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I prefer walking around the neighborhood to my treadmill.

I much prefer the tm - if I walk around the neighborhood, I am too easily distracted by other people and their pets, and gardens, and the assorted wildlife that I feel compelled to try and befriend...so the tm keeps me focussed and on a steady fast pace.

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PJTP: One of my patients last night was an old hippie that was high-yi-yi.....I almost got a contact buzz..

ahhhh 4:20 friendly.

i'm w/you taps - while i enjoy the outdoors, the tm is best for me - as i walk faster/ with an incline.... otherwise, i stop at different neighbors, chat - or play w/the dogs along the way.

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I was in the hospital this weekend. I was having a lot of pain under my right breast, dizzy, nausea and just generally weak. I ended up being severely dehydrated and had to get fluids via IV. I had blood work, urinalysis, EKG, ultrasound and cat scan. After all of that, they determined I had a UTI and a lot of sludge in my gallbladder and that it needs to come out. I went to see my surgeon today, and had a major snafu with them and ended up leaving angry and in tears. I am sick, I can't work, I feel miserable and just want this dam gallbladder out. Fortunately, I found a new surgeon and will be seeing him in a couple of days. None of this was related to my sleeve though. The doctor said it just hit me at a bad time and my poor body just has nothing left to fight with right now.

Wow Susan. So sorry to hear about all your health problems. Here's praying for you to get the gallbladder out soon and all your other health problems gets healed quickly.

She doesn't work. I think they are luxury items. I think it is awful that she calls here to ask him to buy that stuff for her when she wasn't calling him any more than she was calling us. She only calls him when she wants something. She uses him, but because he is still trying to please her, he does it.

Thanks for the bday wishes. DS is better of without her, but DH is still trying to push that relationship (I think because of the guilt in seeing how close DS is with my mom).

Slim..by chance do you have my ex MIL? To this day she can't figure out why my daughters won't have anything to do with her. Not once would she even give them a b-day card or a Christmas gift. It was hard for them when they would see all her other grandkids opening gifts from her. Now she wants their love and respect.:rolleyes2: She thinks she deserves it! HA! The thing is I actually feel sorry for her. She doesn't realize what she has missed out on. She's an old drunk who has lost everything.

Good morning everyone. Have a blessed day.

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My DH is very good to his Mom, and in fact the way he treated his parents was one of the things that I fell in love with. But he too gets furious with them!!!

They are very caring people, insensitive at times, and demanding of attention quite frequently---but they are both over 80 years old, and they managed to raise my DH just the way I like him!!!

They have extremely high expectations....they do not drink, they do not curse, and they think all of their children share the convictions, and are perfect! None of which is true!!! But to be truthful with them hurts them not us, so we simply let them have their delusions!!!

When I need to complain about my MIL I come to LBT!!! Keeps familial peace to whine to y'all rather than them!!!

But I don't have the in your face issues that slim has!

Anyone feel like celebrating with me? I just paid off my car!!! LOL----now we do not have a single car payment! And it is going to stay that way! First of all I love my car, and am not ready to get rid of it, and secondly with DH's job being dangled like a carrot in front of his nose, and threatened every day---it will be a relief not to have any extra payments.

The house is paid for---they cannot put us on the street. And now all our vehicles are ours....so step by step we are getting out of debt, and hoping to stay that way!

Better go get ready for work. Make it a great day everyone!

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Anyone feel like celebrating with me? I just paid off my car!!! LOL----now we do not have a single car payment!

The house is paid for---they cannot put us on the street. And now all our vehicles are ours....so step by step we are getting out of debt, and hoping to stay that way!

That is FABULOUS!! I am always so glad when I know that someone somewhere is in a good place.

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She doesn't realize what she has missed out on.

This is MIL in a nutshell. She doesn't seem to understand that DS is smart enough to realize that she hasn't been there over the years. She seems to think that we didn't notice the lack of phone calls, birthday greetings, or holiday well wishes. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect DH to be awful to his mom, but I do expect him to at least understand why I feel the way that I do. He doesn't seem to get it. He seems to think that because she is suddenly lonely (after burning all of her other bridges), that I am supposed to be willing to jump in there as her last ditch effort. It doesn't work like that.

Anyone feel like celebrating with me? I just paid off my car!!! LOL----now we do not have a single car payment! And it is going to stay that way! First of all I love my car, and am not ready to get rid of it, and secondly with DH's job being dangled like a carrot in front of his nose, and threatened every day---it will be a relief not to have any extra payments.

The house is paid for---they cannot put us on the street. And now all our vehicles are ours....so step by step we are getting out of debt, and hoping to stay that way!

Better go get ready for work. Make it a great day everyone!

Yay Kat!

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When I need to complain about my MIL I come to LBT!!! Keeps familial peace to whine to y'all rather than them!!!

But I don't have the in your face issues that slim has!

Anyone feel like celebrating with me? I just paid off my car!!! LOL----now we do not have a single car payment! And it is going to stay that way! First of all I love my car, and am not ready to get rid of it, and secondly with DH's job being dangled like a carrot in front of his nose, and threatened every day---it will be a relief not to have any extra payments.

