belle Isle all my life until moving to CT

THAT I can handle. What I figure will happen is that I will get called about a job before both vacations and I'll have to say, "Um..." lol

Let them get into a bidding war over you, Beth! :thumbup:

Well, the interview I had today, they think they won't make a decision until the end of next week (hopefully she said that right) anyway, though I said I would be available on Tuesday July 7. That way my vacation with my sister will be over. And I told them the only other hang-up I have is the 2 1/2 days in late July where I have already bought a ticket. And I kept stressing that it was to go see my baby granddaughter. :lol:

Awww...baby granddaughter...I miss my grandson! :tt2:

ah the bounce.

i float between 124-130 on any given day - pms, sodium, not enough cardio, planets not aligned properly????, too much wine, interrupted sleep????

And here I was targeting 155 for a final weight...at 5'10" tall, maybe that's more than a little crazy...

and then there is the hubby factor - prefers a booty (THANK GOD) - tells me daily don't lose another lb, so there ya have it.:blink:

God bless your DH...mine hasn't weighed in on where he thinks I should go yet...he fluctuates on a weekly basis between lusting after a shape like Jennifer Hudson's and Janet Jackson's (think 'Rhythm Nation' - booty for days)

I tell you, if I ever get to your weight, I will dance around my house nekkid for days!:o

I'm selling tickets!

Yep, me too! Heck, I'd probably do it in the street, I'd be so happy. :laugh:

Bet we could cause one hell of a traffic jam if you, I and slim all did it together...:w00t:


so for this whole time i thought i held up well (loose skin wise) till DH tells me the girls are looking like deflated water balloons. quick snap of my head in cybil fashion caught his A$$, and said well they look good for cougar boobies.

i then went shopping...............................

Cougar boobies...ROFLMBO...I think I'd be offended, but then, I'm not sure...LOL

I think I would say, "Hmm, I thought the rumor was that when guys lose a lot of weight, their penis 'grows' an extra inch or two. Guess that's not guaranteed, huh?" :lol:

Hit 'em where it counts. lol

ROFLMBO...that's my girl! You tell 'em, Beth!

Oooh, that'll be that day I come up for that cycle ride. Nekkid riding, woohoo!!

Okay, Plain, that's just not right...

"cougar boobies" ?!?


Stop that!

I don't think a healthy adult goal is to look like we did in our early teen years. Screw what they tell you is your goal, slim.

What he said...

Yeah, and just think -- by the sound of things, you will be able to use my boobies like handlebars because they'll be flying behind me. :wub:

OMG...stop...my sides hurt!

PJTP: Why do some people, especially those closest to you, have to be so negative??

Because they don't know any better...

Omg, my mom just drives me nuts sometimes. Earlier today I said to her that I was thinking of talking to DH to discuss the possibility of going back to school full-time if a job doesn't come through by the fall session. Earlier this afternoon she was all for it and said she and a friend of hers had discussed that very thing.

This evening *insert skidding tires here* she is all hesitant and asked if I wanted to know what she really thought or did I only want to hear what I wanted to hear. I said I wanted to hear it all (thinking she was referring more to the money).

Instead she brings up the fact that I went to school like 12 years ago for court reporting and didn't finish. Never mind that a lot of the classes I took transferred for my basics now, but of course she's asking how dedicated I would be, blah blah blah. Um, well, I've been going to school part time since January of 2008, and before that I finished a certificate program (that can work towards my intended career but did not add to my credit hours but was equal in work to about 60 credit hours) where they give you five years to finish it and I did it in SEVEN MONTHS. AND I was the first person in the state to finish this program AND had an article written about me in a court-based magazine because I was the first. AND I did both these things while working full-time. AND I carried at least a 3.85 GPA. While working.

Omg, I just feel like that little girl who was told by this same woman that I would never amount to anything... and so far I feel like she was right. Never mind that I consider myself somewhat intelligent -- I still hear that I will never amount to anything.

I could about cry right now. I'm so sick of this crap. :frown:

You do what YOU want to do Beth...I KNOW you will do what's best for you, and you are an awesome chick! You are powerful, briliant, beautiful, and you'll be great at whatever you decide to do! Don't let her stop you - you didn't let her stop you before, don't you dare start now...

Beth - wow...is your mom MY mom? Cut from the same cloth, at least!

When I told my mother that I wanted my daughter to be my maid of honor and my best friend to get an online certificate and marry us, she just wails - OH NO...OOOOHHH NO. Like I've hurt her. She does that with everything I do, like I'm making a huge mistake. I told her about the wedding, I'm going to plan it and you're going to listen and when I tell you things you'll say: ooh and ahhh. Nothing negative - at all. It's what I want, not what you want. - She pouted for a little while and then got over it.

Go Glouc! Stand up for yourself...YOUR opinion is the one that counts...

