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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Hi everyone drive by posting... I hope everyone is having a great sunday like me I slept in and now I'm getting az mani, pedi life is sweet...

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G4E - I hope things get straightened out with your family. Family battles are terrible, and the impact on children can be devastating.

SMSmith - great to see you posting...it's been a while!

Beth - I notice the link to your blog is off your signature; still blogging?

I hope everyone is enjoying the day - whether you are off or working! I spent a great 2 days playing in the dirt - so much so that I forgot to do housework, laundry or eat lunch! I didn't get to the Y today - too sore from the gardening escapades. I walked for 30 min this morning trying to loosen and limber up, and even that hasn't done too much for my muscles. Im sitting enjoying a break, sipping my coffee and doing some laundry, before I return to my regularly scheduled activities!

Catch you all later!

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Beth - I notice the link to your blog is off your signature; still blogging?

I am. I put in the second ticker and it only allows for so many lines, so I got rid of the link and my doctor's info. I may change it back since I'm not doing crap for my July birthday weight loss challenge. :lol:

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beth - i didn't know you blogged, need to read!

g4e - hope the fam situation works itself out!

today - FINALLY the sun looks like it might stay out all day rather rain for the most part.

packing a lunch for dh and i - mountain biking around a lake near us. i'm hoping to hit around it twice (makes that 37 miles) but DH said he had his doubts (about him - not me..LOL)

happy memorial day!!

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That sounds like fun, Lulu! Enjoy! Seems the most fun we're gonna have today is going to see the new X-Men film.

And yes, I started my blog right before surgery. I use it like journaling, but I try to have interesting anecdotes in there too. Check out the story about my three-way last week. :lol:

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Thanks everyone. My DD went back to SIL. I used to really love the guy. But over the last 2 yrs he has turned into a real jerk. He is getting worse. DD doesn't want to believe that mental abuse is as bad as physical abuse. I told her she needed to think about the kids 1st and not her and her hubby. But she thinks being with him is better. Like I told her, her dad was a low-life, but he never tried to bring the kids into our fights. (Even though I left when the kids were little.) If any man said what my SIL said to my DGS, to my kids, he would have very limmited visitation Supervised visitation (after picking his teeth up off the ground). I figured she would go back. The one thing I will do more, is every weekend when I have the boys, try to teach them that treating women like their daddy does is just as wrong as hitting them.

Thanks all for letting me vent.

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Heartfire: The thing about muscle gain is this -- yes, you may gain muscle weight during times of working out, but eventually the muscle mechanism takes over and it begins to burn more fat. The more muscle you have, the more fat is burned even when sedentary.

Are you tracking your inches? I am very much a proponent of that because, even if we can't see a poundage loss on the scale, you can at least track inch loss. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Thanks, Beth. I haven't been measuring. I should but I just never get around to it. But I have noticed things fitting better/differently. I've also noticed that my endurance is better. I don't get out of breath so easy and can go farther, faster, etc.

I did re-start tracking my food again. :eek: I had gotten mindless about it and guess what I discovered, much to my horror, b/c I said I'd never do this? I've been eating around my band. I will eat when I'm not hungry and really for no reason. I'm just grabbing a handful of whatever and going on my way. I actually sat and cried. I'm really upset about it.

I've been tracking for 3 days. The first day I went over my calories for the day but not bad BUT this is also after a fill on Friday so was moderate compared to what I was doing before my fill. Sunday I really paid attention to what I was doing and this AM was down 2lbs. I also got all of my Water in yesterday for the first time in awhile. We'll see how the week plays out and what Friday's official number will be but this was definitely a wake up call for me. I am now one who can not go without regularly tracking my intake of food! :smile:

I hope everyone is enjoying the day - whether you are off or working! I spent a great 2 days playing in the dirt - so much so that I forgot to do housework, laundry or eat lunch! I didn't get to the Y today - too sore from the gardening escapades. I walked for 30 min this morning trying to loosen and limber up, and even that hasn't done too much for my muscles. Im sitting enjoying a break, sipping my coffee and doing some laundry, before I return to my regularly scheduled activities!

Catch you all later!

Sounds like FUN! [seriously! I really mean that!] Sure hope you recover soon tho!

today - FINALLY the sun looks like it might stay out all day rather rain for the most part.

packing a lunch for dh and i - mountain biking around a lake near us. i'm hoping to hit around it twice (makes that 37 miles) but DH said he had his doubts (about him - not me..LOL)

happy memorial day!!

How'd the bike ride go? Sounds like a wonderful day, hope it was!

g4e, sorry for what you are going thru. Prayers! And you're right, the best thing you can do right now is be there for the grandkids as much as possible. Hang in there and stay out of the kitchen! I know how hard that is! Take care!

Pretty quiet weekend. It's going to be a busy week with DD's b-day tomorrow and her party on Sat. Should be fun tho! And the weather is supposed to be nice too. Bonus!

Have a great night everyone!

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G4E, that is so sad! At least the grandkids have you to help lead them down the right path.