The house is paid for---they cannot put us on the street. And now all our vehicles are ours....so step by step we are getting out of debt, and hoping to stay that way!

Better go get ready for work. Make it a great day everyone!

kat that is so funny - you complain here about MIL, i feel good about getting it out here as well.

mine is just an overrall manipulative brat - who complains to me because her son wants nothing to do w/her. i found putting my fingers in my ear and going lalalalala to her works VERY well.....cause having a rational conversation w/a chronic hypocondriac makes my skin crawl.

i know dh takes her to lunch about once a month & will cut out of wk and play a round of golf w/his dad and that is just fine w/me. i do the holiday obligatory stuff, never rude (other than the lalalala thing), send the appropriate cards (though i myself never have gotten one) & maybe do a diner out.

that's about all i got. if she had her way she'd call/email me hourly - dh nipped that, though i did get an email wanting me to go w/her to the tea party in dallas, but that was more a slam to me that i voted for obama & dh let her know how tacky that was....love him for that.

on the car front kat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's AWESOME!!!!!!!!

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Coming here to vent is safe!

It is one of those life lessons, that while YOU can say whatever you are feeling about your family or friends...NO ONE else can! When you rag on them it is venting, when someone else does it, it gets personal!!!

If I complain about his parents to DH, he either gets mad at them....or me. No win!!! I would be the same if he was complaining about mine!!

When I come here and vent---no one is insulted, we can laugh about the insensitive comments, and it helps keep them in perspective for me! Plus you guys often make me think about things in a different manner than I was in the beginning. Sometimes I am just too close to it, or letting the past color what has been said or done.

There is a lot to be said for keeping peace!!!

Plus, while I do complain about them, I know I am really lucky in having the ones I do have!!

Thanks for sharing my payoff happy with me!!!

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I vote for hot, sweaty sex. Lots and lots of it. :thumbup:

Oh yeah! :tt2: :tt1: :drool:

I was in the hospital this weekend. I was having a lot of pain under my right breast, dizzy, nausea and just generally weak. I ended up being severely dehydrated and had to get fluids via IV. I had blood work, urinalysis, EKG, ultrasound and cat scan. After all of that, they determined I had a UTI and a lot of sludge in my gallbladder and that it needs to come out. I went to see my surgeon today, and had a major snafu with them and ended up leaving angry and in tears. I am sick, I can't work, I feel miserable and just want this dam gallbladder out. Fortunately, I found a new surgeon and will be seeing him in a couple of days. None of this was related to my sleeve though. The doctor said it just hit me at a bad time and my poor body just has nothing left to fight with right now.

Anyways, that is the latest on me. I hope everyone here is doing well. And, I don't know what the comment was about, but I agree, lots of sex is a great cure for whatever ails you, except maybe gallbladder.

Blessing, good thoughts and speedy surgery to you, Susan. I hope it all works out for the best and that you're feeling much, much better soon! :wub:

I think you'll feel more self-satisfaction that way, Glouc. I've been very slow losing lately (scale weight), but my body is changing. I can tell a little more muscle, a little less fat....my point is, I've been resisting getting fills for the last few visits, because I do feel better about myself when I feel like I'm doing a little more work than the band (or we're at least going Dutch).

I'm with ya on that one, Plain...saw my doc yesterday, and I've lost 11 pounds since my last visit to him. He got a big kick and a laugh out of the fact that I told him I was finally taking his advice / doing what I knew I needed to do and the band helped, but I was doing the work (finally)!!

Yes!! Exactly what I was trying (and failing) to say above! If I look great at the beach, I don't care what the scale says.

Amen, and amen again! I had a WW leader years ago who said she didn't care WHAT the scale said, as long as she could wear a size 8. :lol:

Hang in there, HF.

Ditto - hang in there, kiddo! :thumbup:

I prefer walking around the neighborhood to my treadmill. I can't walk my dogs with me on the treadmill, there is nothing interesting to look at on the treadmill, and I don't run into any interesting people on my treadmill.

I totally agree - I love my walks through the neighborhood. Mostly on the weekends, but it's fun to see the changes in people's gardens, see their children grow, updates to their houses (painting, etc)...I guess I'm just a bit nosy! :smile:

I shave, can't stand not to. Amen to that! Can't stand having furry underarms...YUK! :thumbup:

My DH is very good to his Mom, and in fact the way he treated his parents was one of the things that I fell in love with. But he too gets furious with them!!!

I agree - my DH is very caring and loved both his parents with all his heart. He actually took their deaths better than I did - I got all emotional because losing his Dad made me miss my dad even more...his mom was wonderful to me - told me she would "be my mother" when my mom passed away. She LIVED her religious convictions without offending or preaching AT anyone...just made her life a quiet example and I miss them both...

Anyone feel like celebrating with me? I just paid off my car!!! LOL----now we do not have a single car payment!