I feel the same way...that she put me down all my life and I believe it!

Right now, my daughter goes to her house in the afternoons. I'm *still* considering "breaking it off" but keep talking myself out of it, for some reason.

My daughter is overweight and we have been struggling with it. I still don't understand why she was gaining - until now anyway. I had to discuss with her that my mother WILL try to sabotage her diet. Grandma doesn't want her to be healthy because Grandma's not healthy.

Two days since we had that conversation and my mother bought my daughter pastry horns w/icing inside, and today brought her over a second Breakfast - SCRAPPLE!!!!

I was proud of DD that she turned both down (actually, she smashed the horns into bits!) and that she's texting me when these things happen.

Yay for your DD - Yay!

I think before, mom was sneaking her food and she was eating it and not telling me.

All this stuff makes me want to smash my mother's face in...but she's still my mom. She puts me down, points out all my flaws, and yet I still care about her and want to help her.

Sorry...your story kinda triggered anger in my mom all over again! :tt2: But, I "feel your pain"!

I think you're smart and can do anything you want to do - don't listen to the old bat! If she can't see the accomplishments you've had, then it's not you that's the problem; it's her.

What she said...in spades!

Off to read some more posts in a different section, now...BRB!:thumbup:

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Beth - wow...is your mom MY mom? Cut from the same cloth, at least!

When I told my mother that I wanted my daughter to be my maid of honor and my best friend to get an online certificate and marry us, she just wails - OH NO...OOOOHHH NO. Like I've hurt her. She does that with everything I do, like I'm making a huge mistake. I told her about the wedding, I'm going to plan it and you're going to listen and when I tell you things you'll say: ooh and ahhh. Nothing negative - at all. It's what I want, not what you want. - She pouted for a little while and then got over it.

I feel the same way...that she put me down all my life and I believe it!

Right now, my daughter goes to her house in the afternoons. I'm *still* considering "breaking it off" but keep talking myself out of it, for some reason.

My daughter is overweight and we have been struggling with it. I still don't understand why she was gaining - until now anyway. I had to discuss with her that my mother WILL try to sabotage her diet. Grandma doesn't want her to be healthy because Grandma's not healthy.

Two days since we had that conversation and my mother bought my daughter pastry horns w/icing inside, and today brought her over a second Breakfast - SCRAPPLE!!!!

I was proud of DD that she turned both down (actually, she smashed the horns into bits!) and that she's texting me when these things happen.

I think before, mom was sneaking her food and she was eating it and not telling me.

All this stuff makes me want to smash my mother's face in...but she's still my mom. She puts me down, points out all my flaws, and yet I still care about her and want to help her.

Sorry...your story kinda triggered anger in my mom all over again! :thumbup: But, I "feel your pain"!

I think you're smart and can do anything you want to do - don't listen to the old bat! If she can't see the accomplishments you've had, then it's not you that's the problem; it's her.

Omg, Glouc, I remember you saying MONTHS ago that your mom was feeding your daughter bad and extra food! I thought that got nipped in the bud. I'm afraid even I want to smash her face in now too. :lol:

My mom's not quite THAT bad -- or else she's just not that overt in what she does.

Some of the points she brought up were legit: the cost (not only for school, but the income lost due to me not working), the fact that when I finish I'll be in my upper 40's with a degree, and what will that really accomplish for me being a woman, upper 40's, with a degree? That does kinda scare me a bit.

But it's the focus on the fact that at 31 or 32 I decided the major I was working towards wasn't for me and I couldn't hack it that gets me. Okay, LOTS of people have changed majors. Ther was some expense that was wasted, true, but still... I sat back for many years then and didn't know what I wanted to do, but I didn't squander more money for "useless" schooling.

I have been going to school solidly since January of 2008, and as I said, before then I did the online certificate program for seven months.

I have maintained an excellent GPA all through my schooling, and when I have gone I have taken it VERY seriously. She asks how dedicated I would be to it, or would I be bored like I am right now (um, DUH, I don't work and only go to school two nights a week and have hardly any human interraction otherwise!)? I gave up my summer last year for schooling, to the point where my DH and friends were begging me to go out on our motorcycles every weekend, and I couldn't.

I will be the first one in my family ever to have a college education. EVER. Earlier yesterday she was puffing up about that, sounding very proud, but by last night she was all negative again.

The thing that pisses me off is she does this ALL THE TIME -- tells me, "You ought to do this or say that," and when I do, she comes back later and says how I shouldn't have done that. The BEST one was how she dogged on me after I quit this last job that was SO toxic it almost made me sick, but hey, it was because I have a problem with authority and she made comments about my personality that, when I asked my friend at work, she said, "WTH is she talking about??"