Happy Tuesday everyone! I am so glad we have a short week. Work wouldn't be so bad if I could just sleep as late as I want and then go in. But, with things being so tense at home, I was glad to come back to work today.

Have a good one all!

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michelle - i still track my food/exercise & taking measurements is a really good idea. i have been asked if i'm still losing weight because the weight training is paying off.. but i do eat a lot compared to some ..

bike ride was great - didn't go around twice but did shy of 24miles.....was SUCH a pretty day.!.

susan - sorry your dealing w/crap again!!! (((hugs)))

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G4E - I am sorry your family is going through such stuff; perhaps your daughter is going to leave SIL permanently one day,it just will take time (or some incident).In the meantime, she and her kids are fortunate that you are there to be her rock.

michele - tracking food is such a pain in the proverbial, but it does force you to look seriously at what one eats. I do it periodically, and am always frustrated/depressed when I see what I've consumed. My last review of my eating highlighted the nighttime snacking I was doing, so I am trying to give that up. My efforts have been somewhat spotty, but I am trying!

Susan - Sorry to hear that your home life is difficult at the moment. (((Hugs)))

Luluc - a 24mile bike ride - WOW! I think I could go 24 minutes - maybe!

Even another walk last evening didn't loosen up my muscles yesterday...I must have really stretched some previously untapped muscles in my gardening escapades!

Back to work now..

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PJTP...I'm catching up after 5 days away on vacation! DH and I flew to Arkansas for an annual Black Pilots Assoc event - DH has his license - and we arrived on Thursday.

DH got checked out on the rental plane on Thursday, we stayed overnight in Lonoke, Arkansas, then picked up the plan Friday morning and flew to Pine Bluff, AK. Full day of pilot-stuff (fun!) and then flew to Mississippi to visit DH's distant family. Stayed overnight there, flew back to Lonoke on Saturday AM, returned the plane and drove to Pine Bluff (about an hour). Drizzly day on Saturday, but got to watch some of the flyboys do their thing plus give rides to some very excited kids. Two F-18 pilots showed up with their planes (absolute hit of the weekend) and showed them to all the kids, plus inspirational talk.

70's theme party on Saturday night, wanted to beat the crap out of a woman who was excessively flirty with my DH, had a good night though. Rained out on pilot activities on Sunday, but DH's grown son from his first marriage came to visit (fun again!) and catch up. We haven't seen him "live" in about 5 years - he looks more like DH every time I see him.

Saw "Terminator" Sunday afternoon, after watching F18's take off from Pine Bluff - loud but very, very cool. Awards dinner Sunday night, more wanting to slap excessively flirty woman (same one), and then off to bed. Slept in Monday morning, had a late Breakfast with DSS (Darling Step Son) and off to the airport for our flight home (commercial flight). Visited with more pilot friends who were also waiting for flights, had an uneventful flight home, in bed at 1 am.

Up with the sun this morning (had to walk DDog) and off to work with 4 hours sleep. Trying to keep my head from hitting the desk - LBT is keeping me up so far! :smile:

Go, Ebony, go - keep the positive thoughts!!!

I take my typing test for one of the jobs today - got notice over the weekend that I'm in contention for the third one as well. Hopefully I'll hear soon about one or all three and have to choose - that would be great!

:thumbup: Do you offer certification classes or not - since you're married!?!

Nope - no certification classes here...it takes YEARS to learn this skill set! :hurray:

thanks guys.... mmmmmmm cake & apricot cream cheese droooooool

Ooo - that DOES sound good!

doing well ...

Good to hear, LJM - I have to find you on Facebook so I can see the cutie-pie baby!:hurray:

wth?? no way. do you have a petsmart near you with a vet? we have their program and pay i think 17 a month (each dog) covers all shots, 2 "well exams" a year - full work up for them - and any drop in visits we need .. we also get a percentage off stuff that's not covered..

That sounds like a good deal - have to check to see if there's a PetSmart near us...

my attention span is nowhere near what it used to be ...

Yep, me too - except mine is the onset of menopause!

i have about a bazillion (almost not an exaggeration) pictures posted on Facebook ...

Going to facebook to see baby pics...

have a great day everyone - i'll try to get back here more often. :hurray:

Okay, MacMadame, I hafta tell ya -- I bow at your feet, woman! I got on my bike today for the first time in years, and between two different rides I rode 16 miles. My ass hurts like I've been spanked relentlessly -- and not in that good way -- and I won't even get into how my hoo-ha is feeling. :eek:

I feel your pain, Beth - I don't ride much because of the butt and hoo-ha pain...

The last mile of my second ride (9 miles) I almost didn't make it home. Between the butt pain and sheer fatigue, I was afraid I was gonna have to call hubby and ask him to ride up the road and come get me.

You rode 16 miles! OMG!

Beth, you are tossing me softballs here and making it waaaaay too easy.....but I'll resist.

Please resist...we've had our eyeballs and mental faculties burned enough for a few days...

I probably should look in the exercise thread, but I'm thinking about getting a bike (I live rual, so it would have to be a mountain bike I guess?). I'm a shade above 290.....do I have a chance in hell of finding a bike that can hold my enormous girth*?