That is totally awesome! I remember paying off my last financed car...I promised myself I'd never do it again, and so far, I've kept that promise. Now my current car (Ruby, 2000 Deville) is starting to show her age, and I'm saving for a new baby...I've got my eye on a newish DTS...Red, of course! She'll be Ruby 2...

The house is paid for---they cannot put us on the street.

Can't wait until we get there...

And now all our vehicles are ours....so step by step we are getting out of debt, and hoping to stay that way!

You go girl!

NSV report - I got into (and am comfortably wearing) a size 18, non-stretch skirt that I bought many years ago and just kept in the closet "just in case". Not only did it fit when I put it on this morning, I'm small enough that I'm not threatening to bend the hook and eye at the waist or pop the zipper! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t:

Doc visit went well - I've got clearance to continue on my own and check in when my rate of loss slows down or I feel extra hungry. I'm feeling pretty darn good this morning because I lost 11 pounds since I saw the doc!

That's not exactly in my ticker - I update it more often than I go to the doc - but it's a victory just the same!

Swimsuit season will hold much less terror for me this year if this keeps up!!! :cool2:

Edited by EbonyRose
I saw a mistake...can't have that!

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What an interesting post! :thumbup:

My right eye waters when pollen's around. Hate pollen!

Ruining someone would be SO much fun in the short-term but alas, in the long-term karma would gitcha which would really suck. At least that's what I tell myself to stay "good"!!! (kidding; I really do believe in karma)

Take care of you!

I totally agree. Aside from that, I couldn't hurt a fly. It's nice to dream though isn't it?

Ahhhh... it feels so good to be the BETTER PERSON!!

How is everyone today? Sorry if I didn't read everyone's posts. :smile: If anyone is in a bad way, hope it gets better soon! If anyone is doing excellent, GREAT!! Give me some of that you got huh? Pass it here on the left side, would ya? LOL!!

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Drive-by PJTP: Interview felt good, went on for an hour. Asked tons of questions and what-ifs. The job I originally applied for was supervising 8, but they did some internal moving around and filled that spot, leaving open the supervisor position I interviewed for today which supervises 15.

Anyway, they should know something next week. Here's hopng, praying, and crossing fingers.

Susan: I read your post and hope all goes well for you. I'm sorry you're having troubles, but hopefully this will pass quickly.

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O.K I posted this on another thread and instead of typing it twice I just copied it. So if you think you have already read this, your right you did!:thumbup:

A couple of months after my surgery I bought Tony Little's Rock-n-Roll Stepper. Well I have had it sitting out thinking about it. So since I have been at the proper weight to use it for a couple of weeks now I finally stopped staring at it today and got on it. Oh my word! The back of my calves, thighs and bottom are sore! Just 5 min. on it. I can definitely feel it. It is fun to use as soon as you get your balance. But it really does work you. After that I hopped on the Gazelle for a few min. Side to side..back and forth, all in just a few min. and I feel like I have worked out for a couple of hrs.

I actually have a mini gym going on in my home. One half of my living room is my excersize equipment, My Gazelle, Ab lounger, Red, Ball, Hoola Hoop, Rock-n-Roll stepper, hand weights and resistance bands. Then I have all my video and DVDs. You would think I would be uber thin and toned! Yeah there is 1 small problem, I am not consistant with using any of them. I need a good swift kick in the behind to work out everyday. O.K. to be honest I need that kick to work out more than a couple of times a week and longer than 30 min. I just hate excersizing. I would rather work than excersize. What is wrong with this picture. I know it makes no sence.

I'm Demented I tell Ya!:smile:

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Drive-by PJTP: Interview felt good, went on for an hour. Asked tons of questions and what-ifs. The job I originally applied for was supervising 8, but they did some internal moving around and filled that spot, leaving open the supervisor position I interviewed for today which supervises 15.

Anyway, they should know something next week. Here's hopng, praying, and crossing fingers.

Susan: I read your post and hope all goes well for you. I'm sorry you're having troubles, but hopefully this will pass quickly.

Good luck with the job, I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you as well.

I am bound and determined to get to feeling better. I see the surgeon on Monday and hopefully he will take this silly gall bladder out in a hurry!!!!

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PJTP: One of my patients last night was an old hippie that was high-yi-yi.....I almost got a contact buzz.

On a more sad note, the sweetish odor of the pot mixed with the patchooli (sp?) she doused herself with was making me a little ill.

On a lighter note, her unshaved armpits and legs (and I can only assume other parts) made me glad I wasn't a hippie in the late 60's / early 70's.

Not that I would want to offend my non-shaving female friends. I understand for some it's a lifestyle choice

Gah! I just can't imagine not shaving! I am very very smell-sensitive. Patchouli is THE MOST DISGUSTING SCENT EVER!!!

I am bound and determined to get to feeling better. I see the surgeon on Monday and hopefully he will take this silly gall bladder out in a hurry!!!!

Lord, child.....if you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all!!! I hope you get well very very soon. I'll be thinking about you!

Kat - congrats being debt free!!! I paid off my car last Thanksgiving. I was SO freeing!!! Now I'm working on the HELOC!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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