Now her new thing is she knows I've been struggling with my "diet" and every time we talk she asks how I'm doing on my "diet." First off, IT'S NOT A DIET; and secondly, QUIT BREATHING DOWN MY NECK!! :thumbup:

I'm sorry, y'all, I'm venting and bringing this place down. I'm just about to the breaking point with all of this. :lol:

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Beth, everytime your Mom says something negative, find yourself a catch phrase like " I guess I shouldn't be surprised YOU would feel that way" and when she questions you about it, avoid answering!! Make a game out of it. That's what I do with my MIL!!! A well placed chuckle, just make them feel like you are placating them like a misbehaving child, and it gets their goat pretty well!!

We know you can and will do any damn thing you want!

Thanks, Kat, and that's not a bad idea.

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Omg, Glouc, I remember you saying MONTHS ago that your mom was feeding your daughter bad and extra food! I thought that got nipped in the bud. I'm afraid even I want to smash her face in now too. :thumbup:

What she said...

My mom's not quite THAT bad -- or else she's just not that overt in what she does.

Some of the points she brought up were legit: the cost (not only for school, but the income lost due to me not working), the fact that when I finish I'll be in my upper 40's with a degree, and what will that really accomplish for me being a woman, upper 40's, with a degree? That does kinda scare me a bit.

Scary? Maybe a bit, but dang, girl...I'm in kinda the same situation...I worked for over 20 years in IT, never buckled down and got a degree, and even made it to department head without it. When I left my 'bubble world' I figured out right quick and in a hurry that the rest of the world didn't give a rat's patootie about my 'experience'...they want a DEGREE, hence MY return to school in my mid-40's.

But it's the focus on the fact that at 31 or 32 I decided the major I was working towards wasn't for me and I couldn't hack it that gets me. Okay, LOTS of people have changed majors. Ther was some expense that was wasted, true, but still... I sat back for many years then and didn't know what I wanted to do, but I didn't squander more money for "useless" schooling.

Absolutely - you didn't make this decision blindly or without thinking about it first...

I have been going to school solidly since January of 2008, and as I said, before then I did the online certificate program for seven months.

I have maintained an excellent GPA all through my schooling, and when I have gone I have taken it VERY seriously. She asks how dedicated I would be to it, or would I be bored like I am right now (um, DUH, I don't work and only go to school two nights a week and have hardly any human interraction otherwise!)? I gave up my summer last year for schooling, to the point where my DH and friends were begging me to go out on our motorcycles every weekend, and I couldn't.

You have done EVERYTHING you needed to in order to be successful at school...

I will be the first one in my family ever to have a college education. EVER. Earlier yesterday she was puffing up about that, sounding very proud, but by last night she was all negative again.

Perhaps your doing this takes away any excuses SHE might have for letting things slide in her own life? Sometimes people can't take that you refuse to 'settle'...it makes them think that maybe THEY shouldn't have settled either...

The thing that pisses me off is she does this ALL THE TIME -- tells me, "You ought to do this or say that," and when I do, she comes back later and says how I shouldn't have done that. The BEST one was how she dogged on me after I quit this last job that was SO toxic it almost made me sick, but hey, it was because I have a problem with authority and she made comments about my personality that, when I asked my friend at work, she said, "WTH is she talking about??"

She can't face the fact that YOU are in control of your life now...her opinion is just that, her opinion. The flip-flop game just isn't worth your time...

Now her new thing is she knows I've been struggling with my "diet" and every time we talk she asks how I'm doing on my "diet." First off, IT'S NOT A DIET; and secondly, QUIT BREATHING DOWN MY NECK!! :thumbup:

Again...she's having trouble with change. You know some people get used to you defining yourself a certain way...by your weight, your profession, etc. Now we go and change the game by changing any or all of those things, and all of a sudden, we don't fit into their little 'boxes' any more and they are afraid.

Don't let her stop you from doing what YOU need to do. I think you will make a good decision - whatever YOU decide to do, and I know you will be successful.

I'm sorry, y'all, I'm venting and bringing this place down. I'm just about to the breaking point with all of this. :lol:

Feel free to vent here, darling girl...that's what the forum is for, and we, your FRIENDS are here to listen and to offer an occasional suggestion...

Love ya, girlfriend! :lol::wub::wub:

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Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy packing and you guys have been just as busy posting. Something like eleven pages since I last checked in. Moving day is coming up on Saturday. I still have my kitchen and bedroom to finish packing.

Have I missed anything important?

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Omg, Glouc, I remember you saying MONTHS ago that your mom was feeding your daughter bad and extra food! I thought that got nipped in the bud. I'm afraid even I want to smash her face in now too. :)

My mom's not quite THAT bad -- or else she's just not that overt in what she does.

Some of the points she brought up were legit: the cost (not only for school, but the income lost due to me not working), the fact that when I finish I'll be in my upper 40's with a degree, and what will that really accomplish for me being a woman, upper 40's, with a degree? That does kinda scare me a bit.