Absolutely! My DH rides, and he's 6'3", 305 lbs...there are bikes made for big guys...check the websites for the bike magazines - I seem to remember him using one of the "rider guides" they do annually(?) to help choose his last bike. Plus - if you have a good shop nearby, ask them about what might work. You'll make a friend and gain the information at the same time...

*and by enormous girth, I'm referring to my genitals.

OMG - my brain! :hurray::eek::hurray:

Omg, Plain! Guess you'll need a bike with a Barcalounger seat then.

You know, it just doesn't sound the same when we women talk about our huge genitals. I think of hoo-has that look like blow-up rafts or something. Kinda disgusting, really... :rolleyes:

ROFLMHooHaOff - Beth, you are too funny!

It is a gelled seat. :wub: And yeah, I was teasing hubby that obviously he's been slacking in his, ahem, duties because I'm not calloused enough down south. :hurray:

...now wiping Coke Zero off of my computer screen...thanks Beth! :hurray:

NSV: HELLO size 18 jeans!!! :hurray:

Yay Beth! Yay Beth! Yay Beth!

I expected to get them UP but not necessarily buttoned and zipped. And OMG, they did BOTH! They're a teeny bit snug in the waist (they tend to stretch after being worn), but I didn't have to lay on the bed or use any devices to get hooked into them. YAY!! :patriot:

You Go Girl!

Hey everyone. How are you all today? it sure is slow in here today.

Update on yesterday... I took my DGD to Sci-Quest. Her and I had a lot of fun. My DGS didn't get to go. My DD and her hubby was arguing and her wouldn't let the boys go. After when my DGD was on our way home my DD calls and tells me to come get her and the kids. She has had enough. There was litteraly a struggle over my oldest DGS. he was in the car on my DD's lap (there was no more room in the car with 3 car seats in the back) anyway SIL jusked open the door and jerked him away from DD. I feel so bad about what all he was told by his dad. he is going to be scarred for life. he won't know how to treat women unless we can get him away. SIL was telling DGS that when SIL's brother raped my DD that she liked it. That she was a whore and all sorts of other things. You don't tell a 9 (will be 10 in July) year old things like that. Then he had DGS laugh at her! The boy is afraid to not do what daddy say's because one time he stuck up for my DD and his dad didn't talk to him hardley for a month. My DGS told me he didn't like being at home because of it. So I know that is why he is doing what SIL tells him. Please pray that we can get my DGS away from him. That I have patience and how ever your heart is lead in this situation. I thank you all in advance.

G4E - you and your DGS are in my prayers...I'm so glad that he has you...keep on being there for him, and I hope all works out in his favor. To tell a child something like that...there's a special place in he** for people like that...

Now back to your regularly scheduled PJTP...:tt2:

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But I have noticed things fitting better/differently. I've also noticed that my endurance is better. I don't get out of breath so easy and can go farther, faster, etc.

Isn't it a great feeling when clothes fit better and you can do things you forgot you could do!

I did re-start tracking my food again. :eek: I had gotten mindless about it and guess what I discovered, much to my horror, b/c I said I'd never do this? I've been eating around my band. I will eat when I'm not hungry and really for no reason. I'm just grabbing a handful of whatever and going on my way. I actually sat and cried. I'm really upset about it.

I have done the same thing. I get so mad at myself at times. The thing is when I was so fat, I wouldn't get up to get the snack once I sat down for the evening. Now with the extra energy I pop right up like a jack in the box! Tracking food helps me a lot. But it's not a cure all.

g4e, sorry for what you are going thru. Prayers! And you're right, the best thing you can do right now is be there for the grandkids as much as possible. Hang in there and stay out of the kitchen! I know how hard that is! Take care!

Thank you

G4E, that is so sad! At least the grandkids have you to help lead them down the right path.

Thank you Susan.

But, with things being so tense at home, I was glad to come back to work today.Have a good one all!

So sorry Susan about your home problems. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

bike ride was great - didn't go around twice but did shy of 24miles!./QUOTE]

:wub: 24 miles is awesome! But dang if I could do this.

G4E - I am sorry your family is going through such stuff; perhaps your daughter is going to leave SIL permanently one day,it just will take time (or some incident).In the meantime, she and her kids are fortunate that you are there to be her rock.

Thank you.

My last review of my eating highlighted the nighttime snacking I was doing, so I am trying to give that up. My efforts have been somewhat spotty, but I am trying!

I also snack at night. that is my downfall.

PJTP...I'm catching up after 5 days away on vacation! DH

Ebony, sounds like you and DH had a blast! I'm jealous!

G4E - you and your DGS are in my prayers...I'm so glad that he has you...keep on being there for him, and I hope all works out in his favor. To tell a child something like that...there's a special place in he** for people like that...

Thank you Ebony.

I think I got everyone. if not I am sorry I missed you.

I have been out Job hunting today. Hopefully I will hear back from some place. I am desperate, I applied at fast food places. I don't mind working in pizza places but hate Hardee's and places like that.:smile: But will do what I have to.

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