But it's the focus on the fact that at 31 or 32 I decided the major I was working towards wasn't for me and I couldn't hack it that gets me. Okay, LOTS of people have changed majors. Ther was some expense that was wasted, true, but still... I sat back for many years then and didn't know what I wanted to do, but I didn't squander more money for "useless" schooling.

I have been going to school solidly since January of 2008, and as I said, before then I did the online certificate program for seven months.

I have maintained an excellent GPA all through my schooling, and when I have gone I have taken it VERY seriously. She asks how dedicated I would be to it, or would I be bored like I am right now (um, DUH, I don't work and only go to school two nights a week and have hardly any human interraction otherwise!)? I gave up my summer last year for schooling, to the point where my DH and friends were begging me to go out on our motorcycles every weekend, and I couldn't.

I will be the first one in my family ever to have a college education. EVER. Earlier yesterday she was puffing up about that, sounding very proud, but by last night she was all negative again.

The thing that pisses me off is she does this ALL THE TIME -- tells me, "You ought to do this or say that," and when I do, she comes back later and says how I shouldn't have done that. The BEST one was how she dogged on me after I quit this last job that was SO toxic it almost made me sick, but hey, it was because I have a problem with authority and she made comments about my personality that, when I asked my friend at work, she said, "WTH is she talking about??"

Now her new thing is she knows I've been struggling with my "diet" and every time we talk she asks how I'm doing on my "diet." First off, IT'S NOT A DIET; and secondly, QUIT BREATHING DOWN MY NECK!! :(

I'm sorry, y'all, I'm venting and bringing this place down. I'm just about to the breaking point with all of this. :frown:

Feel free to vent here, darling girl...that's what the forum is for, and we, your FRIENDS are here to listen and to offer an occasional suggestion...

Love ya, girlfriend! :wub::wub::wub:

I know that there is no way I could say it any better than the way that Ebony did. I won't even try. I agree with all that she said. You are among friends here. :wub: If you can't vent to your friends, who can you go to?

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Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy packing and you guys have been just as busy posting. Something like eleven pages since I last checked in. Moving day is coming up on Saturday. I still have my kitchen and bedroom to finish packing.

Have I missed anything important?

Hi Susan!

Hmmm...lots going on, but nothing we can't handle in your absence...you trained us well! :(

I don't envy you having to pack up an entire house...how are you deciding what to keep and what to toss? Any tips / hints / systems for us who still live in overstuffed houses (mine! mine!)?

We are tackling one room at a time - clear everything out of the room, have packing boxes and trash bags handy, and only put back what we absolutely LOVE and can't live without...now that said, there's some boxes of stuff going to the attic, but I figure if we don't go looking for that stuff in a year or two, I'll just take the entire box and donate it to goodwill, or take it to a Ebay place and post it for sale...

I'm in de-clutter mode...trying to get it done before DD goes off to school...

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Feel free to vent here, darling girl...that's what the forum is for, and we, your FRIENDS are here to listen and to offer an occasional suggestion...

Love ya, girlfriend! :):wub::frown:

What she said!

I know that there is no way I could say it any better than the way that Ebony did. I won't even try. I agree with all that she said. You are among friends here. :wub: If you can't vent to your friends, who can you go to?

What she said!!! :(

Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy packing and you guys have been just as busy posting. Something like eleven pages since I last checked in. Moving day is coming up on Saturday. I still have my kitchen and bedroom to finish packing.

Have I missed anything important?

Oi! I don't envy the moving! I *hope* we'll be there in a few months, but I won't believe it until I'm in the new house and unpacking, and venting on LBT & FB about what a PITA moving is! :wub: Good luck, Susan!

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Morning all! Another late morning for me - what the hell is wrong with me?

You corporate types.....what did you do, sleep in until 0330? This ain't no vacation, sister! :(

Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy packing and you guys have been just as busy posting. Something like eleven pages since I last checked in. Moving day is coming up on Saturday. I still have my kitchen and bedroom to finish packing.

Have I missed anything important?


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I'm sorry, y'all, I'm venting and bringing this place down. I'm just about to the breaking point with all of this. :(

Vent all you want hon. Ebony said it well how we feel.

Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy packing and you guys have been just as busy posting. Something like eleven pages since I last checked in. Moving day is coming up on Saturday. I still have my kitchen and bedroom to finish packing.

Have I missed anything important?

Good luck with the move Susan. I hate packing and moving. Don't know how military people handle it. It would drive me up the wall. I guess because ex-hubby and I moved a lot.I have been in same home 13 yrs. and the 1 before 16 yrs. I have no plans on moving again.

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Thanks, y'all. Did I mention that I carried a 3.84 GPA and made the Dean's List more than once while she questions my dedication? :(

Yes, I'm still ticked. I guess it's time for a conversation.

And I SO regret that she knows about my blog. Crap, now I feel stifled.

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